Videos by Terence Blake
Pages 5-6. Subjects discussed: Foucault as backward looking, Deleuze, Badiou, nihilism, philosoph... more Pages 5-6. Subjects discussed: Foucault as backward looking, Deleuze, Badiou, nihilism, philosophy as counter-mythology, the new reductionism: biomedical computationalism. 7 views
Pages 6 – 9. Subjects discussed: inventive reading, paradigms, Badiou, Zizek, different senses of... more Pages 6 – 9. Subjects discussed: inventive reading, paradigms, Badiou, Zizek, different senses of infinite, Laruelle’s (use of) parentheses 4 views
In this video I analyse page 2. Subjects discussed: Deleuze, Althusser, Foucault, the « layer cak... more In this video I analyse page 2. Subjects discussed: Deleuze, Althusser, Foucault, the « layer cake » model of interpretation of theories, counter-induction, pseudo-sciences, making the leap to a new continent of thought. 5 views
In this video I deal with Laruelle's critique of the human sciences as pseudo-sciences and examin... more In this video I deal with Laruelle's critique of the human sciences as pseudo-sciences and examine the status of his own project as a transcendental research program testable by experience. 14 views
Pages 9-10. Subjects discussed: Badiou, Heidegger, thought as questioning, lived experience, test... more Pages 9-10. Subjects discussed: Badiou, Heidegger, thought as questioning, lived experience, testability, transcendental immediate givens, against principles 4 views
This is the first in a series of videos devoted to a reading of François Laruelle's A BIOGRAPHY O... more This is the first in a series of videos devoted to a reading of François Laruelle's A BIOGRAPHY OF ORDINARY MAN. In this episode I present the book and situate it in the course of Laruelle's philosophical development. I present the core idea of the book's philosophical project as much as possible in Laruelle's own terms and clarify some of the terminology involved. 7 views
In this video I discuss why one should read Laruelle from the point of view of six criteria: anti... more In this video I discuss why one should read Laruelle from the point of view of six criteria: anti-authoritarianism, hyper-deconstruction, positivity, the Absolute, synthesis of humanity and rigour, and de-schooling (or de-institutionalising) philosophy. 3 views
In this video I discuss the Foreword, concentrating on elucidating the « transvalued » or non-aut... more In this video I discuss the Foreword, concentrating on elucidating the « transvalued » or non-authoritarian meanings of a set of seemingly familiar words: biography, system, principle, experience, foundation, rigour, science, and order 2 views
Subjects discussed in this video: reason, revolt, transgression, political correctness, dramaturg... more Subjects discussed in this video: reason, revolt, transgression, political correctness, dramaturgy, conceptual characters, mysticism, justification and incommensurability. 7 views
Pages 4-5. Subjects discussed: Badiou and the Absolute; the anthropo-logical difference and the i... more Pages 4-5. Subjects discussed: Badiou and the Absolute; the anthropo-logical difference and the illusions of experience; the human animal: we are apes and robots, anthropoids and androids; noesis. 5 views
ABSTRACT: Paul Feyerabend is often associated with a destructive criticism leading to an anarchis... more ABSTRACT: Paul Feyerabend is often associated with a destructive criticism leading to an anarchism that flouts every rule and a relativism that treats all opinions as equal. This negative stereotype is based on ignorance and rumour rather than on any real engagement with his texts. Feyerabend’s work from beginning to end turns around problems of ontology and realism, culminating in the outlines of a sophisticated form of pluralist realism. The still largely unknown ontological turn taken by Feyerabend’s work in the last decade of his life was based on four strands of argument: the historical approach, cosmological criticism, the quantum analogy (complementarity), and the primacy of democracy.
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Pluralism by Terence Blake

In 1980 after spending six months in Paris attending Gilles Deleuze's and Michel Foucault's semin... more In 1980 after spending six months in Paris attending Gilles Deleuze's and Michel Foucault's seminars, and after interviewing Michel Serres and Jean-François Lyotard, I returned to Sydney and gave a paper synthesising my impressions. It was published in THE FOREIGN BODIES PAPERS, 1981. The title of the published version was not mine, but was inserted in place of my original title, which was PLURALIST FLEXI-ONTOLOGY. This title conveys my impression that these thinkers were, each in their own way, were working in the domain of ontology to elaborate not a new ontology, but a pluralist « flexi »-ontology. There was some discussion after it was given, but it was mostly disappointing. I reproduce here my appended response, but I have blanked out the names of those I respond to, as they have no doubt evolved a little since then (as have I). Note: I now prefer to talk of a pluralist meta-ontology.

TENSION 9, 1986
This article was originally published in TENSION Issue 9: « Murmur of the Soul », May 1986. The i... more This article was originally published in TENSION Issue 9: « Murmur of the Soul », May 1986. The impetus to finally put it into blog-readable form was provided by an episode of the podcast ACID HORIZON devoted to « Inner Experience: From James Hillman’s Archetypal Psychology towards a Liberation Psychology ». This is a very interesting episode introducing the still insufficiently known and read post-Jungian analyst and cultural theorist James Hillman and exploring his Archetypal Psychology, including some of the many resonances and intersections with Deleuze and Guattari’s schizo-analysis.
I began reading James Hillman in 1976, just before discovering Deleuze and Guattari’s ANTIOEDIPUS, and have been reading him ever since. I attended Deleuze’s cinema seminars from 1981 to 1985 and was constantly struck by the parallels between Deleuze and Hillman around a common ontology of the image. Hillman gave me a new insight into Jung and prepared me for my encounter with Deleuze’s thought.
Unfortunately in the early1980s no one gave a damn about such connections. However, I managed to publish two articles on the convergences: NOTHING TO DECLARE and IMAGE IS THE
Mounting and descending arcs of the circle of the proposition, sense is the principle of variance.
Deleuze as a philosopher is interested in the new and in the creation of concepts. In LOGIC OF SE... more Deleuze as a philosopher is interested in the new and in the creation of concepts. In LOGIC OF SENSE Deleuze proposes both a new concept of logic and a new concept of sense. This new logic is a non-standard logic that suspends or relativises some or perhaps all of the rules of classical logic. The concept of sense, in turn, is developed outside of the familiar philosophical and logical schemas. Both logic and concept are paradox-based: sense is a paradoxical non-existent entity, requiring a paradoxical logic. As we begin to get clear on the sense of Deleuze’s logic we come to see its incompleteness. He has created the concepts necessary to a logic of sense, but necessarily in executing this task he has not created the concepts adequate to explicating the logic of that logic. This further step is to be taken up by Deleuze’s readers in their own task of creative explicitation.
Deleuze's method in LOGIC OF SENSE is both deconstructive and transformative of the concepts it a... more Deleuze's method in LOGIC OF SENSE is both deconstructive and transformative of the concepts it analyses.
This dialogue gives essential conceptual context for reading Deleuze's LOGIC OF SENSE. The centra... more This dialogue gives essential conceptual context for reading Deleuze's LOGIC OF SENSE. The central theme is Deleuze's contribution to Fundamental Ontology: pluralism, meta-ontology and Wild Being, and the elaboration of an "ontology of sense". Frege emerges as an important influence on LOGIC OF SENSE, in particular his discussion of sense and reference, concept and object, as does Bertrand Russell with his ramified hierarchy of types. Reworking the concepts drawn from these and many other sources, Deleuze frees them from the limiting constraints imposed by standard extensional logic, and constructs an intensional logic that affirms paradox rather than trying to eliminate it.
Christopher Nolan diagnoses a death drive impulsing our civilisation and its tenacious push towar... more Christopher Nolan diagnoses a death drive impulsing our civilisation and its tenacious push towards governance by hyper-surveillance and towards climate catastrophe. He finds this death drive within our technocratic hubris intending to « fix » everything by means of social engineering and now by geo-engineering. The hyperbolic image of this techno-fix is the Algorithm. Nolan's proposed solution is to reverse the algorithmic reversal of desire into drive, to resist the full calculability of desire, to operate on a faith outside techno-nihilism. He invites us to de-algorithmise desire and to tenetise the future.
This text is a first attempt to synthesise an epistemology of incommensurabilities and an ontolog... more This text is a first attempt to synthesise an epistemology of incommensurabilities and an ontology of images. I had been working on epistemological and psychological pluralism, and on the ties between Paul Feyerabend's epistemology (incommensurabilities) and James Hillman's archetypal psychology for over five years, before moving to Paris in 1981.
I had felt the need to pursue both an ontology and an aesthetics of pluralism and was lucky to be able to attend Gilles Deleuze's seminars on cinema (pluralist ontology of images) and Foucault (pluralist epistemology and ontology) and Jean-François Lyotard's seminar on the sublime (epistemology and aesthetics of incommensurabilities).
Art & Text, 1981
Published in 1981, after a six month stay in Paris, this was my most "Baudrillardian" text to dat... more Published in 1981, after a six month stay in Paris, this was my most "Baudrillardian" text to date. Originally titled "On Some Alternatives to the Code in the Age of Hyperreality, the Hermit and the City Dweller", it was published in Art & Text #2, Winter issue, 1981. The text was written in collaboration with John Young. I wrote the theoretical parts, and John Young provided the examples, in particular Titus-Carmel.
Videos by Terence Blake
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Pluralism by Terence Blake
I began reading James Hillman in 1976, just before discovering Deleuze and Guattari’s ANTIOEDIPUS, and have been reading him ever since. I attended Deleuze’s cinema seminars from 1981 to 1985 and was constantly struck by the parallels between Deleuze and Hillman around a common ontology of the image. Hillman gave me a new insight into Jung and prepared me for my encounter with Deleuze’s thought.
Unfortunately in the early1980s no one gave a damn about such connections. However, I managed to publish two articles on the convergences: NOTHING TO DECLARE and IMAGE IS THE
I had felt the need to pursue both an ontology and an aesthetics of pluralism and was lucky to be able to attend Gilles Deleuze's seminars on cinema (pluralist ontology of images) and Foucault (pluralist epistemology and ontology) and Jean-François Lyotard's seminar on the sublime (epistemology and aesthetics of incommensurabilities).
Full version pdf:
I began reading James Hillman in 1976, just before discovering Deleuze and Guattari’s ANTIOEDIPUS, and have been reading him ever since. I attended Deleuze’s cinema seminars from 1981 to 1985 and was constantly struck by the parallels between Deleuze and Hillman around a common ontology of the image. Hillman gave me a new insight into Jung and prepared me for my encounter with Deleuze’s thought.
Unfortunately in the early1980s no one gave a damn about such connections. However, I managed to publish two articles on the convergences: NOTHING TO DECLARE and IMAGE IS THE
I had felt the need to pursue both an ontology and an aesthetics of pluralism and was lucky to be able to attend Gilles Deleuze's seminars on cinema (pluralist ontology of images) and Foucault (pluralist epistemology and ontology) and Jean-François Lyotard's seminar on the sublime (epistemology and aesthetics of incommensurabilities).
Copyright Terence Blake and Kent Palmer 2021
File: BPconvo2fixed_finally_edited02 (raw transcript)
File: Dialogue_LOS_2 >> Conversation_LOS_02TBlakeEdit01 (edited)
File: DeleuzeLoS20210318conversation02_finalized.mp3
File: PalmerBlakeDialogue_DeleuzeLOS02_20210318kdp01a.docx
Deleuze Logic of Sense Series 01 Conversation LOS02 between Terence Blake and Kent Palmer on 20210321 on Continental Philosophy Discord Server [] apropos of reading of text on Deleuze and Guattari Quarantine Collective discord server []
Archive Site: @kentpalmer
See also @TPBlake
See also SoundCloud:
Audio Identifier: US-KDP-000000000001-005654-700905665
Abstract: This dialogue gives essential conceptual context for reading Deleuze's LOGIC OF SENSE. The central theme is Deleuze's contribution to Fundamental Ontology: pluralism, meta-ontology and Wild Being, and the elaboration of an "ontology of sense". Frege emerges as an important influence on LOGIC OF SENSE, in particular his discussion of sense and reference, concept and object, as does Bertrand Russell with his ramified hierarchy of types. Reworking the concepts drawn from these and many other sources, Deleuze frees them from the limiting constraints imposed by standard extensional logic, and constructs an intensional logic that affirms paradox rather than trying to eliminate it.
Transcribed Sat, 3/13/2021 8:14PM • 1:27:39
book, logic, philosophy, ontology, sense, idea, concept, Merleau-Ponty, talks, Lewis Carroll, developed, language, Derrida, wild, Plato, point, Continental Philosophy, thought, identity, difference, Zizek
Terence Blake, Kent Palmer
Copyright Terence Blake and Kent Palmer 2021
File: DeleuzeLoS20210311conversation01_edited (raw transcript)
File: Dialogue_LOS_1 (edited)
File: DeleuzeLoS20210311conversation01_finalized.mp3
File: PalmerBlakeDialogue_DeleuzeLOS01_20210313kdp01a.docx
Deleuze Logic of Sense Series 01 Conversation LOS01 between Terence Blake and Kent Palmer on 20210311 on Continental Philosophy Discord Server [] apropos of reading of text on Deleuze and Guattari Quarantine Collective discord server []
Archive Site: @kentpalmer
See also @TPBlake
See also SoundCloud:
Audio Identifier: US-KDP-000000000001-092532-044280750
(1) some general considerations regarding the amplitude and inventiveness of Laruelle’s research program. (2) static presentation of the book, its structure, content, and themes. (3) dynamic presentation of the book, its movements and forces, its conceptual drama, and its relationship with some defining features of the genre of science fiction. In (4) we examine the three criteria for a general or non-standard science fiction that Laruelle proposes, amounting to a formula for the re-foundation of the genre of science fiction. (5) We test his hypotheses by examining some potentially falsifying examples of SF. (6) contains a proposition for an extended formula for a general or non-standard SF. In (7) we conclude with the concept of an inventive farewell to the philosophers who have been our educators.
The key word for this new book by Laruelle is « amplitude », which describes the aim of the book to englobe the whole of human experience, its sites and its stages, freed from the confines of philosophy, reaching from the Earth to the Universe, from the Cavern to the Stars, and from Birth to Messianity. To attain this goal he must make philosophy far more inventive than it has become. These two words also describe the underlying values of science fiction.
(1) considérations générales concernant l’amplitude et l’inventivité du programme de recherche laruelléen. (2) présentation statique du livre, de sa structure et de ses thèmes. (3) présentation dynamique du livre, de ses mouvements, de son drame conceptuel, et de son rapport avec quelques traits définitoires du genre de la science-fiction. (4) les trois critères que Laruelle propose en vue d’une formule permettant la refondation du genre de la science-fiction (5) la mise à l’épreuve de ses hypothèses par l’examen de quelques exemples potentiellement falsifiants. (6) une proposition pour une formule étendue de la SF non-standard (7) on conclut sur le concept d’un adieu inventif fait aux philosophes qui ont été nos éducateurs.
Abstract: J'essaie de voir ANATEM en termes d'une tendance générale, qui inclurait la philosophie, la physique, et la science fiction. Étant donné que notre paradigme global ou notre image de pensée n'est plus le monisme (le Platonisme), comment pouvons-nous éviter la chute dans la démultiplication incontrôlée de jeux de langage (le relativisme)?
La multiplication de mondes au niveau objectuel reflète la multiplication de formalismes et de jeux de langage au méta-niveau. Comment pouvons-nous accommoder à la fois la plasticité du réel, qui permet une multiplicité des interprétations du monde et des modes de vie, et sa résistance, qui sélectionne parmi toutes ces possibilités seulement un petit nombre d'instances valides et viables.
Dans le roman ANATEM, les disputes entre la syntaxique et la sémantique, entre les théors et rhétors, et aussi entre les Protans et les Prociens, sont le reflet de ce dilemme.
illustrations or applications, but is also organised in terms of certain overarching images that give form and plausibility to its exercise in a particular epoch. There are two influential images of thought that have given rise to diverse contemporary metaphysical research programmes in Continental Philosophy: the quantum image and the performance image. These are articulated in opposition to the dominance of the structuralist image.
The most radical version of a philosophical project that elaborates a quantum image of thought is to be found in Slavoj Zizek’s recent work, while the most radical version of the performance image is given by
Bruno Latour’s AIME project.
François Laruelle attempts to give a version of the quantum image, and some of his followers have tried to develop a performance image in his name. In both cases their thought is not radical enough, because they
are caught in un-criticized structuralist presuppositions.
1) un parcours conceptuel, centré sur le pluralisme philosophique et sur les conceptions du livre concernant les divers types d’infinis.
2) un parcours poétique, centré sur les mouvements de la descente aux enfers de la finitude du déchet coupé de l’infini, de la purgation et de l’ascension au paradis de l’Absolu, et enfin de la redescente à la finitude de l’œuvre touchée par l’infini.
3) un parcours linguistique, centré sur la question du langage le plus approprié pour parler de notre monde contemporain et de notre vie? Badiou démontre la fécondité philosophique d’un langage tiré des mathématiques des grands infinis.
4) un parcours contextuel, via une comparaison de la division du concept de l’infini chez Badiou avec les conceptions deleuziennes de l’infini.
5) un parcours affectif, centré sur ce que le livre peut changer dans le rapport à l’infini et à l’inconscient philosophique du lecteur.
Paul Feyerabend is most often associated with a destructive criticism leading to an anarchism that flouts every rule and to a relativism that treats all opinions as equal. This negative stereotype is based on ignorance and rumour rather than on any real engagement with his texts. Feyerabend’s work from beginning to end turns around problems of ontology and realism, culminating in the outlines of a sophisticated form of pluralist realism. The still largely unknown ontological turn taken by Feyerabend’s work in the last decade of his life was based on four strands of argument: the historical approach, cosmological criticism, the quantum analogy (complementarity), and the primacy of democracy.