Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overe... more Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overestimate accommodative amplitude (AA), while the minus lens-to-blur (MLB) method underestimates it. It has also been shown that the PU and PA methods produce similar results. We compared data obtained from these three clinically used methods to determine AA in children and young adults with base-line normative data predicted by Hofstetter. Methods: Ninety healthy subjects (mean 11.7 years, range: 6-36 and 50F/40M), split into two groups, children (mean 9.8 years, range: 6-13 and 38F/22M) and young adults (mean 25.5 years, range: 21-36 and 16F/14M), were recruited from the patient and student populations of two schools of optometry. The subjects completed three accommodative tests presented in a random order: PA, PU, and MLB methods. Results: Findings from the MLB technique varied significantly from Hofstetter’s normative values (P<0.0001). The PU (P=0.83) and PA (P=0.28) methods were s...
In the Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation Service at Southern College of Optometry, there is no one ... more In the Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation Service at Southern College of Optometry, there is no one way to perform vision therapy; this list and the previous are reflective of that point.
45%) had systemic hypertension (HTN) and eight (16%) had both HTN and diabetes mellitus. Postoper... more 45%) had systemic hypertension (HTN) and eight (16%) had both HTN and diabetes mellitus. Postoperative IOP was significantly lower (Po0.01). At the first postoperative visit, 21/49 (43%) patients had an IOP of r21 mm Hg and 25/49 (51%) had 450% reduction in IOP (Figure ). There was a strong correlation between the energy used and the percent IOP reduction at postoperative visit 1 (Pearson correlation À 0.443, P ¼ 0.016). Analysis of variance did not identify higher preoperative (F ¼ 0.7511, P ¼ 0.48) or postoperative IOP (F ¼ 1.449, P ¼ 0.25) in the groups with systemic disease. In all, 4/49 (8%) patients had IOP o5 mm Hg. Three of these eyes were NLP before TSCPC. No choroidal hemorrhage, retinal or choroidal detachment was recorded.
Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overe... more Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overestimate accommodative amplitude (AA), while the minus lens-to-blur (MLB) method underestimates it. It has also been shown that the PU and PA methods produce similar results. We compared data obtained from these three clinically used methods to determine AA in children and young adults with base-line normative data predicted by Hofstetter. Methods: Ninety healthy subjects (mean 11.7 years, range: 6-36 and 50F/40M), split into two groups, children (mean 9.8 years, range: 6-13 and 38F/22M) and young adults (mean 25.5 years, range: 21-36 and 16F/14M), were recruited from the patient and student populations of two schools of optometry. The subjects completed three accommodative tests presented in a random order: PA, PU, and MLB methods. Results: Findings from the MLB technique varied significantly from Hofstetter’s normative values (P<0.0001). The PU (P=0.83) and PA (P=0.28) methods were s...
As a lecturer and clinical instructor in vision therapy and pediatrics, it is important to have a... more As a lecturer and clinical instructor in vision therapy and pediatrics, it is important to have a literature base for what I am teaching. My top 10 favorite vision therapy books provide that evidence base and offer a varied clinical approach for all optometrists who to offer vision therapy in their practices or simply understand the visual process on a higher level.
Purpose: An often-used procedure for assessing gross ocular motor functioning is the Northeastern... more Purpose: An often-used procedure for assessing gross ocular motor functioning is the Northeastern State University College of Optometry (NSUCO) Oculomotor Test. The patient’s pursuits and saccades are assessed by the clinician, making the test subjective in nature. These studies will determine if the VisionPrint system (VPS), an objective measure, can also be used to assess ocular motor function, helping to diagnose ocular motor dysfunction. Methods: Study 1: Twenty adult students from the student population at Southern College of Optometry (SCO) were recruited and instructed how to use the VPS. They were then tested with the VPS and a minimum of 2 weeks later were retested to determine the reliability of the VPS. Study 2: Twenty-two children (ages 6-13) from the clinic population at SCO were recruited and instructed how to use the VPS. In addition, they were explained testing procedures for the NSUCO test of saccades. These children performed both procedures and were retested a min...
Tienda online donde Comprar Visual Diagnosis And Care Of The Patient With Special Needs al precio... more Tienda online donde Comprar Visual Diagnosis And Care Of The Patient With Special Needs al precio 60,90 € de Dominick M. Maino | Mary Bartuccio | Marc B. Taub, tienda de Libros de Medicina, Libros de Oftalmologia y Optica - Oftalmologia clinica
Background: Visual-motor integration is the degree to which visual perception and body movement a... more Background: Visual-motor integration is the degree to which visual perception and body movement are coordinated. This study investigated the relationship between two tests used to evaluate visual-motor integration, the Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2) and the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI). Methods: Fifty-three children (ages 7 years, 0 months to 11 years, 11 months) were evaluated using the eye-hand coordination subtest of the DTVP-2 and the VMI. They were patients in either the Pediatrics or Vision Therapy departments at The Eye Center at Southern College of Optometry. Thirty-two of the 53 were currently enrolled in, or had completed, a vision therapy program. Further correlations were studied between subsamples of patients who were currently enrolled in, or had completed, a vision therapy program and those who had not. Results: There was no significant correlation between the VMI and age (r=-0.005, p=0.9686) or the DTVP-2 and age (r=-0.2699, ...
Imagine a meeting in which most of the great minds in your desired area of the profession of opto... more Imagine a meeting in which most of the great minds in your desired area of the profession of optometry come together to share their knowledge to build the greater worldwide profession. For me and the 300-plus attendees of the International Congress of Behavioural Optometry (ICBO), it is a dream come true.
My name is Marc, and I am a vision therapy graduate. I was your typical kid, except that I could ... more My name is Marc, and I am a vision therapy graduate. I was your typical kid, except that I could not pay attention in school and hated to read. Luckily, my second grade teacher requested that I get an eye examination, and the optometrist recognized that I needed more than glasses. I was referred to an optometrist that specialized in learning-related vision problems, including visual efficiency and processing disorders. I immediately started a vision therapy program and saw tremendous improvement in my symptoms and success in school.
ABSTRACTBackground: Accommodative Insufficiency (AI)is a condition in which a patient has an inab... more ABSTRACTBackground: Accommodative Insufficiency (AI)is a condition in which a patient has an inability tofocus or sustain focus at near. Several managementoptions are available including plus lenses for near,optometric vision therapy, and monitoring.Methods: A database of patients evaluated at theNova Southeastern University Eye Institute between1/03 and 6/04 diagnosed with accommodativedysfunction was reviewed. A total of 504 charts wereidentified via an electronic database search. A manualchart review was performed of the identified charts.Results: Fifty-four cases met the eligibility criteriafor AI as defined in this paper. Myopia (56%) was mostcommonly found refractive condition in this groupfollowed by emmetropia (37%), and hyperopia (7%).The most frequently encountered chief complaint wasdistance blur (n=20 subjects) followed by headaches(n=8), both distance and near blur (n=7) and nearvision blur only (n=5). Optometric vision therapy wasprescribed in 27.8 % of the cases, whil...
Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association, 2005
Background: Ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) is a neuromuscular disorder that results in fluctuatin... more Background: Ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) is a neuromuscular disorder that results in fluctuating weakness limited to the skeletal muscles of the orbit. Clinical characteristics include diplopia, weak lid closure, ptosis, and strabismus. Diagnosis is predominantly made by clinical signsand symptoms. Case Report: HB, a 9-year-old girl, was referred for evaluation of esotropia. She manifested intermittent blurred vision, daily headaches while reading, and diplopia worse at near, for 2 months. She was otherwise healthy, without systemic or neurologic symptoms. Initial findings included visual acuity of 20130 O.D., 20140 O.S., and 2" esophoria at far and 8" exophoria at near. Ocular motility was mildly restricted in all gazes. A chin tilt-up and mild ptosis OU were noted. Pupils, visual fields, stereo acuity, and color vision were normal. Dilated fundus examination revealed no pathology. The girl was sent for an immediate MRI, which came back normal. At her 1month followup, the headaches had increased in frequency, the diplopia had become variable, and the ptosis and chin tilt had worsened. Versions were further restricted, with no elevation above the midline, markedly limited abduction, and moderately limited adduction OU. She was referred to a pediatric ophthalmologist. Ice pack and rest tests were performed, which resulted in improvement of her ptosis and motility. She was diagnosed with OMG and referred to a pediatric neurologist for further evaluation. Initial treatment involved a trial of steroids. Conclusions/Comments: OMG is rarely seen in the pediatric population. Due to its variable symptomatic presentation, diagnosis may be difficult. It is important to rule out more serious conditions via magnetic resonance imaging. Thorough patient and family histories also helps in diagnosis. Co-management should occur between the optometrist andlor ophthalmologist and the pediatric neurologist to determine appropriate treatment to maintain the child's everyday visual functions and to prevent the onset of amblyopia. POSTER 4 Congenital Oculomotor Apraxia: What Is It and What Can I Do?
Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overe... more Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overestimate accommodative amplitude (AA), while the minus lens-to-blur (MLB) method underestimates it. It has also been shown that the PU and PA methods produce similar results. We compared data obtained from these three clinically used methods to determine AA in children and young adults with base-line normative data predicted by Hofstetter. Methods: Ninety healthy subjects (mean 11.7 years, range: 6-36 and 50F/40M), split into two groups, children (mean 9.8 years, range: 6-13 and 38F/22M) and young adults (mean 25.5 years, range: 21-36 and 16F/14M), were recruited from the patient and student populations of two schools of optometry. The subjects completed three accommodative tests presented in a random order: PA, PU, and MLB methods. Results: Findings from the MLB technique varied significantly from Hofstetter’s normative values (P<0.0001). The PU (P=0.83) and PA (P=0.28) methods were s...
In the Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation Service at Southern College of Optometry, there is no one ... more In the Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation Service at Southern College of Optometry, there is no one way to perform vision therapy; this list and the previous are reflective of that point.
45%) had systemic hypertension (HTN) and eight (16%) had both HTN and diabetes mellitus. Postoper... more 45%) had systemic hypertension (HTN) and eight (16%) had both HTN and diabetes mellitus. Postoperative IOP was significantly lower (Po0.01). At the first postoperative visit, 21/49 (43%) patients had an IOP of r21 mm Hg and 25/49 (51%) had 450% reduction in IOP (Figure ). There was a strong correlation between the energy used and the percent IOP reduction at postoperative visit 1 (Pearson correlation À 0.443, P ¼ 0.016). Analysis of variance did not identify higher preoperative (F ¼ 0.7511, P ¼ 0.48) or postoperative IOP (F ¼ 1.449, P ¼ 0.25) in the groups with systemic disease. In all, 4/49 (8%) patients had IOP o5 mm Hg. Three of these eyes were NLP before TSCPC. No choroidal hemorrhage, retinal or choroidal detachment was recorded.
Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overe... more Purpose: It has been previously documented that the push up (PU) and pull away (PA) methods overestimate accommodative amplitude (AA), while the minus lens-to-blur (MLB) method underestimates it. It has also been shown that the PU and PA methods produce similar results. We compared data obtained from these three clinically used methods to determine AA in children and young adults with base-line normative data predicted by Hofstetter. Methods: Ninety healthy subjects (mean 11.7 years, range: 6-36 and 50F/40M), split into two groups, children (mean 9.8 years, range: 6-13 and 38F/22M) and young adults (mean 25.5 years, range: 21-36 and 16F/14M), were recruited from the patient and student populations of two schools of optometry. The subjects completed three accommodative tests presented in a random order: PA, PU, and MLB methods. Results: Findings from the MLB technique varied significantly from Hofstetter’s normative values (P<0.0001). The PU (P=0.83) and PA (P=0.28) methods were s...
As a lecturer and clinical instructor in vision therapy and pediatrics, it is important to have a... more As a lecturer and clinical instructor in vision therapy and pediatrics, it is important to have a literature base for what I am teaching. My top 10 favorite vision therapy books provide that evidence base and offer a varied clinical approach for all optometrists who to offer vision therapy in their practices or simply understand the visual process on a higher level.
Purpose: An often-used procedure for assessing gross ocular motor functioning is the Northeastern... more Purpose: An often-used procedure for assessing gross ocular motor functioning is the Northeastern State University College of Optometry (NSUCO) Oculomotor Test. The patient’s pursuits and saccades are assessed by the clinician, making the test subjective in nature. These studies will determine if the VisionPrint system (VPS), an objective measure, can also be used to assess ocular motor function, helping to diagnose ocular motor dysfunction. Methods: Study 1: Twenty adult students from the student population at Southern College of Optometry (SCO) were recruited and instructed how to use the VPS. They were then tested with the VPS and a minimum of 2 weeks later were retested to determine the reliability of the VPS. Study 2: Twenty-two children (ages 6-13) from the clinic population at SCO were recruited and instructed how to use the VPS. In addition, they were explained testing procedures for the NSUCO test of saccades. These children performed both procedures and were retested a min...
Tienda online donde Comprar Visual Diagnosis And Care Of The Patient With Special Needs al precio... more Tienda online donde Comprar Visual Diagnosis And Care Of The Patient With Special Needs al precio 60,90 € de Dominick M. Maino | Mary Bartuccio | Marc B. Taub, tienda de Libros de Medicina, Libros de Oftalmologia y Optica - Oftalmologia clinica
Background: Visual-motor integration is the degree to which visual perception and body movement a... more Background: Visual-motor integration is the degree to which visual perception and body movement are coordinated. This study investigated the relationship between two tests used to evaluate visual-motor integration, the Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2) and the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI). Methods: Fifty-three children (ages 7 years, 0 months to 11 years, 11 months) were evaluated using the eye-hand coordination subtest of the DTVP-2 and the VMI. They were patients in either the Pediatrics or Vision Therapy departments at The Eye Center at Southern College of Optometry. Thirty-two of the 53 were currently enrolled in, or had completed, a vision therapy program. Further correlations were studied between subsamples of patients who were currently enrolled in, or had completed, a vision therapy program and those who had not. Results: There was no significant correlation between the VMI and age (r=-0.005, p=0.9686) or the DTVP-2 and age (r=-0.2699, ...
Imagine a meeting in which most of the great minds in your desired area of the profession of opto... more Imagine a meeting in which most of the great minds in your desired area of the profession of optometry come together to share their knowledge to build the greater worldwide profession. For me and the 300-plus attendees of the International Congress of Behavioural Optometry (ICBO), it is a dream come true.
My name is Marc, and I am a vision therapy graduate. I was your typical kid, except that I could ... more My name is Marc, and I am a vision therapy graduate. I was your typical kid, except that I could not pay attention in school and hated to read. Luckily, my second grade teacher requested that I get an eye examination, and the optometrist recognized that I needed more than glasses. I was referred to an optometrist that specialized in learning-related vision problems, including visual efficiency and processing disorders. I immediately started a vision therapy program and saw tremendous improvement in my symptoms and success in school.
ABSTRACTBackground: Accommodative Insufficiency (AI)is a condition in which a patient has an inab... more ABSTRACTBackground: Accommodative Insufficiency (AI)is a condition in which a patient has an inability tofocus or sustain focus at near. Several managementoptions are available including plus lenses for near,optometric vision therapy, and monitoring.Methods: A database of patients evaluated at theNova Southeastern University Eye Institute between1/03 and 6/04 diagnosed with accommodativedysfunction was reviewed. A total of 504 charts wereidentified via an electronic database search. A manualchart review was performed of the identified charts.Results: Fifty-four cases met the eligibility criteriafor AI as defined in this paper. Myopia (56%) was mostcommonly found refractive condition in this groupfollowed by emmetropia (37%), and hyperopia (7%).The most frequently encountered chief complaint wasdistance blur (n=20 subjects) followed by headaches(n=8), both distance and near blur (n=7) and nearvision blur only (n=5). Optometric vision therapy wasprescribed in 27.8 % of the cases, whil...
Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association, 2005
Background: Ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) is a neuromuscular disorder that results in fluctuatin... more Background: Ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) is a neuromuscular disorder that results in fluctuating weakness limited to the skeletal muscles of the orbit. Clinical characteristics include diplopia, weak lid closure, ptosis, and strabismus. Diagnosis is predominantly made by clinical signsand symptoms. Case Report: HB, a 9-year-old girl, was referred for evaluation of esotropia. She manifested intermittent blurred vision, daily headaches while reading, and diplopia worse at near, for 2 months. She was otherwise healthy, without systemic or neurologic symptoms. Initial findings included visual acuity of 20130 O.D., 20140 O.S., and 2" esophoria at far and 8" exophoria at near. Ocular motility was mildly restricted in all gazes. A chin tilt-up and mild ptosis OU were noted. Pupils, visual fields, stereo acuity, and color vision were normal. Dilated fundus examination revealed no pathology. The girl was sent for an immediate MRI, which came back normal. At her 1month followup, the headaches had increased in frequency, the diplopia had become variable, and the ptosis and chin tilt had worsened. Versions were further restricted, with no elevation above the midline, markedly limited abduction, and moderately limited adduction OU. She was referred to a pediatric ophthalmologist. Ice pack and rest tests were performed, which resulted in improvement of her ptosis and motility. She was diagnosed with OMG and referred to a pediatric neurologist for further evaluation. Initial treatment involved a trial of steroids. Conclusions/Comments: OMG is rarely seen in the pediatric population. Due to its variable symptomatic presentation, diagnosis may be difficult. It is important to rule out more serious conditions via magnetic resonance imaging. Thorough patient and family histories also helps in diagnosis. Co-management should occur between the optometrist andlor ophthalmologist and the pediatric neurologist to determine appropriate treatment to maintain the child's everyday visual functions and to prevent the onset of amblyopia. POSTER 4 Congenital Oculomotor Apraxia: What Is It and What Can I Do?
Papers by Marc Taub