Papers by Trayambak Tiwari

Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice
Background The present study investigated how emotional valence influenced the working memory of ... more Background The present study investigated how emotional valence influenced the working memory of patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) as compared to healthy individuals. Methods Emotional-N-Back task (E-N-back task) was administered to 15 PNES patients and equal number of healthy individuals. A 2 × 3 one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. Correct detection (accuracy) and reaction (RT) time were recorded as behavioral performance measures. Results The ANOVA result of correct detection (accuracy) measure revealed significant difference in the performance of patients with PNES as compared with healthy individual, F (2, 48) = 17.08, p = 0.001. However, on the measure of reaction time (RT), both groups performed equally and there was no significant difference, F (2, 48) = 1.13, p = 0.33. Also the results of present study showed that patients with PNES are quicker in identifying unpleasant picture stimuli, which is evident from their mean comparison: unpleasant ...

Frontiers in Psychology
Employee wellbeing as a central aspect of organizational growth has been widely regarded and acce... more Employee wellbeing as a central aspect of organizational growth has been widely regarded and accepted. Therefore, a considerable growth in the number of researches focusing on employee wellbeing has been comprehended in recent years. Employee wellbeing characterizes the individual’s own cognitive interpretation of his/her life at work. The present study made an attempt to examine how workplace spirituality, empathic concern and organizational politics influences employee wellbeing. It was hypothesized that empathic concern mediates the relationship between workplace spirituality and employee wellbeing while organizational politics act as a moderator in this relationship. A survey was conducted on 253 employees working in Uttar Pradesh Police department (Uttar Pradesh, India). The results obtained revealed that workplace spirituality, empathic concern and employee wellbeing carries a positive association among them whereas these variables were found to be negatively correlated with o...
Indian Journal of Human Relations, 2019

Frontiers in Education, 2022
The notion that the student-teacher relationship is quintessential for the holistic development a... more The notion that the student-teacher relationship is quintessential for the holistic development and success of students has been well established through various research. A considerable number of studies have been conducted in western countries, and various scales have been developed to measure student-teacher relationship. These scales have been extended to various cultural contexts. However, few studies have been found to focus on the suitability and applicability of these scales and theories of student-teacher relationship in the Indian context. In the western context, most of the studies on the student-teacher relationship were based on the attachment theory. In the context of Indian culture, student-teacher relationship functions beyond the boundaries of attachment theory. It is well acknowledged that Indian culture differs vastly from other cultures. Given the uniqueness of Indian culture, the present study advocated that nature of student-teacher relationship in the Indian c...
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 2017
Emotional intelligence has often been found as a significant marker of mental health. In this pur... more Emotional intelligence has often been found as a significant marker of mental health. In this pursuit, the present study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health among university students. A sample of 80 participants was taken out of which 40 were male and 40 female students within the age range of 16-20 years from Banaras Hindu University. Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health of the participants were assessed, Pearson r yielded positive correlation between mental health and emotional intelligence, (r = 0.31, p<0.01).

The present study examined the effect of Vipassana meditation practices (traditional Buddhist med... more The present study examined the effect of Vipassana meditation practices (traditional Buddhist meditation practices) on attention network task (ANT). Novice participants (N=10) were taken from the dhammalakkhan vipassana meditation center, Lucknow) after the 10 days meditation training (never practiced any kind of meditation previously) were participated in the current study. The objective of the study was to evaluate whether a traditional 10- day vipassana meditation training can improve the attentional performance of the participants. Further the second objective was to investigate whether a meditation training can change the mindfulness of participants. The participants were filled a mindfulness questionnaire before and after the meditation training and completed Attention Network Task to measure the changes in attentional network. Participants showed improvement on the dimensions of mindfulness and the attentional network of task performance (i.e., alerting, orienting and executi...
Journal of the Indian Academy of …, 2007
This study examined the effects of target expectancy and cognitive demand on the vigilance perfor... more This study examined the effects of target expectancy and cognitive demand on the vigilance performance. 40 students of the Banaras Hindu University were partici-pated in this study. A square of 3.5 cm and a square of 3.0 cm were used as target and non-target, respectively. ...

Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 2017
Human brain aging is a complex process, involving changes in anatomy, physiology and cognition. T... more Human brain aging is a complex process, involving changes in anatomy, physiology and cognition. The process which actively suppresses task-irrelevant response for task-appropriate responses is referred as response inhibition. Older adults have particular deficiencies in the inhibitory attentional control mechanisms that serve to prevent or stop the processing of task-irrelevant stimuli (i.e., distraction). The present study examined differences in the performance of the young and older adults on tasks evaluating response inhibition by using a distracter-response binding flanker task. The sample comprised of 10 young (Age range: 18-35 years) and 10 older adults (Age range: 55-65 years) and the responses of the participants were taken across congruent and incongruent conditions. Results were discussed in terms of accuracy and reaction time measures for young and older adults. ANOVA was performed to investigate whether there was a significant difference in response inhibition between y...
Alzheimer's & Dementia
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) has been spreading worldwide and affecting people of all ... more The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) has been spreading worldwide and affecting people of all the age groups. Recent studies are claiming that it causes brain fog state in patients. The elderly are more prevalent in this disorder because of higher medical comorbidities and resulting in cognitive impairments.

International Journal of Indian Psychology
Ageing causes deterioration in wide spectrum of visual, cognitive, and attentional functions. The... more Ageing causes deterioration in wide spectrum of visual, cognitive, and attentional functions. The attentional functions comprise of selection of an object and orientation toward its location. The visuospatial orientation toward a target is driven by cues which can be informative or uninformative. Studies showed that older adults were more sensitive to cue information than young adults (Bryan & Luszcz, 2000; Langley, Friesen, Saville & Ciernia, 2011) however; few studies reported that orienting of attention remains intact with ageing (Hartley, 1993). Present study examined the differences in the orienting task performance of 10 young (Age 18-35 years) and 10 older adults (Age 55-65 years), using Posner’s cuing paradigm. Reaction time and accuracy performance of the participants were recorded. Results revealed significant main effect of age for the reaction time measures and response accuracy where more orienting effect was observed among young adults in comparison to older adults.
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2020
Dementia of Alzheimer’s type has been the most common neurodegenerative condition among elderly. ... more Dementia of Alzheimer’s type has been the most common neurodegenerative condition among elderly. The histopathological studies revealed that the formation of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaque in brain have been the major factors affecting DAT. Other than intrusive protein formation there are other factors which pertains to affect DAT.

Keywords: Top-down control, Stimulus-driven control, Orienting, Endogenous, Exogenous, VigilanceI... more Keywords: Top-down control, Stimulus-driven control, Orienting, Endogenous, Exogenous, VigilanceIn day-to-day life, we usually receive a variety of stimulation from our visual world. Few of them are relevant to our purpose and few are irrelevant. Thus, in our everyday life, it becomes essential to select visual information that is important for us in accomplishing the goals we want to achieve (Mulckhuyse & Theeuwes, 2010). Attention, a cognitive mechanism does perform this activity for us. It focusses on relevant aspects of the environment at the expense of others. Thus, it reduces the inputs we received from an environment full of stimuli (Vogt, Houwer, Moors, Damme, & Crombez, 2010).Shifting or orienting attention in visual space enriches the selection capacity of attention. Orienting attention toward the target location at which a target stimulus is about to appear not merely facilitates detection of target but also enhances discriminative decision about the perceptual property o...
Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 2017

Time perception is a subjective experience of elapsed time on any task. Time perception is majorl... more Time perception is a subjective experience of elapsed time on any task. Time perception is majorly influenced by several characteristics among which the features of secondary task are crucial, which occurs during different time intervals. The estimation of time can be modulated by various task like ways executive task load of the secondary tasks. Several researcher have found that increase in the magnitude of executive load of the secondary task decreases time perception. The present study attempt to investigate the effect of executive task loads on prospective judgment of perceived time. A 2 (Executive Load: low & high) x 3 (Time Duration: short, medium & long) within subject was used. A reproduction method was used to estimate time and Simon task was used as a secondary task. Sixty six students (age range from 19 to 24 years with mean age of 21.2 years) of the Banaras Hindu University participated in the study. Ratio score and absolute error was derived from observed reproduction ...

In daily life we usually scan the environment in terms of critical events over non-critical event... more In daily life we usually scan the environment in terms of critical events over non-critical events. The ability to detect and maintain attention for extended periods of time is referred as sustained attention or vigilance. The present study examined the effect of visual warning cue on sustained attention task performance. Twenty undergraduate students of Banaras Hindu University were randomly assigned mto two different experimental conditions. A 2 (warning cue: No warning, warning cue) x 4 (Block: 10 minute each) mixed factorial design with repeated measure on last factor was used. Super Lab software was used to design and conduct successive go/no-go visual sustained attention task. Reaction time, correct detection and incorrect detection were recorded as dependent measures. Findings revealed that participants took less time to respond, when warning cue was preceded the target. However, rate of correct detection and false alarm scores did not differ significantly under both conditio...

Banaras Hindu University, VaranasiThis paper examined the relationship of information-induced str... more Banaras Hindu University, VaranasiThis paper examined the relationship of information-induced stress in terms ofmental workload and automation malfunction detection performance in a highlycomputer-aided task scenario. Modern information technology puts hardpressures on individuals’ resources by demanding constant refreshing of skills.A large number of researches have been done in different areas revealing thestressful aspects of technology however, the actual discussion about the role ofmodern technology as a source of stress is limited. This review is an endeavorto highlight the pros and cons of the use of sophisticated automated technology.The mental workload has been considered as a consequence of highlycomputerized system use has been discussed in the light of various automatedcomplex task scenarios. Moreover, the purpose of this review is also to attracthuman factors and ergonomics researchers to recognize this problem and todesign a system that to be stress-free as possible fo...
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2020
Cognitive deterioration in neurodegenerative disorders like dementia of Alzheimer’s type affects ... more Cognitive deterioration in neurodegenerative disorders like dementia of Alzheimer’s type affects the overall functioning of daily life activities of a person. Till date, numerous studies have shown correlation between performance on cognitive task and activities of daily living (ADL). Among all the cognitive domains attentional functioning has been the main focus in DAT as it has been the first cognitive domain to be affected.
Papers by Trayambak Tiwari