Papers by Thowhidul Islam

The Iranian nuclear issue has lately become a political discussion of significance in both Iran a... more The Iranian nuclear issue has lately become a political discussion of significance in both Iran and Western countries, with considerable disjunction emerging between the views of Iran and those of much of the West. The Iranian people generally argue that their country is entitled to sovereignty over civilian nuclear power and deny that their government has a nuclear weapons program. Western countries, on the other hand, feel the civilian program has a hidden agenda that includes the eventual production of nuclear weapons. Negotiations led by the European Union (EU) and United Nations (UN) have so far failed to yield satisfactory results. Since the referral of Iran's nuclear issue to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Iran has followed an uncompromising policy towards its nuclear program, linking it to its national security demands and real politics. Historical experience has also conditioned Iran's uncompromising nuclear policy, one which is consistent with the prin...

The first verse of the Holy Qur’an indicates that education is an integral part of Islam. Since t... more The first verse of the Holy Qur’an indicates that education is an integral part of Islam. Since then, educational development has been a parallel to the development of Muslim society. From the beginning of the Muslim conquest of Bengal by the Turks in the early 13 th century, the society had also witnessed the rapid development of a new educational system. Before Islam in Bengal, The Buddhist and Brahmanic religious centres mainly served as educational centres. Cultivation of knowledge was instructed through the Sanskrit language and limited only to the upper classes people. But the scenario got a change under the Muslims both- Turko-Afghan Sultanate (1204-1576 A.D.) and the Mughals (1576-1757 A.D.). The period witnessed a rapid advancement in the educational field, which changed the traditional system. The Rulers patronized the spread of education considering it as their religious obligation. Besides Sultans , the Sufis , Ulamas , Nobles, Chieftains-all contributed in this regard. ...

Ijtimā'iyya: Journal of Muslim Society Research, Mar 30, 2018
Millions of Muslims from around the world including Bangladesh pour perform Hajj every year. Bein... more Millions of Muslims from around the world including Bangladesh pour perform Hajj every year. Being the largest gathering of the Muslims, the Hajj has got immense socioeconomic and cultural impacts on every Muslim society as well as Bangladesh. Hajj develops a unique symbol of unity, equality, universality, coexistence , brotherhood, indiscrimination, peace and tolerance, through performing common rituals, among the individuals, societies and nations belonging to different races, castes, ethnicities, colors, and languages, which create differences in everyday life of human beings. Bangladeshi Hajjis' views towards women are more positive as gender interaction is a natural part of Hajj, while it is uncommon in the country. The positive teachings of Hajj particularly of pure Aqidah, produced several revolutionary movements in Bengal such as the Faraidi movement of Hajji Shariatullah with the aim of purifying Muslim society from superstitious Aqidah and practices. Hajj works as a social platform of getting together for Bangladeshi people at Makkah and Madinah. Hajj has developed the private tour operating industries in Bangladesh to facilitate the Hajjis. Transaction of billions of dollars takes place commercially during Hajj, while many commodities are exchanged informally. The Hajjis enjoy a very special dignity and status in the society of Bangladesh. Hajj creates an inter-cultural amalgamation combining various elements of different cultures particularly of Arabian. Hajj increases knowledge of the Hajjis both experimental and theoretical through various means. Bangladeshi Hajjis consider Hajj as the preparation for death; and thus, try to remain isolated from the worldly activities and observe the religious duties strictly. This transformative property enables the Hajjis to pursue a more purified life and they become a model of spirituality and religiosity. Hajj not only moulds the Hajjis into sincere and practicing Muslims, but also the society at large with their honesty and piety. Thus, Hajj brings immense impacts on the society, economy, education, religiosity and culture of Bangladesh. This chapter is aimed at analyzing the socioeconomic and religio-cultural impacts of Hajj on the society of Bangladesh. It also included the perspectives of the society with a view to better understanding the influence of Hajj on the Hajjis, non-Hajjis and the society at large.

Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization
"O mankind, We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so ... more "O mankind, We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another." 1 This verse clearly indicates that there should not be any discrimination based on clan, creed, race or religion. The word Islam itself refers to peace. Islamic teachings contain many injunctions for settling disputes between people and nations with the aim of establishing peace. Islamic history shows that Muslims and non-Muslims co-existed in peace in Medina (first Islamic State) and the successive Muslim states. The Charter of Medina, declared by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in 622 A.D., is the best example to establish communal coexistence of different beliefs. This policy was also exercised by successive rulers of different Muslim territories in the history of Islamic world. Unfortunately, establishing peaceful coexistence has now become a challenge in the world. Several Muslim countries have been suffering from internal conflict and resistance even among the different Muslim groups. Hence, the review of Islamic attitude towards coexistence is deemed significant. Within this context, the paper aims at exploring the view of Islam towards the peaceful coexistence of various religious groups with some examples from the history of Muslim societies particularly during the early time period of Islam. The methodology used in this conceptual study is the critical analysis of literature surveyed on the concept of Islam regarding the peaceful coexistence of religions and its practice in the history of Muslim societies.

Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 2014
A previous randomized clinical trial compared immobilization for 15 min with immediate mobilizati... more A previous randomized clinical trial compared immobilization for 15 min with immediate mobilization subsequent to intrauterine insemination (IUI) and showed higher ongoing pregnancy rates in couples immobilizing subsequent to IUI. The current study compared the long-term effectiveness of immobilization subsequent to IUI. All couples (n = 391) included in the trial were followed for 3 years after randomization and pregnancies and treatments were recorded. After the initial trial period, couples in both groups were offered treatment according to local protocol. The primary outcome was an ongoing pregnancy during the 3 years after the initial trial. In this time period, there were 143 ongoing pregnancies in the immobilization group (n = 199 couples) and 112 ongoing pregnancies in the immediate mobilization group (n = 192). The ongoing pregnancy rates were 72% and 58%, respectively (relative risk 1.2, 95% CI 1.1-1.4). The persistent significant difference in ongoing pregnancy rates unde...

BMJ, 2009
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of 15 minutes of immobilisation versus immediate mobilisa... more Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of 15 minutes of immobilisation versus immediate mobilisation after intrauterine insemination. Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting One academic teaching hospital and six nonacademic teaching hospitals. Participants Women having intrauterine insemination for unexplained, cervical factor, or male subfertility. Interventions 15 minutes of immobilisation or immediate mobilisation after insemination. Main outcome measure Ongoing pregnancy per couple. Results 391 couples were randomised; 199 couples were allocated to 15 minutes of immobilisation after intrauterine insemination, and 192 couples were allocated to immediate mobilisation (control). The ongoing pregnancy rate per couple was significantly higher in the immobilisation group than in the control group: 27% (n=54) versus 18% (34); relative risk 1.5, 95% confidence interval 1.1 to 2.2 (crude difference in ongoing pregnancy rates: 9.4%, 1.2% to 17%). Live birth rates were 27% (53) in the immobilisation group and 17% (32) in the control group: relative risk 1.6, 1.1 to 2.4 (crude difference for live birth rates: 10%, 1.8% to 18%). In the immobilisation group, the ongoing pregnancy rates in the first, second, and third treatment cycles were 10%, 10%, and 7%. The corresponding rates in the mobilisation group were 7%, 5%, and 5%. Conclusion In treatment with intrauterine insemination, 15 minutes' immobilisation after insemination is an effective modification. Immobilisation for 15 minutes should be offered to all women treated with intrauterine insemination. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN53294431.
This article aims at examining the causes to the advent of Islam in Bengal with a view to identif... more This article aims at examining the causes to the advent of Islam in Bengal with a view to identify the economic perspectives in particular. Islam took about six hundred years for its advent into Bengal with political conquest by Bakhtiyar Khalji in the early 13 th century, while it had come to Arabia at the beginning of the 7 th century. But long before the conquest of Bengal by Bakhtiyar Khalji, the Arab traders had established commercial relation with the coastal lands of Bengal. Islam began to enter into Bengal with the hands of these early Arab Muslim traders. With the beginning of this early advent, Islam started to enter into Bengal through both the sea and land routes on different circumstances. Though there were many other reasons and grounds for the advent of Islam in Bengal, but the economic perspectives were the foremost and forerunner of the causes.
... capabilities. IRAN'S NUCLEAR AMBITIONS Iran has a long history of nuclear interest and d... more ... capabilities. IRAN'S NUCLEAR AMBITIONS Iran has a long history of nuclear interest and development. 3 ... purposes. Toward this end, Iran completed a comprehensive safeguards agreement with the IAEA in 1974. Geopolitical ...
Papers by Thowhidul Islam