Papers by Teodóra Szőcs
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 2, 2019
The handbook of environmental chemistry, 2016
Recoverable amount of the already discovered and even prospective unconventional hydrocarbons in ... more Recoverable amount of the already discovered and even prospective unconventional hydrocarbons in Hungary supposedly exceeds 1,500 million tons of oil equivalent, but according to modest estimates, the 30-year perspective of the recoverable amount can reach only 100 million tons by current available technology. The unconventional hydrocarbon extraction is mostly the production of tight gas, but there is a great chance of unconventional shale gas and shale oil exploration and extraction as well. Nevertheless, in Hungary the hydraulic fracturing is a precondition for the exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbon resources.
Boreas, Mar 29, 2021
Fancsik, T.: Fluvial magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for long-term variations of permafrost 12... more Fancsik, T.: Fluvial magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for long-term variations of permafrost 12 development in the Alp-Carpathian region. Boreas… 13 14 15 Low field magnetic susceptibility (MS) records of 13 reference boreholes representing the whole Quaternary 16 fluvial succession of the Great Hungarian Plain were correlated to develop regional stratigraphy. Data from 12 of 17 the boreholes were published between 2016 and 2020, the Tiszainoka borehole is newly reported in this paper. 18 Eleven magnetic susceptibility cycles, capped by the most emergent master MS peaks (MP) and bordered by 19 susceptibility termination surfaces, have been correlated. Supported by the already evaluated palaeomagnetic 20 reversals and instability events, MPs have been correlated to the cold stages of the marine isotope stage (MIS)

Magnetic susceptibility (MS) of the Quaternary long‐term mid‐latitude Maros fluvial fan (Pannonia... more Magnetic susceptibility (MS) of the Quaternary long‐term mid‐latitude Maros fluvial fan (Pannonian Basin) was recorded to understand the stratigraphical features of source‐proximal fluvial depositional settings. Three fully cored 500‐m‐deep boreholes were sampled at 0.5‐m intervals; low‐field and frequency dependent MS were measured, and complementary hysteresis and SEM‐EDAX investigations were performed on selected samples. Logged susceptibility data were also used to log correlations established by a simultaneous comparison of wireline log and laboratory measurements. Time‐series analyses of the susceptibility records reveal a ~41‐ka and ~100‐ka cyclicity. Towards the source‐distal sections the intensity of the ~41‐ka cycles decreases, while that of the ~100‐ka cycles remains strong. Stratigraphical and spectral similarities were observed between the Maros fluvial fan and Chinese loess records; however, based on complementary magnetic data, the magnetic phase of the Maros Fan sect...

This study discusses 1) the national legislative frameworks, terminologies, and criteria for the ... more This study discusses 1) the national legislative frameworks, terminologies, and criteria for the recognition of natural mineral waters and thermal waters in selected European countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain), and 2) it provides a first extensive multi-national overview of hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of numerous water sources from those regions. Natural mineral waters are well defined and regulated in the European Union by the Directives 2009/54/EC and 2003/40/EC that are implemented by national law regulations. In contrast, no legal definition exists for thermal waters on an EU level and national definitions commonly differ or are not present. Defining thermal waters by water temperatures of at least 20 °C at the outlet is commonly found (6 out of 15 countries), but other definitions like considering the difference to the average air temper...
Hydrogeology Journal
Groundwater’s role in maintaining the well-being of the planet is increasingly acknowledged. Only... more Groundwater’s role in maintaining the well-being of the planet is increasingly acknowledged. Only recently has society recognised groundwater as a key component of the water cycle. To improve public understanding and the proper use of groundwater, the hydrogeological community must expand its efforts in groundwater assessment, management, and communication. The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) intends to help achieve the United Nation’s water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the adoption of innovative hydrogeological strategies. This essay introduces a topical collection that encapsulates IAH’s 2022 ‘Year for Groundwater’.

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Dec 1, 2018
This study, carried out by the geological surveys of Hungary, Slovenia, Austria and Slovakia, com... more This study, carried out by the geological surveys of Hungary, Slovenia, Austria and Slovakia, combines a joint characterization of a transboundary thermal groundwater system based on harmonised geological and hydrogeological data, with hydrodynamic modelling, delivering recommendations for authorities and policy makers on how they could improve the long term management of thermal groundwater. A porous, intergranular, multi-layered, Upper Pannonian aquifer system was the focus of this investigation. This deep sedimentary basin, up to 8000 m deep, has favourable conditions for geothermal exploitation, with centuries old thermal water usage and plans for increased utilization in all countries. New hydrological insights for the region: Cross border areas with significant transboundary flow rates were identified, which have decreased due to thermal water production, with flow direction reversal across the Hungarian-Slovakian border. Thermal water production causes significant transboundary effects with depression cones that can penetrate several tens of kilometres into the neighbouring countries. Simulated drawdowns at the state borders are in the range of 2-10 m. Thermal water should therefore be exploited using doublets. Nine benchmark indicators (monitoring status, best available technology, thermal efficiency, utilisation efficiency, re-injection rate, quality of discharged thermal water, over-abstraction, status of water balance assessment, public awareness) were defined and tested at different transboundary regions and are demonstrated to be highly effective in groundwater management.

Geothermics, Nov 1, 2017
The compilation of harmonized geological and geothermal models and maps at the W-ern part of the ... more The compilation of harmonized geological and geothermal models and maps at the W-ern part of the Pannonian basin, covering parts of Hungary, Slovenia, Austria and Slovakia made it possible to delineate potential geothermal reservoirs at regional scales, which are often cut-cross by country borders. Altogether 18 types of potential geothermal reservoirs were identified as a combination of their lithology (Upper Pannonian porous sediments, Miocene sedimentary rocks with intergranular and/or double-porosity, basement fractured crystalline Palaeozoic rocks, and basement fractured [partly karstified] Mesozoic carbonate rocks); temperatures (50, 100 and 150°C); and hydrogeochemical character of the stored fluids. All identified reservoirs were delineated and shown on maps and the various categories were briefly characterized in terms of their porosity type, hydraulic connections, hydrogeochemistry, as well as utilization potentials. The maps outline prosperous regions for future project developments for various utilization purposes (balneology, direct use, combined heat and power), but most importantly create the basis for a harmonized cross-border management of deep geothermal resources shared by neighbouring countries in the Pannonian basin.

Hydrological Sciences Journal-journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques, Jan 7, 2015
In situ megascale hydraulic diffusivities (D) of a confined loess aquifer were estimated at vario... more In situ megascale hydraulic diffusivities (D) of a confined loess aquifer were estimated at various scales (10 ≤ L ≤ 1500 m) by a finite difference model, and laboratory microscale diffusivities of a loess sample by empirical formulas. A scatter plot reveals that D fits to a single power function of L, providing that microscale diffusivities are assigned to L = 1 m and that differences in diffusivity observed between micro-and megascales are assigned to medium heterogeneity appraised by variations in the curvature and slope of natural hydraulic head waves propagating through the aquifer. Subsequently, a general power relationship between D and L is defined where the base and exponent terms stand for the aquifer storage capability under a confined regime of flow, for the microscale hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of loess, and for the changes in curvature and slope of hydraulic head waves relative to values defined at unit scale.
Applied Geochemistry, May 1, 2013
Managing transboundary groundwater resources requires accurate and detailed knowledge of aquifers... more Managing transboundary groundwater resources requires accurate and detailed knowledge of aquifers and groundwater bodies. The Pannonian Basin is the largest intracontinental basin in Europe with a continuous succession of more than 7 km of Miocene to Quaternary sediments and with an average geothermal gradient of about 5°C/100 m. Geographically the Pannonian basin overlaps eight countries (Hungary,

Applied Geochemistry, Sep 1, 2013
Correspondence Analysis was adopted as tool for investigating the statistical structure of hydroc... more Correspondence Analysis was adopted as tool for investigating the statistical structure of hydrochemical and weathering datasets of groundwater samples, with the main purpose of identifying impacts on mineral weathering caused by anthropogenic activities, namely fertilizing of farmlands. The hydrochemical dataset comprised measured concentrations of major inorganic compounds dissolved in groundwater, namely bicarbonate, silica (usually by-products of chemical weathering), chloride, sulphate and nitrate (typically atmospheric plus anthropogenic inputs). The weathering dataset consisted of calculated mass transfers of minerals being dissolved in loess sediments of a region located in SW Hungary (Szigetvár area), namely Na-plagioclase, calcite and dolomite, and of pollution-related concentrations of sodium, magnesium and calcium. A first run of Correspondence Analysis described groundwater composition in the study area as a system of triple influence, where spots of domestic effluents-dominated chemistries are surrounded by areas with agriculture-dominated chemistries, both imprinted over large regions of weathering dominated chemistries. A second run revealed that nitrification of N-fertilizers is promoting mineral weathering by the nitric acid reaction (anthropogenic pathway), in concurrence with the retreating of weathering by carbonic acid (natural pathway). It also indicated that dolomite and calcite are being players in a dedolomitization process driven by dissolution of gypsum fertilizers and nitrification of Nfertilizers.

Boreas, Oct 7, 2020
Quaternary fluvial succession of the J aszs ag Basin (Hungary) was investigated, challenging the ... more Quaternary fluvial succession of the J aszs ag Basin (Hungary) was investigated, challenging the stratigraphical potential of 'early postglacial fluvial magnetic susceptibility episodes' recognized earlier in the K€ or€ os Basin. Low field magnetic susceptibility (MS) was measured in four boreholes from the basin centre and margins, representing channel and flood-plain environments. Statistical distributions of MS data contain significant sets of outliers, regardless of facies conditions. The downhole distribution of these outliers produces magnetic susceptibility cycles. Supported by magnetic susceptibility cycles, high-resolution facies correlations were performed reflecting a steady palaeohydrographical situation in the area, with a trunk river to the southeast and tributaries to the northwest. SEM-EDX data revealed that ferromagnetic grains are responsible for the outlying MS values. The heterogeneous association of magnetite indicates a catchment area with volcanic and metamorphic rocks, while the group of small (<5 lm) magnetite octahedrons originated from nearby rhyolitic tuff formations. Magnetic grains were transported along channel belts, while small (<2 lm) magnetic particles were floated onto flood-plains attached to clays. Climatic control is indicated by peaks at~100 ka frequency in spectra of MS records andwas also detected in palaeosol development and in flood frequency using the spectra of measured colour (~100 ka) and logged resistivity (~100 ka,~41 ka), respectively. The climate-dependent MS signal traceable far into the basin in both channel and flood-plain environments can be summoned when the Quaternary fluvial succession of the Pannonian Basin is investigated, assuming some sources of magnetite in the catchment areas. According to the concept of 'fluvial magnetic susceptibility episodes', the early postglacial escape and spreading of the magnetite fraction control the MS signal that can support mapping of the unconformable Quaternary base and building of high-resolution models of aquifers.

Geologija, Dec 27, 2012
Large transboundary Upper Miocene geothermal sandy aquifers which are widely utilized by both cou... more Large transboundary Upper Miocene geothermal sandy aquifers which are widely utilized by both countries for balneological and direct heat purposes exist in the Slovenian-Hungarian border region. In NE Slovenia the total direct heat use was 382 TJ in 2010, while in SW Hungary it was 648 TJ, including utilization from basement reservoirs. The total installed capacity of the 13 Slovenian users was 38.8 MW" while that of the 29 Hungarian users was 70.6 MW t. Utilisation takes plače without harmonized management strategies which might endanger the longterm sustainability of these systems. We aimed to overcome this by delineating a transboundary thermal groundwater body (TTGWB) Mura-Zala with an aerial extent of 4,974 km 2 and with vertical extent between depths 500-2,200 m, which was done based on detailed geological, hydrological, geochemical and geothermal models as well as numerical modelling. The regional groundwater flow in the Mura-Zala TTGWB is from west to east in general, the modeled cross-border flow is approximately 50 l/s. At present, thermal water abstraction rates from the Mura/ Ujfalu Fm. (61.8 l/s in the Slovenian and 67.3 l/s in the Hungarian part of the TTGWB) does not endanger the good regional quantity status of the water body, and this should be maintained by allowing a maximum increase of thermal water abstraction 3.5 times higher than today. However, to achieve target numbers for an increased proportion of geothermal energy in the total energy mix in both countries, we suggest that increase of thermal efficiency and re-injection should be prioritized apart from the higher thermal water abstraction with setting up limit of the maximum allowable drawdown. Izvleček Na mejnem območju med Slovenijo in Madžarsko so razprostranjeni obsežni, prekomejni zgornjemiocenski geotermalni peščeni vodonosniki, ki se v obeh državah uporabljajo predvsem v balneološke namene in za direktno rabo toplote. V severovzhodni Sloveniji je skupna direktna raba toplote v letu 2010 dosegla 382 TJ, v jugovzhodnem delu Madžarske pa 648 TJ, vključno z rabo vodonosnikov v podlagi neogenskih kamnin. Celotna inštalirana kapaciteta 13 slovenskih uporabnikov je znašala 38,8 MW" medtem ko je inštalirana kapaciteta pri 29 madžarskih uporabnikih dosegla 70,6 MW t. Uporaba poteka brez usklajene strategije upravljanja, kar lahko ogrozi dolgoročno vzdržnost teh sistemov. To smo želeli preseči z opredelitvijo prekomejnega Mursko-Zalskega telesa termalne podzemne vode (VTPodV Mura-Zala) s površino 4.974 km 2 in vertikalnim razponom globine 500-2200 m, določenega na podlagi podrobnih geoloških, hidrogeoloških, geokemičnih in geotermalnih modelov, kot tudi numeričnega modela podzemne vode. Tok podzemne vode v VTPodV Mura-Zala je usmerjen pretežno v smeri zahod-vzhod, pri čemer je prekomejni tok ocenjen na približno 50 l/s. Pri trenutni količini odvzema termalne vode (~ 61,8 l/s iz slovenskega ter ~ 67,3 l/s iz madžarskega dela VTPodV Mura-Zala) količinsko stanje telesa ni ogroženo, a njegovo dobro stanje je potrebno ohranjati z omejitvijo maksimalnega povečanja odvzema termalne vode na 3,5-kratnik današnjega odvzema. Da bi dosegli ciljne vrednosti povečanja deleža geotermalne energije v skupni energetski bilanci v obeh državah, namesto povečanega odvzema termalne vode priporočamo povečanje toplotne učinkovitosti, določitev največjega dovoljenega znižanja tlaka v vodonosniku in vzpostavitev vračanja toplotno izrabljene termalne vode nazaj v vodonosnik.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016
In the paper, a new transboundary Upper Pannonian thermal groundwater body was identified which e... more In the paper, a new transboundary Upper Pannonian thermal groundwater body was identified which extends over 22,128 km 2 in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia. The presented joint numerical simulation of freshwater and geothermal aquifers in the Pannonian sedimentary basin and weathered basement rocks provided new insights into the regional water balance and cross-border groundwater flow rates. It is highlighted that predominant thermal water flow directions in the preexploitation state were from Hungary to Austria, and from Slovenia and Slovakia to Hungary. The study, intended to simulate changes in regional flow patterns, revealed that the current production rates of thermal water dramatically decreased the cross-border flows in all cases, and even reversed the flow direction to be now from Hungary to Slovakia. Simulated drawdowns at the state borders are in the range of 2-10 m, and they penetrate far into the neighboring countries. The expected future production, if increased for a factor of 3.5, should maintain the regional drawdown below 30 m; however, flow reversals would occur. Although the current regional exploitation cannot be called unsustainable, the quantity status of some geothermal aquifers is deteriorating locally and demands fast management actions. The joint transboundary management should focus on regular exchange of information, on increasing energy efficiency, and on obligatory use of geothermal doublets for geothermal heat production.

Springer eBooks, 2012
Groundwater bodies along the Hungarian-Slovakian border form interconnected systems, which supply... more Groundwater bodies along the Hungarian-Slovakian border form interconnected systems, which supply both countries with drinking water. Also surface waters, rivers and wetland ecosystems are dependent on the underlying groundwater. The EU Water Framework Directive deals with the quantitative and qualitative status of groundwater and protection of the ecosystems, which depend on groundwater as first priority objects. Three transboundary groundwater bodies were investigated in the Hungarian-Slovakian border region: Ipoly/Ipeľ Valley, Aggtelek-Slovak Karst region and Bodrog region within the European Union INTERREG IIIA type of project, named “Environmental state and sustainable management of Hungarian-Slovak transboundary groundwater bodies (ENWAT)”. Results of the project, based on hydrogeo-chemical evaluations and hydrogeological models, local needs, cost aspects and best practices, are a step forward in the creation of a joint Hungarian-Slovakian water management plan by supplying basic data and fresh information on transboundary groundwater bodies. The study also indicated the need to continue the process of pollution spread characterisation and the risks assessment in the case of groundwater resources by more detailed sampling and modelling on both sides of the border. Co-ordination and implementation of such activities jointly could provide logistical advantages, reduce overlapping activities and lead to savings of time and money.
Papers by Teodóra Szőcs