Papers by Thor Asgeirsson

Crustaceana, 2007
The European brown shrimp, Crangon crangon (L., 1758) has colonized the intertidal zones of Icela... more The European brown shrimp, Crangon crangon (L., 1758) has colonized the intertidal zones of Iceland and spread rapidly to many coastal areas. The first confirmed record dates from 2003, and by 2006 the species had colonized the west and south coasts, while not being recorded on the north and east coasts. Densities as high as 6700 animals 100 m -2 were measured. The absence of the brown shrimp from Iceland until recently is interesting in the light of its occurrence in Arctic waters, especially off northern Norway and Russia. It seems most likely that it was brought to Iceland by ballast water. The present records substantially extend the known geographical range of this species. La crevette grise européenne Crangon crangon (L., 1758) a colonisé les zones intertidales d'Islande et s'est étendue rapidement à de nombreuses zones côtières. Les premières données fiables datent de 2003; Depuis 2006, l'espèce a colonisé les côtes ouest et sud alors qu'elle est encore absente sur les côtes nord et est. Des densités de 6700 animaux 100 m -2 ont été mesurées. L'absence de la crevette grise en Irlande jusqu'en des temps récents est intéressante à la lumière de sa présence dans les eaux arctiques, en particulier au large des côtes nord de la Norvège et de la Russie. Il est probable qu'elle a été apportée en Islande par les eaux de ballast. Les données présentes étendent substantiellement la zone de distribution géographique connue de cette espèce.
English summary The brown shrimp Crangon crangon recorded in Icealndic waters The Brown shrimp, C... more English summary The brown shrimp Crangon crangon recorded in Icealndic waters The Brown shrimp, Crangon crangon Linnaaeus, 1758. is identified and recorded for the first time from the coast of Iceland. Its presence seems to be limited to the west coast of Icealnd in densities of a few individuals per 100 m2 to over 400 per m2. No specimesn were found on the north coast. The brown shrimp is widely distributed along the coast of Europe from the Black Sea to the north of Norway and aroun the Britisth Isles. The present record substatially extends the known geographical range of theis species.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, May 30, 2018
Papers by Thor Asgeirsson