Papers by Thomas Dickmeis

PLOS ONE, 2015
The cornea is a central component of the camera eye of vertebrates and even slight corneal distur... more The cornea is a central component of the camera eye of vertebrates and even slight corneal disturbances severely affect vision. The transcription factor PAX6 is required for normal eye development, namely the proper separation of the lens from the developing cornea and the formation of the iris and anterior chamber. Human PAX6 mutations are associated with severe ocular disorders such as aniridia, Peters anomaly and chronic limbal stem cell insufficiency. To develop the zebrafish as a model for corneal disease, we first performed transcriptome and in situ expression analysis to identify marker genes to characterise the cornea in normal and pathological conditions. We show that, at 7 days post fertilisation (dpf), the zebrafish cornea expresses the majority of marker genes (67/84 tested genes) found also expressed in the cornea of juvenile and adult stages. We also characterised homozygous pax6b mutants. Mutant embryos have a thick cornea, iris hypoplasia, a shallow anterior chamber and a small lens. Ultrastructure analysis revealed a disrupted corneal endothelium. pax6b mutants show loss of corneal epithelial gene expression including regulatory genes (sox3, tfap2a, foxc1a and pitx2). In contrast, several genes (pitx2, ctnnb2, dcn and fabp7a) were ectopically expressed in the malformed corneal endothelium. Lack of pax6b function leads to severe disturbance of the corneal gene regulatory programme.
Briefings in Functional Genomics, 2013
The precise spatial and temporal control of gene expression is a key process in the development, ... more The precise spatial and temporal control of gene expression is a key process in the development, maintenance and regeneration of the vertebrate body. A substantial proportion of vertebrate genomes encode genes that control the transcription of the genetic information into mRNA. The zebrafish is particularly well suited to investigate gene regulatory networks underlying the control of gene expression during development due to the external development of its transparent embryos and the increasingly sophisticated tools for genetic manipulation available for this model system. We review here recent data on the analysis of cis-regulatory modules, transcriptional regulators and their integration into gene regulatory networks in the zebrafish, using the developing spinal cord as example.

Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 2013
Glucocorticoid stress hormones and their artificial derivatives are widely used drugs to treat in... more Glucocorticoid stress hormones and their artificial derivatives are widely used drugs to treat inflammation, but long-term treatment with glucocorticoids can lead to severe side effects. Test systems are needed to search for novel compounds influencing glucocorticoid signaling in vivo or to determine unwanted effects of compounds on the glucocorticoid signaling pathway. We have established a transgenic zebrafish assay which allows the measurement of glucocorticoid signaling activity in vivo and in real-time, the GRIZLY assay (Glucocorticoid Responsive In vivo Zebrafish Luciferase activitY). The luciferase-based assay detects effects on glucocorticoid signaling with high sensitivity and specificity, including effects by compounds that require metabolization or affect endogenous glucocorticoid production. We present here a detailed protocol for conducting chemical screens with this assay. We describe data acquisition, normalization, and analysis, placing a focus on quality control and data visualization. The assay provides a simple, time-resolved, and quantitative readout. It can be operated as a stand-alone platform, but is also easily integrated into high-throughput screening workflows. It furthermore allows for many applications beyond chemical screening, such as environmental monitoring of endocrine disruptors or stress research.

Development (Cambridge, England), 2002
Endoderm originates from a large endomesodermal field requiring Nodal signalling. The mechanisms ... more Endoderm originates from a large endomesodermal field requiring Nodal signalling. The mechanisms that ensure segregation of endoderm from mesoderm are not fully understood. We first show that the timing and dose of Nodal activation are crucial for endoderm formation and the endoderm versus mesoderm fate choice, because sustained Nodal signalling is required to ensure endoderm formation but transient signalling is sufficient for mesoderm formation. In zebrafish, downstream of Nodal signals, three genes encoding transcription factors (faust, bonnie and clyde and the recently identified gene casanova) are required for endoderm formation and differentiation. However their positions within the pathway are not completely established. In the present work, we show that casanova is the earliest specification marker for endodermal cells and that its expression requires bonnie and clyde. Furthermore, we have analysed the molecular activities of casanova on endoderm formation and found that it ...
Mechanisms of …, 2001
... 3A–C). These include primary Rohon Beard sensory neurons and motor neurons of the spinal cord... more ... 3A–C). These include primary Rohon Beard sensory neurons and motor neurons of the spinal cord (Fig. ... In the spinal cord of the 24 h old embryo, motor neurons and some interneurons, in addition to the dorsally located Rohon Beard neurons, express bck mRNA weakly (Fig. ...

PLoS ONE, 2008
The EGF-CFC factor Oep/Cripto1/Frl1 has been implicated in embryogenesis and several human cancer... more The EGF-CFC factor Oep/Cripto1/Frl1 has been implicated in embryogenesis and several human cancers. During vertebrate development, Oep/Cripto1/Frl1 has been shown to act as an essential coreceptor in the TGFb/Nodal pathway, which is crucial for germ layer formation. Although studies in cell cultures suggest that Oep/Cripto1/Frl1 is also implicated in other pathways, in vivo it is solely regarded as a Nodal coreceptor. We have found that Rasl11b, a small GTPase belonging to a Ras subfamily of putative tumor suppressor genes, modulates Oep function in zebrafish independently of the Nodal pathway. rasl11b down regulation partially rescues endodermal and prechordal plate defects of zygotic oep 2/2 mutants (Zoep). Rasl11b inhibitory action was only observed in oep-deficient backgrounds, suggesting that normal oep expression prevents Rasl11b function. Surprisingly, rasl11b down regulation does not rescue mesendodermal defects in other Nodal pathway mutants, nor does it influence the phosphorylation state of the downstream effector Smad2. Thus, Rasl11b modifies the effect of Oep on mesendoderm development independently of the main known Oep output: the Nodal signaling pathway. This data suggests a new branch of Oep signaling that has implications for germ layer development, as well as for studies of Oep/Frl1/Cripto1 dysfunction, such as that found in tumors.

PLoS ONE, 2011
Most organisms possess circadian clocks that are able to anticipate the day/night cycle and are r... more Most organisms possess circadian clocks that are able to anticipate the day/night cycle and are reset or ''entrained'' by the ambient light. In the zebrafish, many organs and even cultured cell lines are directly light responsive, allowing for direct entrainment of the clock by light. Here, we have characterized light induced gene transcription in the zebrafish at several organizational levels. Larvae, heart organ cultures and cell cultures were exposed to 1-or 3-hour light pulses, and changes in gene expression were compared with controls kept in the dark. We identified 117 light regulated genes, with the majority being induced and some repressed by light. Cluster analysis groups the genes into five major classes that show regulation at all levels of organization or in different subset combinations. The regulated genes cover a variety of functions, and the analysis of gene ontology categories reveals an enrichment of genes involved in circadian rhythms, stress response and DNA repair, consistent with the exposure to visible wavelengths of light priming cells for UV-induced damage repair. Promoter analysis of the induced genes shows an enrichment of various short sequence motifs, including E-and D-box enhancers that have previously been implicated in light regulation of the zebrafish period2 gene. Heterologous reporter constructs with sequences matching these motifs reveal light regulation of D-box elements in both cells and larvae. Morpholino-mediated knock-down studies of two homologues of the D-box binding factor Tef indicate that these are differentially involved in the cell autonomous light induction in a gene-specific manner. These findings suggest that the mechanisms involved in period2 regulation might represent a more general pathway leading to light induced gene expression.
Mechanisms of Development, 2002
Proteins of the Extramacrochaetae and Id subfamily of Helix-Loop-Helix (HLH) proteins are negativ... more Proteins of the Extramacrochaetae and Id subfamily of Helix-Loop-Helix (HLH) proteins are negative regulators of bHLH transcription factors. We cloned a cDNA from zebrafish which encodes a member of the id3 subfamily. High levels of transcripts accumulated in the germ ring and in the embryonic shield. Towards the end of gastrulation, Id3 was highly expressed in the anterior prechordal plate and hypoblast. At later stages, id3 expression was turned on and off in a large variety of tissues within short periods of time. These include the lateral mesoderm, the cornea, the lens, the brain, the neural crest, the retina and the fins. q
Genome Research, 2004
FAX 00 33 3 88 65 32 01. Article and publication are at
Genes & Development, 2001
casanova (cas) mutant zebrafish embryos lack endoderm and develop cardia bifida. In a substractiv... more casanova (cas) mutant zebrafish embryos lack endoderm and develop cardia bifida. In a substractive screen for Nodal-responsive genes, we isolated an HMG box-containing gene, 10J3, which is expressed in the endoderm. The cas phenotype is rescued by overexpression of 10J3 and can be mimicked by 10J3-directed morpholinos. Furthermore, we identified a mutation within 10J3 coding sequence that cosegregates with the cas phenotype, clearly demonstrating that cas is encoded by 10J3. Epistasis experiments are consistent with an instructive role for cas in endoderm formation downstream of Nodal signals and upstream of sox17. In the absence of cas activity, endoderm progenitors differentiate into mesodermal derivatives. Thus, cas is an HMG box-containing gene involved in the fate decision between endoderm and mesoderm that acts downstream of Nodal signals.

Developmental Dynamics, 2001
Nodal signaling controls germ layer formation, left-right asymmetry, and patterning of the brain ... more Nodal signaling controls germ layer formation, left-right asymmetry, and patterning of the brain in the vertebrate embryo. Cellular responses to Nodal signals are complex and include changes in gene expression, cell morphology, and migratory behavior. Only little is known about the genes regulated by Nodal signaling. We designed a subtractive screening strategy by using a constitutively active Nodal receptor to identify putative target genes of Nodal signals in the early gastrula of zebrafish embryos. By quantitative analysis of macro-array hybridizations, 132 genes corresponding to 1.4% of genes on the entire macro-array were identified, which were enriched in the Nodal-induced probe pool. These genes encode components of signal transduction pathways, transcription regulators, proteins involved in protein metabolism but also cytoskeletal components and metabolic enzymes, suggesting dramatic changes of cell physiology in gastrula cells in response to Nodal signals.
Developmental Biology, 2013
T. Dickmeis). i Please cite this article as: Weger, M., et al., Real-time in vivo monitoring of c... more T. Dickmeis). i Please cite this article as: Weger, M., et al., Real-time in vivo monitoring of circadian E-box enhancer activity: A robust and sensitive zebrafish reporter line for developmental, chemical and neural biology of the circadian clock. Dev. Biol. (2013),

Developmental Biology, 2008
The cis-regulatory regions of many developmental regulators and transcription factors are believe... more The cis-regulatory regions of many developmental regulators and transcription factors are believed to be highly conserved in the genomes of vertebrate species, suggesting specific regulatory mechanisms for these gene classes. We functionally characterized five notochord enhancers, whose sequence is highly conserved, and systematically mutated two of them. Two subregions were identified to be essential for expression in the notochord of the zebrafish embryo. Synthetic enhancers containing the two essential regions in front of a TATA-box drive expression in the notochord while concatemerization of the subregions alone is not sufficient, indicating that the combination of the two sequence elements is required for notochord expression. Both regions are present in the five functionally characterized notochord enhancers. However, the position, the distance and relative orientation of the two sequence motifs can vary substantially within the enhancer sequences. This suggests that the regulatory grammar itself does not dictate the high evolutionary conservation between these orthologous cis-regulatory sequences. Rather, it represents a less well-conserved layer of sequence organization within these sequences.
Development Genes and Evolution, 2001
The BMP3 related anti-dorsalizing morphogenetic protein (ADMP) has been proposed to function in t... more The BMP3 related anti-dorsalizing morphogenetic protein (ADMP) has been proposed to function in the organizer of chick and Xenopus embryos. We report here the cloning and expression pattern of a zebrafish admp gene. The gene is expressed in involuting cells of the embryonic shield, but not in the noninvoluting forerunner cells. During gastrulation, admp transcripts are detected in the posterior prechordal plate, in the notochord primordium and in cells of the dorsal blastoderm margin. Expression is also detectable in the neuroectoderm overlying the posterior prechordal plate. Expression persists in the tail bud until the end of somitogenesis while expression in other areas disappears during early somitogenesis stages.

Due to the relative transparency of its embryos and larvae, the zebrafish is an ideal model organ... more Due to the relative transparency of its embryos and larvae, the zebrafish is an ideal model organism for bioimaging approaches in vertebrates. Novel microscope technologies allow the imaging of developmental processes in unprecedented detail, and they enable the use of complex image-based read-outs for highthroughput/high-content screening. Such applications can easily generate Terabytes of image data, the handling and analysis of which becomes a major bottleneck in extracting the targeted information. Here, we describe the current state of the art in computational image analysis in the zebrafish system. We discuss the challenges encountered when handling high-content image data, especially with regard to data quality, annotation, and storage. We survey methods for preprocessing image data for further analysis, and describe selected examples of automated image analysis, including the tracking of cells during embryogenesis, heartbeat detection, identification of dead embryos, recognition of tissues and anatomical landmarks, and quantification of behavioral patterns of adult fish. We review recent examples for applications using such methods, such as the comprehensive analysis of cell lineages during early development, the generation of a three-dimensional brain atlas of zebrafish larvae, and high-throughput drug screens based on movement patterns. Finally, we identify future challenges for the zebrafish image analysis community, notably those concerning the compatibility of algorithms and data formats for the assembly of modular analysis pipelines.
Papers by Thomas Dickmeis