Papers by Tom Van Der Have
Topografische inventarisatieatlas flora en fauna van Nederland
De invloed van neerslag op conditie, rui en overlevingskansen van bboerenzwaluwen in zuidelijk Afrika
Extinction risk and evolutionarily stable optimum clutch size
Temperature dependence of developmental rate, growth rate and size: from biophysics to adaption
Quickscan Gulf coast Islamic Republic of Iran: many waders, no Slender-billed Curlews (yet)
European Swallows Hirundo rustica in Botswana during three non-breeding seasons: the effects of rainfall on moult
... AND METHODS Study areas Boteti River (2Oo21'S, 24'43'E) The main s... more ... AND METHODS Study areas Boteti River (2Oo21'S, 24'43'E) The main study site was situated along the Boteti River about 40 km southeast of Maun (Figure 1). This river is fed by the Okavango Delta to which the Boteti is connected by the Thamalakane (Ellery & McCarthy 1994 ...

We studied phenology, staging time and refuelling in Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus... more We studied phenology, staging time and refuelling in Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus stopping over during spring migration in the Sivash (Black Sea, Ukraine) in May 1991-94. In the study area, peak staging numbers of 2000-2500 individuals occurred in the third week of May. In May 1993, 460 birds were marked with a yellow dye and 126 of these were colour-ringed. Before 28 May no departure of birds dyed yellow could be detected; by 3 June all birds had departed. Colour-ringed adults in mid May 1993 staged for a minimum of 8.2 days. After the observed departure of large flocks (24 May and later) the staging time of colour-ringed birds decreased significantly with body mass at the time of capture. Of birds mist-netted in 1991-94, 99.3% were in full summer plumage and 89% were adults. In second-year birds, fuel deposition rate (measured between individuals) was 0.44 g/day. In adults caught from early May to 24 May, overall fuel deposition rate was 1.04 g/day (3.4% of lean body mass). Mean adult body mass in early May was 34.8 g, increasing to 45.5 g after 24 May. Estimated body mass at departure was 51 g. Departure body mass and flight range estimates suggest that although birds refuelled quickly, fuel loads are only just sufficient for an unbroken flight to Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula. We suggest that Broad-billed Sandpipers use the Sivash as a crucial final take-off stopover site, and that they follow a 'jumping' migration strategy, performed under narrow time constraints.
Verkuil Y., T.M. van der Have, J. van der Winden & I.I. Chernichko 2003. Habitat use and diet sel... more Verkuil Y., T.M. van der Have, J. van der Winden & I.I. Chernichko 2003. Habitat use and diet selection of northward migrating waders in the Sivash (Ukraine): the use of Brine Shrimp Artemia salina in a variably saline lagoon complex. Ardea 91(1): 71-83.

Mating, hybridisation and introgression in Lasius ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
ABSTRACT Recent reviews have shown that hybridisation among ant species is likely to be more comm... more ABSTRACT Recent reviews have shown that hybridisation among ant species is likely to be more common than previously appreciated. but that documented cases of introgression remain rare. After molecular phylogenetic work had shown that European Lasius niger (LINNAEUS, 1758) and L. psammophilus SEIFERT, 1992 (formerly L. alienus (FOERSTER. 1850)) are unlikely to be very closely related, we decided to analyse an old data set confirming the conclusion by PEARSON (1983) that these two ants can indeed form viable hybrids. We show that signatures of introgression can be detected in a Danish site and that interspecific gene-flow is asymmetrical (only from L. niger into L. psammophilus) as inferred previously by Pearson for the southern England site that he studied and from which we also collected data. We compare the observed patterns of hybridisation and introgression in the Danish and British site and infer that overlap in nuptial flights in Denmark may have contributed to the higher frequency of introgressed genes relative to the southern England site where nuptial flights are clearly separated in time. We also report the first mating system data for L. psammophilus. showing that this species has facultative multiple mating of queens similar to L. niger. We suggest that L. psammoplillus-niger introgression may be much more common than previously appreciated, which would explain that European myrmecologists have often found it difficult to distinguish between these species at sites where they occur sympatrically. This would imply that multiple accessible field sites are available to study the molecular details of hybridisation and introgression between two ant species that have variable degrees of sympatiy throughout their distributional ranges
Zoology in the Middle East, 2002
Observations on the Finless Porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides, Humpback Dolphin, Sousa plumbea, ... more Observations on the Finless Porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides, Humpback Dolphin, Sousa plumbea, and Dugong, Dugong dugon, in the Hara Protected Area, Khouran Straits, are presented. All are on the Red List of IUCN. Details on the identification are given, and their status is discussed. Kurzfassung: Aus dem Schutzgebiet von Hara in der Straße von Hormus werden Beobachtungen vom Indischen Schweinswal, Neophocaena phocaenoides, Weissen Delphin, Sousa plumbea, und vom Dugong, Dugong dugon, mitgeteilt. Alle Arten stehen auf der Roten Liste der bedrohten Tier-und Pflanzenarten der IUCN. Einzelheiten zur Artbestimmung werden aufgeführt und der Status diskutiert.

Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1996
A proximate, biophysical model is proposed describing temperature-modulated variation in growth r... more A proximate, biophysical model is proposed describing temperature-modulated variation in growth rate and differentiation rate in ectotherms, based upon the Sharpe-Schoolfield equation connecting enzyme kinetics and biological rates. Like the Sharpe-Schoolfield equation, the model assumes (1) that growth rate and differentiation rate can be described as controlled by one rate-limiting enzyme; in addition the model assumes (2) that the temperature coefficients of growth and differentiation are different. The model is used to predict temperature-dependent size variation of ectotherms at maturation as a result of the interaction of growth and differentiation. It is shown that the difference between the activation energy constants of growth and differentiation determines the slope of the size-temperature reaction norm. The structural and heritable variation in enzymes determines reaction norm shape without inferring regulatory genes. All thermodynamic parameters of the Sharpe-Schoolfield equation can be estimated empirically with nonlinear regression techniques. The biophysical model provides a proximate framework for genotypic models of reaction norm evolution; genetic variation in either growth or differentiation would lead to genotype by environment interaction. This proximate model of temperature sensitivity and temperature tolerance clarifies how temperature dependence of body size would evolve.
On the Production Ecology of Lasius niger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Successive Coastal Dune Valleys
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 1982
Fast fuelling but light flight in Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus: stopover ecology at a final take-off site in spring (Sivash, Ukraine)
Ibis, 2006
We studied phenology, staging time and refuelling in Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus... more We studied phenology, staging time and refuelling in Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus stopping over during spring migration in the Sivash (Black Sea, Ukraine) in May 1991–94. In the study area, peak staging numbers of 2000–2500 individuals occurred in the third week of May. In May 1993, 460 birds were marked with a yellow dye and 126 of these were colour-ringed. Before 28 May no departure of birds dyed yellow could be detected; by 3 June all birds had departed. Colour-ringed adults in mid May 1993 staged for a ...
Sex-Investment Ratios and relatedness in the Monogynous Ant Lasius niger (L.)
Evolution, 1988

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 1988
In a population of the monogynous slave-making ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis in S.E. Sweden, the mea... more In a population of the monogynous slave-making ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis in S.E. Sweden, the mean proportion of dry weight investment in queens was 0.54. This result differed significantly from 0.75 but not from 0.5, matching the prediction from the genetic relatedness hypothesis of sex ratio applied to slave-makers, given (as confirmed by this study) single mating of queens, population-wide mate competition, and relatively low levels of worker male production. Sex investment appeared unaffected by resource availability. In the same 47 colony population sample, fertile slavemaker workers were found in every queenless colony (ca. 30% of all colonies), and in 58 % of queenright colonies. Fertile workers occurred at a significantly higher frequency in the queenless colonies (19.2%) than in the queenright ones (9.8%), confirming that queenless conditions promote worker fertility. Fertile and sterile workers were similar in size. Electrophoretic allozyme analysis of ants from 49 colonies showed that: 1) queens mated singly; 2) female nestmates were full sisters (their regression coefficient of relatedness (+SE) was 0.735+0.044); 3) inbreeding did not occur; 4) queen and worker siblings were not genetically differentiated. Worker male production in queenright colonies was neither confirmed nor ruled out by the genetic data. However, production data indicated that queenless workers produced between 4.4 and 21.6% of all males. Overall colony productivity was largely determined by slave number, itself positively correlated with the number of slavemaker workers. There was an abrupt switch from all worker to all sexual production as colony size rose, as predicted by life history models. In queenright colonies, fertile slave-makers did not discernibly reduce colony productivity. Such workers oc-Offprint requests to ." A.F.G. Bourke curred in queenright colonies with most slaves, suggesting they exploited energetic surpluses. Worker reproduction in H. sublaevis therefore appears to have greater influence at the level of individual behaviour than at colony or population level.
Papers by Tom Van Der Have