Papers by Tracy W. Olrich
Neil Christensen (PSY, Gen. Ed. Council) Ted Clayton (PSC, Gen. Ed. Subcom.) Mary Ann Crawford (E... more Neil Christensen (PSY, Gen. Ed. Council) Ted Clayton (PSC, Gen. Ed. Subcom.) Mary Ann Crawford (ENG, Director of Basic Writing/Writing Center) John Dinan (ENG) Tonya Domina (HEV, UCC chair) Megan Goodwin (CEL. Gen. Ed. Subcom.) Tim Hartshorne (Assist. Vice Provost) ...

Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 2017
ABSTRACT The electronic sports, or eSports, industry has grown into a multi-million dollar indust... more ABSTRACT The electronic sports, or eSports, industry has grown into a multi-million dollar industry. The significant growth of eSports can be seen far beyond the participation numbers and spans from eSports’ events being hosted in major arenas and televised on ESPN. Most recently eSports were added to intercollegiate athletic departments. Though eSports has gained a lot of momentum economically and in popularity, academic research and study in the area of eSports is still in its infancy. This paper presents: (1) a brief history of eSports, (2) a further developed definition of eSports, (3) eSports size and market scope, (4) and provides an overview of eSports in intercollegiate athletics to date. The main goals of this paper are to create awareness around the economic growth of eSports and shed light on the potential positive implications of adding eSports to intercollegiate athletic departments. Boosting participation numbers, revenue generation, and creating diversity within an athletic department are all considered in this paper.

The Sport Psychologist, 1999
A significant amount of attention has been given to the psychological effects of anabolic-androge... more A significant amount of attention has been given to the psychological effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) use in sport (Bahrke, Yesalis, & Wright, 1996). However, apart from a few selected case studies, a relative dearth of information has been provided concerning the subjective experience of people using AAS. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of 10 men who were using or had previously used AAS. The participants in this study were weight trainers with primarily a bodybuilding emphasis. All had used AAS at some point in their training experience. The study involved in-depth interviews focusing on the AAS use experience. Nine of the 10 men described their AAS use experience in a very favorable manner. The men perceived increases in muscle mass, strength, peer recognition, social status, sexual performance, and vocational performance. These findings are discussed relative to current AAS educational programs and interventions.
Chemically Modified Bodies, 2016

Quest, 2016
Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming, and virtual sports are all s... more Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming, and virtual sports are all synonyms for the term eSports. Regardless of the term used, eSports is now becoming more accepted as a sport and gamers are being identified as athletes within society today. eSports has even infiltrated higher education in the form of an intercollegiate athletic sport, as two university athletic departments have made eSports an official varsity sport where scholarships are provided to collegiate eSports athletes. Thus, the intertwining of eSports and university athletics brings into question whether eSports should be considered sport by broader society. This article provides a brief history of eSports, a further developed definition of eSports, and a comparison of eSports to traditional philosophical and sociological definitions of sport. The purpose of this article is to provoke thought on the academically accepted definitions of sport and debate whether eSports should be considered a sport. Attention will be given to the following components of sport: play, organization, competition, skill, physicality, broad following, and institutionalization.

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 2002
Assessment. We all know the word. We understand the need for it. But we also know the difficulty ... more Assessment. We all know the word. We understand the need for it. But we also know the difficulty in conducting quality assessment in the physical education setting, particularly at the elementary school level. The focus of this article will be threefold. First, it will address the importance of fundamental motor skills within the K-12 physical education program. Second, it will discuss the issues and difficulties that confront elementary school physical educators as they perform assessment. And third, the article will provide workable solutions-that physical educators can use to conduct quality assessment. Generally, the term "fundamental motor skills" refers to the following set of physical skills: the locomotor skills of walking, running, hopping, vertical jumping, horizontal jumping, galloping, sliding, skipping, and leaping, and the manipulative skills of throwing (underhand or overhand), catching, dribbling, striking, kicking, and punting. One needs only to review Moving into the Future: National Standards [or Physical Education (National Association for Sport and Physical Education [NASPEj, 1995) to realize how important it is for children to master the fundamental motor skills. The first two of the seven standards that define a physically educated per-

Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 1999
Research has shown the mesomorphic physique to be the most preferred body type among males. Speci... more Research has shown the mesomorphic physique to be the most preferred body type among males. Specifically, the hypermesomorphic physique, which displays extreme muscularity and definition, is the most desired (Tucker, 1983). Mishkind, Rodin, Silberstein, and Streigel-Moore (1987) concluded that multiple reasons exist for this preference, most notably the intimate ties that exist among societal conceptions of masculinity, the male sex role, and the mesomorphic physique. Bodybuilding has been perceived as an avenue by which males attempt to develop the preferred mesomorphic physique, and, at times, anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) have been ingested as a means for further development. This study entailed in-depth interviews with 10 male bodybuilders, all of whom had taken, or were currently taking, AAS. This article presents the findings of the interviews concerning the perceived benefits of and psychological dependency on AAS. The data, particularly responses concerning psychological dependency, are noted within Mishkind et al.'s framework as a mechanism to avoid loss of muscle strength, muscle mass, and masculinity.
Addictive Behaviors, 1996
Social physique anxiety, upper body esteem, social anxiety, and body dissatisfaction were examine... more Social physique anxiety, upper body esteem, social anxiety, and body dissatisfaction were examined among self-reported anabolic steroid (AS)-using bodybuilders, nonusing bodybuilders, athletically active exercisers, and non-exercising individuals. Results indicate that: (a) the AS-using bodybuilder group had significantly lower levels of social physique anxiety than non-user groups, (b) AS-using bodybuilders have significantly higher upper body strength ratings than do non-users (non-using bodybuilders, athletically active exercisers, and non-exercisers), and (c) no differences among groups on a measure of social anxiety. Implications for further research and intervention are discussed in terms of the differences between anabolic steroids and other substances of abuse.

Quest, 2016
Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming, and virtual sports are all s... more Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming, and virtual sports are all synonyms for the term eSports. Regardless of the term used, eSports is now becoming more accepted as a sport and gamers are being identified as athletes within society today. eSports has even infiltrated higher education in the form of an intercollegiate athletic sport, as two university athletic departments have made eSports an official varsity sport where scholarships are provided to collegiate eSports athletes. Thus, the intertwining of eSports and university athletics brings into question whether eSports should be considered sport by broader society. This article provides a brief history of eSports, a further developed definition of eSports, and a comparison of eSports to traditional philosophical and sociological definitions of sport. The purpose of this article is to provoke thought on the academically accepted definitions of sport and debate whether eSports should be considered a s...
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2010
Page 1. 70 Corresponding author: Tracy Olrich, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Centra... more Page 1. 70 Corresponding author: Tracy Olrich, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Central Michigan Univer-sity, 2234 Health Professions Building, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858. Email: [email protected] CONFIDENCE By INJECTION: MALE uSERS OF ...
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 1998

Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming,
and virtual sports are all s... more Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming,
and virtual sports are all synonyms for the term eSports.
Regardless of the term used, eSports is now becoming more
accepted as a sport and gamers are being identified as athletes within
society today. eSports has even infiltrated higher education in the
form of an intercollegiate athletic sport, as two university athletic
departments have made eSports an official varsity sport where scholarships
are provided to collegiate eSports athletes. Thus, the intertwining
of eSports and university athletics brings into question
whether eSports should be considered sport by broader society.
This article provides a brief history of eSports, a further developed
definition of eSports, and a comparison of eSports to traditional
philosophical and sociological definitions of sport. The purpose of
this article is to provoke thought on the academically accepted
definitions of sport and debate whether eSports should be considered
a sport. Attention will be given to the following components of
sport: play, organization, competition, skill, physicality, broad following,
and institutionalization.
Papers by Tracy W. Olrich
and virtual sports are all synonyms for the term eSports.
Regardless of the term used, eSports is now becoming more
accepted as a sport and gamers are being identified as athletes within
society today. eSports has even infiltrated higher education in the
form of an intercollegiate athletic sport, as two university athletic
departments have made eSports an official varsity sport where scholarships
are provided to collegiate eSports athletes. Thus, the intertwining
of eSports and university athletics brings into question
whether eSports should be considered sport by broader society.
This article provides a brief history of eSports, a further developed
definition of eSports, and a comparison of eSports to traditional
philosophical and sociological definitions of sport. The purpose of
this article is to provoke thought on the academically accepted
definitions of sport and debate whether eSports should be considered
a sport. Attention will be given to the following components of
sport: play, organization, competition, skill, physicality, broad following,
and institutionalization.
and virtual sports are all synonyms for the term eSports.
Regardless of the term used, eSports is now becoming more
accepted as a sport and gamers are being identified as athletes within
society today. eSports has even infiltrated higher education in the
form of an intercollegiate athletic sport, as two university athletic
departments have made eSports an official varsity sport where scholarships
are provided to collegiate eSports athletes. Thus, the intertwining
of eSports and university athletics brings into question
whether eSports should be considered sport by broader society.
This article provides a brief history of eSports, a further developed
definition of eSports, and a comparison of eSports to traditional
philosophical and sociological definitions of sport. The purpose of
this article is to provoke thought on the academically accepted
definitions of sport and debate whether eSports should be considered
a sport. Attention will be given to the following components of
sport: play, organization, competition, skill, physicality, broad following,
and institutionalization.