ABOut IFpRI the International Food policy Research Institute (IFpRI) was established in 1975. IFp... more ABOut IFpRI the International Food policy Research Institute (IFpRI) was established in 1975. IFpRI is one of 15 agricultural research centers that receives its principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of ...
List of Tables iv List of Figures v List of Boxes vi Foreword vii Executive Summary ix Proportion... more List of Tables iv List of Figures v List of Boxes vi Foreword vii Executive Summary ix Proportion of recent mothers who are underweight (BMI<18.5) or overweight (BMI>25.0), selected African countries 25 Prevalence of undernourishment by country in Africa and changes in undernourishment 27 Mean rural per capita daily calorie consumption and average rural maize prices, by month, Malawi, 1997-98 28 Daily dietary energy supply available, food production index, GDP per capita, and percentage of population living on less than US$1 per day in Africa, by country 30 Trends in total calories per capita per day available for consumption in Africa, by source and year 33 Access to safe water (rural) and adequate sanitation (all) in Africa, by country 34 Access to health services in Africa: Number of medical doctors per 100,000 persons, percent of pregnant mothers receiving prenatal health care, and HIV infected adults, by country 35 Child mortality rates by country in Africa, progress being made in reducing child mortality, and scatter plot of national rates of stunting with child mortality 37 20 Access-based conceptual framework of nutrition security 44 21 A cascade of action: The strategy to end global hunger proposed by Millennium Project Hunger Task Force 59
ABOut IFpRI the International Food policy Research Institute (IFpRI) was established in 1975. IFp... more ABOut IFpRI the International Food policy Research Institute (IFpRI) was established in 1975. IFpRI is one of 15 agricultural research centers that receives its principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of ...
List of Tables iv List of Figures v List of Boxes vi Foreword vii Executive Summary ix Proportion... more List of Tables iv List of Figures v List of Boxes vi Foreword vii Executive Summary ix Proportion of recent mothers who are underweight (BMI<18.5) or overweight (BMI>25.0), selected African countries 25 Prevalence of undernourishment by country in Africa and changes in undernourishment 27 Mean rural per capita daily calorie consumption and average rural maize prices, by month, Malawi, 1997-98 28 Daily dietary energy supply available, food production index, GDP per capita, and percentage of population living on less than US$1 per day in Africa, by country 30 Trends in total calories per capita per day available for consumption in Africa, by source and year 33 Access to safe water (rural) and adequate sanitation (all) in Africa, by country 34 Access to health services in Africa: Number of medical doctors per 100,000 persons, percent of pregnant mothers receiving prenatal health care, and HIV infected adults, by country 35 Child mortality rates by country in Africa, progress being made in reducing child mortality, and scatter plot of national rates of stunting with child mortality 37 20 Access-based conceptual framework of nutrition security 44 21 A cascade of action: The strategy to end global hunger proposed by Millennium Project Hunger Task Force 59
Papers by Todd Benson