The paper tries to shed light on some questions regarding the organization of the Templar provinc... more The paper tries to shed light on some questions regarding the organization of the Templar province that existed in the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary-Croatia and was among the oldest European provinces listed in the version of the Order's Rule codified between 1150 and 1160. Even though Croatian historiography has not paid much attention to the differences between Templar seats and possessions, mostly viewing them as equally important in the organisational sense, the data from written records, despite their scarcity, testify that it was not so. This paper discusses the different types of Templar seats and estates, which were also reflected in different terms denoting them in sources (praeceptoratus, domus, casa, terra, etc.). At the same time, attention is drawn to the changes that occurred in the terminology used for individual centres over time and the importance of these centres. The paper emphasizes the existence of a certain kind of hierarchy among Templar centres and the relations between them, as testified by the relations between Vrana and Zablaće, for example. The organization of the Templar province in Hungaria et Sclavonia will be considered with regard to the normative documents of the Order and the results of modern scholarly research of other provinces and the Order as a whole.
Papers by Tea Kokotović

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 2024
U arheološkim istraživanjima crkve sv. Luke Evanđeliste u Novskoj, osim ostataka crkve iz 13. sto... more U arheološkim istraživanjima crkve sv. Luke Evanđeliste u Novskoj, osim ostataka crkve iz 13. stoljeća, ukupno su otkrivena 94 groba koji potječu iz dva horizonta pokopavanja; kasnosrednjovjekovnog i novovjekovnog. U fokusu ovoga radu je grob 16 koji datira iz razdoblja kasnog srednjeg vijeka. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati bioarheološke analize kosturnih ostataka pronađenih u grobu te diferencijalna dijagnoza na temelju promjena uočenih na području zdjelice i bedrenih kostiju. Pokojnik iz groba 16 bolovao je od razvojnog poremećaja kuka (RPK) koji je rezultirao dislokacijom oba zgloba. RPK se razvija u prvim godinama čovjekova života, a označava poremećaj normalnih anatomskih odnosa u zglobu kuka u kojemu je normalna artikulacija zgloba spriječena. Entezalne promjene uočene na gornjim ekstremitetima, u kombinaciji s RPK-om, otvaraju mogućnost da se osoba za kretanje služila štakama ili nekim drugim pomagalom. Bol uzrokovana RPK-om, kao i moguće korištenje štaka, svakako su utjecali na obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti, pogotovo ako u obzir uzmemo ruralni karakter podneblja u kojem je osoba živjela.
In archaeological excavations at the Church of St. Luke the Evangelist in Novska, alongside the remains of the 13th-century church, 94 graves from two burial horizons (late medieval and early modern) were discovered. This paper focuses on grave 16, dating to the late Middle Ages. The paper presents the results of a bioarchaeological analysis of the skeletal remains found in the grave, as well as a differential diagnosis based on observed changes to the pelvis and femurs. The individual from grave 16 suffered from developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), which resulted in bilateral hip dislocation. DDH, a disorder that develops in the first years of life, disrupts the normal anatomical relations within the hip joint, preventing normal joint articulation. Enthesal changes on the upper extremities, combined with DDH, suggest the individual may have relied on crutches or other mobility aids. The pain associated with DDH, combined with potential crutch use, likely impacted the individual’s ability to perform daily activities, especially considering the rural context of their life.

Military Orders and Their Heritage. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, 9th and 10th November 2022, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archeologici 22, 2024
The archaeological site of „Pakrac–Stari Grad“ is situated in the centre of the present-day town.... more The archaeological site of „Pakrac–Stari Grad“ is situated in the centre of the present-day town. The archaeological excavations conducted by the Institute of Archaeology in collaboration with Pakrac City Museum in the period from 2017 to 2020 unearthed the remains of a Hospitaller chapel from the early 13th century, altered and fortified at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. Altogether, 17 graves were found inside the chapel. This paper focuses on the adult male skeleton from grave 10, dated to the first half of the 15th century. The changes found on the skeleton indicate that the person was a habitual horse rider during his lifetime. Apart from the changes that attest to his life, evidence of his death is also found. The iron arrowhead found in the sacrum of the deceased, together with the perimortem trauma located at the back of the skull, tell the story of a sudden and violent death. The characteristics of the burial suggest haste, which can be expected in troublesome times. At the beginning of the 15th century, the first intrusions of the Ottoman Empire in that area were recorded. Aside from the Ottoman invasion, a civil war between the families of Talovac and Cilli took place, with one of the battles occurring outside the city walls of Pakrac. Considering the geohistorical context of the area, it is possible that the death of the man from grave 10 was a consequence of one of those conflicts.

Annales Instituti Archaeologici, 2022
U članku su predstavljeni rezultati antropološke analize koštanih ostataka iz arheoloških iskopav... more U članku su predstavljeni rezultati antropološke analize koštanih ostataka iz arheoloških iskopavanja provedenih 2021. godine na lokalitetu Mukoše kraj Goriša te preliminarni rezultati antropološke analize svih dosad istraženih i analiziranih kostura s tog lokaliteta. Radiokarbonski datumi dobiveni iz dva uzorka kosti iz grobova pet i šest ukapanje na Mukošama smještaju u 16. stoljeće. Sveukupno je istraženo i analizirano 16 kostura iz 16 grobova, devet dječjih kostura starosti do deset godina te sedam kostura odraslih osoba (četiri muškarca i tri žena) starija od 35 godina. Rezultati antropološke analize uspoređeni su s dostupnim podacima o novovjekovnim populacijama iz Dalmatinske zagore, prvenstveno s rezultatima antropološke analize koštanih ostataka s lokaliteta Koprivno kraj Klisa i Drinovci – Greblje kraj Šibenika. Trenutni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na nešto bolje uvjete i veću kvalitetu života istraživane populacije no nastavak istraživanja i dodatne informacije omogućit će konkretnije zaključke i usporedbe vezane uz zdravlje i prehranu novovjekovne populacije ukopane na lokalitetu Mukoše.
The paper presents the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological mate- rial from the archaeological excavations conducted at the Mukoše site near Goriš in 2021 and the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of all the so far investigated and analysed skeletons from that site. The radiocarbon dating obtained from two osteological samples from graves 5 and 6 roughly places the burials at Mukoše in the 16th century. Altogether 16 skeletons from 16 graves were found and analysed: nine subadults up to the age of 10 and seven adults (4 male and 3 female) older than 35 years. The results of the analysis were compared with the available anthropological data for the Early Modern populations from the Dalmatian hinterland (Dalmatinska Zagora), mainly with the results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological assemblage from the Koprivno site near Klis and the Drinovci – Greblje site near Šibenik. The current results suggest that those buried in Mukoše had a somewhat higher standard of living and greater quality of life than their Early Modern counterparts, but further research and information will provide more concrete comparisons and conclusions regarding the health and diet of the Early Modern population buried at the Mukoše site.

Annales Instituti Archaeologici, 2021
U radu su predstavljeni preliminarni rezultati antropološke analize koštanih ostataka iz šest nov... more U radu su predstavljeni preliminarni rezultati antropološke analize koštanih ostataka iz šest novovjekovnih grobova otkrivenih tijekom arheoloških istraživanja lokaliteta Mukoše kraj Goriša 2020. godine. Pronađeno je šest ljudskih kostura: tri kostura muškaraca starije životne dobi (40 do 65 godina), tri dječja kostura starosti do deset godina te dodatna lubanja sta rijeg muškarca pronađena van konteksta u grobu 1. Na kosturima muškaraca su prisutne promjene koje se povezuju s težim životnim uvjetima i duljim životnim vijekom (degenerativni osteoartritis, Schmorlovi defekti). S obzirom na veću životnu dob u ovom uzorku, navedene promjene su vjerojatnije povezane s duljim životnim vijekom. Na dječjem kosturu iz groba 3 prisutni su pokazatelji subadultnog stresa (cribra orbitalia). Promjene koje upućuju na zarazu leprom uočene su na lubanji muškarca i dodatnoj lubanji pronađenima u grobu 1. Zbog nedovoljno podataka potrebne su dodatne analize (DNA analiza prisutnosti patogena) kako bi se zaraza potvrdila (ili opovrgnula).
This paper presents preliminary results of an anthropological analysis of the osteological material from six burials discovered during the excavations of Mukoše site near Goriš in 2020. Altogether six skeletons were found: 3 adult males (40 to 65 years of age) and 3 subadults up to the age of 10. Pathological changes found in the male skeletons are related to harsh living conditions and longer life span (degenerative osteoarthritis, Schmorl’s nodes). Given the greater age-at-death in the sample, the latter interpretation is more probable. In the subadult skeleton from grave 3 healed cribra orbitalia was observed. The male skull from grave 1, as well as the additional skull found in the same grave, show possible leprotic changes, but additional analysis (pathogen DNA analysis) is needed to confirm (or dismiss) the infection with certainty.
Papers by Tea Kokotović
In archaeological excavations at the Church of St. Luke the Evangelist in Novska, alongside the remains of the 13th-century church, 94 graves from two burial horizons (late medieval and early modern) were discovered. This paper focuses on grave 16, dating to the late Middle Ages. The paper presents the results of a bioarchaeological analysis of the skeletal remains found in the grave, as well as a differential diagnosis based on observed changes to the pelvis and femurs. The individual from grave 16 suffered from developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), which resulted in bilateral hip dislocation. DDH, a disorder that develops in the first years of life, disrupts the normal anatomical relations within the hip joint, preventing normal joint articulation. Enthesal changes on the upper extremities, combined with DDH, suggest the individual may have relied on crutches or other mobility aids. The pain associated with DDH, combined with potential crutch use, likely impacted the individual’s ability to perform daily activities, especially considering the rural context of their life.
The paper presents the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological mate- rial from the archaeological excavations conducted at the Mukoše site near Goriš in 2021 and the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of all the so far investigated and analysed skeletons from that site. The radiocarbon dating obtained from two osteological samples from graves 5 and 6 roughly places the burials at Mukoše in the 16th century. Altogether 16 skeletons from 16 graves were found and analysed: nine subadults up to the age of 10 and seven adults (4 male and 3 female) older than 35 years. The results of the analysis were compared with the available anthropological data for the Early Modern populations from the Dalmatian hinterland (Dalmatinska Zagora), mainly with the results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological assemblage from the Koprivno site near Klis and the Drinovci – Greblje site near Šibenik. The current results suggest that those buried in Mukoše had a somewhat higher standard of living and greater quality of life than their Early Modern counterparts, but further research and information will provide more concrete comparisons and conclusions regarding the health and diet of the Early Modern population buried at the Mukoše site.
This paper presents preliminary results of an anthropological analysis of the osteological material from six burials discovered during the excavations of Mukoše site near Goriš in 2020. Altogether six skeletons were found: 3 adult males (40 to 65 years of age) and 3 subadults up to the age of 10. Pathological changes found in the male skeletons are related to harsh living conditions and longer life span (degenerative osteoarthritis, Schmorl’s nodes). Given the greater age-at-death in the sample, the latter interpretation is more probable. In the subadult skeleton from grave 3 healed cribra orbitalia was observed. The male skull from grave 1, as well as the additional skull found in the same grave, show possible leprotic changes, but additional analysis (pathogen DNA analysis) is needed to confirm (or dismiss) the infection with certainty.
In archaeological excavations at the Church of St. Luke the Evangelist in Novska, alongside the remains of the 13th-century church, 94 graves from two burial horizons (late medieval and early modern) were discovered. This paper focuses on grave 16, dating to the late Middle Ages. The paper presents the results of a bioarchaeological analysis of the skeletal remains found in the grave, as well as a differential diagnosis based on observed changes to the pelvis and femurs. The individual from grave 16 suffered from developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), which resulted in bilateral hip dislocation. DDH, a disorder that develops in the first years of life, disrupts the normal anatomical relations within the hip joint, preventing normal joint articulation. Enthesal changes on the upper extremities, combined with DDH, suggest the individual may have relied on crutches or other mobility aids. The pain associated with DDH, combined with potential crutch use, likely impacted the individual’s ability to perform daily activities, especially considering the rural context of their life.
The paper presents the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological mate- rial from the archaeological excavations conducted at the Mukoše site near Goriš in 2021 and the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of all the so far investigated and analysed skeletons from that site. The radiocarbon dating obtained from two osteological samples from graves 5 and 6 roughly places the burials at Mukoše in the 16th century. Altogether 16 skeletons from 16 graves were found and analysed: nine subadults up to the age of 10 and seven adults (4 male and 3 female) older than 35 years. The results of the analysis were compared with the available anthropological data for the Early Modern populations from the Dalmatian hinterland (Dalmatinska Zagora), mainly with the results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological assemblage from the Koprivno site near Klis and the Drinovci – Greblje site near Šibenik. The current results suggest that those buried in Mukoše had a somewhat higher standard of living and greater quality of life than their Early Modern counterparts, but further research and information will provide more concrete comparisons and conclusions regarding the health and diet of the Early Modern population buried at the Mukoše site.
This paper presents preliminary results of an anthropological analysis of the osteological material from six burials discovered during the excavations of Mukoše site near Goriš in 2020. Altogether six skeletons were found: 3 adult males (40 to 65 years of age) and 3 subadults up to the age of 10. Pathological changes found in the male skeletons are related to harsh living conditions and longer life span (degenerative osteoarthritis, Schmorl’s nodes). Given the greater age-at-death in the sample, the latter interpretation is more probable. In the subadult skeleton from grave 3 healed cribra orbitalia was observed. The male skull from grave 1, as well as the additional skull found in the same grave, show possible leprotic changes, but additional analysis (pathogen DNA analysis) is needed to confirm (or dismiss) the infection with certainty.