Papers by Dr. Ni Putu Tirka Widanti
Perspektif/Perspektif, Apr 9, 2024

Changes in people's mindsets about the importance of education have an impact on the increasing p... more Changes in people's mindsets about the importance of education have an impact on the increasing public interest in higher education. Higher education is considered to be a place that produces quality human resources. Increasingly fierce competition and the demands of society's needs for quality oriented toward the value of service users ultimately pressure organizations to be able to respond quickly. Facing this condition, the main thing that must be prioritized by universities is student satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the effect of administrative services, educational facilities, and lecturer competence on the satisfaction of Bali Land Transportation Polytechnic cadets. The number of samples used was 69 with the proportional sampling method. Data collection using a questionnaire The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis with the SmartPLS application. The results showed that administrative services, educational facilities, and lecturer competence had a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of Bali Land Transportation Polytechnic cadets. Among the three influential independent variables, lecturer competence is the one that has the most influence on cadet satisfaction. The magnitude of the influence of independent variables on cadet satisfaction is 92.9%. ABSTRAK Meningkatnya minat masyarakat untuk mengikuti pendidikan tinggi. Pendidikan tinggi dianggap telah menjadi wadah penghasil sumber daya manusia yang bermutu. Persaingan yang semakin ketat dan tuntutan kebutuhan masyarakat akan kualitas yang berorientasi pada nilai pengguna jasa pada akhirnya menekan organisasi untuk dapat menanggapinya dengan cepat. Menghadapi kondisi ini hal utama yang harus diprioritaskan oleh perguruan tinggi adalah kepuasan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelayanna administrasi, fasilitas pendidikan, dan kompetensi dosen
This study used a mixed-method comprising of a survey, interview, storing opinions, and sharing e... more This study used a mixed-method comprising of a survey, interview, storing opinions, and sharing experiences with 63 participants. An interpretation was used in collecting the result of answer percentage from the respondents in the questionnaires, interviews, and sharing experiences in group discussion. The research finding showed that there is an issue faced by the employees and there were also responses from the participants concerning the organizational behavior and job satisfaction in the organization obeyed by the employees during their working time.

Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Nutrition is an essential component of human growth, especially in adolescents. Therefore, eating... more Nutrition is an essential component of human growth, especially in adolescents. Therefore, eating healthy food is very important for teenagers. But unfortunately, not all teenagers understand which food is healthy or not. Therefore, there is a need for good nutrition education for adolescents. This research was conducted to see how the influence of nutrition education on healthy eating habits for adolescents. This research will be performed using a qualitative approach. The data used in this study comes from the results of previous research and studies which still have relevance to the contents of this research. The results of this study then found that a lack of nutritional supply can cause various diseases for the health of adolescents. Therefore, nutrition education needs to be given to adolescents properly. Knowledge of the nutritional content of food can then change adolescents' diets in a healthy direction.

Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan
Public service is defined as an activity that serves the necessity of an individual, people, or o... more Public service is defined as an activity that serves the necessity of an individual, people, or organization group that has an interest in the organization based on the main requirements and procedures which are determined and intended to fulfill the satisfaction of service recipients. Employee performance management (PM) is frequently marketed as an innovation to improve public sector performance, but it is internationally challenging to execute. The success of service provider organisations (providers) is strongly dependent on the pleasure of the people who receive these services. The Denpasar City government endeavoured to address this issue by introducing the sewakadarma work ethos in the execution of public services. The Sewaka Dharma is a Hindu ideology that prioritises the alignment of one's thoughts, speech, and actions towards the service of promoting harmony among human, natural, and divine values. The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of the sewa...

I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal
Pelayanan administratif selain memberikan pelayanan seperti administrasi kependudukan juga member... more Pelayanan administratif selain memberikan pelayanan seperti administrasi kependudukan juga memberikan pelayanan administrasi umum dibidang hukum, pemberian informasi umum dan hak kekayaan intelektual. Namun kurangnya kesadaran pelaku UMKM untuk melindungi kekayaan intelektual menyebabkan sering terjadinya pembajakan khususnya pada hak merek. Penyuluhan ini memiliki tujuan agar muncul pemahaman di masyarakat terkait pentingnya kekayaaan intelektual. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama satu hari di Kantor Desa Peguyangan Kangin dengan metode sosialisai melalui penyampaian materi dengan didukung oleh gambar dan tampilan dengan isi bahasan yang padat dan menarik perhatian sehingga mendorong keaktifan peserta untuk berdiskusi. Keberadaan Sentra KI Universitas Ngurah Rai ditujukan untuk dapat membantu pemerintah, khususnya Kantor Wilayah Kemenkumham Bali mempermudah pelayanan administrasi umum dibidang hukum. Selain itu masyarakat juga menjadi lebih sadar dan memahami tata cara untuk mengajukan...

JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik), Nov 30, 2022
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the service for handling the refugee from abroad ... more This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the service for handling the refugee from abroad in Kupang by the Regional Government of Kupang in collaboration with IOM after the delivery from the Kupang Immigration Detention Center and to examine the factors that cause the ineffectiveness of the foreign refugee handling services. This study uses qualitative research approach that focuses on analyzing the services for handling refugees from abroad in Kupang based on the concept of good service characteristics. The study found that the implementation of services for handling refugees from abroad in Kupang has not been effective due to: lack of participation by the Kupang Regional Government, lack of maintenance in the facilities and infrastructure in the shelter, lack of human resources officers at the shelter, local government feels not responsible for handling refugees, health services are less responsive, language barriers, Kupang local government does not have a database of refugees from abroad, lack of knowledge on refugee status and human rights enforcement by immigration officers, the reactive attitude of the refugees that reduce the trust of the Kupang Rudenim. In conclusion, the effectiveness of refugees from abroad handling services in Kupang which is managed by the Kupang Regional Government in collaboration with International Organization for Migration (IOM) is still not optimal if judged based on good service indicators.

RAMBIDEUN : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Women and people with disabilities are some of the minority groups that are excluded from develop... more Women and people with disabilities are some of the minority groups that are excluded from development. Especially if both are experienced by one individual simultaneously. HWDI is a social organization that accommodates women with physical limitations. HWDI in Bali actively mobilizes its members to be empowered and independent. Ngurah Rai University through community service activities has been present in the midst of Bali HWDI members for 3 months since October 2022 and provided assistance to one of its members regarding redesigning a business logo. Logo redesignation was chosen as the community service activity because of its urgency. The previous logo was not representative enough to be used as promotional capital because it did not reflect the character of the business and the business owner, had weaknesses in design principles (choice of color), had low resolution, and still had a watermark. The method of implementing the activity was the type of action research with a mix-meth...

Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies)
The diversity of the language of the environment of Green School Bali needs to be studied, especi... more The diversity of the language of the environment of Green School Bali needs to be studied, especially the treasury of green ecolexicon as they reflect strategical effort to preserve local wisdom of Balinese culture. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was obtained from the Green School Bali educational environment by using observation and interviews method. The results shown that the grammatical category of the ‘green’ lexicon is in the form of nouns and verbs that are in the form of basic words and phrases and the ‘green’ syntactic construction at Green School Bali contains these natural lexicons, including noun phrases such as bambu hitam ‘black bamboo’, and verb phrases such as bermain Jegog ‘play Jegog’ while the social praxis dimension of the green ecolexicon namely the ideological dimension, the sociological dimension and the biological dimension. This research also uniquely contributes to preserving the concept of local wisdom in real action in the contex...

Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
The purpose of this study was to determine the concept of Good Governance in the perspective of P... more The purpose of this study was to determine the concept of Good Governance in the perspective of Public Service. This study uses a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach. The type of data used in this research is secondary data. The research analysis uses qualitative methods starting from the concept of public service according to various experts, then the analysis is continued by analyzing the concept of service quality and the concept of good governance in the perspective of public services. Based on the results of the research analysis, it can be concluded that the characteristics of good governance based on the perspective of public services must meet four main elements, namely 1) Accountability; there is an obligation for the government apparatus to act as the person in charge and the person in charge of all the actions and policies that it determines; 2) Transparency: good governance will be transparent to its people, both at the central and regional levels; and ...
PAPATUNG: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Pemerintahan dan Politik
Indonesia's national education planning program includes an integrated data collection called... more Indonesia's national education planning program includes an integrated data collection called DAPODIK, or Basic Education Data, which serves as the main data source for the country's education system. Educational planning will fail if it is not carried out by professionals. In this dapodik system, all data required for the application is complete, original (legal), responsible, and up-to-date. improve education in Indonesia and save unnecessary expenses so that these savings can be used to support education programs that are more in line with the needs of the Indonesian people, using data from this dapodik application, the central government will be able to make decisions about staff ratios in education, professional allowances educators, and school operational costs.

INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Ecolinguistics examines the whole nature of the relationship between language and the environment... more Ecolinguistics examines the whole nature of the relationship between language and the environment which is an expression of the entire reality of human life. GSB is an educational environment that preserves nature with the concept of local wisdom with a natural perspective. Lexicons derived from local, national and global languages are widely used in naming buildings, academic activities, aned daily activities. This study aims to describe the ecolexicon and ecotext found in the bale sangkep in GSB. There are 2 research focuses, first, to describe the form, meaning, and grammatical categories of the ecolexicon; second, to describe the tridimensional ecotext social praxis found in the bale sangkep in GSB. The research was conducted with a descriptive approach with qualitative methods. Data collection is done through observation, documentation, and interview methods. The data were analyzed by applying the identity method and the distributional method. The results of the study show that...

Journal of Contemporary Public Administration (JCPA)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan penertiban gelandangan dan pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan penertiban gelandangan dan pengemis oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja kabupaten badung berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 7 Tahun 2016 tentang Ketertiban Umum dan Ketentraman Masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriftif kualitatif dengan menggunakan model implementasi kebijakan oleh Van Meter dan Van Horn. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan penertiban gelandangan dan pengemis belum berjalan maksimal masih mengalami kendala-kendala. Hal ini karena penegakan sanksi hukum belum dapat terpenuhi, kekurangan sumber daya manusia dan sarana dan prasarana, Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi belum maksimalnya implementasi tersebut antara lain: faktor sumber daya, faktor sikap para pelaksana, faktor lingkungan sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Upaya untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan implementasi dengan penambahan sumberdaya manusia, sarana dan prasarana dan peningkatan kiner...

The provision of goods, services, and administrative services by public service providers is one ... more The provision of goods, services, and administrative services by public service providers is one example of how the implementation of public services by the state is an attempt to meet the fundamental requirements and uphold the civil rights of all citizens. A conceptual framework for improving the ideology, paradigm, culture, and management of a government in order to achieve high performance is called "good governance." The existence of cultural constraints within the bureaucracy is the factor that has the greatest impact on the quality of public services. In addition, there is a component in the behavior of the apparatus that does not reflect the behavior of serving but, on the other hand, tends to show the behavior of wanting to be served. This component is known as the "wanting to be served factor." The purpose of this research is to investigate how effective governance can contribute to the delivery of public services that are also responsive, open, and eff...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional & Call for Paper "Peran Perempuan Sebagai Pahlawan di Era Pandemi" PSGESI LPPM UWP
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) menjadi trending topik sejak akhir 2019 hingga saat ini. Vir... more Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) menjadi trending topik sejak akhir 2019 hingga saat ini. Virus yang pertama kali ditemukan di Wuhan ini menjadi sebuah pandemi keamanan global, yaitu keamanan kesehatan yang berdampak terhadap keamanan ekonomi. Signifikansi peningkatan kasus covid-19 menjadi hal yang tidak dapat dianggap remeh karena telah menyebabkan ratusan ribu korban meninggal. Di Indonesia sendiri, kebijakan alternatif yang diambil pemerintah adalah melalui pola bottom up, yaitu melalui kekuatan masyarakat sipil sebagai terdampak pandemi, yang diintegrasikan dengan kebijakan pemerintah setempat, mengingat masyarakat sebagai pondasi kekuatan suatu negara. Kondisi krisis tersebut menempatan perempuan sebagai pihak yang paling rentan mengalami penurunan kesehatan fisik dan tekanan secara ekonomi. Di sisi lain, perempuan memiliki peran yang penting dalam meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga di masa pandemi, diantaranya adalah kontribusi dalam keuangan keluarga, manajemen keuangan kelua...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional & Call for Paper "Peran Perempuan Sebagai Pahlawan di Era Pandemi" PSGESI LPPM UWP
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) menjadi trending topik sejak akhir 2019 hingga saat ini. Vir... more Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) menjadi trending topik sejak akhir 2019 hingga saat ini. Virus yang pertama kali ditemukan di Wuhan ini menjadi sebuah pandemi keamanan global, yaitu keamanan kesehatan yang berdampak terhadap keamanan ekonomi. Signifikansi peningkatan kasus covid-19 menjadi hal yang tidak dapat dianggap remeh karena telah menyebabkan ratusan ribu korban meninggal. Di Indonesia sendiri, kebijakan alternatif yang diambil pemerintah adalah melalui pola bottom up, yaitu melalui kekuatan masyarakat sipil sebagai terdampak pandemi, yang diintegrasikan dengan kebijakan pemerintah setempat, mengingat masyarakat sebagai pondasi kekuatan suatu negara. Kondisi krisis tersebut menempatan perempuan sebagai pihak yang paling rentan mengalami penurunan kesehatan fisik dan tekanan secara ekonomi. Di sisi lain, perempuan memiliki peran yang penting dalam meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga di masa pandemi, diantaranya adalah kontribusi dalam keuangan keluarga, manajemen keuangan kelua...
Papers by Dr. Ni Putu Tirka Widanti