Papers by Toichubek Kabylov

Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2021
This article is devoted to the analysis of verbal representations in the concepts of good and evi... more This article is devoted to the analysis of verbal representations in the concepts of good and evil in Russian and Kyrgyz linguocultures. Proverbs, as one of the basic units of the culture of the people, allow analyzing basic concepts, which precisely explain concepts of good and evil. In most occasions, the concepts of good and evil are same among all people understanding in the world. Some differences can arise in the cultural and historical traditions of the ethnos: lifestyle, historical development, religion, culture and mentality. These differences make it possible to explore specifics in a particular ethnic group, to penetrate mentality, to determine priorities and stereotypes. Of course, this is revealed only in comparison with the linguistic material of other people. The conceptual analysis allows us to make detailed descriptions of concepts in different languages. We believe that a person is initially inclined to do good, about which paremias in all nations are talking about. Humankind can create evil under the influence of any circumstances or difficulties. The borderline between good and evil is rather arbitrary: what is good for one person may turn out to be evil for other people. We believe that good and evil are not two opposed concepts, but one antonymic concept, where the corresponding concepts are not always strictly delimited. Most of the proverbs based on people's ideas are about good and evil. Over time, new values appear in the consciousness of a person and society. What was good a hundred years ago may be evil today. Each person has his scale of values, which is determined by belonging to a particular nation's mentality. The values and priorities of nomadic people often do not coincide with the values of sedentary tribes. Proverbs can also become outdated. The basic fund of paremias remains unchanged since universal hu
Bulletin of Osh State University, 2021

Bulletin of Science and Practice, 2022
The cognitive features of imperative utterances in the modern Kyrgyz language have been investiga... more The cognitive features of imperative utterances in the modern Kyrgyz language have been investigated. As you know, the imperative has two different meanings: one means urgency, necessity and importance, and the other - attempts to influence the actions of other people. Imperative means something extremely important or necessary. It also means order. The analyzed imperative statements are considered in the mainstream of conceptual grammar, which allows you to highlight syntactic concepts, or mental images that stand behind linguistic signs and are reflected in the analyzed syntactic structures. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe imperative utterances in the Kyrgyz language, to reveal the mechanisms for changing the prototypical meaning of the verb lexicon in the structure of the imperative using theories such as the theory of functional styles, the theory of discourse, the theory of speech acts and the theory of grammar of constructions. The relevance of the artic...
Bulletin of Osh State University, 2021
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2021
This article is exploring several somatic phraseological units in the Kyrgyz language. In investi... more This article is exploring several somatic phraseological units in the Kyrgyz language. In investigating the origin of phraseological units, we focused our attention on the fact that stable phrases are an inexhaustible treasure in human thought. They are living testimonies of the past. In other words, we can see and restore the Kyrgyz people’s history and culture by studying the semantics and structure of somatic phraseological units. The human body and its parts have always been an important component of the vocabulary in any language since these are concepts that are relevant for all ethnic groups. Somatic concepts apply not only to the external, visible parts of the human body. Blood and internal organs are also an active component of phraseology in linguistics.
Journal of In-Service Education, 2006
During the last decade, since the break-up of the Soviet Union into a number of independent count... more During the last decade, since the break-up of the Soviet Union into a number of independent countries, Kyrgyzstan has experienced major political, social and economic transformation. This has resulted in increased democratization and decentralization. Educational systems have been transformed too. In Kyrgyzstan, the number and size of universities and other institutions have grown. However, government-based inservice teacher training programmes, and leadership style in schools, still continue to reflect the former USSR system. Despite the demands of a rapidly changing world, teacher INSET seems oblivious to change and continues to reflect the old system. The demands of the present time are so crucial that it is impossible to ignore them for much longer.
Journal of in-service education, Mar 1, 2006
During the last decade, since the break-up of the Soviet Union into a number of independent count... more During the last decade, since the break-up of the Soviet Union into a number of independent countries, Kyrgyzstan has experienced major political, social and economic transformation. This has resulted in increased democratization and decentralization. Educational systems have been transformed too. In Kyrgyzstan, the number and size of universities and other institutions have grown. However, government-based inservice teacher training programmes, and leadership style in schools, still continue to reflect the former USSR system. Despite the demands of a rapidly changing world, teacher INSET seems oblivious to change and continues to reflect the old system. The demands of the present time are so crucial that it is impossible to ignore them for much longer.
Papers by Toichubek Kabylov