Teresa Mouga
Associate Professor at the School of Tourism and Maritime Technology (Polytechnic University of Leiria, Portugal), and a member of MARE-Polytechnic of Leiria. She finished her Ph.D. in 1997, at the University of Coimbra, in Biology (Botany).The research interests are in seaweeds ecology, growth, cultivation, and bioactivities.Published more than 30 Web of Science documents, along with books, book chapters, and other SCI papers, as well as meeting proceedings, besides having made many communications (oral and/or panel) in international scientific meetings.Coordinated research national projects and participated in many other international and national projects (scientific and science dissemination). Supervised around 20 master students and is supervising one PhD student.Finnaly, has developed scientific services for the community in close cooperation with the regional and national blue sector.
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