The aim of this study was to assess the effects of Pomelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck) peel extra... more The aim of this study was to assess the effects of Pomelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck) peel extracts (CGE) on activity of lipid-carbohydrate metabolic enzymes such as Carnitine pamitoyl-transferase (CPT), lipase, hexokinase, glucose 6-phosphatase and blood lipid glucose parameters in experimental obese and diabetic mice. The results showed that, in the experimental obese mice treated daily, orally with CGE at dose of 1200 mg/body weight for three weeks, activity of hepatic CPT have been raised from 30.5% (for ethanol extract) to 63.3% (for ethyl acetate extract) compared to the control. Simultaneous increase of blood lipolytic activity was demonstrated in obese mice treated daily by CGE in comparison with the control. In addition, body weight reducing and hypolipidemic effect of the CGE in obese mice were proven clearly. Interestingly, the anti-diabetic effect of CGE in diabetic STZ induced mice was demonstrated. Fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic mice treated orally with CGE (1200 mg/kg.b.w) for three weeks were reduced clearly in comparison with the control (diabetic mice untreated) (p< 0.001). Especially, hepatic hexokinase activity in diabetic mice treated with CGE was raised from 14.19% (for ethanol extract) to 55.46% (for ethyl acetate extract) in comparison with the control (untreated diabetic mice). On the contrary, activity of hepatic glucose 6-phosphatase in treated diabetic mice was decreased clearly as compared to untreated diabetic mice (p<0.05).
Introduction: The objectives of this study are to estimate the prevalence of multimorbidity (MM) ... more Introduction: The objectives of this study are to estimate the prevalence of multimorbidity (MM) among adults in the Central Highland Region (a poor region) of Vietnam in 2017 and to identify the sociodemographic correlates of these conditions. Methods: We used data from a cross-sectional study conducted in 2018 on health status among people in four provinces in the Central Highlands Region (Tay Nguyen) of Vietnam. A sample of 1680 adults (aged 15 years and older) were randomly selected for this study. Respondents were asked whether they had been told by a health worker that they had cancer, heart and circulatory conditions, chronic joint problems, chronic pulmonary diseases, chronic kidney problems, chronic digestive problems, psychological illness, diabetes, and/or other chronic conditions. Results: The prevalence of MM among the study participants was 16.4% (95% confidence interval (CI): 14.6%–18.2%). By looking at the 95% CIs, the differences in MM prevalence between the groups ...
<p>Quý độc giả thân mến,Trong giáo dục, bên cạnh những kiến thức từ sách vở, thì kiến thức ... more <p>Quý độc giả thân mến,Trong giáo dục, bên cạnh những kiến thức từ sách vở, thì kiến thức từ những trải nghiệm thực tế cũng là những bài học vô cùng quý giá. Cùng với đó, khi trong lớp học ta luôn khuyến khích học sinh học tập từ những người bạn của mình, thì học tập từ trải nghiệm của các giáo viên đồng nghiệp chắc chắn cũng mang tới những lợi ích tương tự. Với tinh thần này, BBT Lộn xộn xin gửi tới quý độc giả Dạy&amp;amp;Học số 33 với tựa đề "Chiêm nghiệm". Tựa đề này được lấy cảm hứng từ dự án "On Teaching" của nhà báo Kristina Rizga. Dự án này là một nỗ lực truyền tải các bài học đa dạng từ những nhà giáo dày dặn kinh nghiệm khắp mọi nơi trên nước Mỹ. Bài viết "Giảng dạy tốt không chỉ là đúng phương pháp" là một bài đúc kết từ vô vàn phỏng vấn trong dự án trên về những yếu tố quan trọng nhất trong giảng dạy. Cùng với đó, chuyên mục "Dạy thế nào" mang tới những chia sẻ của nhà giáo Carrie Lam về "11 thói quen của một giáo viên hiệu quả" và "Ba cách sáng tạo để cho điểm và đưa ra phản hồi cho học sinh" của thầy giáo Ben Johnson.Mục "Góc nhìn" đưa tới một chiêm nghiệm tất cả chúng ta đều có thể đồng cảm trong năm vừa rồi là "Giảng dạy trong năm COVID: Một vài tâm sự". Và một chiêm nghiệm khác chúng ta đều cần suy xét lại ở bất cứ thời điểm nào trong "Trường học đang thiếu đi điều quan trọng nhất trong học tập".Sau 5 năm nghiên cứu về tác động của các chương trình dạy về cảm xúc - xã hội, dự án SECURe của trường Sau đại học Harvard về giáo dục đang đưa ra một số câu trả lời cho câu hỏi "Điều gì khiến chương trình học tập cảm xúc xã hội có hiệu quả?". Mục "Quản lý giáo dục" cũng mang tới một chia sẻ của Hiệu trưởng Trường Tiểu học Whitsitt về việc cách "Gia tăng hiệu quả làm việc cho giáo viên mà không gây tình trạng kiệt sức". Và "Thất bại trong giao tiếp: Chấm dứt bạo lực học đường" mang tới những chiến lược chống lại tệ nạn này cả ở góc độ làm việc với học sinh, với nhà trường và với pháp luật. Cuối cùng, "Framework giáo dục" kỳ này sẽ giới thiệu tới quý độc giả "Khuôn khổ MODEL - MELQO" giúp đo lường sự phát triển và học tập đầu đời.</p>
In this paper we show that under a nondegeneracy condition Lyapunov exponents and central exponen... more In this paper we show that under a nondegeneracy condition Lyapunov exponents and central exponents of linear Ito stochastic differential equation coincide. Furthermore, as the stochastic term is small and tends to zero the highest Lyapunov exponent tends to the highest central exponent of the ordinary differential equation which is the deterministic part of the system.
Abstract-Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used to estimate direction of arrival (DO... more Abstract-Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used to estimate direction of arrival (DOA) specially in less sensors than sources case. The similarity of two or more steering vectors corresponding to widely separated directions in the array manifold causes ambiguity in the DOA estimation. Recently, half-space ambiguity resolution has been done by optimizing the structure of the AWPC, based on Cramer-Rao bound. This paper further proposes a novel method for resolving whole-space ambiguity in the DOA estimation by using a uniform circular array (UCA) with multiple optimal AWPC sensors. The optimal number of AWPC sensors in moderate-size UCAs is also obtained by numerical optimization. Index Terms-Direction of Arrival (DOA), antennas without phase center (AWPC), uniform circular array (UCA), Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC). I. INTRODUCTION Although direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is a traditional topic in array signal processing, there is no much literature on th...
Background: Early detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is essential given the under-repo... more Background: Early detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is essential given the under-reported cases in low- and middle-income countries. This first national representative survey was conducted to explore the prevalence of ASDs amongst 18 and 30 months in seven provinces in Vietnam.Design and Method: During 2017- 2018, a national cross-sectional and population-based survey for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) amongst 40,243 children aged 18 to 30 months was conducted in 7 provinces representing the socio-economic regions of Vietnam. M-CHAT was used to screen children and then confirmed by diagnostic assessment using DSM-IV criteria.Results: The prevalence of ASDs amongst children aged 18 and 30 months in Vietnam was high (0.758% or 1 in 132 children). Urban setting, male gender, and hereditable genes were associated with ASD prevalence.Conclusion: ASDs amongst children aged 18 and 30 months in Vietnam tend to be increasing and are similar to this rate in other middle-income cou...
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2020
The Tan Rai Bauxite Project, which exploits a large bauxite mine in Lam Dong province, Vietnam ha... more The Tan Rai Bauxite Project, which exploits a large bauxite mine in Lam Dong province, Vietnam has been in operation since 2012. In addition to the economic efficiency of the project, bauxite mining and processing uses a large area arable land and affect the regional environment. Remote sensing technology is increasingly widely used in many purposes in monitoring the changes of environment and resources, including land use change with high accuracy, giving managers more information to monitor the exploitation and use process of land resource. This study used a Change Vector Analysis (CVA) method of analysis on various remote sensing data sources to monitor the process of land exploitation and restoration of the Tan Rai Bauxite project. High-resolution remote sensing images were used as diverse as SPOT-5, VNREDSat-1, Google Earth from 2013 to 2019 to demonstrate the ability of the MCVA method to combine many other types of remote sensing images together. The results of fluctuation analysis were validated by 200 random points in the study area, and the accuracy of result is more than 90%. The results of land use change statistics were also compared with the annual data of Tan Rai Bauxite Factory. From this study, it can be concluded that the MCVA analysis method can quickly detect land use change areas and can combine many different image sources with a high accuracy. In addition, it also provides statistics of mining areas and restored areas, thereby assisting managers in monitoring the operation of the mine.
Nghe nhạc là sở thích khá phổ biến để giải toả những căng thẳng và áp lực công việc, nhất là tron... more Nghe nhạc là sở thích khá phổ biến để giải toả những căng thẳng và áp lực công việc, nhất là trong thời đại mà âm nhạc luôn có sẳn trên các website nhạc trực tuyến. Nhiều hệ thống gợi ý nhạc đã xuất hiện để phục vụ nhu cầu giải trí này của khán-thính giả bằng cách đưa ra những bản nhạc gần như là phù hợp với sở thích của mỗi cá nhân. Tuy nhiên, các hệ thống gợi ý nhạc hiện tại chưa quan tâm tới tâm trạng của người nghe khi đưa ra danh sách các bản nhạc gợi ý. mặc dù mối liên quan giữa các thể loại nhạc và tâm trạng của thính giả cũng đã có nhiều nghiên cứu. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi đặc biệt quan tâm nghiên cứu và áp dụng mối liên quan giữa thể loại nhạc và tâm trạng của người nghe vào hệ thống gợi ý nhạc. Nghiên cứu được thực nghiệm và đánh giá trên tập dữ liệu Lastfm với 4 trạng thái phổ biến của con người là tâm trạng giận dữ, hạnh phúc, buồn bã và buồn ngủ. Kết quả cho thấy của việc áp dụng mối liên quan giữa tâm trạng và thể loại âm nhạc vào hệ thống gợi ý làm tăng thêm độ chính xác so với không áp dụng đặc trưng này. Trong 4 tâm trạng sử dụng để thực nghiệm vì tâm trạng buồn ngủ có độ chính xác cao nhất so với 3 tâm trạng còn lại. Từ khóa: Lọc cộng tác, hệ thống gợi ý nhạc, âm nhạc theo tâm trạng.
It is of utmost importance to understand and monitor the impact of urban heat islands on ecosyste... more It is of utmost importance to understand and monitor the impact of urban heat islands on ecosystems and overall human health in the context of climate change and global warming. This research was conducted in a tropical city, Hanoi, with a major objective of assessing the quantitative relationships between the composition of the main land-cover types and surface urban heat island phenomenon. In this research, we analyzed the correlation between land-cover composition, percentage coverage of the land cover types, and land surface temperature for different moving window sizes or urban land management units. Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) satellite data was utilized for preparing land-cover composition datasets in inner Hanoi by employing the unsupervised image clustering method. High-resolution (30m) land surface temperature maps were generated for different days of the years 2016 and 2017 using Landsat 8 TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) images. High correlations were observed ...
More and more, countries are faced with the challenge of addressing the burden of disease arising... more More and more, countries are faced with the challenge of addressing the burden of disease arising from environmental exposures. Capacity building in environment and health has been recognized as a critical need among Member States of the WHO European Region and the European Commission, DG Sanco. This report presents a proposal for continuous training. By continuous training in environment and health it is meant an uninterrupted series of trainings to further qualify environmental and health experts and with regular replication to allow access to new students/participants. In order to have a common ground for the training a continuous training for environmental and health professionals through the development of health in environmental assessment and standalone HIA trainings is proposed. The continuous training for environment and health should involve different sectors e.g. public health experts, social scientists, planning officers and environmental scientists. A modular setup is suggested with five quarterly two to three days workshops. The proposal for continuous training in environment and health is hoped to support countries in further developing training on EH on a regular basis and thus support the development of a healthy environment for their population.
Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, 2018
Background: Oral sub mucous fibrosis (OSMF) is chronic insidious diseases of the oral cavity, pha... more Background: Oral sub mucous fibrosis (OSMF) is chronic insidious diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx with unknown etiology. It is characterized by mucosal rigidity. The proposed etiological factor for causing OSMF areca nut. Areca nut and arecoline cause fibroblast proliferation and collagen production. Aim and Objectives: Correlate the clinical and histopathological grading using Masson's trichrome and Van Gieson's stain in OSMF. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients with clinically proven cases of OSMF and grouped according to their mouth opening. Incisional biopsy was done. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological conformation. Selected cases were sectioned and stained with Masson's trichrome and Van Gieson special stain and graded histopathologically. Data was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 version. Pearson's correlation coefficient and Chi-square test were done to find out the association between variables. Student's t-test was used to find clinical and histopathological correlation. Results: The mean age of OSMF patients was 20–40 years and when compared with gender males were affected more than females. The stains between Masson's trichrome with Van Gieson's stain showed significant correlation, but when compared between clinical and histopathological grading there was no statistically significant. Conclusion: Clinical staging and histopathological grading in OSMF there is no correlation when using special stains such as Masson's trichrome and Van Gieson's stain.
2012 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), 2012
Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used for Direction-of-Arrival estimation. However,... more Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used for Direction-of-Arrival estimation. However, these structures, being symmetric, always face the whole-space ambiguity problem. This paper proposes a new asymmetric AWPC structure for DOA estimation that is able to resolve the ambiguity in the whole space. In addition, the structure is optimized in such a way that it is compact and isotropic. Simulated results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed structure.
Fingerprint authentication system has been widely emerged in authentication purpose in public as ... more Fingerprint authentication system has been widely emerged in authentication purpose in public as well as in private organizations. Normally fingerprint image processing is done in form of acquiring 2-D images, by using Automatic Fingerprint Identification System. The captured 2D texture will contain distortions. While comparing the enrolled distorted image from database with that of identification image, the results will be leads to false acceptance rate and false rejection rate. This paper deals with capturing of 3D fingerprint image and processed to attain improvisation in the resultant fingerprint image. The proposed scan system is based on real-time capturing by using low 3D sensor and with structured light illumination. This results in the generation of detailed in-depth ridge information and the texture of the finger in the form of 3D image. Thus generated 3D image is then converted to unraveled equal 2D images by using the proposed best fit sphere algorithm. The NIST matching software is employed to analyze and evaluate the image quality. The comparison is made between the unraveled converted 2D image and with its 2D ink-rolled data. The NIST matching software is then applied for 2D unraveled equivalent fingerprint images and results are analyzed. As a result, the fingerprints quality is improvised.
SummaryThe stability of sleep was examined in two kinds of induced insomnia, namely after caffein... more SummaryThe stability of sleep was examined in two kinds of induced insomnia, namely after caffeine administration and after hypnotic drug withdrawal. The duration of each episode of any one sleep stage or any episode of intervening wakefulness plus drowsiness was determined.After caffeine mere was an increase in longer episodes of intervening wakefulness plus drowsiness, but no significant change in the episode duration of any of the sleep stages. In the case of drug withdrawal there was no change in the episode duration of intervening wakefulness plus drowsiness, but there was a significant shortening of episode duration in sleep stages 2 and 3 +4, with a similar trend for REM sleep episodes.Caffeine ‘insomnia’ thus seems characterized by increased stability of wakefulness, and hypnotic withdrawal ‘insomnia’ by decreased stability of sleep. The type of analysis undertaken in this study could increase understanding of other types of insomnia.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2010
The present study describes the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils... more The present study describes the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the leaves of Pimenta pseudocaryophyllus (1.0% w/w) and Tynanthus micranthus (1.1% w/w). GC and GC/MS analysis demonstrated that eugenol was the only component in the T. micranthus essential oil (99.9%) and the major component in the P. pseudocaryophyllus essential oil (92.59%), which also presented methyleugenol, terpinen-4-ol, o-cymene and (E)-caryophyllene, among others. Both the oils presented antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi tested.The Bioautography test revealed that eugenol was the bioactive component in both the oils against Cladosporium herbarum. This is the first report about the T. micranthus essential oil, and the antifungal activity of P. pseudocaryophyllus. The results confirmed the potential of eugenol-rich essential oils not only as a source of flavor compounds, but also of use as antimicrobial agent ...
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of Pomelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck) peel extra... more The aim of this study was to assess the effects of Pomelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck) peel extracts (CGE) on activity of lipid-carbohydrate metabolic enzymes such as Carnitine pamitoyl-transferase (CPT), lipase, hexokinase, glucose 6-phosphatase and blood lipid glucose parameters in experimental obese and diabetic mice. The results showed that, in the experimental obese mice treated daily, orally with CGE at dose of 1200 mg/body weight for three weeks, activity of hepatic CPT have been raised from 30.5% (for ethanol extract) to 63.3% (for ethyl acetate extract) compared to the control. Simultaneous increase of blood lipolytic activity was demonstrated in obese mice treated daily by CGE in comparison with the control. In addition, body weight reducing and hypolipidemic effect of the CGE in obese mice were proven clearly. Interestingly, the anti-diabetic effect of CGE in diabetic STZ induced mice was demonstrated. Fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic mice treated orally with CGE (1200 mg/kg.b.w) for three weeks were reduced clearly in comparison with the control (diabetic mice untreated) (p< 0.001). Especially, hepatic hexokinase activity in diabetic mice treated with CGE was raised from 14.19% (for ethanol extract) to 55.46% (for ethyl acetate extract) in comparison with the control (untreated diabetic mice). On the contrary, activity of hepatic glucose 6-phosphatase in treated diabetic mice was decreased clearly as compared to untreated diabetic mice (p<0.05).
Introduction: The objectives of this study are to estimate the prevalence of multimorbidity (MM) ... more Introduction: The objectives of this study are to estimate the prevalence of multimorbidity (MM) among adults in the Central Highland Region (a poor region) of Vietnam in 2017 and to identify the sociodemographic correlates of these conditions. Methods: We used data from a cross-sectional study conducted in 2018 on health status among people in four provinces in the Central Highlands Region (Tay Nguyen) of Vietnam. A sample of 1680 adults (aged 15 years and older) were randomly selected for this study. Respondents were asked whether they had been told by a health worker that they had cancer, heart and circulatory conditions, chronic joint problems, chronic pulmonary diseases, chronic kidney problems, chronic digestive problems, psychological illness, diabetes, and/or other chronic conditions. Results: The prevalence of MM among the study participants was 16.4% (95% confidence interval (CI): 14.6%–18.2%). By looking at the 95% CIs, the differences in MM prevalence between the groups ...
<p>Quý độc giả thân mến,Trong giáo dục, bên cạnh những kiến thức từ sách vở, thì kiến thức ... more <p>Quý độc giả thân mến,Trong giáo dục, bên cạnh những kiến thức từ sách vở, thì kiến thức từ những trải nghiệm thực tế cũng là những bài học vô cùng quý giá. Cùng với đó, khi trong lớp học ta luôn khuyến khích học sinh học tập từ những người bạn của mình, thì học tập từ trải nghiệm của các giáo viên đồng nghiệp chắc chắn cũng mang tới những lợi ích tương tự. Với tinh thần này, BBT Lộn xộn xin gửi tới quý độc giả Dạy&amp;amp;Học số 33 với tựa đề "Chiêm nghiệm". Tựa đề này được lấy cảm hứng từ dự án "On Teaching" của nhà báo Kristina Rizga. Dự án này là một nỗ lực truyền tải các bài học đa dạng từ những nhà giáo dày dặn kinh nghiệm khắp mọi nơi trên nước Mỹ. Bài viết "Giảng dạy tốt không chỉ là đúng phương pháp" là một bài đúc kết từ vô vàn phỏng vấn trong dự án trên về những yếu tố quan trọng nhất trong giảng dạy. Cùng với đó, chuyên mục "Dạy thế nào" mang tới những chia sẻ của nhà giáo Carrie Lam về "11 thói quen của một giáo viên hiệu quả" và "Ba cách sáng tạo để cho điểm và đưa ra phản hồi cho học sinh" của thầy giáo Ben Johnson.Mục "Góc nhìn" đưa tới một chiêm nghiệm tất cả chúng ta đều có thể đồng cảm trong năm vừa rồi là "Giảng dạy trong năm COVID: Một vài tâm sự". Và một chiêm nghiệm khác chúng ta đều cần suy xét lại ở bất cứ thời điểm nào trong "Trường học đang thiếu đi điều quan trọng nhất trong học tập".Sau 5 năm nghiên cứu về tác động của các chương trình dạy về cảm xúc - xã hội, dự án SECURe của trường Sau đại học Harvard về giáo dục đang đưa ra một số câu trả lời cho câu hỏi "Điều gì khiến chương trình học tập cảm xúc xã hội có hiệu quả?". Mục "Quản lý giáo dục" cũng mang tới một chia sẻ của Hiệu trưởng Trường Tiểu học Whitsitt về việc cách "Gia tăng hiệu quả làm việc cho giáo viên mà không gây tình trạng kiệt sức". Và "Thất bại trong giao tiếp: Chấm dứt bạo lực học đường" mang tới những chiến lược chống lại tệ nạn này cả ở góc độ làm việc với học sinh, với nhà trường và với pháp luật. Cuối cùng, "Framework giáo dục" kỳ này sẽ giới thiệu tới quý độc giả "Khuôn khổ MODEL - MELQO" giúp đo lường sự phát triển và học tập đầu đời.</p>
In this paper we show that under a nondegeneracy condition Lyapunov exponents and central exponen... more In this paper we show that under a nondegeneracy condition Lyapunov exponents and central exponents of linear Ito stochastic differential equation coincide. Furthermore, as the stochastic term is small and tends to zero the highest Lyapunov exponent tends to the highest central exponent of the ordinary differential equation which is the deterministic part of the system.
Abstract-Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used to estimate direction of arrival (DO... more Abstract-Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used to estimate direction of arrival (DOA) specially in less sensors than sources case. The similarity of two or more steering vectors corresponding to widely separated directions in the array manifold causes ambiguity in the DOA estimation. Recently, half-space ambiguity resolution has been done by optimizing the structure of the AWPC, based on Cramer-Rao bound. This paper further proposes a novel method for resolving whole-space ambiguity in the DOA estimation by using a uniform circular array (UCA) with multiple optimal AWPC sensors. The optimal number of AWPC sensors in moderate-size UCAs is also obtained by numerical optimization. Index Terms-Direction of Arrival (DOA), antennas without phase center (AWPC), uniform circular array (UCA), Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC). I. INTRODUCTION Although direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is a traditional topic in array signal processing, there is no much literature on th...
Background: Early detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is essential given the under-repo... more Background: Early detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is essential given the under-reported cases in low- and middle-income countries. This first national representative survey was conducted to explore the prevalence of ASDs amongst 18 and 30 months in seven provinces in Vietnam.Design and Method: During 2017- 2018, a national cross-sectional and population-based survey for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) amongst 40,243 children aged 18 to 30 months was conducted in 7 provinces representing the socio-economic regions of Vietnam. M-CHAT was used to screen children and then confirmed by diagnostic assessment using DSM-IV criteria.Results: The prevalence of ASDs amongst children aged 18 and 30 months in Vietnam was high (0.758% or 1 in 132 children). Urban setting, male gender, and hereditable genes were associated with ASD prevalence.Conclusion: ASDs amongst children aged 18 and 30 months in Vietnam tend to be increasing and are similar to this rate in other middle-income cou...
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2020
The Tan Rai Bauxite Project, which exploits a large bauxite mine in Lam Dong province, Vietnam ha... more The Tan Rai Bauxite Project, which exploits a large bauxite mine in Lam Dong province, Vietnam has been in operation since 2012. In addition to the economic efficiency of the project, bauxite mining and processing uses a large area arable land and affect the regional environment. Remote sensing technology is increasingly widely used in many purposes in monitoring the changes of environment and resources, including land use change with high accuracy, giving managers more information to monitor the exploitation and use process of land resource. This study used a Change Vector Analysis (CVA) method of analysis on various remote sensing data sources to monitor the process of land exploitation and restoration of the Tan Rai Bauxite project. High-resolution remote sensing images were used as diverse as SPOT-5, VNREDSat-1, Google Earth from 2013 to 2019 to demonstrate the ability of the MCVA method to combine many other types of remote sensing images together. The results of fluctuation analysis were validated by 200 random points in the study area, and the accuracy of result is more than 90%. The results of land use change statistics were also compared with the annual data of Tan Rai Bauxite Factory. From this study, it can be concluded that the MCVA analysis method can quickly detect land use change areas and can combine many different image sources with a high accuracy. In addition, it also provides statistics of mining areas and restored areas, thereby assisting managers in monitoring the operation of the mine.
Nghe nhạc là sở thích khá phổ biến để giải toả những căng thẳng và áp lực công việc, nhất là tron... more Nghe nhạc là sở thích khá phổ biến để giải toả những căng thẳng và áp lực công việc, nhất là trong thời đại mà âm nhạc luôn có sẳn trên các website nhạc trực tuyến. Nhiều hệ thống gợi ý nhạc đã xuất hiện để phục vụ nhu cầu giải trí này của khán-thính giả bằng cách đưa ra những bản nhạc gần như là phù hợp với sở thích của mỗi cá nhân. Tuy nhiên, các hệ thống gợi ý nhạc hiện tại chưa quan tâm tới tâm trạng của người nghe khi đưa ra danh sách các bản nhạc gợi ý. mặc dù mối liên quan giữa các thể loại nhạc và tâm trạng của thính giả cũng đã có nhiều nghiên cứu. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi đặc biệt quan tâm nghiên cứu và áp dụng mối liên quan giữa thể loại nhạc và tâm trạng của người nghe vào hệ thống gợi ý nhạc. Nghiên cứu được thực nghiệm và đánh giá trên tập dữ liệu Lastfm với 4 trạng thái phổ biến của con người là tâm trạng giận dữ, hạnh phúc, buồn bã và buồn ngủ. Kết quả cho thấy của việc áp dụng mối liên quan giữa tâm trạng và thể loại âm nhạc vào hệ thống gợi ý làm tăng thêm độ chính xác so với không áp dụng đặc trưng này. Trong 4 tâm trạng sử dụng để thực nghiệm vì tâm trạng buồn ngủ có độ chính xác cao nhất so với 3 tâm trạng còn lại. Từ khóa: Lọc cộng tác, hệ thống gợi ý nhạc, âm nhạc theo tâm trạng.
It is of utmost importance to understand and monitor the impact of urban heat islands on ecosyste... more It is of utmost importance to understand and monitor the impact of urban heat islands on ecosystems and overall human health in the context of climate change and global warming. This research was conducted in a tropical city, Hanoi, with a major objective of assessing the quantitative relationships between the composition of the main land-cover types and surface urban heat island phenomenon. In this research, we analyzed the correlation between land-cover composition, percentage coverage of the land cover types, and land surface temperature for different moving window sizes or urban land management units. Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) satellite data was utilized for preparing land-cover composition datasets in inner Hanoi by employing the unsupervised image clustering method. High-resolution (30m) land surface temperature maps were generated for different days of the years 2016 and 2017 using Landsat 8 TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) images. High correlations were observed ...
More and more, countries are faced with the challenge of addressing the burden of disease arising... more More and more, countries are faced with the challenge of addressing the burden of disease arising from environmental exposures. Capacity building in environment and health has been recognized as a critical need among Member States of the WHO European Region and the European Commission, DG Sanco. This report presents a proposal for continuous training. By continuous training in environment and health it is meant an uninterrupted series of trainings to further qualify environmental and health experts and with regular replication to allow access to new students/participants. In order to have a common ground for the training a continuous training for environmental and health professionals through the development of health in environmental assessment and standalone HIA trainings is proposed. The continuous training for environment and health should involve different sectors e.g. public health experts, social scientists, planning officers and environmental scientists. A modular setup is suggested with five quarterly two to three days workshops. The proposal for continuous training in environment and health is hoped to support countries in further developing training on EH on a regular basis and thus support the development of a healthy environment for their population.
Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, 2018
Background: Oral sub mucous fibrosis (OSMF) is chronic insidious diseases of the oral cavity, pha... more Background: Oral sub mucous fibrosis (OSMF) is chronic insidious diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx with unknown etiology. It is characterized by mucosal rigidity. The proposed etiological factor for causing OSMF areca nut. Areca nut and arecoline cause fibroblast proliferation and collagen production. Aim and Objectives: Correlate the clinical and histopathological grading using Masson's trichrome and Van Gieson's stain in OSMF. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients with clinically proven cases of OSMF and grouped according to their mouth opening. Incisional biopsy was done. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological conformation. Selected cases were sectioned and stained with Masson's trichrome and Van Gieson special stain and graded histopathologically. Data was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 version. Pearson's correlation coefficient and Chi-square test were done to find out the association between variables. Student's t-test was used to find clinical and histopathological correlation. Results: The mean age of OSMF patients was 20–40 years and when compared with gender males were affected more than females. The stains between Masson's trichrome with Van Gieson's stain showed significant correlation, but when compared between clinical and histopathological grading there was no statistically significant. Conclusion: Clinical staging and histopathological grading in OSMF there is no correlation when using special stains such as Masson's trichrome and Van Gieson's stain.
2012 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), 2012
Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used for Direction-of-Arrival estimation. However,... more Antennas without phase center (AWPC) have been used for Direction-of-Arrival estimation. However, these structures, being symmetric, always face the whole-space ambiguity problem. This paper proposes a new asymmetric AWPC structure for DOA estimation that is able to resolve the ambiguity in the whole space. In addition, the structure is optimized in such a way that it is compact and isotropic. Simulated results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed structure.
Fingerprint authentication system has been widely emerged in authentication purpose in public as ... more Fingerprint authentication system has been widely emerged in authentication purpose in public as well as in private organizations. Normally fingerprint image processing is done in form of acquiring 2-D images, by using Automatic Fingerprint Identification System. The captured 2D texture will contain distortions. While comparing the enrolled distorted image from database with that of identification image, the results will be leads to false acceptance rate and false rejection rate. This paper deals with capturing of 3D fingerprint image and processed to attain improvisation in the resultant fingerprint image. The proposed scan system is based on real-time capturing by using low 3D sensor and with structured light illumination. This results in the generation of detailed in-depth ridge information and the texture of the finger in the form of 3D image. Thus generated 3D image is then converted to unraveled equal 2D images by using the proposed best fit sphere algorithm. The NIST matching software is employed to analyze and evaluate the image quality. The comparison is made between the unraveled converted 2D image and with its 2D ink-rolled data. The NIST matching software is then applied for 2D unraveled equivalent fingerprint images and results are analyzed. As a result, the fingerprints quality is improvised.
SummaryThe stability of sleep was examined in two kinds of induced insomnia, namely after caffein... more SummaryThe stability of sleep was examined in two kinds of induced insomnia, namely after caffeine administration and after hypnotic drug withdrawal. The duration of each episode of any one sleep stage or any episode of intervening wakefulness plus drowsiness was determined.After caffeine mere was an increase in longer episodes of intervening wakefulness plus drowsiness, but no significant change in the episode duration of any of the sleep stages. In the case of drug withdrawal there was no change in the episode duration of intervening wakefulness plus drowsiness, but there was a significant shortening of episode duration in sleep stages 2 and 3 +4, with a similar trend for REM sleep episodes.Caffeine ‘insomnia’ thus seems characterized by increased stability of wakefulness, and hypnotic withdrawal ‘insomnia’ by decreased stability of sleep. The type of analysis undertaken in this study could increase understanding of other types of insomnia.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2010
The present study describes the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils... more The present study describes the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the leaves of Pimenta pseudocaryophyllus (1.0% w/w) and Tynanthus micranthus (1.1% w/w). GC and GC/MS analysis demonstrated that eugenol was the only component in the T. micranthus essential oil (99.9%) and the major component in the P. pseudocaryophyllus essential oil (92.59%), which also presented methyleugenol, terpinen-4-ol, o-cymene and (E)-caryophyllene, among others. Both the oils presented antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi tested.The Bioautography test revealed that eugenol was the bioactive component in both the oils against Cladosporium herbarum. This is the first report about the T. micranthus essential oil, and the antifungal activity of P. pseudocaryophyllus. The results confirmed the potential of eugenol-rich essential oils not only as a source of flavor compounds, but also of use as antimicrobial agent ...
Papers by Thuy Quynh