Papers by Beglar Iakobadze

Microtargeting: Its Impact on State Political Stability and Security, 2024
This paper reviews the essence of modern technology-enabled microtargeting in the context of nati... more This paper reviews the essence of modern technology-enabled microtargeting in the context of national security and political stability. Along with the development of cyberspace and technologies, the ways and means of influencing public groups have evolved, utilizing rapid data monitoring and targeted manipulation of audiences through adaptive strategies. By focusing on the moods of the masses, their aggression or sympathies, and employing distraction, it is possible to leverage complex psychographic algorithms to achieve political, military, economic, or other covert goals. Consequently, in the last decade, it has become increasingly feasible to manipulate societal behavior and mood without individuals or society being aware.
The paper examines the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal as a prominent example of public manipulation. This case, extensively covered by the media and analyzed in subsequent years, involved Facebook transferring personal data and digital psychographics of its users to a private company during the American presidential elections. Analysts allegedly clustered society into small groups and targeted each with tailored algorithms, bypassing individuals' awareness and circumventing legal frameworks. This case highlights the significance of personal electronic information held by mega-informational corporations (Meta, Google, TikTok, etc.) and the potential dangers of data-enhanced microtargeting for political processes and state security.
The paper also explores the Covid-19 pandemic as an example, demonstrating that the strategic communication measures and information campaigns implemented by Georgian authorities were often insufficient to counter public objections driven by aggressive microtargeting, encouraged by external actors and anti-state or anti-society groups. This significantly complicated the state's efforts to manage the pandemic and protect public health with limited resources.
Based on the analysis, the paper justifies the effectiveness of digital influence and the potential for initiating destructive processes across all societal layers. Consequently, the findings confirm the growing threat of data-driven microtargeting and the necessity for states to develop countermeasures and action strategies.

ომის დაბრუნება ევროპაში: ევროკაშირის თავდაცვის შესაძლებლობების განვითარების პერსპექტივები, 2023
სტატია მიმოიხილავს რუსეთ-უკრაინის მიმდინარე ომის კონტექსტში, ევროკავშირის წინაშე წამოჭრილ პრობლემ... more სტატია მიმოიხილავს რუსეთ-უკრაინის მიმდინარე ომის კონტექსტში, ევროკავშირის წინაშე წამოჭრილ პრობლემებს თავდაცვის და უსაფრთხოების სფეროში. ტექსტში ხაზგასმულია ევროკავშირის ხელთ არსებული სამხედრო კომპონენტების სისუსტე და ნაკლებობა, ასევე თავდაცვითი მრეწველობის ფრაგმენტულობა და ამ სფეროში წევრი ქვეყნების უფრო მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობის აუცილებლობა. ავტორი ხაზს უსვამს ევროკავშირის ნატოზე დამოკიდებულების მნიშვნელობას და მიმოიხილავს ომის შემდგომ პერიოდში შესაძლო საფრთხეების და გამოწვევების დადგომის რისკებს. ასევე ხაზგასმულია თავდაცვის განვითარებისთის პოლიტიკური ნების, როგორც საკვანძო ფაქტორის მნიშვნელობა, რათა ევროკავშირს ამ კუთხით მნიშვნელოვანი პროგრესი ჰქონდეს.
საკვანძო სიტყვები: რუსეთი, რუსეთ-უკრაინის ომი, ბირთვული იარაღი, სტრატეგიული შეკავება, საერთო თავდაცვის და უსაფრთხოების პოლიტიკა, სანქციეები, ნატო, სამხედრო მრეწველობის განვითარება.

War returning to Europe: The prospect for strengthening EU defense capabilities, 2023
The article reviews the European geopolitical and defense landscape in the aftermath of the 2022 ... more The article reviews the European geopolitical and defense landscape in the aftermath of the 2022 Russian-initiated war, which has significantly disrupted the international order. The resurgence of full-scale interstate conflict in Europe has exposed vulnerabilities in European self-defense, primarily due to a historical reduction in defense capabilities following the Cold War. While Western nations downsized their military and defense infrastructure, Russia pursued a different path, rejuvenating its defense capabilities and modernizing its military forces after an economic recovery. This transformation empowered Russia to pursue assertive foreign policies, leading to military interventions in neighboring countries, met with limited responses from the EU and Western nations. The European Union's response, reliant on diplomatic and economic means due to its underdeveloped military capabilities, encountered significant limitations when dealing with Russian aggression. Despite efforts like establishing the European Peace Facility, logistical challenges and NATO dependence hampered effective deterrence. The EU's "Strategic Compass" outlined a defense strengthening plan but fell short in achieving strategic autonomy and reducing reliance on NATO. Ongoing challenges encompass fragmented defense industries and uncertainty regarding post-conflict outcomes, including freezing, a Russian victory, or a Ukrainian triumph. The author underscores the urgent need for resilient defense policy, to fortify Europe's defense capabilities.

Russia-Ukrain war influence on Euroatlantic security, 2023
The present paper reviews the risks arising from the current Russia-Ukraine war, which in their r... more The present paper reviews the risks arising from the current Russia-Ukraine war, which in their results represent a global threat and pose serious challenges to Euro-Atlantic security. Nuclear security and food blackmail are issues that can now and in the near future put the lives of millions of people in mortal danger, not only in Ukraine and its immediate neighborhood, but across the continent.
The paper also reviews the importance of the peace agreement for the warring parties and their supporters camps, how much the peace favors or how much the processes and international events during the war bring the parties closer or further apart. Also, what is their attitude towards the peace process, who is trying to save face for Russia and how much they are dependent on the results achieved on the battlefield, the position of each side at the negotiation table.
The conclusion discusses the inadmissibility of the precedent of giving in to Russia, as well as the challenges created by the vacuum of power not created in its place in the event of Russia's collapse, as well as the redistribution of the burden of rebuilding post-war Ukraine and the success/failure of restoring economic and infrastructural potential. Also in this context, the challenges related to the change of the current Euro-Atlantic security system and the creation of the future global security architecture.
Second Anglo-Boer War - Transition point of the British Political-Military Approaches, 2023
This essay presents an overview of the military-political aspects of the Second Anglo-Boer War. D... more This essay presents an overview of the military-political aspects of the Second Anglo-Boer War. Due to the lack of relevant literature in Georgian, it is difficult to obtain information about the topic. Therefore, this essay will help interested researchers to learn about the causes of the Second Anglo-Boer War, the mistakes made by the parties and the war crimes committed. Therefore, the paper should be interesting for the target audience.
მიგრაცია - რუსული ჰიბრიდული ომის ახალი იარაღი: საფრთხეები და გამოწვევები საქართველოსთვის, 2022
This paper examines controlled migrant flows as instruments of hybrid warfare and operations by h... more This paper examines controlled migrant flows as instruments of hybrid warfare and operations by hostile states and non-state actors.
The paper briefly reviews the risks facing Europe and the countries of Russia's immediate neighborhood against the background of the Syrian war and the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, in case Russia decides to use managed migrant flows to destabilize these countries.
Papers by Beglar Iakobadze
The paper examines the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal as a prominent example of public manipulation. This case, extensively covered by the media and analyzed in subsequent years, involved Facebook transferring personal data and digital psychographics of its users to a private company during the American presidential elections. Analysts allegedly clustered society into small groups and targeted each with tailored algorithms, bypassing individuals' awareness and circumventing legal frameworks. This case highlights the significance of personal electronic information held by mega-informational corporations (Meta, Google, TikTok, etc.) and the potential dangers of data-enhanced microtargeting for political processes and state security.
The paper also explores the Covid-19 pandemic as an example, demonstrating that the strategic communication measures and information campaigns implemented by Georgian authorities were often insufficient to counter public objections driven by aggressive microtargeting, encouraged by external actors and anti-state or anti-society groups. This significantly complicated the state's efforts to manage the pandemic and protect public health with limited resources.
Based on the analysis, the paper justifies the effectiveness of digital influence and the potential for initiating destructive processes across all societal layers. Consequently, the findings confirm the growing threat of data-driven microtargeting and the necessity for states to develop countermeasures and action strategies.
საკვანძო სიტყვები: რუსეთი, რუსეთ-უკრაინის ომი, ბირთვული იარაღი, სტრატეგიული შეკავება, საერთო თავდაცვის და უსაფრთხოების პოლიტიკა, სანქციეები, ნატო, სამხედრო მრეწველობის განვითარება.
The paper also reviews the importance of the peace agreement for the warring parties and their supporters camps, how much the peace favors or how much the processes and international events during the war bring the parties closer or further apart. Also, what is their attitude towards the peace process, who is trying to save face for Russia and how much they are dependent on the results achieved on the battlefield, the position of each side at the negotiation table.
The conclusion discusses the inadmissibility of the precedent of giving in to Russia, as well as the challenges created by the vacuum of power not created in its place in the event of Russia's collapse, as well as the redistribution of the burden of rebuilding post-war Ukraine and the success/failure of restoring economic and infrastructural potential. Also in this context, the challenges related to the change of the current Euro-Atlantic security system and the creation of the future global security architecture.
The paper briefly reviews the risks facing Europe and the countries of Russia's immediate neighborhood against the background of the Syrian war and the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, in case Russia decides to use managed migrant flows to destabilize these countries.
The paper examines the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal as a prominent example of public manipulation. This case, extensively covered by the media and analyzed in subsequent years, involved Facebook transferring personal data and digital psychographics of its users to a private company during the American presidential elections. Analysts allegedly clustered society into small groups and targeted each with tailored algorithms, bypassing individuals' awareness and circumventing legal frameworks. This case highlights the significance of personal electronic information held by mega-informational corporations (Meta, Google, TikTok, etc.) and the potential dangers of data-enhanced microtargeting for political processes and state security.
The paper also explores the Covid-19 pandemic as an example, demonstrating that the strategic communication measures and information campaigns implemented by Georgian authorities were often insufficient to counter public objections driven by aggressive microtargeting, encouraged by external actors and anti-state or anti-society groups. This significantly complicated the state's efforts to manage the pandemic and protect public health with limited resources.
Based on the analysis, the paper justifies the effectiveness of digital influence and the potential for initiating destructive processes across all societal layers. Consequently, the findings confirm the growing threat of data-driven microtargeting and the necessity for states to develop countermeasures and action strategies.
საკვანძო სიტყვები: რუსეთი, რუსეთ-უკრაინის ომი, ბირთვული იარაღი, სტრატეგიული შეკავება, საერთო თავდაცვის და უსაფრთხოების პოლიტიკა, სანქციეები, ნატო, სამხედრო მრეწველობის განვითარება.
The paper also reviews the importance of the peace agreement for the warring parties and their supporters camps, how much the peace favors or how much the processes and international events during the war bring the parties closer or further apart. Also, what is their attitude towards the peace process, who is trying to save face for Russia and how much they are dependent on the results achieved on the battlefield, the position of each side at the negotiation table.
The conclusion discusses the inadmissibility of the precedent of giving in to Russia, as well as the challenges created by the vacuum of power not created in its place in the event of Russia's collapse, as well as the redistribution of the burden of rebuilding post-war Ukraine and the success/failure of restoring economic and infrastructural potential. Also in this context, the challenges related to the change of the current Euro-Atlantic security system and the creation of the future global security architecture.
The paper briefly reviews the risks facing Europe and the countries of Russia's immediate neighborhood against the background of the Syrian war and the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, in case Russia decides to use managed migrant flows to destabilize these countries.