Tomaz Dentinho, Gabinete de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Universidade dos Açores Departament... more Tomaz Dentinho, Gabinete de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Universidade dos Açores Departamento de Ciências Agrárias, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal. [email protected] ... Vanda Serpa, Gabinete de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Departamento ...
South Asia is at the centre of globalization. Nevertheless, there are many institutional barriers... more South Asia is at the centre of globalization. Nevertheless, there are many institutional barriers that constrain the flow of goods, investment and knowledge. The aim of this chapter is to improve the understanding of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in South Asia, on the one hand by analysing the literature and on the other hand by the formulation and estimation of an FDI model for South Asia based on factors that have major influence. Investment flows within South Asia have been historically lower than those connecting the region with the developed world. The approach is to understand the causes and effects of FDI in South Asia and to inform policies that can promote cooperation and development in the region. First, we propose some thoughts and questions based on the facts of FDI in South Asia. Then, a model of understanding is formulated and estimated to derive consistent past and future explanations for South Asia investment flows and the causes that influence them. Finally, it is...
The agenda explain the historical evolution of land uses in SA£o Jorge Island (Azores- Portugal) ... more The agenda explain the historical evolution of land uses in SA£o Jorge Island (Azores- Portugal) between 15th-20th century.The economic exploitation of the island space prosecuted itself in simultaneous with his colony, one form to guarantee the auto supplying of the populations. First we assess the capacity of the island territory for different uses based on agronomic analysis and transform these capacities in attractiveness coefficients.Then we design a spatial interaction model with five different sectors which employment can be closely related with surface area, first to five zones in the island and within those zones to small plots of 1 hectare each.Finally we use historical data on population and main export crops in order to calibrate the model for each century. Therefore, based on data on the export crop and on the population it is possible to estimate the different land use of the island for all the sectors and to assess the carrying capacity of the island.
... cerejais e os olivais são as culturas com maior presença na área de distribuição do A ... Bei... more ... cerejais e os olivais são as culturas com maior presença na área de distribuição do A ... Beira Interior (INE, 2001b), a maior zona de produção de cereja em Portugal (a60% da ... Muitos cerejais foram instalados em antigos bosques de carvalhos e castanheiros, o habitat natural de ...
Climate change becomes an increasing constraint in IWRM and many effects are expected in coastal ... more Climate change becomes an increasing constraint in IWRM and many effects are expected in coastal watersheds like sea level rise and its consequences (i.e. beach erosion, salt water intrusion, soil salinization, groundwater and surface water pollution…) or water budget changes (i.e. seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations) and an increase of extreme events (i.e. floods, rainfalls and droughts). Beside this physical changes one can also observed the increase of water demand in coastal areas due to population growth and development of tourism activities. Both effects (e.g. physical and socio-economical) must be included into any coastal freshwater management option for a mid-term / long-term approach to set water mass/basin management plans as expected in European countries by the WDF or elsewhere in an IWRM objective. The Waterknow project funded by EraNet-Circle-Med program aims to develop a tool to help decisions makers in the implementation of IWRM plans in coastal areas that will have to cope with climate change effects and socio-economical pressures. This interdisciplinary project is applied to three basins (e.g. Fiumi Uniti Bevano, Italy; Terceira Island, Portugal and Taheddart, Morocco) and seeks to integrate and to develop research achievements in coastal hydrogeology, economical and land use modeling in each basin. In the Fiumi Uniti Bevano basin, a detailed hydrogeological survey was performed during the summer 2008. Twenty auger holes with an average spacing of 350 m where drilled with the objective of determining the top groundwater quality in the coastal aquifer. At the same time, we collected the chemical and physical parameters of the surface waters. The data collected in the field show that a fresh groundwater lens is still present in the aquifer of the backshore area below the coastal dunes and that the surface water is all brackish to salty. In the northern part of the study area, the fresh groundwater lens in the backshore zone is missing, as dunes were eroded and a series of saltwater ponds are present right behind the active dunes. The central part of the study area is characterised by the presence an active dune system and of a large pond in the innermost side of the backshore. In this case, there is a narrow freshwater lens in the aquifer of the active dunes area, whereas inland the aquifer is completely salty up to the agricultural fields. The southern area has the best preserved and tallest dunes and do not contain any pond. Here, the freshwater lens in the aquifer is wider than everywhere else and the aquifer becomes salty only where the drainage ditches are causing upcoming of deeper salty groundwater. This study has recognized the importance of coastal dunes in counteracting saltwater intrusion in the phreatic aquifer. Therefore, it is important to consider measures and interventions in order to preserve the integrity of the dunes not only for the purposes of avoiding shoreline erosion and coastal ecosystem destruction but also for freshwater resources protection. On the other hand, in low level coastal areas, drainage and the construction of ponds may enhance seawater upcoming. In this Italian case, a socio-economical modelling has to be developed to help decision making in both water and economical management to step toward an integrated water resource management. In the Terceira Island, a spatial interaction model has been developed including land and water uses combined with economical sectors related to Corine-Land-Cover (i.e. CLC) classification applied to urban areas and its surroundings. The spatial competition between different economical sectors and population pressures for land use and water use is resulting from the calibration of bid-rents. This economical model requires a dataset based on the spatial distribution of population, land uses and the calculation of distances between each economical sector including socio-economical indicators (i.e. employment, labor productivity, human consumption, land aptitude and water availability). Model results have been integrated to a GIS which has also been used for the dataset development. Climate change scenario, water uses and planning options are also included in this economical modeling tool that can already simulate future water demand for the Terceira Island. In this Portuguese case study a coastal hydrogeological analysis will be implemented within the Waterknow project to help decision making to integrate the coastal freshwater vulnerability and its seasonal fluctuations into the economical, urban and water management plans. In the Taheddart basin, both economical and hydrogeological analysis are lacking and the Waterknow project objective is to integrate and to apply the previous achievements (i.e. hydrogeological and economical spatially distributed models) to simulate water demand evolution and coastal freshwater vulnerability in the frame of climate change and sea level rise. In the Moroccan case a land use analysis is undertaken using SPOT5 images and an object oriented classification methodology. This remote sensing approach has to provide spatial data to be included in to a GIS to feed the economical model adapted from the Portuguese case study. This methodology will also be applied to both Terceira Island and Fiumi Uniti Bevano basin to update and enhance existing CLC data. In the three cases water management issues are strongly felt among the number of stakeholders and the lack of integration of both hydrological and economical knowledge. The Waterknow project tries to step forward this challenge to adapt and enhance IWRM practices to climate change issues in an interdisciplinary approach.
This paper aims at presenting a possible approach to identify the best sites for rural tourism an... more This paper aims at presenting a possible approach to identify the best sites for rural tourism and also to analyze the synergies between agriculture and cultural heritage in Azores, in order to be incorporated in the full range of management concerns into private and public decision -making. The following territorial aptitudes for alternative were used to simulate this exercise: urban, touristic, horticulture, agricultural, cattle and forestry. Soil potential was defined in a number of classes from I to VII. The best hypothetical sites for rural tourism were defined using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Keywords: rural tourism, familiar farming, non farming activities, multifunctionality, GIS. resumen: Este trabajo busca presentar una posible posición para identificar los mejores locales para el turismo rural y también para examinar las sinergias entre la agricultura y el patrimonio cultural de los Azores con el fin de ser incorporado en la gama de problemas de gestión en las decisiones públicas y privadas. Competencias territoriales para alternativa fueron utilizadas para simular este ejercicio: urbano, turístico, la horticultura, la agricultura y la silvicultura. El potencial de los suelos se determinó en un número de clases I a VII. Los mejores lugares hipotéticos para el turismo rural fueron definidos mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Palabras clave: turismo rural, agricultura familiar; actividades no agrícolas, multifuncionalidad, GIS/SIG resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem conducente à identificação dos melhores locais para o turismo e das sinergias entre a agricultura e o património cultural dos Açores. Pretende -se que os seus resultados sejam incorporados na tomada de decisão, ao nível da gestão pública e privada. No exercício de simulação foram consideradas vocações territoriais alternativas: uso urbano, uso turístico, horticultura, agricultura e silvicultura. o potencial dos solos foi estruturado em classes, de I a VII. os melhores lugares hipotéticos para o turismo rural foram definidos através do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG). Palavras -chave: turismo rural, agricultura familiar; actividades não agrícolas, multifuncionalidade, GIS/SIG.
Recent European legislation requires the adoption of an ecosystem-based approach for managing mar... more Recent European legislation requires the adoption of an ecosystem-based approach for managing marine systems in which societal values and good science contribute to attainment of 'good environmental status' for Europe's seas by 2020. At present, there is a lack of studies that consider public values for marine biodiversity changes taking into account the cultural diversity within Europe. We used a contingent valuation survey to explore respondents' marginal willingness to pay (WTP) and motivations to prevent 3 levels of species loss (10, 25 and 50%) as compared to current levels for fish and all marine species. The survey was undertaken in 2 sites: the Azores islands (NE Atlantic) and the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea). Results, based on 747 interviews, showed that motivations underlying WTP for marine species conservation encompassed primarily bequest values and direct use values. Respondents from different locations differed in their attitudes and values towards marine biodiversity conservation. Scope tests revealed significant differences in WTP for different levels of species loss; however the magnitudes of the scope sensitivity were constrained by a lack of awareness about the consequences of biodiversity changes and the welfare tradeoffs involved. This result highlights the need for the scientific community to better communicate knowledge about the link between biodiversity changes and human wellbeing and to embrace a fuller dialogue between policymakers and the public. A successful ecosystem based approach must accommodate the diversity of preferences and hence may need to be adapted to reflect regional diversity within Europe.
Computers Environment and Urban Systems, Mar 1, 2010
This paper aims to understand the interaction between economy and land use through a spatial inte... more This paper aims to understand the interaction between economy and land use through a spatial interaction model that highlights the relationships between activities and zones based on relative accessibilities, bid-rents, capacities and technical coefficients. The novelty regarding operational spatial models is the consideration of non-urban uses such as the hinterland agricultural activities and the respective aptitudes of land use. The equilibrium between supply and demand for each activity in each zone is achieved by adjusting bid-rents for each activity per zone, thereby enabling the restriction of the available area for each type of soil in each zone. The model allows the simulation of historical and future scenarios, illustrated by the example of Corvo Island in the Azores.
The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncip... more The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncipe. The country's economy is framed and characterized and we study the attitudes and perspectives of the Santomean. We conclude that the State prefers to promote infrastructure building with external support and to keep a policy of self-supplying. Foreign investors choose to use the productive potential: tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics. Development will arise when the State creates conditions for channeling domestic savings into sustainable investments in tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics.
Across river basins water can have different types of values according not only to its production... more Across river basins water can have different types of values according not only to its production costs but also due to changes in the willingness to pay across the territory.
Until recently the water flowing from rain fed springs was abundant enough on Terceira (Azores, P... more Until recently the water flowing from rain fed springs was abundant enough on Terceira (Azores, Portugal) and groundwater exploration was limited to the Lajes basin. This paper discusses the effects of climate change on the hydrology of Terceira and presents an estimate of the size of the fresh water lens underneath the whole island of Terceira using fault orientation as an indication for conductivity anisotropy. Longer periods of drought are thought to be one of the effects of greenhouse warming for Terceira and the exploration and exploitation of the freshwater lens may become necessary.
This paper tries to explain the historical evolution of land uses in São Jorge Island (Azores-Por... more This paper tries to explain the historical evolution of land uses in São Jorge Island (Azores-Portugal) between 15 th -20 th centuries. First we assess the capacity of the island territory for different uses based on agronomic analysis and transform these capacities in attractiveness coefficients. Then we design a spatial interaction model with five different sectors which employment can be closely related with surface area, first to five zones in the island and within those zones to small plots of 1 hectare each. Finally we use historical data on population and main exports in order to estimate the land use for each century. Therefore, based on historical data, on the export crop and on the population it is possible to estimate the different land use of the island for all the sectors and to assess the carrying capacity of the island.
Innovation and Multidimensional Entrepreneurship Economic Social and Academic Aspects Revised Papers Presented at the 13th Uddevalla Symposium 19 22 August 2010 Jonkoping Sweden 2011 Isbn 978 91 633 7747 1 Pags 239 244, 2011
The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncip... more The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncipe. The country's economy is framed and characterized and we study the attitudes and perspectives of the Santomean. We conclude that the State prefers to promote infrastructure building with external support and to keep a policy of self-supplying. Foreign investors choose to use the productive potential: tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics. Development will arise when the State creates conditions for channeling domestic savings into sustainable investments in tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics.
Tomaz Dentinho, Gabinete de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Universidade dos Açores Departament... more Tomaz Dentinho, Gabinete de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Universidade dos Açores Departamento de Ciências Agrárias, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal. [email protected] ... Vanda Serpa, Gabinete de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Departamento ...
South Asia is at the centre of globalization. Nevertheless, there are many institutional barriers... more South Asia is at the centre of globalization. Nevertheless, there are many institutional barriers that constrain the flow of goods, investment and knowledge. The aim of this chapter is to improve the understanding of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in South Asia, on the one hand by analysing the literature and on the other hand by the formulation and estimation of an FDI model for South Asia based on factors that have major influence. Investment flows within South Asia have been historically lower than those connecting the region with the developed world. The approach is to understand the causes and effects of FDI in South Asia and to inform policies that can promote cooperation and development in the region. First, we propose some thoughts and questions based on the facts of FDI in South Asia. Then, a model of understanding is formulated and estimated to derive consistent past and future explanations for South Asia investment flows and the causes that influence them. Finally, it is...
The agenda explain the historical evolution of land uses in SA£o Jorge Island (Azores- Portugal) ... more The agenda explain the historical evolution of land uses in SA£o Jorge Island (Azores- Portugal) between 15th-20th century.The economic exploitation of the island space prosecuted itself in simultaneous with his colony, one form to guarantee the auto supplying of the populations. First we assess the capacity of the island territory for different uses based on agronomic analysis and transform these capacities in attractiveness coefficients.Then we design a spatial interaction model with five different sectors which employment can be closely related with surface area, first to five zones in the island and within those zones to small plots of 1 hectare each.Finally we use historical data on population and main export crops in order to calibrate the model for each century. Therefore, based on data on the export crop and on the population it is possible to estimate the different land use of the island for all the sectors and to assess the carrying capacity of the island.
... cerejais e os olivais são as culturas com maior presença na área de distribuição do A ... Bei... more ... cerejais e os olivais são as culturas com maior presença na área de distribuição do A ... Beira Interior (INE, 2001b), a maior zona de produção de cereja em Portugal (a60% da ... Muitos cerejais foram instalados em antigos bosques de carvalhos e castanheiros, o habitat natural de ...
Climate change becomes an increasing constraint in IWRM and many effects are expected in coastal ... more Climate change becomes an increasing constraint in IWRM and many effects are expected in coastal watersheds like sea level rise and its consequences (i.e. beach erosion, salt water intrusion, soil salinization, groundwater and surface water pollution…) or water budget changes (i.e. seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations) and an increase of extreme events (i.e. floods, rainfalls and droughts). Beside this physical changes one can also observed the increase of water demand in coastal areas due to population growth and development of tourism activities. Both effects (e.g. physical and socio-economical) must be included into any coastal freshwater management option for a mid-term / long-term approach to set water mass/basin management plans as expected in European countries by the WDF or elsewhere in an IWRM objective. The Waterknow project funded by EraNet-Circle-Med program aims to develop a tool to help decisions makers in the implementation of IWRM plans in coastal areas that will have to cope with climate change effects and socio-economical pressures. This interdisciplinary project is applied to three basins (e.g. Fiumi Uniti Bevano, Italy; Terceira Island, Portugal and Taheddart, Morocco) and seeks to integrate and to develop research achievements in coastal hydrogeology, economical and land use modeling in each basin. In the Fiumi Uniti Bevano basin, a detailed hydrogeological survey was performed during the summer 2008. Twenty auger holes with an average spacing of 350 m where drilled with the objective of determining the top groundwater quality in the coastal aquifer. At the same time, we collected the chemical and physical parameters of the surface waters. The data collected in the field show that a fresh groundwater lens is still present in the aquifer of the backshore area below the coastal dunes and that the surface water is all brackish to salty. In the northern part of the study area, the fresh groundwater lens in the backshore zone is missing, as dunes were eroded and a series of saltwater ponds are present right behind the active dunes. The central part of the study area is characterised by the presence an active dune system and of a large pond in the innermost side of the backshore. In this case, there is a narrow freshwater lens in the aquifer of the active dunes area, whereas inland the aquifer is completely salty up to the agricultural fields. The southern area has the best preserved and tallest dunes and do not contain any pond. Here, the freshwater lens in the aquifer is wider than everywhere else and the aquifer becomes salty only where the drainage ditches are causing upcoming of deeper salty groundwater. This study has recognized the importance of coastal dunes in counteracting saltwater intrusion in the phreatic aquifer. Therefore, it is important to consider measures and interventions in order to preserve the integrity of the dunes not only for the purposes of avoiding shoreline erosion and coastal ecosystem destruction but also for freshwater resources protection. On the other hand, in low level coastal areas, drainage and the construction of ponds may enhance seawater upcoming. In this Italian case, a socio-economical modelling has to be developed to help decision making in both water and economical management to step toward an integrated water resource management. In the Terceira Island, a spatial interaction model has been developed including land and water uses combined with economical sectors related to Corine-Land-Cover (i.e. CLC) classification applied to urban areas and its surroundings. The spatial competition between different economical sectors and population pressures for land use and water use is resulting from the calibration of bid-rents. This economical model requires a dataset based on the spatial distribution of population, land uses and the calculation of distances between each economical sector including socio-economical indicators (i.e. employment, labor productivity, human consumption, land aptitude and water availability). Model results have been integrated to a GIS which has also been used for the dataset development. Climate change scenario, water uses and planning options are also included in this economical modeling tool that can already simulate future water demand for the Terceira Island. In this Portuguese case study a coastal hydrogeological analysis will be implemented within the Waterknow project to help decision making to integrate the coastal freshwater vulnerability and its seasonal fluctuations into the economical, urban and water management plans. In the Taheddart basin, both economical and hydrogeological analysis are lacking and the Waterknow project objective is to integrate and to apply the previous achievements (i.e. hydrogeological and economical spatially distributed models) to simulate water demand evolution and coastal freshwater vulnerability in the frame of climate change and sea level rise. In the Moroccan case a land use analysis is undertaken using SPOT5 images and an object oriented classification methodology. This remote sensing approach has to provide spatial data to be included in to a GIS to feed the economical model adapted from the Portuguese case study. This methodology will also be applied to both Terceira Island and Fiumi Uniti Bevano basin to update and enhance existing CLC data. In the three cases water management issues are strongly felt among the number of stakeholders and the lack of integration of both hydrological and economical knowledge. The Waterknow project tries to step forward this challenge to adapt and enhance IWRM practices to climate change issues in an interdisciplinary approach.
This paper aims at presenting a possible approach to identify the best sites for rural tourism an... more This paper aims at presenting a possible approach to identify the best sites for rural tourism and also to analyze the synergies between agriculture and cultural heritage in Azores, in order to be incorporated in the full range of management concerns into private and public decision -making. The following territorial aptitudes for alternative were used to simulate this exercise: urban, touristic, horticulture, agricultural, cattle and forestry. Soil potential was defined in a number of classes from I to VII. The best hypothetical sites for rural tourism were defined using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Keywords: rural tourism, familiar farming, non farming activities, multifunctionality, GIS. resumen: Este trabajo busca presentar una posible posición para identificar los mejores locales para el turismo rural y también para examinar las sinergias entre la agricultura y el patrimonio cultural de los Azores con el fin de ser incorporado en la gama de problemas de gestión en las decisiones públicas y privadas. Competencias territoriales para alternativa fueron utilizadas para simular este ejercicio: urbano, turístico, la horticultura, la agricultura y la silvicultura. El potencial de los suelos se determinó en un número de clases I a VII. Los mejores lugares hipotéticos para el turismo rural fueron definidos mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Palabras clave: turismo rural, agricultura familiar; actividades no agrícolas, multifuncionalidad, GIS/SIG resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem conducente à identificação dos melhores locais para o turismo e das sinergias entre a agricultura e o património cultural dos Açores. Pretende -se que os seus resultados sejam incorporados na tomada de decisão, ao nível da gestão pública e privada. No exercício de simulação foram consideradas vocações territoriais alternativas: uso urbano, uso turístico, horticultura, agricultura e silvicultura. o potencial dos solos foi estruturado em classes, de I a VII. os melhores lugares hipotéticos para o turismo rural foram definidos através do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG). Palavras -chave: turismo rural, agricultura familiar; actividades não agrícolas, multifuncionalidade, GIS/SIG.
Recent European legislation requires the adoption of an ecosystem-based approach for managing mar... more Recent European legislation requires the adoption of an ecosystem-based approach for managing marine systems in which societal values and good science contribute to attainment of 'good environmental status' for Europe's seas by 2020. At present, there is a lack of studies that consider public values for marine biodiversity changes taking into account the cultural diversity within Europe. We used a contingent valuation survey to explore respondents' marginal willingness to pay (WTP) and motivations to prevent 3 levels of species loss (10, 25 and 50%) as compared to current levels for fish and all marine species. The survey was undertaken in 2 sites: the Azores islands (NE Atlantic) and the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea). Results, based on 747 interviews, showed that motivations underlying WTP for marine species conservation encompassed primarily bequest values and direct use values. Respondents from different locations differed in their attitudes and values towards marine biodiversity conservation. Scope tests revealed significant differences in WTP for different levels of species loss; however the magnitudes of the scope sensitivity were constrained by a lack of awareness about the consequences of biodiversity changes and the welfare tradeoffs involved. This result highlights the need for the scientific community to better communicate knowledge about the link between biodiversity changes and human wellbeing and to embrace a fuller dialogue between policymakers and the public. A successful ecosystem based approach must accommodate the diversity of preferences and hence may need to be adapted to reflect regional diversity within Europe.
Computers Environment and Urban Systems, Mar 1, 2010
This paper aims to understand the interaction between economy and land use through a spatial inte... more This paper aims to understand the interaction between economy and land use through a spatial interaction model that highlights the relationships between activities and zones based on relative accessibilities, bid-rents, capacities and technical coefficients. The novelty regarding operational spatial models is the consideration of non-urban uses such as the hinterland agricultural activities and the respective aptitudes of land use. The equilibrium between supply and demand for each activity in each zone is achieved by adjusting bid-rents for each activity per zone, thereby enabling the restriction of the available area for each type of soil in each zone. The model allows the simulation of historical and future scenarios, illustrated by the example of Corvo Island in the Azores.
The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncip... more The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncipe. The country's economy is framed and characterized and we study the attitudes and perspectives of the Santomean. We conclude that the State prefers to promote infrastructure building with external support and to keep a policy of self-supplying. Foreign investors choose to use the productive potential: tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics. Development will arise when the State creates conditions for channeling domestic savings into sustainable investments in tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics.
Across river basins water can have different types of values according not only to its production... more Across river basins water can have different types of values according not only to its production costs but also due to changes in the willingness to pay across the territory.
Until recently the water flowing from rain fed springs was abundant enough on Terceira (Azores, P... more Until recently the water flowing from rain fed springs was abundant enough on Terceira (Azores, Portugal) and groundwater exploration was limited to the Lajes basin. This paper discusses the effects of climate change on the hydrology of Terceira and presents an estimate of the size of the fresh water lens underneath the whole island of Terceira using fault orientation as an indication for conductivity anisotropy. Longer periods of drought are thought to be one of the effects of greenhouse warming for Terceira and the exploration and exploitation of the freshwater lens may become necessary.
This paper tries to explain the historical evolution of land uses in São Jorge Island (Azores-Por... more This paper tries to explain the historical evolution of land uses in São Jorge Island (Azores-Portugal) between 15 th -20 th centuries. First we assess the capacity of the island territory for different uses based on agronomic analysis and transform these capacities in attractiveness coefficients. Then we design a spatial interaction model with five different sectors which employment can be closely related with surface area, first to five zones in the island and within those zones to small plots of 1 hectare each. Finally we use historical data on population and main exports in order to estimate the land use for each century. Therefore, based on historical data, on the export crop and on the population it is possible to estimate the different land use of the island for all the sectors and to assess the carrying capacity of the island.
Innovation and Multidimensional Entrepreneurship Economic Social and Academic Aspects Revised Papers Presented at the 13th Uddevalla Symposium 19 22 August 2010 Jonkoping Sweden 2011 Isbn 978 91 633 7747 1 Pags 239 244, 2011
The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncip... more The aim of the study is to analyze the functioning of the economic system of São Tomé and Príncipe. The country's economy is framed and characterized and we study the attitudes and perspectives of the Santomean. We conclude that the State prefers to promote infrastructure building with external support and to keep a policy of self-supplying. Foreign investors choose to use the productive potential: tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics. Development will arise when the State creates conditions for channeling domestic savings into sustainable investments in tourism, cocoa, fishing, oil, and logistics.
Papers by Tomaz Dentinho