Papers by Tissa Illangasekare
Iahs Aish Publication, 2008
... Affiliation: AA(Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden (zhibing.ya... more ... Affiliation: AA(Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden ([email protected]); Center for Experimental Study of Subsurface Environmental Processes (CESEP),Environmental Science and Engineering Division, Colorado School of Mines, Golden ...
The determination of the fate of aircraft de-icing fluids in near runway soils is important in ev... more The determination of the fate of aircraft de-icing fluids in near runway soils is important in evaluating environmental impacts and in the design of treatment system. The effect of biodegradation of the primary component of de-icing fluids, propylene glycol (PG), was tested in waters-saturated sand columns. Biogrowth significantly reduced the hydraulic conductivity of the sand. This change in hydraulic conductivity
Calibration of numerical models for groundwater flow and transport uses available field data from... more Calibration of numerical models for groundwater flow and transport uses available field data from observation wells that may be limited in number and located non-optimally. A series of data sets generated in a three- dimensional synthetic aquifer were used to explore the relationship between accuracy of estimated model parameters and increasing quantities of soft data. The synthetic aquifer consisted of

ABSTRACT Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide is considered as an important strategy to slow ... more ABSTRACT Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide is considered as an important strategy to slow down global warming and hence climate change. Dissolution trapping is one of the primary mechanisms contributing to long-term storage of supercritical CO2 (scCO2) in deep saline geologic formations. When liquid scCO2 is injected into the formation, its density is less than density of brine. During the movement of injected scCO2 under the effect of buoyancy forces, it is immobilized due to capillary forces. With the progress of time, entrapped scCO2 dissolves in formation brine, and density-driven convective fingers are expected to be generated due to the higher density of the solute compared to brine. These fingers enhance mixing of dissolved CO2 in brine. The development and role of these convective fingers in mixing in homogeneous formations have been studied in past investigations. The goal of this study is to evaluate the contribution of convective mixing to dissolution trapping of scCO2 in naturally heterogeneous geologic formations via laboratory experiments and numerical analyses. To mimic the dissolution of scCO2 in formation brine under ambient laboratory conditions, a group of surrogate fluids were selected according to their density and viscosity ratios, and tested in different fluid/fluid mixtures and variety of porous media test systems. After selection of the appropriate fluid mixture, a set of experiments in a small test tank packed in homogeneous configurations was performed in order to analyze the fingering behavior. A second set of experiments was conducted for layered systems to study the effects of formation heterogeneity on convective mixing. To capture the dominant processes observed in the experiments, a Finite Volume based numerical code was developed. The model was then used to simulate more complex heterogeneous systems that were not represented in the experiments. Results of these analyses suggest that density-driven convective fingers that contributes to mixing in homogeneous formations may not be significantly contributing to mixing and hence dissolution trapping in heterogeneous formations. However, further experimental and modeling investigations are needed to investigate how the geologic architecture that defines the spatial distribution of low permeability zones contributes to overall dissolution trapping.

The Partitioning Interval tracer test (PITT) has been used to estimate the NAPL source zone mass ... more The Partitioning Interval tracer test (PITT) has been used to estimate the NAPL source zone mass and to assess the performance of remediation. The underestimation of DNAPL mass when PITT is used in heterogeneous media has been pointed out by many researchers; however, the effectiveness of PITT as a method to assess the performance of remediation of source zones with high DNAPL saturation has not been adequately evaluated. This study evaluates the effectiveness of PITT for assessing the performance of a surfactant enhanced remediation (SEAR) which was conducted in a two dimensional large tank with a dimension of 80cm x 5.0cm x 120cm. The tank was packed to create a heterogeneous field with known geostatistical parameters (mean LnK = 4.18 m/day, = 0.25). The source zone creation, pre-surfactant PITT to characterize source zone, SEAR, source zone saturation and mass measurement using an automated gamma system both before and after spill, and post-surfactant PITT was conducted to determine the performance of SEAR. The performance of SEAR was evaluated by comparing the actual source zone mass measured from gamma with the estimated mass obtained from both pre and post surfactant PITT using moment analysis. The method of moments showed a PCE mass removal of 34 to 22% but the actual reduction of PCE mass by SEAR was only 5 %. This result suggests that under conditions of high DNAPL entrapment saturations, the combination of pre and post-remediation PITT fails the performance evaluation of SEAR. With the goal of improving the estimation accuracy, inverse modeling was used as an alternative to moment analysis. The issue of equilibrium and non-equilibrium partitioning effect of tracers was also studied. This analysis showed that accounting for non-equilibrium behavior in the tracer data analysis does not have a significant effect on the estimation accuracy for the conditions that were tested.
The combination of multiple types of data into model development and calibration has been receivi... more The combination of multiple types of data into model development and calibration has been receiving substantial attention by researchers, as it can sometimes allow a significant reduction in uncertainty of model predictions. In subsurface hydrology, drawdown data collected during pumping tests can be combined with other types of data, such as information on the vertical distribution of lithofacies gained when
The distribution of water saturation of soils near the ground surface is of interest in various a... more The distribution of water saturation of soils near the ground surface is of interest in various applications involving soil moisture variations due to land-atmospheric interaction, evaporation from soils and land mine detection. Natural soil heterogeneity in combination with water flux conditions at the soil surface creates complex spatial and temporal distributions of soil moisture in the near-surface vadose zone. Validation
While a number of three-dimensional multiphase flow models have been developed over the last two ... more While a number of three-dimensional multiphase flow models have been developed over the last two decades, very few of them are being applied to problems involving water flow in the vadose zone of soils. Typically, simplified modeling approaches (two-dimensional models and/or single phase flow models) are used instead. Such simplified approaches may not provide a thorough understanding of the controlling

Egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts, May 1, 2010
Prediction of the dissolved mass flux generation from dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) en... more Prediction of the dissolved mass flux generation from dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) entrapped in fractured rocks is important for many cleanup scenarios, yet challenging due to the high level of heterogeneity of the medium. As fracture networks are formed by fractures intersecting with each other, both individual single fractures and intersecting fractures are considered here. Log-normally distributed aperture fields with local fracture transmissivities following the cubic law are assumed and DNAPL migration, entrapment and dissolution are modeled. The effect of different hydraulic characteristics at fracture intersections is also examined. Multiple realizations with different sets of aperture statistics and fracture dip angles are considered. T2VOC/TMVOC/iTOUGH2 codes are used for the modeling. For the purpose of upscaling, the temporal evolution of the simulated solute outflow concentration is fitted to a simplified source depletion Damkohler number model. This is done for the different sets of fracture aperture statistics, intersection and boundary characteristics. The results suggest that the entrapment volume and geometry of DNAPL in a heterogeneous fracture are highly sensitive to the aperture statistics. A more heterogeneous aperture field (larger standard deviation or smaller correlation length) results in more DNAPL trapping and slower aqueous phase velocity, and thus a longer removal time. The observed outflow concentrations are fitted to the simplified source depletion model to quantify the effective, upscaled source depletion behavior. Modeling of different fracture dip angles reveals that gravity plays an important role as well. The presence of a highly permeable pathway at fracture intersection also influences dissolution, producing lower outflow concentrations, indicative of lower mass transfer rates. The results provide insight as of how fracture aperture and fracture intersection characteristics should be taken into account when upscaling DNAPL migration, entrapment and dissolution behavior from single fracture scale to the scale of fracture networks. In the light of the modeling results, laboratory work has also been initiated to experimentally investigate the issue of DNAPL entrapment and dissolution in fractures.
Kybernetika, 2007

The current practice for monitoring of subsurface plumes involves the collection of water samples... more The current practice for monitoring of subsurface plumes involves the collection of water samples from monitoring wells and laboratory analysis to determine concentrations. This data is used to make decisions for site management and in modeling. Cost and time constraints limit the number of samples and this approach becomes impractical for continuous monitoring of large, transient plumes. With the development of new sensor technologies and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the potential exists to develop new and efficient subsurface data collection and monitoring methods. The goal is to automatically collect data from the sensors and wirelessly transmit the data to computer platforms where inversion codes and forward simulation models reside. This data can then be used to continuously monitor and update model parameters for the prediction of plume behavior. Many technological and operational challenges related to sensor placement and distribution, automation of real-time data collection, wireless communication, and modeling have to be overcome before the field implementation of complex plume monitoring systems. This preliminary proof of concept demonstration study assesses this technology using a physical aquifer test bed constructed in an intermediate scale tank. The test system includes a set of ten conductivity probes individually connected to wireless sensor boards (motes). The tank was packed using five well-characterized silica sands to represent a heterogeneous aquifer. Bromide tracer was continuously injected into a steady flow field and concentration at different points in the tank was measured with ten calibrated soil moisture/electrical conductivity sensors attached to six different motes. The motes in turn are connected to a computer for data analysis and coupled to models simulating flow and transport. The accuracy of the sensor-measured concentrations was tested against traditional grab samples analyzed using an ion chromatograph. Inverse modeling will be used to determine subsurface parameters needed for predictive modeling. This preliminary study is the starting step in the development of a more complex wireless sensing communication system to be used in field applications involving remediation design, performance assessment, risk analysis and exposure assessment.

Agu Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2005
Even with the many recent advances made in the use of inverse modeling techniques for parameter e... more Even with the many recent advances made in the use of inverse modeling techniques for parameter estimation, in practice, model calibration, to a large extent still relies on trial and error methods. These methods use available data from observation wells that are limited in number and are not necessarily optimally located. These limitations introduce uncertainty to estimated parameters, thus introducing errors to predications that are made using the calibrated model. To reduce calibration uncertainty, modelers in addition to "hard data" based on standard aquifer tests and drawdown observations, rely on localized "soft data" that are less quantitative. To develop an improved understanding of how additional data on drawdown observations and soft data on other geologic features reduce the parameter estimation uncertainty, a set of experiments was conducted in a three-dimensional synthetic aquifer. This three-dimensional test aquifer with dimensions 208 (L) x 117 (W) x 57 cm (H) was constructed using five well-characterized sands in a laboratory test tank. The aquifer consists of two regions. The first, a stationary spatially correlated random field has a log-normally distributed hydraulic conductivity with a mean lnK = 4.02 (K in m/day) and variance of ?2lnK = 1.2. A structured heterogeneity was introduced by embedding into the stationary field a second region with a lens-like layer of find sand, resulting in the composite aquifer heterogeneity to be non-stationary. The boundary heads in the aquifer was controlled with two end reservoirs. Three pumping wells with different screen depths were placed in the aquifer. The pressure distribution within the aquifer was measured at 92 monitoring locations using an automated pressure measuring system. A number of experimental simulations were conducted to generate a data set on the aquifer response to various pumping excitations. The forward modeling code MODFLOW-2000 and the inverse modeling code UCODE were used in data analysis. The data set and the modeling tools were used to conduct number of investigations on parameter estimation uncertainty with the goal of developing a model calibration protocol that uses both hard and soft data. This paper presents the results of a study that investigates the relationship between parameter uncertainties and the number and spatial distribution of the observation points. The preliminary results suggest that the parameter accuracy is not only related to the number of observations, but also to the spatial distribution of the observation points in the three dimensional space. This suggests a well-designed observation well network improves the calibration accuracy of model and hence reducing the prediction errors.
Papers by Tissa Illangasekare