Based on new field data and the revision of voucher specimens of several museum collections 13 an... more Based on new field data and the revision of voucher specimens of several museum collections 13 and 11 Heteroptera species are recorded the first time for Carinthia and Styria, respectively. One new record is mentioned each for Tyrol and Salzburg. Kalama aethiops (HORVÂTH, 1905) (Tingidae) and Cardiastethus fasciiventris (GARBIGLETTI, 1869) (Anthocoridae) are mentioned the first time for Austria. The Heteroptera inventory of both federal provinces is not yet completely known and new collections will deliver new records and expand our knowledge on the true bugs of Carinthia and Styria.
Zusammenfassung: Die Wanzengemeinschaften von acht für den Truppenübungsplatz Seetaler Alpe (Zirb... more Zusammenfassung: Die Wanzengemeinschaften von acht für den Truppenübungsplatz Seetaler Alpe (Zirbitzkogel, Steiermark) charakteristischen Biotoptypen in einer Seehöhe zwischen 1550 m und 1820 m wurden untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 64 Wanzenarten festgestellt. Bei einigen handelt es sich um bisher in der Steiermark sehr selten gefundene Tierarten: Pachycoleus waltli, Arctocorisa carinata, Loricula exilis und Orthotylus fuscescens. Das Gebiet wird für Wanzen als artenreich und naturschutzfachlich wertvoll eingestuft. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind aquatische und semiaquatische Biotope wie Moore, Seen und Teiche mit ihren Verlandungszonen sowie Quellen und Tümpel. Diesbezüglich stellt der militärische Ausbildungs-und Übungsbetrieb im bisherigen Ausmaß (Stand: Dezember 2000) aus öko-entomologischer Sicht keine Gefährdungsquelle dar.
True bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) as suitable indicators for nature conservation. True bugs (Insec... more True bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) as suitable indicators for nature conservation. True bugs (Insecta, Heteroptera) are rarely used as indicators in conservation biology. They are regarded unsuitable either because of low explanatory power or lack of specialists. The aim of the present paper is -with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland -to reconsider this judgement by taking a closer look upon current taxonomic and faunistic knowledge, availability of standardized collecting techniques and sampling designs, indicatory value, availability of red lists of endangered species and cost-benefit analyses of collecting and determination. Suggestions for standardized collecting techniques are given for different habitat types. The paper emphasizes the high cost-benefit value of Heteroptera due to their high indicatory value at low costs for collecting and determination. Heteroptera are considered to be very profitable and highly suitable indicators for nature conservation.
Teil 2 | 7 | Frieß & Brandner | "Styria's Next Top Bug" -Die aufregendsten Wanzen des Kalktales V... more Teil 2 | 7 | Frieß & Brandner | "Styria's Next Top Bug" -Die aufregendsten Wanzen des Kalktales VIELFALT LAWINE | Das Kalktal bei Hiefl au | GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt 2010 | Schriften des NP Gesäuse 6 (2011) | S. 146-163 D er 29. 05. 2010 -ein monatelang davor mit Leuchtstift markierter Tag im Kalender der Wanzenkundler. Für das Sammeln und Beobachten von Wanzen liegt dieser Termin zwar etwas zeitig im Jahr, doch das Exkursionsziel versprach eine erkleckliche Zahl an Heteropteren. Das Kalktal ist eine beeindruckend große, strukturreiche Lawinenbahn, die vom hochalpinen Gelände bis an das Ufer der Enns herabreicht. Von üppigem Hochstaudenbewuchs bis zu lückigen und felsigen Kalkmagerrasen reicht die Palette lokaler Vegetationsvielfalt.
Am Tag der Artenvielfalt 2010 im Nationalpark Gesäuse wurden im Kalktal 57 Wanzenarten nachgewies... more Am Tag der Artenvielfalt 2010 im Nationalpark Gesäuse wurden im Kalktal 57 Wanzenarten nachgewiesen. Neben der hohen Artendiversität fällt in der Artenzusammensetzung der relativ hohe Anteil an xerothermophilen Arten auf. Diese Lawinenrinne stellt innerhalb des steirischen Nationalparks für Wanzen einen Hot-Spot der Artenvielfalt dar.
A checklist and red list of the endangered Heteroptera species for the Austrian province Carinthi... more A checklist and red list of the endangered Heteroptera species for the Austrian province Carinthia is given. Twelve species are recorded for the fi rst time in Carinthia. Currently, the occurrence of 591 Heteroptera species is verifi ed for Carinthia. 18 species (3 %) are considered as regionally extinct (RE), 15 species (2 %) as critically endangered (CR), and 27 species (5 %) as endangered (EN). 41 species (7 %) are considered as vulnerable (VU) and 95 species (16 %) as near threatened (NT). Including 77 species (13 %) considered as data defi cient (DD), 273 species (46 %) are listed in the Red List. Most strongly affected are species of riverine habitats, of bogs, swamps and fens, of aggradated standing waters, and particularly of nutrient poor and semidry grasslands. Carinthia holds nation-wide responsibility for 12 species; thereof an urgent need for targeted conservation action is proposed for fi ve species. In addition to a list of characteristic species, which may be especia...
Checklist and red list of True bugs of the Austrian province Styria (Insecta: Heteroptera). – Thi... more Checklist and red list of True bugs of the Austrian province Styria (Insecta: Heteroptera). – This paper provides a critical checklist and Red List of the Heteroptera in Styria. Fourteen species are recorded the first time for the province. The analyses of 23.420 data records from 2,684 sampling locations revealed a total of 691 Heteroptera species for the province of Styria, which is 76 % of the species known to occur in Austria. Within Austria, eight species are currently known only from Styria. 68 % of the species are considered of least concern including eleven not evaluated non-indigenous species. This means that 32 % are considered endangered to various degrees: 34 species (5 %) are considered “regionally extinct”, most of them are xerothermophilic species of open lands. 30 species (4 %) are considered “critically endangered”, 46 species (7 %) “endangered”, and 56 species (8 %) “vulnerable”. 64 species (9 %) were considered “data deficient” due to unclear taxonomy or lack of d...
Avalanches are feared by humans and considered “catastrophic” due to their unpredictable and dest... more Avalanches are feared by humans and considered “catastrophic” due to their unpredictable and destructive force. But this anthropocentric perspective fails to capture the potential ecological value of these natural disturbances. The Gesäuse National Park is a model-region for investigations of such highly dynamic events because of its distinct relief and extreme weather conditions. This project aims to record and analyse the animal assemblages in these highly dynamic habitats as well as document succession and population structure. 1) Dynamic processes lead to one of the very few permanent and natural vegetationless habitat types in Central Europe outside the alpine zone – i. e. screes and other rocky habitats at various successional stages. In addition to the tight mosaic distribution of a variety of habitats over larger areas, avalanche tracks also offer valuable structures like dead wood and rocks. Remarkable is the sympatric occurrence of the three harvestmen species Trogulus tri...
Interesting records of true bugs from Austria and Bavaria (Germany) (Insecta: Heteroptera). Data ... more Interesting records of true bugs from Austria and Bavaria (Germany) (Insecta: Heteroptera). Data for 233 Heteroptera species are presented. Phytocoris intricatus FLOR, 1861 and Xylocoridea brevipennis REUTER, 1876 are new to the Austrian Fauna. Further remarkable data concern Micracanthia fennica (REUTER, 1884), Acalypta pulchra ŠTUSÁK, 1961, Hyalochiton komaroffii (JAKOVLEV, 1880), Loricula ruficeps (REUTER, 1884), Cyrto- rhinus caricis (FALLÉN, 1807), Brachysteles parvicornis (A. COSTA, 1847), Xylocoris obliquus A. COSTA, 1853, Metapterus linearis A. COSTA, 1862, Coranus aethiops JAKOVLEV, 1893, Nagusta goedelii (KOLENATI, 1857), Aradus brevicollis FALLÉN, 1807, Aradus kuthyi HORVÁTH, 1899, Macroplax fasciata (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1835), Trapezonotus ullrichi (FIEBER, 1837), Acompus pallipes (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1834), Megalotomus junceus (SCOPOLI, 1763), Sehirus ovatus (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1840) and Thyreocoris fulvipennis (DALLAS, 1851). 56 species were recorded the first time for the ...
The hermit beetle or Russian leather beetle (Osmoderma eremita), a relic species of primeval fore... more The hermit beetle or Russian leather beetle (Osmoderma eremita), a relic species of primeval forest, lives in deciduous woods with a considerable quantity of dead wood. Within the man-made environment of Central Europa, the beetle preferably inhabits meadows with scattered old fruit trees or park alleys. Osmoderma eremita is strictly protected under annexes II an IV of the European Union’s Habitats Directive and is defined as priority species. As for Carin-thia, historical findings provide extensive knowledge of the beetle’s distribution. Due to con-tinuous loss of biotopes and limited dispersal capabilities, Osmoderma eremita is considered to be threatened with extinction in Carinthia. The study’s goal was representative registration of Osmoderma eremita in Carinthia and the development of recommended protective measures. The analysis of 438 sample sites poten-tially suitable as biotope for the hermit beetle (mainly meadows with scattered fruit trees) reveals low potential of occur...
Monitoring results from the day of biodiversity on the Tamischbachturm in the National Park Gesäu... more Monitoring results from the day of biodiversity on the Tamischbachturm in the National Park Gesäuse 2008 are presented. This article contains a Heteroptera and Auchenorrhyncha species list with additional comments on some species recorded during the event.
True bug (Heteroptera) coenosis of two Mesobromions and two adjacent restoration sites in south-e... more True bug (Heteroptera) coenosis of two Mesobromions and two adjacent restoration sites in south-eastern Styria, Austria, were semi-quantitatively analysed. One restoration site was used as apple plantation until 2001, the other as cornfield until 2009. All sample areas are located in a Natura 2000 site, two of them additionally in a nature reserve. A total of 84 true bug species was recorded. Highest diversity was found in a Mesobromion with 40 and its adjacent restoration site with 39 species. Both Mesobromions were richer in xerothermophilous open-land species than the two restoration sites. The older restoration site (former apple plantation) harbours the lowest number and percentage of red list as well as xerothermophilous open-land species. Ellenberg’s indicator values of the plant communities show this site to be more moist and nutrient-richer. Regarding habitat use by xerothermophilous and epigean species considerable differences were found between Mesobromions and restoratio...
Zwei der bedeutendsten österreichischen Entomologen, Pater Gabriel Strobl und Herbert Franz, unte... more Zwei der bedeutendsten österreichischen Entomologen, Pater Gabriel Strobl und Herbert Franz, unternahmen von Admont aus zahlreiche Exkursionen in die nähere Umgebung, sammelten dabei regelmäßig Wanzen und publizierten diese Funde (STROBL 1900, RANZ & WAGNER 1961). Ihre Forschungen führten sie auch in das Gebiet des heutigen Nationalpark Gesäuse, sodass dutzende Heteropteren bereits aus historischer Zeit von hier bekannt sind. Seit Unterschutzstellung des Gesäuses als Nationalpark vor rund 10 Jahren konnten die wanzenkundlichen Forschungen intensiviert werden. Aktuell (Stand: März 2012) sind 248 Wanzenarten aus dem Nationalparkgebiet belegt (T. Frieß, unpubl.). Das ist mehr als ein Fünftel aller aus Österreich bekannten Arten. Vom Gebiet des Großen Buchsteins ist mit 14 Wanzenspezies aber erst ein geringer Anteil der tatsächlich vorkommenden Arten belegt (FRANZ & WAGNER 1961, T. Frieß, unpubl.). Der GEO-Tag 2011 war aus diesem Grund eine sehr gute Gelegenheit die Kenntnisse über das ...
Based on new field data and the revision of voucher specimens of several museum collections 13 an... more Based on new field data and the revision of voucher specimens of several museum collections 13 and 11 Heteroptera species are recorded the first time for Carinthia and Styria, respectively. One new record is mentioned each for Tyrol and Salzburg. Kalama aethiops (HORVÂTH, 1905) (Tingidae) and Cardiastethus fasciiventris (GARBIGLETTI, 1869) (Anthocoridae) are mentioned the first time for Austria. The Heteroptera inventory of both federal provinces is not yet completely known and new collections will deliver new records and expand our knowledge on the true bugs of Carinthia and Styria.
Zusammenfassung: Die Wanzengemeinschaften von acht für den Truppenübungsplatz Seetaler Alpe (Zirb... more Zusammenfassung: Die Wanzengemeinschaften von acht für den Truppenübungsplatz Seetaler Alpe (Zirbitzkogel, Steiermark) charakteristischen Biotoptypen in einer Seehöhe zwischen 1550 m und 1820 m wurden untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 64 Wanzenarten festgestellt. Bei einigen handelt es sich um bisher in der Steiermark sehr selten gefundene Tierarten: Pachycoleus waltli, Arctocorisa carinata, Loricula exilis und Orthotylus fuscescens. Das Gebiet wird für Wanzen als artenreich und naturschutzfachlich wertvoll eingestuft. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind aquatische und semiaquatische Biotope wie Moore, Seen und Teiche mit ihren Verlandungszonen sowie Quellen und Tümpel. Diesbezüglich stellt der militärische Ausbildungs-und Übungsbetrieb im bisherigen Ausmaß (Stand: Dezember 2000) aus öko-entomologischer Sicht keine Gefährdungsquelle dar.
True bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) as suitable indicators for nature conservation. True bugs (Insec... more True bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) as suitable indicators for nature conservation. True bugs (Insecta, Heteroptera) are rarely used as indicators in conservation biology. They are regarded unsuitable either because of low explanatory power or lack of specialists. The aim of the present paper is -with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland -to reconsider this judgement by taking a closer look upon current taxonomic and faunistic knowledge, availability of standardized collecting techniques and sampling designs, indicatory value, availability of red lists of endangered species and cost-benefit analyses of collecting and determination. Suggestions for standardized collecting techniques are given for different habitat types. The paper emphasizes the high cost-benefit value of Heteroptera due to their high indicatory value at low costs for collecting and determination. Heteroptera are considered to be very profitable and highly suitable indicators for nature conservation.
Teil 2 | 7 | Frieß & Brandner | "Styria's Next Top Bug" -Die aufregendsten Wanzen des Kalktales V... more Teil 2 | 7 | Frieß & Brandner | "Styria's Next Top Bug" -Die aufregendsten Wanzen des Kalktales VIELFALT LAWINE | Das Kalktal bei Hiefl au | GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt 2010 | Schriften des NP Gesäuse 6 (2011) | S. 146-163 D er 29. 05. 2010 -ein monatelang davor mit Leuchtstift markierter Tag im Kalender der Wanzenkundler. Für das Sammeln und Beobachten von Wanzen liegt dieser Termin zwar etwas zeitig im Jahr, doch das Exkursionsziel versprach eine erkleckliche Zahl an Heteropteren. Das Kalktal ist eine beeindruckend große, strukturreiche Lawinenbahn, die vom hochalpinen Gelände bis an das Ufer der Enns herabreicht. Von üppigem Hochstaudenbewuchs bis zu lückigen und felsigen Kalkmagerrasen reicht die Palette lokaler Vegetationsvielfalt.
Am Tag der Artenvielfalt 2010 im Nationalpark Gesäuse wurden im Kalktal 57 Wanzenarten nachgewies... more Am Tag der Artenvielfalt 2010 im Nationalpark Gesäuse wurden im Kalktal 57 Wanzenarten nachgewiesen. Neben der hohen Artendiversität fällt in der Artenzusammensetzung der relativ hohe Anteil an xerothermophilen Arten auf. Diese Lawinenrinne stellt innerhalb des steirischen Nationalparks für Wanzen einen Hot-Spot der Artenvielfalt dar.
A checklist and red list of the endangered Heteroptera species for the Austrian province Carinthi... more A checklist and red list of the endangered Heteroptera species for the Austrian province Carinthia is given. Twelve species are recorded for the fi rst time in Carinthia. Currently, the occurrence of 591 Heteroptera species is verifi ed for Carinthia. 18 species (3 %) are considered as regionally extinct (RE), 15 species (2 %) as critically endangered (CR), and 27 species (5 %) as endangered (EN). 41 species (7 %) are considered as vulnerable (VU) and 95 species (16 %) as near threatened (NT). Including 77 species (13 %) considered as data defi cient (DD), 273 species (46 %) are listed in the Red List. Most strongly affected are species of riverine habitats, of bogs, swamps and fens, of aggradated standing waters, and particularly of nutrient poor and semidry grasslands. Carinthia holds nation-wide responsibility for 12 species; thereof an urgent need for targeted conservation action is proposed for fi ve species. In addition to a list of characteristic species, which may be especia...
Checklist and red list of True bugs of the Austrian province Styria (Insecta: Heteroptera). – Thi... more Checklist and red list of True bugs of the Austrian province Styria (Insecta: Heteroptera). – This paper provides a critical checklist and Red List of the Heteroptera in Styria. Fourteen species are recorded the first time for the province. The analyses of 23.420 data records from 2,684 sampling locations revealed a total of 691 Heteroptera species for the province of Styria, which is 76 % of the species known to occur in Austria. Within Austria, eight species are currently known only from Styria. 68 % of the species are considered of least concern including eleven not evaluated non-indigenous species. This means that 32 % are considered endangered to various degrees: 34 species (5 %) are considered “regionally extinct”, most of them are xerothermophilic species of open lands. 30 species (4 %) are considered “critically endangered”, 46 species (7 %) “endangered”, and 56 species (8 %) “vulnerable”. 64 species (9 %) were considered “data deficient” due to unclear taxonomy or lack of d...
Avalanches are feared by humans and considered “catastrophic” due to their unpredictable and dest... more Avalanches are feared by humans and considered “catastrophic” due to their unpredictable and destructive force. But this anthropocentric perspective fails to capture the potential ecological value of these natural disturbances. The Gesäuse National Park is a model-region for investigations of such highly dynamic events because of its distinct relief and extreme weather conditions. This project aims to record and analyse the animal assemblages in these highly dynamic habitats as well as document succession and population structure. 1) Dynamic processes lead to one of the very few permanent and natural vegetationless habitat types in Central Europe outside the alpine zone – i. e. screes and other rocky habitats at various successional stages. In addition to the tight mosaic distribution of a variety of habitats over larger areas, avalanche tracks also offer valuable structures like dead wood and rocks. Remarkable is the sympatric occurrence of the three harvestmen species Trogulus tri...
Interesting records of true bugs from Austria and Bavaria (Germany) (Insecta: Heteroptera). Data ... more Interesting records of true bugs from Austria and Bavaria (Germany) (Insecta: Heteroptera). Data for 233 Heteroptera species are presented. Phytocoris intricatus FLOR, 1861 and Xylocoridea brevipennis REUTER, 1876 are new to the Austrian Fauna. Further remarkable data concern Micracanthia fennica (REUTER, 1884), Acalypta pulchra ŠTUSÁK, 1961, Hyalochiton komaroffii (JAKOVLEV, 1880), Loricula ruficeps (REUTER, 1884), Cyrto- rhinus caricis (FALLÉN, 1807), Brachysteles parvicornis (A. COSTA, 1847), Xylocoris obliquus A. COSTA, 1853, Metapterus linearis A. COSTA, 1862, Coranus aethiops JAKOVLEV, 1893, Nagusta goedelii (KOLENATI, 1857), Aradus brevicollis FALLÉN, 1807, Aradus kuthyi HORVÁTH, 1899, Macroplax fasciata (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1835), Trapezonotus ullrichi (FIEBER, 1837), Acompus pallipes (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1834), Megalotomus junceus (SCOPOLI, 1763), Sehirus ovatus (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1840) and Thyreocoris fulvipennis (DALLAS, 1851). 56 species were recorded the first time for the ...
The hermit beetle or Russian leather beetle (Osmoderma eremita), a relic species of primeval fore... more The hermit beetle or Russian leather beetle (Osmoderma eremita), a relic species of primeval forest, lives in deciduous woods with a considerable quantity of dead wood. Within the man-made environment of Central Europa, the beetle preferably inhabits meadows with scattered old fruit trees or park alleys. Osmoderma eremita is strictly protected under annexes II an IV of the European Union’s Habitats Directive and is defined as priority species. As for Carin-thia, historical findings provide extensive knowledge of the beetle’s distribution. Due to con-tinuous loss of biotopes and limited dispersal capabilities, Osmoderma eremita is considered to be threatened with extinction in Carinthia. The study’s goal was representative registration of Osmoderma eremita in Carinthia and the development of recommended protective measures. The analysis of 438 sample sites poten-tially suitable as biotope for the hermit beetle (mainly meadows with scattered fruit trees) reveals low potential of occur...
Monitoring results from the day of biodiversity on the Tamischbachturm in the National Park Gesäu... more Monitoring results from the day of biodiversity on the Tamischbachturm in the National Park Gesäuse 2008 are presented. This article contains a Heteroptera and Auchenorrhyncha species list with additional comments on some species recorded during the event.
True bug (Heteroptera) coenosis of two Mesobromions and two adjacent restoration sites in south-e... more True bug (Heteroptera) coenosis of two Mesobromions and two adjacent restoration sites in south-eastern Styria, Austria, were semi-quantitatively analysed. One restoration site was used as apple plantation until 2001, the other as cornfield until 2009. All sample areas are located in a Natura 2000 site, two of them additionally in a nature reserve. A total of 84 true bug species was recorded. Highest diversity was found in a Mesobromion with 40 and its adjacent restoration site with 39 species. Both Mesobromions were richer in xerothermophilous open-land species than the two restoration sites. The older restoration site (former apple plantation) harbours the lowest number and percentage of red list as well as xerothermophilous open-land species. Ellenberg’s indicator values of the plant communities show this site to be more moist and nutrient-richer. Regarding habitat use by xerothermophilous and epigean species considerable differences were found between Mesobromions and restoratio...
Zwei der bedeutendsten österreichischen Entomologen, Pater Gabriel Strobl und Herbert Franz, unte... more Zwei der bedeutendsten österreichischen Entomologen, Pater Gabriel Strobl und Herbert Franz, unternahmen von Admont aus zahlreiche Exkursionen in die nähere Umgebung, sammelten dabei regelmäßig Wanzen und publizierten diese Funde (STROBL 1900, RANZ & WAGNER 1961). Ihre Forschungen führten sie auch in das Gebiet des heutigen Nationalpark Gesäuse, sodass dutzende Heteropteren bereits aus historischer Zeit von hier bekannt sind. Seit Unterschutzstellung des Gesäuses als Nationalpark vor rund 10 Jahren konnten die wanzenkundlichen Forschungen intensiviert werden. Aktuell (Stand: März 2012) sind 248 Wanzenarten aus dem Nationalparkgebiet belegt (T. Frieß, unpubl.). Das ist mehr als ein Fünftel aller aus Österreich bekannten Arten. Vom Gebiet des Großen Buchsteins ist mit 14 Wanzenspezies aber erst ein geringer Anteil der tatsächlich vorkommenden Arten belegt (FRANZ & WAGNER 1961, T. Frieß, unpubl.). Der GEO-Tag 2011 war aus diesem Grund eine sehr gute Gelegenheit die Kenntnisse über das ...
Papers by Thomas Frieß