Papers by Theresa Lahousen
Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis, Sep 1, 2001
Hautarzt, Oct 26, 2017
Körperdysmorphe Störung Diagnostik und Therapie in der kosmetischen Dermatologie Wir leben in ein... more Körperdysmorphe Störung Diagnostik und Therapie in der kosmetischen Dermatologie Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der "gutes Aussehen" immer mehr an Bedeutung zunimmt und in der Menschen mit makellosem Gesicht und mit schöner Haut bessere Chancen im Leben haben. Dementsprechend rückt die körperdysmorphe Störung (KDS) als eine zeitspezifische und relevante Erkrankung immer mehr in das wissenschaftliche Interesse von Psychologie und Medizin, insbesondere der Psychosomatik und Dermatologie [1, 2]. Die Diagnose einer KDS ist schwierig zu stellen, da sowohl differenzialdiagnostisch als auch komorbid andere psychiatrische Erkrankungen abzugrenzen sind. Ebenso sind die Vermittlung zum zuständigen Facharzt und das Erreichen einer hinreichenden Patienten-Compliance, wenn einmal eine Therapie festgelegt wurde, meist problematisch [1, 2].

Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021
The bidirectional connection between the brain and the gut within psychiatric entities has gained... more The bidirectional connection between the brain and the gut within psychiatric entities has gained increasing scientific attention over the last years. As a regulator of intestinal permeability, zonulin acts as a key player on the interface of this interplay. Like several psychiatric disorders, intestinal permeability was associated with inflammation in previous findings. Methods: In this study we explored differences in zonulin serum levels in currently depressed (n = 55) versus currently euthymic (n = 37) individuals with an affective disorder. Further, we explored sex differences and possible influences on zonulin and affective symptoms like medication, age, body mass index, and smoking status. Results: Serum zonulin was significantly higher in females than in men independent from affective status (z =-2.412, p = .016). More specifically, females in the euthymic subgroup had higher zonulin levels than euthymic men (z =-2.114, p = .035). There was no difference in zonulin serum levels in individuals taking or not taking a specific psychopharmacotherapy. We found no correlation between zonulin serum levels and depression severity. Discussion: Increased serum zonulin levels as a proxy for increased intestinal permeability in women may indicate a state of elevated susceptibility for depression-inducing stimuli.
Dysthymie, 2002
Bei der Dysthymie handelt es sich um ein komplexes Krankheitsbild, das aufgrund seines langwierig... more Bei der Dysthymie handelt es sich um ein komplexes Krankheitsbild, das aufgrund seines langwierigen Verlaufes und zahlreicher Komplikationsmoglichkeiten, die noch dazu recht haufig auftreten, grose Herausforderungen in therapeutischer Hinsicht stellt. Vielleicht sind dies genau jene Grunde, warum in der Langzeitbeobachtung dysthymer Patienten festzustellen ist, dass lediglich die Halfte, trotz eines jahrzehntelangen Krankheitsverlaufes, je Antidepressiva erhalten haben bzw. knapp mehr als die Halfte einer Psychotherapie zugefuhrt wurden (Shelton et al, 1997). Es handelt sich also um eine Erkrankung die viel zu selten adaquat behandelt wird.
Psychiatria Danubina, Jun 22, 2018

Purpose The aim of the study was to determine the extent of changes in circumferential measuremen... more Purpose The aim of the study was to determine the extent of changes in circumferential measurements taken at various localizations before, during and after in-patient treatment in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and their relation to BMI. Furthermore, we analyzed a possible impact of these values on long-term prognosis. Methods We retrospectively analyzed data of 269 patients (258 females, 11 males) with anorexia nervosa treated between 1999 and 2013 at a single institution by a 6-weeks quick refeeding therapy cycle. A complete set of data was available from 230 patients. BMI and 13 circumferential measuring points at the trunk and the extremities were monitored every day and at follow-up. Results 229 out of the total collective (85.13 %) had a favourable outcome with restored, stable weight after a mean observation time of 138 +- 52 months. All measuring parameters showed a highly significant increase from admission to end of treatment cycle (p < 0.0001 for each parameter. T...

Dietary polyphenols, which are present in Aronia melanocarpa, have been associated with various b... more Dietary polyphenols, which are present in Aronia melanocarpa, have been associated with various beneficial effects on human health including antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory activities. We aimed to investigate the immunomodulatory effects of aronia juice polyphenols in a randomized placebo-controlled human intervention study and cell culture experiments. A total of 40 females were asked to consume either 200 mL of aronia juice or a placebo drink for six weeks and were investigated again after a washout period of another six weeks. We observed that only half of the participants tolerated the aronia juice well (Vt) and the other half reported complaints (Vc). The placebo (P) was generally tolerated with one exception (p = 0.003). Plasma polyphenol levels increased significantly in Vt after the intervention (p = 0.024) but did neither in P nor in Vc. Regulatory T cell (Treg) frequencies remained constant in Vt and P during the intervention, whereas Tregs decreased in Vc (p...
Psychotrauma, 2004
Wie bei kaum einer anderen psychiatrischen Erkrankung zeigt sich bei der PTBS ein Zusammenhang zw... more Wie bei kaum einer anderen psychiatrischen Erkrankung zeigt sich bei der PTBS ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem auslosenden Ereignis, psychischen Auffalligkeiten und neurobiologischen Auswirkungen. So sind die biologischen Aspekte der PTBS schon langere Zeit Gegenstand der Forschung und wurden auch schon in mehreren ubersichtsarbeiten beschrieben (Ehlert et al., 1999; Galley et al., 2000; van der Kolk et al., 1996).
Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2003
![Research paper thumbnail of [Determination of glycated hemoglobins (Hb A1c)]](
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 2002
Glycated hemoglobin is measured as HbA1c and is the result of an irreversible non-enzymatic glyca... more Glycated hemoglobin is measured as HbA1c and is the result of an irreversible non-enzymatic glycation of the beta chain of hemoglobin A. HbA1c is used routinely to assess long term glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus. There are more than 20 determination methods, the techniques used are cation-exchange chromatography, electrophoresis, affinity chromatography and immunoassays, although each of these techniques measures a different fraction of the glycated hemoglobin. In addition, genetic hemoglobin variants and chemically modified derivates of hemoglobin can affect the HbA1c measurement and thus can not be included in international attempts for standardization. This manuscript reviews the current information on glycation of hemoglobin, HbA1c determination methods, interferences and attempts for standardization. We aim at pointing out to the reader the current problems of glycated hemoglobin determination and to describe the necessary measures which need to be taken fo...
is usedroutinely to assess long term glycemic control in patientswith diabetes mellitus. There ar... more is usedroutinely to assess long term glycemic control in patientswith diabetes mellitus. There are more than 20 determina-tion methods, the techniques used are cation-exchangechromatography, electrophoresis, affinity chromatographyand immunoassays, although each of these techniquesmeasures a different fraction of the glycated hemoglobin.In addition, genetic hemoglobin variants and chemicallymodified derivates of hemoglobin can affect the HbA

Nutritional interventions have beneficial effects on certain psychiatric disorder symptomatology ... more Nutritional interventions have beneficial effects on certain psychiatric disorder symptomatology and common physical health comorbidities. However, studies evaluating nutritional literacy in mental health professionals (MHP) are scarce. This study aimed to assess the across 52 countries. Surveys were distributed via colleagues and professional societies. Data were collected regarding self-reported general nutrition knowledge, nutrition education, learning opportunities, and the tendency to recommend food supplements or prescribe specific diets in clinical practice. In total, 1056 subjects participated in the study: 354 psychiatrists, 511 psychologists, 44 psychotherapists, and 147 MHPs in-training. All participants believed the diet quality of individuals with mental disorders was poorer compared to the general population (p < 0.001). The majority of the psychiatrists (74.2%) and psychologists (66.3%) reported having no training in nutrition. Nevertheless, many of them used nutri...
Dysthymie, 2002
Der Begriff der Dysthymie wurde erstmals 1980 im Diagnosesystem DSM-III (Diagnostic and Statistic... more Der Begriff der Dysthymie wurde erstmals 1980 im Diagnosesystem DSM-III (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3. Ausgabe) festgelegt. Es wurde hier das Spektrum an chronisch verlaufenden milden depressiven Storungen unter einem Begriff zusammengefasst und so Diagnostik und wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen erleichtert. Obgleich nicht synonym wurde bereits eine Vielzahl an Bezeichnungen benutzt, um die Dysthymie zu beschreiben. So findet man sie als depressives Temperament (Kraepelin, 1921; Kretschmer, 1936; Schneider, 1958), neurotische Depression (DSM-II, American Psychiatric Association, 1968), depressive Personlichkeit (Chodoff, 1972), hysteroide Dysphorie (Liebowitz und Klein, 1979) und Charakter-Spektrum Storung (Akiskal, 1980) beschrieben.
Psychotrauma, 2004
Wie kaum bei einer anderen psychischen Storung wogt die Diskussion um den primaren Einsatz von Ps... more Wie kaum bei einer anderen psychischen Storung wogt die Diskussion um den primaren Einsatz von Psychopharmako-Therapie oder Psychotherapie ungebremst hin und her. Es klingt tiefst uberzeugend und ist es auch, dass ein offensichtlich vorhandener auserer Ausloser, der den Menschen aus der Lebensbahn wirft, psychische Spuren hinterlasst, wo es naheliegend ist, den Ansatz so zu wahlen, dass man sich gesprachsweise dem Problem nahert. Es geht um Dinge wie Auf- und Verarbeiten, umgehen lernen mit dem Trauma, etc. Dies sind alles sehr wichtige und richtige Ansatze.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent disease, in which one third of sufferers do not re... more Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent disease, in which one third of sufferers do not respond to antidepressants. Probiotics have the potential to be well-tolerated and cost-efficient treatment options. However, the molecular pathways of their effects are not fully elucidated yet. Based on previous literature, we assume that probiotics can positively influence inflammatory mechanisms. We aimed at analyzing the effects of probiotics on gene expression of inflammation genes as part of the randomized, placebo-controlled, multispecies probiotics PROVIT study in Graz, Austria. Fasting blood of 61 inpatients with MDD was collected before and after four weeks of probiotic intake or placebo. We analyzed the effects on gene expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 (NFKB1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). In IL-6 we found no significant main effects for group (F(1,44) = 1.33, p = ns) nor time (F(1,44) = 0.00, p = ns), but interaction was significant (F(1,4...
Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia

Frontiers in Psychiatry
Attachment refers to a psychobiological principle that is deeply rooted in evolutionary developme... more Attachment refers to a psychobiological principle that is deeply rooted in evolutionary development; it is thought to contribute a major advantage in the survival of the social group. Within individual development it indicates a primary motivational system that guides the initial transactions between mother and baby and furthermore mediates affective attunement and regulation. Psychosocial learning, in close interaction with genetics and epigenetics, also develops a decisive foundation for further brain development of the infant. Finally, the attachment pattern established forms an enduring, relational context for later affective, cognitive, and social development of the child. As an unconsciously active matrix for future personal relationships it has a particular impact on the comprehensive psychological functions of empathy and mentalization. Early adverse and traumatic experiences or major emotional neglect may lead to different levels of security versus insecurity or disorientation-disorganization of the attachment pattern that corresponds to characteristic features of neurobiological regulation.

Psychiatria Danubina
Anxiety disorders are considered among the most common psychiatric disorders in general populatio... more Anxiety disorders are considered among the most common psychiatric disorders in general population. They may be characterized by prominent subjective suffering, frequent chronic courses of illness, increased rates of comorbid other psychiatric disorders and somatic diseases, a distressing amount of psychosocial disabilities, in all, a challenging high burden of disease. Anxiety disorders have principally to be conceptualized within a multifactorial biopsychosocial model. Various psychological and psychosocial approaches have contributed to a multi-layered understanding of various major predisposing, eliciting, and maintaining factors in the course of illness. Modern neurobiological research has significantly broadened and deepened the aetiopathogenetic complexity of anxiety disorders. The main focus of this short review is on neural fear-and anxiety circuits, neurotransmitter systems, neuroendocrine and inflammatory stress systems, genetics and epigenetics that characterize the general basis of fear and anxiety regulation and their dysregulation in anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders may be effectively treated both by psychotherapeutic and pharmacological approaches. Basic principles and general guidelines in the treatment of anxiety disorders are being presented.

Acta dermato-venereologica, Jan 9, 2016
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease associated with high levels of psychological distress and con... more Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease associated with high levels of psychological distress and considerable life impact. Feelings of shame and stigmatization can lead to avoidance of social activity and intimacy. In this study, the questionnaire TSD-Q was used to evaluate pleasure in touching oneself and in a partnership, parental touching during childhood and (skin-related) shame and disgust. Skin-related disgust and shame were significantly higher in psoriatic patients than in healthy controls. Moreover, psoriasis-patients scored significantly lower than skin-healthy controls concerning appraisal of self-touching and parental touching. In contrast, psoriasis-patients scored higher concerning appraisal of touching in a partnership. Due to the fact that low self-esteem might enhance the negative evaluation of touch and the feelings of shame and disgust, psychological interventions should be integrated in the treatment of psoriasis.
Papers by Theresa Lahousen