Storytelling, which is often promoted as a suitable methodological approach in teaching young lea... more Storytelling, which is often promoted as a suitable methodological approach in teaching young learners, has been under-used and under-researched in EFL primary schools. This study introduces a storytelling innovation to put the young learner-oriented approach in practice. The innovation provides a structure to redesign textbook lessons into storytelling lessons in order to offer young learners interactive opportunities to use language in meaningful contexts. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase employed a qualitative approach to examine the current state of using stories and storytelling in teaching EFL in state primary schools in Vietnam. This phase involved the participation of 21 teachers and groups of Grade 5 students from 18 primary schools. Classroom observations, in-depth interviews with teachers, and group interviews with students were conducted to collect data. The results showed that stories were mainly used to introduce target language items in the pr...
The purpo r r se of this pap a a er is to exp x lore human resource management (HRM) practices in... more The purpo r r se of this pap a a er is to exp x lore human resource management (HRM) practices in New Zealand and its imp m m act on individual Malaysian emp m m loyee's experience. Through qualitative interviews, this paper foun f f d that fou f f r HRM practices; namely, recru r itment and selection, training and development, perfo f f rmance management, and socialization as signific f f ant HRM practices in New Zealand organizations. Thus, th t t is paper reveals Malaysian emp m m loyees' emp m m loyment experiences vary according to sector. This paper foun f f d a sub u tle discrimination against individuals becau a se of their religion and immigrant status. Finally, it was evidenced that socialization enab a les emp m m loye y y es to integrate and accept organizational HRM practices.
Int’l Workshop on Agent Technology for Sensor Networks, May 1, 2009
A sensor network may be required to support multiple mission to be accomplished simultaneously. F... more A sensor network may be required to support multiple mission to be accomplished simultaneously. Furthermore, the environment may change at any time; ie a new mission may arrive at any time. In solving this many-mission, manysensor problem in dynamic environments, conflicts between missions may occur for the use of sensor resources. A mechanism to match sensor resources to mission demands thus becomes necessary. In this paper, motivated by the conservation of resources, we consider the ...
Storytelling, which is often promoted as a suitable methodological approach in teaching young lea... more Storytelling, which is often promoted as a suitable methodological approach in teaching young learners, has been under-used and under-researched in EFL primary schools. This study introduces a storytelling innovation to put the young learner-oriented approach in practice. The innovation provides a structure to redesign textbook lessons into storytelling lessons in order to offer young learners interactive opportunities to use language in meaningful contexts. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase employed a qualitative approach to examine the current state of using stories and storytelling in teaching EFL in state primary schools in Vietnam. This phase involved the participation of 21 teachers and groups of Grade 5 students from 18 primary schools. Classroom observations, in-depth interviews with teachers, and group interviews with students were conducted to collect data. The results showed that stories were mainly used to introduce target language items in the pr...
The purpo r r se of this pap a a er is to exp x lore human resource management (HRM) practices in... more The purpo r r se of this pap a a er is to exp x lore human resource management (HRM) practices in New Zealand and its imp m m act on individual Malaysian emp m m loyee's experience. Through qualitative interviews, this paper foun f f d that fou f f r HRM practices; namely, recru r itment and selection, training and development, perfo f f rmance management, and socialization as signific f f ant HRM practices in New Zealand organizations. Thus, th t t is paper reveals Malaysian emp m m loyees' emp m m loyment experiences vary according to sector. This paper foun f f d a sub u tle discrimination against individuals becau a se of their religion and immigrant status. Finally, it was evidenced that socialization enab a les emp m m loye y y es to integrate and accept organizational HRM practices.
Int’l Workshop on Agent Technology for Sensor Networks, May 1, 2009
A sensor network may be required to support multiple mission to be accomplished simultaneously. F... more A sensor network may be required to support multiple mission to be accomplished simultaneously. Furthermore, the environment may change at any time; ie a new mission may arrive at any time. In solving this many-mission, manysensor problem in dynamic environments, conflicts between missions may occur for the use of sensor resources. A mechanism to match sensor resources to mission demands thus becomes necessary. In this paper, motivated by the conservation of resources, we consider the ...
Papers by Thao Le