Papers by Timo Cahyo Nugroho

Indonesia is shaped by the reality of diversity, ethnic diversity, religion, language and culture... more Indonesia is shaped by the reality of diversity, ethnic diversity, religion, language and culture that can be found throughout the country, and diversity. The diversity of people in Indonesia is not a uniqueness that requires special and unique treatment as well. Because in the reality of life there is no society that is truly single (unitary) without any elements of difference in it. Balun Village, located in Turi Subdistrict, Lamongan Regency, can be said to represent a plurality of the community. Besides that Balun village is known as Pancasila village because the village can be used as an example of diversity among religious communities. The plurality of people in Balun Village is due to the three religious communities in the village, namely the Muslim community, the Hindu community, and the Christian community. The plurality of religious communities gives birth to a multicultural condition of society. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach, through observation, interviews and documentation, researchers find the facts that at least there are five values of local wisdom that are the glue of social cohesiveness of the people of Balun Village. The five values of wisdom are: (1) tolerance; (2) equality; (3) mutual cooperation; (4) togetherness and (5) brotherhood. The diversity in Balun Village is inseparable from the religious diversity of the Balun community itself. Such diversity become characteristic of Balun Village which distinguishes it from other villages.

Abstrak Timo Cahyo Nugroho. 201610310311176. 2020. MULTIKULTURALISME DALAM KEHIDUPAN ANTAR UMAT B... more Abstrak Timo Cahyo Nugroho. 201610310311176. 2020. MULTIKULTURALISME DALAM KEHIDUPAN ANTAR UMAT BERAGAMA BERBASIS NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL (Studi Pada Masyarakat Desa Balun Kecamatan Turi Kabupaten Lamongan) Program Studi Sosiologi. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pembimbing I Dr. Wahyudi., M.Si. Pembimbing II Dr. Vina Salviana., M.Si. Indonesia dibentuk oleh realitas kemajemukan, keragaman suku, agama, bahasa, dan budaya yang dapat dijumpai diseluruh penjuru negeri, dan keragaman. Kemajemukan masyarakat di Indonesia bukanlah suatu keunikan yang memerlukan perlakuan khusus dan unik pula. Karena dalam realitas kehidupan tidak ada suatu masyarakat yang benar-benar tunggal (unitary) tanpa ada unsur-unsur perbedaan didalamnya. Desa Balun terletak di Kecamatan Turi Kabupaten Lamongan, dapat dikatakan sebagai gambaran suatu kemajemukan masyarakat. Selain itu Desa Balun dikenal sebagai Desa Pancasila karena Desa tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai contoh kebhinn...

The admission of new students (PPDB) is an annual routine activity as a selection process for pro... more The admission of new students (PPDB) is an annual routine activity as a selection process for prospective new students, who will enter the higher education level, which is organized by each level of the formal education unit. As a system, PPDB involves elements of prospective students, schools, and education offices. The PPDB implementation process is carried out under the supervision of the Education Office while the implementers are the respective education units. The zoning system policy has been running for two academic years since the enactment of Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 14 of 2018 regarding the acceptance of new students. Referring to the zoning system's policy the government hopes: a) eliminates the stigma of favorite schools; b) equitable access to education services; c) provide opportunities for non-favorite schools to proceed to become superior schools. However, this policy raises the pros and cons of the community, especially prospective stude...
Papers by Timo Cahyo Nugroho