High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and resul... more High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and results in global warming phenomenon. These things establish the world's thought to look for the other alternative energy that can reduce the use of fossil fuel even to be replaced by the substitute. Recently, Indonesia has been doing the research of microalgae as a feedstock of an alternative biofuel. Fatty acid content that microalgae have is also high to produce biofuel. The steps used in this research is a 7 days cultivation, harvesting, extraction using hexane, and fatty acid identification using Gas Chromatography of microalgae species. Fatty acid component in some species such as Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Nannochloropsis sp., and Isochrysis sp. is between 0.21-29.5%; 0.11-25.16%; 0.30-42.32%; 2.06-37.63%, respectively, based on dry weight calculation. The high content of fatty acid in some species of microalgae showed the potential to be the feedstock of producing biofuel in overcoming the limited utilization from petroleum (fossil fuel) presently.
High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and resul... more High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and results in global warming phenomenon. These things establish the world's thought to look for the other alternative energy that can reduce the use of fossil fuel even to be replaced by the substitute. Recently, Indonesia has been doing the research of microalgae as a feedstock of an alternative biofuel. Fatty acid content that microalgae have is also high to produce biofuel. The steps used in this research is a 7 days cultivation, harvesting, extraction using hexane, and fatty acid identification using Gas Chromatography of microalgae species. Fatty acid component in some species such as Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Nannochloropsis sp., and Isochrysis sp. is between 0.21-29.5%; 0.11-25.16%; 0.30-42.32%; 2.06-37.63%, respectively, based on dry weight calculation. The high content of fatty acid in some species of microalgae showed the potential to be the feedstock of producing biofuel in overcoming the limited utilization from petroleum (fossil fuel) presently.
Berangkat dari dua permasalahan utama yang akan dihadapi oleh seluruh penduduk di dunia pada masa... more Berangkat dari dua permasalahan utama yang akan dihadapi oleh seluruh penduduk di dunia pada masa mendatang, pertama kelangkaan akan persediaan bahan bakar dan kedua perubahan iklim global yang diakibatkan akumulasi emisi karbondioksida (CO2) hasil pembakaran ...
Page 1. 73 LAJU PERTUMBUHAN SPESIFIK Chlorella sp. DAN Dunaliella sp. BERDASARKAN PERBEDAAN NUTRI... more Page 1. 73 LAJU PERTUMBUHAN SPESIFIK Chlorella sp. DAN Dunaliella sp. BERDASARKAN PERBEDAAN NUTRIEN DAN FOTOPERIODE1 (Specific Growth Rate of Chlorella sp. And Dunaliella sp. According to Different Concentration of Nutrient and Photoperiod) ...
High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and resul... more High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and results in global warming phenomenon. These things establish the world's thought to look for the other alternative energy that can reduce the use of fossil fuel even to be replaced by the substitute. Recently, Indonesia has been doing the research of microalgae as a feedstock of an alternative biofuel. Fatty acid content that microalgae have is also high to produce biofuel. The steps used in this research is a 7 days cultivation, harvesting, extraction using hexane, and fatty acid identification using Gas Chromatography of microalgae species. Fatty acid component in some species such as Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Nannochloropsis sp., and Isochrysis sp. is between 0.21-29.5%; 0.11-25.16%; 0.30-42.32%; 2.06-37.63%, respectively, based on dry weight calculation. The high content of fatty acid in some species of microalgae showed the potential to be the feedstock of producing biofuel in overcoming the limited utilization from petroleum (fossil fuel) presently.
High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and resul... more High utilization of fossil fuel increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and results in global warming phenomenon. These things establish the world's thought to look for the other alternative energy that can reduce the use of fossil fuel even to be replaced by the substitute. Recently, Indonesia has been doing the research of microalgae as a feedstock of an alternative biofuel. Fatty acid content that microalgae have is also high to produce biofuel. The steps used in this research is a 7 days cultivation, harvesting, extraction using hexane, and fatty acid identification using Gas Chromatography of microalgae species. Fatty acid component in some species such as Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Nannochloropsis sp., and Isochrysis sp. is between 0.21-29.5%; 0.11-25.16%; 0.30-42.32%; 2.06-37.63%, respectively, based on dry weight calculation. The high content of fatty acid in some species of microalgae showed the potential to be the feedstock of producing biofuel in overcoming the limited utilization from petroleum (fossil fuel) presently.
Berangkat dari dua permasalahan utama yang akan dihadapi oleh seluruh penduduk di dunia pada masa... more Berangkat dari dua permasalahan utama yang akan dihadapi oleh seluruh penduduk di dunia pada masa mendatang, pertama kelangkaan akan persediaan bahan bakar dan kedua perubahan iklim global yang diakibatkan akumulasi emisi karbondioksida (CO2) hasil pembakaran ...
Page 1. 73 LAJU PERTUMBUHAN SPESIFIK Chlorella sp. DAN Dunaliella sp. BERDASARKAN PERBEDAAN NUTRI... more Page 1. 73 LAJU PERTUMBUHAN SPESIFIK Chlorella sp. DAN Dunaliella sp. BERDASARKAN PERBEDAAN NUTRIEN DAN FOTOPERIODE1 (Specific Growth Rate of Chlorella sp. And Dunaliella sp. According to Different Concentration of Nutrient and Photoperiod) ...
Papers by Dina Togatorop