Papers by Torsten Meiners
Berichte aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut, Feb 27, 2019 Wir unterstützen den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen. Die Berichte a... more Wir unterstützen den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen. Die Berichte aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut erscheinen daher als OPEN ACCESS-Zeitschrift. We advocate open access to scientific knowledge. Reports from the Julius Kühn Institute are therefore published as open access journal.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Mar 16, 2022
In the past, breeding for incorporation of insect pest resistance or tolerance into cultivars for... more In the past, breeding for incorporation of insect pest resistance or tolerance into cultivars for use in integrated pest management schemes in oilseed rape/canola (Brassica napus) production has hardly ever been approached. This has been largely due to the broad availability of insecticides and the complexity of dealing with high-throughput phenotyping of insect performance and plant damage parameters. However, recent changes in the political framework in many countries demand future sustainable crop protection which makes breeding approaches for crop protection as a measure for pest insect control attractive again. At the same time, new camera-based tracking technologies, new knowledge-based genomic technologies and new scientific insights into the ecology of insect-Brassica interactions are becoming available. Here we discuss and prioritise promising breeding strategies and direct and indirect breeding targets, and their time-perspective for future realisation in integrated insect pest protection of oilseed rape. In conclusion, researchers and oilseed rape breeders can nowadays benefit from an array of new technologies which in combination will accelerate the development of improved oilseed rape cultivars with multiple insect pest resistances/tolerances in the near future.
Molecules, Dec 14, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung : Gesunde Pflanzen in Verantwortung für unsere Welt ; 21. - 23. September 2021, -Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster-, 2021
Wiley eBooks, Jun 18, 2003

Social Science Research Network, Nov 1, 2000
Egg deposition of the elm leaf beetle Xanthogaleruca luteola causes the emission of volatiles fro... more Egg deposition of the elm leaf beetle Xanthogaleruca luteola causes the emission of volatiles from its food plant, Ulmus minor. These volatiles are exploited by the egg parasitoid, Oomyzus gallerucae, to locate its host. In contrast to other tritrophic systems, the release of volatiles is not induced by feeding but by egg deposition. Previous investigations showed that the release is systemic and can be triggered by jasmonic acid. Comparison of headspace analysis revealed similarities in the blend of volatiles emitted following egg deposition and feeding. The mixture consists of more than 40 compounds; most of the substances are terpenoids. Leaves next to those carrying eggs emit fewer compounds. When treated with jasmonic acid, leaves emit a blend that consists almost exclusively of terpenoids. Dichloromethane extracts of leaves treated with jasmonic acid were also investigated. After separation of extracts of jasmonate induced elm leaves on silica, we obtained a fraction of terpenoid hydrocarbons that was attractive to the parasitoids. This indicates that jasmonic acid stimulates the production of terpenoid hydrocarbons that convey information of egg deposition to the parasitoid.
62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung : Gesunde Pflanzen in Verantwortung für unsere Welt ; 21. - 23. September 2021, -Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster-, 2021
30. Bernburger Winterseminar Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen, Bernburg, Deutschland, 2020.02.18-19, 2020
62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung : Gesunde Pflanzen in Verantwortung für unsere Welt ; 21. - 23. September 2021, -Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster-, 2021
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Apr 1, 2019
50th Anniversary Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland: Ecology - Science in Transition, Science for Transition : Abstracts ; 30th August – 1st September 2021, Braunschweig: Book of Abstracts, 2021

Biodiversity, a multidimensional property of natural systems, is difficult to quantify partly bec... more Biodiversity, a multidimensional property of natural systems, is difficult to quantify partly because of the multitude of indices proposed for this purpose. Indices aim to describe general properties of communities that allow us to compare different regions, taxa, and trophic levels. Therefore, they are of fundamental importance for environmental monitoring and conservation, although there is no consensus about which indices are more appropriate and informative. We tested several common diversity indices in a range of simple to complex statistical analyses in order to determine whether some were better suited for certain analyses than others. We used data collected around the focal plant Plantago lanceolata on 60 temperate grassland plots embedded in an agricultural landscape to explore relationships between the common diversity indices of species richness (S), Shannon's diversity (H'), Simpson's diversity (D1), Simpson's dominance (D2), Simpson's evenness (E), a...
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Papers by Torsten Meiners