Tolga Kavalcı
I work passionately in literary science. This is my all life. Literary with philosophy, with nature sciences and with linguistic is a summary of general human life. And speically fantastic literary is including all of these with too more much.
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Papers by Tolga Kavalcı
Anahtar Kelimeler: Pınar Kür, Asılacak Kadın, Türk Romanında Kadın.
In this essay, we studied on The Woman Who Will Gibbet, writen by Pınar Kür, as its approach to woman issue. This artwork which have been milstone of Turkish Literature for passing postmodern epoch, reflects to a social issue with a dialogical wording. It doesn’t search source of problems which have been in context of woman and society on men but in system that enforcing a difficulty life to men so. Thence, it doesn’t content oneself with make a different as stylistic and technical, it successes jolting to reader by present a different perspective about the issue which entwined by effect of century’s norms. In this essay we tried to find effects which have making jolting sense on reader and which semantic facts have exposing jolting. We benefit to Reception Theory, specially Wolfgang Iser’s theory which explains reader’s role for fill in blanks and fulfill uncertainty in a text. We studied on the novel by three parts like the author’s writing technic. We interpreted themes of first two parts in separate title but deemed suitable to analyze Yalçın directly in last part. The inferences in the “Conclusion” part are original. At last we discover that the text making critics of system. We used as source book to The Woman Who Will Gibbet, published by Can Publishing in September, 2016 as seventh press and compiled information about the author from Nazmiye Çin’s graduate thesis which writed in 2010.
Key Words: Pınar Kür, The Woman Who Will Gibbet, Woman in Turkish Literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler: William Shakespeare, Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan, Kral Lear, İlhan, Turhan.
In this essay, we compared between William Shakespeare’s King Lear and Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan’s İlhan and Turhan. We didn’t use any specific approach or method. We identified similarities between the two productions which have compared and presented them. We took the text of King Lear from the book that have same name and published at July, 2010 by Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Publication. And took the text of İlhan and Turhan from the book which name is Abdülhak Hamid Theatres VI - Kanbur, writen by İnci Enginün and published by Dergah Publication. We compared the texts as on two texts; because we colligated with İlhan and its continuation Turhan. Therefore, in a way, this study could thinked as compare between William Shakespeare and Abdülhak Hamid Turhan. It was not hard that find secondary source because of one of them is biggest name in English and world literature and the other is a name was effective on become westernization of Turkish Literature and is calling as a finding of Modern Turkish Literature. At the end of the essay, we said that it is natural that Abdülhak Hamit Tarhan knew and read William Shakespeare and get a favor from him. And we amounted that it is righter that to find interaction between the two authors as their art skills. We emphasized importance the artproductions which created by West Literature’s effect which synthesized by Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan’s intellectual accumulation.
Key Words: William Shakespeare, Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan, Kral Lear, İlhan, Turhan.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Gılgamış Destanı, Enkidu, Yan Karakter
In this essay, we stuedied on Enkidu who is the supporting part of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, and to “The Epic of Gilgamesh” by Enkidu. Primary objective is identify of Enkidu’s effect to text, likewise is try to obtain inferences about act of supporting parts in fiction text by this effect. We took text of “The Epic of Gilgamesh” from Gılgamış, writen by İsmail Gezgin. Our general approach is in axis of Gezgin’s inferences which produced by this text and which about colliding of civilization and nature. We try to show that “The Epic of Gilgamesh” is very important for fundamentals of humanity and its literary heritage is equaly important for us. We think that it is a text which could compare with modern literature text. We looked to “The Epic of Gilgamesh” from a different perspective and took attention to Enkidu’s additive to text while inspecting of supporting part by Enkidu. In result, we show that could hypothesized that Enkidu is prodecessor of all supporting parts as could hypothesized that “The Epic of Gilgamesh” is prodecessor of all literary texts. Most important finding we can obtain is “The Epic of Gilgamesh” without Enkidu, never could be same thing with the currently text. Not deny to Gilgamesh’s primary importance and his searching of immortality, we uncovered depth which presented by Enkidu to this searching and therefore to reader who witness it.
Key Words : The Epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Supporting Part.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Basat ve Tepegöz, Oğuz Kağan, Metinlerarasılık.
“Basat and Tepegöz” and “The Epic Of Oguz Kagan” that are very important figures of Turkish Mithology have compared a lot of time with different methods. Basically, this study can evaluate as a comparison so. But we try to look theese texts with a postmodern view and find a intertextual connection between them. Of course, this is not a attempt which could take a really conclusion. Because it is not possible that could find an intertextuel connection between two anonymously texts. Bu it is possible that find supposing intertextual connection when read parameters of the intertextual theory with different angles. We did it in this study. We take the texts of epics from referenced sources which are My Grandfather Korkhut’s Book which published by Kabalcı Publishing and Turkish Mithology which published by Turkish History Instute as two volumes and written by Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Ögel. Firstly, we look similarity between two texts. Then, we try to read theese similarities about intertextuality. In result, we see that it is possible that theese texts might could effected eachother and we identified that progress more this point is impossible because of not know to writers of texts. We argued, just with an archetypal view, it is possible that can take a concrete result when approach to writers of texts as a common consciousness of a folk.
Key Words: Basat and Tepegöz, The Epic of Oguz Kagan, Intertextualary.
Drafts by Tolga Kavalcı
Anahtar Kelimeler: Pınar Kür, Asılacak Kadın, Türk Romanında Kadın.
In this essay, we studied on The Woman Who Will Gibbet, writen by Pınar Kür, as its approach to woman issue. This artwork which have been milstone of Turkish Literature for passing postmodern epoch, reflects to a social issue with a dialogical wording. It doesn’t search source of problems which have been in context of woman and society on men but in system that enforcing a difficulty life to men so. Thence, it doesn’t content oneself with make a different as stylistic and technical, it successes jolting to reader by present a different perspective about the issue which entwined by effect of century’s norms. In this essay we tried to find effects which have making jolting sense on reader and which semantic facts have exposing jolting. We benefit to Reception Theory, specially Wolfgang Iser’s theory which explains reader’s role for fill in blanks and fulfill uncertainty in a text. We studied on the novel by three parts like the author’s writing technic. We interpreted themes of first two parts in separate title but deemed suitable to analyze Yalçın directly in last part. The inferences in the “Conclusion” part are original. At last we discover that the text making critics of system. We used as source book to The Woman Who Will Gibbet, published by Can Publishing in September, 2016 as seventh press and compiled information about the author from Nazmiye Çin’s graduate thesis which writed in 2010.
Key Words: Pınar Kür, The Woman Who Will Gibbet, Woman in Turkish Literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler: William Shakespeare, Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan, Kral Lear, İlhan, Turhan.
In this essay, we compared between William Shakespeare’s King Lear and Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan’s İlhan and Turhan. We didn’t use any specific approach or method. We identified similarities between the two productions which have compared and presented them. We took the text of King Lear from the book that have same name and published at July, 2010 by Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Publication. And took the text of İlhan and Turhan from the book which name is Abdülhak Hamid Theatres VI - Kanbur, writen by İnci Enginün and published by Dergah Publication. We compared the texts as on two texts; because we colligated with İlhan and its continuation Turhan. Therefore, in a way, this study could thinked as compare between William Shakespeare and Abdülhak Hamid Turhan. It was not hard that find secondary source because of one of them is biggest name in English and world literature and the other is a name was effective on become westernization of Turkish Literature and is calling as a finding of Modern Turkish Literature. At the end of the essay, we said that it is natural that Abdülhak Hamit Tarhan knew and read William Shakespeare and get a favor from him. And we amounted that it is righter that to find interaction between the two authors as their art skills. We emphasized importance the artproductions which created by West Literature’s effect which synthesized by Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan’s intellectual accumulation.
Key Words: William Shakespeare, Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan, Kral Lear, İlhan, Turhan.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Gılgamış Destanı, Enkidu, Yan Karakter
In this essay, we stuedied on Enkidu who is the supporting part of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, and to “The Epic of Gilgamesh” by Enkidu. Primary objective is identify of Enkidu’s effect to text, likewise is try to obtain inferences about act of supporting parts in fiction text by this effect. We took text of “The Epic of Gilgamesh” from Gılgamış, writen by İsmail Gezgin. Our general approach is in axis of Gezgin’s inferences which produced by this text and which about colliding of civilization and nature. We try to show that “The Epic of Gilgamesh” is very important for fundamentals of humanity and its literary heritage is equaly important for us. We think that it is a text which could compare with modern literature text. We looked to “The Epic of Gilgamesh” from a different perspective and took attention to Enkidu’s additive to text while inspecting of supporting part by Enkidu. In result, we show that could hypothesized that Enkidu is prodecessor of all supporting parts as could hypothesized that “The Epic of Gilgamesh” is prodecessor of all literary texts. Most important finding we can obtain is “The Epic of Gilgamesh” without Enkidu, never could be same thing with the currently text. Not deny to Gilgamesh’s primary importance and his searching of immortality, we uncovered depth which presented by Enkidu to this searching and therefore to reader who witness it.
Key Words : The Epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Supporting Part.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Basat ve Tepegöz, Oğuz Kağan, Metinlerarasılık.
“Basat and Tepegöz” and “The Epic Of Oguz Kagan” that are very important figures of Turkish Mithology have compared a lot of time with different methods. Basically, this study can evaluate as a comparison so. But we try to look theese texts with a postmodern view and find a intertextual connection between them. Of course, this is not a attempt which could take a really conclusion. Because it is not possible that could find an intertextuel connection between two anonymously texts. Bu it is possible that find supposing intertextual connection when read parameters of the intertextual theory with different angles. We did it in this study. We take the texts of epics from referenced sources which are My Grandfather Korkhut’s Book which published by Kabalcı Publishing and Turkish Mithology which published by Turkish History Instute as two volumes and written by Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Ögel. Firstly, we look similarity between two texts. Then, we try to read theese similarities about intertextuality. In result, we see that it is possible that theese texts might could effected eachother and we identified that progress more this point is impossible because of not know to writers of texts. We argued, just with an archetypal view, it is possible that can take a concrete result when approach to writers of texts as a common consciousness of a folk.
Key Words: Basat and Tepegöz, The Epic of Oguz Kagan, Intertextualary.