Papers by Gilles Tiberghien
EXEMPLARITÉ ET IMITATION 1. Exemplarité de la réussite et opérations imitatives. La capacité de s... more EXEMPLARITÉ ET IMITATION 1. Exemplarité de la réussite et opérations imitatives. La capacité de se faire critère d’évaluations et d’appréciations, et de devenir stimulation et norme pour de nouvelles opérations, est caractéristique de toute réussite. D’un côté, une opération particulièrement réussie invite à juger sur son modèle les résultats d’opérations similaires : la confrontation se présente d’elle-même, et il n’est pas simple de se soustraire à l’évidence des comparaisons implicites du ..
Communications, 1997
Tiberghien Gilles A. L'art de la nature. In: Communications, 64, 1997. La création. pp. 137-151
O ensaio de Gilles A. Tiberghien aborda a linguagem land art em Robert Smithson a partir de sua l... more O ensaio de Gilles A. Tiberghien aborda a linguagem land art em Robert Smithson a partir de sua livre apropriação da estética oitocentista do pitoresco. Elaborado por ensaístas ingleses (Price Gilpin), a categoria pitoresco referia-se à visão da natureza e a sua representação em arte ( desenho, pintura, relato escrito, etc). Aplicava-se também à experiência da paisagem no curso do passeio ou da viagem turística e à arte dos jardins ingleses, reeditada no paisagismo norte americano do século XIX. O pitoresco enfatizava o espontâneo, o movimento e a ação contínua do tempo sobre as formas naturais - segundo Tiberghien, temas atualizados nos conceitos essenciais à linguagem contemporânea de Smithson (dialética site-non site, entropia, deslocamento, etc.). Tradução de Patrícia Dias Guimarães
Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, 2004
Abstract There is a term characteristic of architectural and landscape schools, which professionn... more Abstract There is a term characteristic of architectural and landscape schools, which professionnals recognise as specific to their practice and teaching: ‘project’. In France, the department where it is taught is distinct from those where one can take a course in theory and in the history of landscape, in ecology or in arts and design even if all these departements are supposed to contribute to the formation of the students.
Artists who work with maps investigate how they are made and how we read them. Intended to be con... more Artists who work with maps investigate how they are made and how we read them. Intended to be consulted, atlases are also designed to be looked at and read. For users, map-lovers and geographers, the legends and place names are a source of information but also of pleasure, which reveals the role of imagination in any cartographic activity.
Transforming Landscapes, 2020
50 ans d’archéologie française au Soudan, 2020
Estamos interessados aqui em olhar para a paisagem de uma maneira diferente daquela que nos é usu... more Estamos interessados aqui em olhar para a paisagem de uma maneira diferente daquela que nos é usual e à qual muitas vezes nós a reduzimos. Em vez de horizontalmente, através de um quadro e de um ponto de vista, a ideia é considerá-la verticalmente, de cima ou de baixo, mostrando que essas formas de a olhar estão de alguma forma em potência na nossa apreensão de qualquer paisagem. Este texto explora essas potencialidades através da arte e da literatura.
Ri-Vista. Research for landscape architecture
Considering the intangible dimension of design is much more relevant than it may seem. Bearing in... more Considering the intangible dimension of design is much more relevant than it may seem. Bearing in mind the limited room for manoeuvre the designer has when he receives a commission, since he is usually strongly constrained by the limitations of use and function, the consideration of the immaterial dimension of the project is perhaps the only way he can direct it and think of it as a whole. Thinking of the intangible as a project implies making the invisible visible, knowing how to generate a very subtle narration of the place that captures and attracts our gaze without clamour; a gaze that will not be homogeneous, because the perception of public space is always subject to nuances.
Papers by Gilles Tiberghien