Papers by Thomas Q Marabello

Swiss American Historical Society Review, 2023
The year 2023 marks the centennial of the Treaty of Lausanne. This treaty that many readers may n... more The year 2023 marks the centennial of the Treaty of Lausanne. This treaty that many readers may not have heard of created the Republic of Turkey. More than that, it was a conference held in Switzerland where the Great Powers created new borders and made decisions about refugees, access to what are known as the “Turkish Straits” and led to British and French control of Palestine, Syria, and Iraq. The new mandate system showed that colonialism was still the mindset of most Europeans, along with a fear of Russia, which had become the Soviet Union. The conference and treaty that are being reexamined 100 years later had a great impact on Turkey, the Middle East, and especially Armenians, Kurds, and Greeks. It led to the rise of Turkey as a major global power that would join NATO three years after it was formed in 1949, and continues to play a major role in international affairs. The Treaty of Lausanne marked the birth of a new nation and essentially European colonial rule in most of the Middle East for several decades. It was the last treaty where the major European powers dominated and made decisions on the future of a non-Western state. In addition, the assassination of a Soviet diplomat by a Swiss-Russian man during the conference led to decades of non-relations between the new country of the Soviet Union and the Swiss Confederation.
Swiss American Historical Society Review, 2023
This article looks at challenges Switzerland has faced as one of the world's oldest continuous de... more This article looks at challenges Switzerland has faced as one of the world's oldest continuous democracies. These include defining neutrality and what it means today, Napoleon's rule over the Swiss Confederacy for about a decade, and Nationalism in the 19th century which led to Switzerland becoming a unified nation with a federal government. The issue of neutrality is being discussed and debated today after Switzerland agreed to provide aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia.
Swiss American Historical Society Review, 2023
Switzerland and Sub-Saharan Africa in the Cold War, 1967-1979: Neutrality Meets Decolonisation wa... more Switzerland and Sub-Saharan Africa in the Cold War, 1967-1979: Neutrality Meets Decolonisation was written as part of the series "New Perspectives on the Cold War," which looks at different issues, events and regions impacted by the Cold War. While Switzerland was not a major power, nor did it have colonies in Africa or elsewhere, it had economic interests in the continent and a foreign policy that guided its decision making and values, centered around its historical tradition of neutrality. This well researched work of historiography gives readers new insights into Switzerland's relations, especially with Portuguese colonies during and after decolonization.
Swiss American Historical Society Review, 2023
This article examines the origins and impact of democracy in Switzerland beginning in the Middle ... more This article examines the origins and impact of democracy in Switzerland beginning in the Middle Ages through the early modern period.

Swiss American Historical Society Review, 2021
The year 2019 began the 500th anniversary of The Reformation in Switzerland. The man who would fo... more The year 2019 began the 500th anniversary of The Reformation in Switzerland. The man who would forever change the country we now know as Switzerland was Huldrych or Ulrich Zwingli, a Catholic priest educated in humanism, who arrived in Zurich in 1519. Zwingli’s writings, sermons and alliances with Zurich’s political class allowed him to change the church in Switzerland and influence other reformers and faiths over the centuries. Often overlooked in the history of the Protestant Reformation due to the dominance of Martin Luther and John Calvin, Zwingli is getting renewed attention with the 500th anniversary of The Swiss Reformation. From conferences to a new film, people are reexamining the life, legacy and impact of this Swiss reformer who broke with Rome and sought to create a new Christianity. By examining his life and writings and the works of historians, we can get a better sense of Zwingli as an important Protestant reformer who forever changed Switzerland.
As we all anticipate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden's vice presidential running mate selec... more As we all anticipate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden's vice presidential running mate selection this week, history may again determine the best choice or outcome. In the past few decades, many of those men and women selected to be a running mate were not seeking to become vice president or president. Examples include Rep. Geraldine Ferraro (1984), Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (1988), Former HUD Secretary Jack Kemp (1996), Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney (2000), Gov. Sarah Palin (2008), Rep. Paul Ryan (2012) and Sen. Tim Kaine (2016). It can generally be said that all of these vice presidential nominees were not actively campaigning for or seeking to be named to the ticket. So what does this mean now? It seems that over the past few decades we have this "tradition" or "preference" for running mates not seeking the office.

The year 1989 saw revolutions across Central and Eastern Europe that led to the collapse of commu... more The year 1989 saw revolutions across Central and Eastern Europe that led to the collapse of communist states that had been part of the Soviet Union bloc. These remarkable revolutions were mostly peaceful, led by ordinary citizens and students and were successful largely due to the refusal of Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to intervene and stop them. Twenty-five years after the beginning of the end of communism in Europe and Russia, new insights and sources continue to be updated and published. Focusing on East Germany and Czechoslovakia, one can see many similarities but also a few differences in their respective revolutions. East Germany got more attention since it involved the fall of the Berlin Wall, the iconic symbol of the Cold War for twenty-eight years. Also in East Germany you did not see the rise of one leader opposed to the state, whereas in Czechoslovakia, Václav Havel became the leader of the revolution and president of the new government. Both revolutions involved peaceful protests and calls for change by citizens. These 1989 Revolutions were significant for ending communism, ushering in democracy and capitalism and leading to new governments and societies across Central and Eastern Europe.
The Congress of Vienna was one of the most significant events in Modern European political histor... more The Congress of Vienna was one of the most significant events in Modern European political history. Rulers and diplomats redrew the boundaries of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. Russia, represented by Tsar Alexander I, would play a significant role as its power was enhanced following the defeat of Napoleon’s army when they invaded Russia in 1812. Russia was a significant player at the congress and helped determine Europe’s new political boundaries. This senior thesis will argue that Tsar Alexander I was not a tyrant who sought to gain from France’s loses. Russia was a growing European power determined to bring order and stability to war torn Europe and help its neighboring nation-states politically and economically.

The English conquest of Ireland was an important event that still impacts both nations today. Hi... more The English conquest of Ireland was an important event that still impacts both nations today. Historians provide different interpretations of the conquest, based on their research, analysis and opinions. The invasion and conquest by Anglo-Normans forever changed the way of life for the Irish. Giraldus Cambrensis (also known as Giraldus de Barri or Gerald of Wales) wrote Expugnatio Hibernica, translated as The History of the Conquest of Ireland soon after the 1187 invasion. Colonial Ireland, 1169-1369 discusses the English colonization of Ireland in great detail. The author, Robin Frame, is an Irish historian. He focuses on the colonists and argues that Ireland underwent a deeper colonization beyond a very incomplete military conquest. The Conquest is the sole primary source of the Anglo-Norman takeover of Ireland. Historians have used it as a guide when interpreting and analyzing the conquest, realizing that it has many flaws, but that it also contains valuable information. The only other source on the invasion and conquest is known as The Song of Dermot and the Earl.

When one thinks of the Dutch we often think of their tulips, windmills or canals. Often one may ... more When one thinks of the Dutch we often think of their tulips, windmills or canals. Often one may also think of their famous and prominent works of art that were produced especially during the Dutch Golden Age that occurred primarily during the seventeenth century. This “golden age” reflected the success of the Dutch Republic as a maritime and commercial power that dominated European and for a period, global trade. Wealthy merchants commissioned and purchased works of art depicting their families, guilds, landscapes and scenes of daily life in the Netherlands. Rembrandt was one of the most dominant and renowned artists of the Dutch Golden Age who art historians regard as one of the great master painters of modern times. Unlike many artists, Rembrandt was well known and sought after during his lifetime, becoming a very wealthy man. The Nightwatch is one of his most famous works that is often a highlight for anyone visiting the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Painted in 1642, it epitomizes the height of Dutch culture and art during its golden age. This is because of the subject matter, facial expressions and gestures and what this great work of art tells viewers about life, wealth and expectations of citizens who lived in the Dutch Republic during the seventeenth century.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially established in the early twentieth century. It has a ... more The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially established in the early twentieth century. It has a government that has been primarily influenced by classical Sunni Islamic political thought and also somewhat by the absolute type of monarchies established in Europe that disappeared before its creation. Saudi Arabia is a kingdom struggling with its identity in an age when there are rapid changes occurring along its borders. It is a unique political entity that stands out among other states in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has managed to continue with a strong and stable government, almost consistently adhering to the ideas of classical Islamic philosophers and the Wahhabi movement.
Venice and Austria were once powerful European empires. While both still exist today, they are n... more Venice and Austria were once powerful European empires. While both still exist today, they are not nearly as large or powerful as they once were. In comparing these two empires, there are quite a few similarities in their downfalls. Both had nobles and rulers that resisted change, and both were weakened by wars with their neighbors. In addition, they both did not decline and fall overnight; it was a slow and gradual process that lasted at least a century. Both empires also were at one point connected, as Austria ruled over Venice for just over fifty years. When comparing these two empires, one can find many similarities and also some striking differences in their decline as centers of power within the European continent.
Radegund (520-587 AD) was a distinctive medieval saint who had an interesting life. She was a lit... more Radegund (520-587 AD) was a distinctive medieval saint who had an interesting life. She was a literate and royal woman at a time when few people, let alone women, were educated. It was certainly not the norm for educated women with noble lineage to give up that lifestyle to help the less fortunate and seek to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Unlike other early medieval saints, Radegund led a more active rather than contemplative religious life. She is one of the first recorded examples of a saint to give up her social status and royal life to help others beneath her class. St. Radegund used her knowledge, talents and money to help better the lives of others in early medieval France.
For more than nine centuries, Venice was ruled by a doge. The doge's powers and responsibilities ... more For more than nine centuries, Venice was ruled by a doge. The doge's powers and responsibilities changed over time, but throughout Venetian history, he was seen as the main leader of the city-state. The position of doge was an interesting creation and the many men who held this title throughout the centuries were often strong and able rulers, and were not royal monarchs like most other European rulers. Many doges could be classified as knowledge workers, particularly during the Renaissance era.

The Renaissance was a rebirth of classical civilization, impacting education, literature, philoso... more The Renaissance was a rebirth of classical civilization, impacting education, literature, philosophy and the arts. During this period that is considered to be the birth of the modern world, new customs, foods and ways of eating were also introduced. Humanists, clergy and nobles enjoyed banquets which included fine foods and lively table conversation. Renaissance cuisine and banquets were however, not completely a rebirth. While there was an interest in antiquity and some practices and concepts were brought back during Renaissance banquets, there were also examples of continuing medieval practices and the beginning of completely new ones. Cuisine and gastronomy of the Italian Renaissance included both new and old notions, due to the rebirth, continuation of medieval preferences, and goods and foods that were introduced from the new world. The greatest influence on Renaissance cuisine and gastronomy came from the new educated class of humanists, many of whom promoted healthy eating and living practices. Italian Renaissance dining revolved around conversations and discussion, and the food was supposed to be nourishing and healthy.
Frederick II, Hohenstaufen king of Sicily and emperor of Germany, was one of the most powerful ru... more Frederick II, Hohenstaufen king of Sicily and emperor of Germany, was one of the most powerful rulers of the Middle Ages. In many ways he was a “pre-Renaissance man” as shown through his scholarly pursuits and worldly interests at a time when many rulers were barely literate. His ultimate goal was to secure his dynasty’s continuance and expand his territorial holdings when embarking on the Fifth Crusade. His life proved an interesting and complex one, dominated by his lust for power and acquisition of land. “Among the rulers in the centuries between Charlemagne and Napoleon he has no equal.” In the end he proved to be one of the great monarchs of the Middle Ages who temporarily reclaimed part of the Holy Land in the name of Christianity.

Robert the Monk’s History of the First Crusade is an important account of the First Crusade. Alth... more Robert the Monk’s History of the First Crusade is an important account of the First Crusade. Although historians don’t believe that he actually went on the crusade, it is fairly certain that he was present at the Council of Clermont in November 1095. Beyond the accepted view that he was an eyewitness to the council where Pope Urban II declared the crusade, his other information comes mainly from The Gesta Francorum. Robert the Monk’s work was popular at the time, especially due to the fact that it was the only source for the Crusades translated into the vernacular in the Middle Ages, other than William of Tyre’s work. One of the earliest chronicles of the First Crusade, Robert the Monk’s book shaped many people’s perceptions of the Crusades in the Middle Ages. It created a theological framework of holy war, a wave of historiography and may have been used to get men to participate in other crusades.

As the religion of Islam spread through conquest and missionary efforts to become a major, new wo... more As the religion of Islam spread through conquest and missionary efforts to become a major, new world religion, various theories arose as to how the umma should be governed and what the Islamic state should consist of politically. Never before had such a large state guided by religious laws been established. Since there was no precedent to follow, theories by scholars arose as to how the state should be governed. All believed that the Shari'a and the Qur'an needed to be utilized and should serve as a guide. They had different beliefs on what the ideal state should consist of, all writing in different eras, where Muslims were affected by various internal and external factors. While all four authors believed that it was important to have a strong ruler who was well versed in Islam who would put the interests of the umma first, they differed in where that ruler should come from, and how that person became head of state. The rise of Islam was a significant development that would affect millions of converts and people devoted to other faiths who lived within its state borders. The various political theories that arose with this new monotheistic faith, impacted rulers and government officials who sought to create a united Islamic empire. One of the first divisive issues was whether or not the caliph should be a descendant of the prophet. This issue would eventually divide the Islamic community, splitting the religion into two separate branches.

The powerful Medici family ruled the Republic of Florence on and off for three centuries, and the... more The powerful Medici family ruled the Republic of Florence on and off for three centuries, and the patronage of the arts is perhaps their greatest and lasting contribution to Western society. When we hear the word Renaissance, we often first think of a work of art or one of the great artists of the period. The Renaissance was the rebirth of classical civilization and it is in the arts that great progress and visual achievements were made, beginning in Florence and spreading throughout Italy and eventually Northern Europe. Renaissance art was radical and new; it was impacted by and would impact literature, philosophy, religion and culture. When examining six selected Medici commissioned works of art, the six different Italian Renaissance artists can clearly be given the label of genius. They were geniuses because what they created was new, completely different from past works of art. These works were considered so beautiful and exceptional, that even by today’s artistic standards, they maintain their well-deserved accolades. The artists were revered during their lifetimes and patronized to create art with a purpose. In fifteenth and sixteenth century Florence, art was mostly commissioned to display civic pride or devotion to the Christian faith. The Medici were able to rule for so long with many supporters due to their unique patronage and desire to use the visual arts to gain and retain support for their control over the city that was the birthplace of the Renaissance.
Oswald Spengler was one of the great twentieth century philosophers of history. His major work T... more Oswald Spengler was one of the great twentieth century philosophers of history. His major work The Decline of the West gave readers a cyclical theory for the rise and fall of civilizations. “The title which had been decided upon in 1912, expresses quite literally the interaction of the book, which was to describe, in the light of the decline of the classical age, one world-historical phase of several centuries upon which we ourselves are now entering.” Many of Spengler’s predictions came true and for a variety of reasons, The Decline of the West is very relevant in today’s world.
Papers by Thomas Q Marabello