Papers by Taras Pyatnichuk

“What we wrestle against”: images of the German Empire in American political cartoons of 1914–1918, 2024
Велика війна не лише дала поштовх до розвитку технічного
прогресу, сприяючи появі нових видів оз... more Велика війна не лише дала поштовх до розвитку технічного
прогресу, сприяючи появі нових видів озброєння, але й піднесла на вищий
щабель розвитку пропагандистську діяльність. Формування образу
ворога, проти якого велася війна, а також його укорінення у суспільній
думці шляхом різноманітних методів, було одним із найважливіших
завдань урядів кожної з воюючих держав. Сполучені Штати Америки
досягнули в цій царині, мабуть, найбільшого успіху, створивши окреме
відомство, що спеціально займалося пропагандистською діяльністю.
Поряд із новими засобами пропаганди, якими були фотографія та
кіно, в США, як і в інших країнах, що брали участь у Першій світовій
війни, продовжували послуговуватися і старими, серед яких досить
поширеною була політична карикатура. В розділі аналізується
зображення в американській карикатурі Німецької імперії, її
політичного та військового керівництва в особі Вільгельма ІІ та
генерала Пауля фон Гінденбурга, образи німецької армії та населення,
розглядаються відмінності, притаманні для сюжетів карикатури
періоду нейтралітету та участі США у світовій війні.

The article is devoted to the analysis of such the of the US foreign policy doctrine... more The article is devoted to the analysis of such the of the US foreign policy doctrines in the period of «Gilded Age» as the «Monroe doctrine»and Washington` doctrine. The author is considering the «Monroe Doctrine»and indicates that shereceived several interpretations. This doctrine was announced in 1823 by 5th President of the US J. Monroe and appeared to be a sign of protection against European colonialism. However, it gradually became the sign to justify expansion and US interventionto Latin American countries. The proclamation of the «Olney's Doctrine»was aprime example this.Throughout the nineteenth century, the United States had been following that principles of foreign policy that were proposed by George Washington.In practice, this policy was called isolationism.The author argues that this term is not entirely successful and proposes «Washington` doctrine»as an alternative definition of such policy.In the article also consider attempts of the American politicians to movedaway from traditional the US foreign policy.The first such attempt was made during the presidency of Chester Arthur and was associated with the colonial division of Africa.In the hope of gaining economic dividends, American representatives took part in the Berlin Conference during November 1884 to February 1885 and supported the claims of the Belgian King Leopold II to the territory of Congo.But the desired result wasn`t be achieved through the opposition in the US Congress.A second attempt to change traditional American politics took place during the presidency of Grover Cleveland.As a result of American claims to Samoa, the United States participated in another Berlin conference, which took place in 1889.Its result was the signing of agreement by Germany, the US and England on a triple protectorate over Samoa.
The author came to conclusion that the reasons for this change were economic factors and also foreign.Under the latter should understand the danger of expansion the European powers in Western Hemisphere.

In the article analyzes the image of Manchurian China in American political cartoons on the eve a... more In the article analyzes the image of Manchurian China in American political cartoons on the eve and during the Yihetuan Movement. In the second half of the 19th century in the USA appeared a number of magazines which specializing in political cartoons.
Such magazines as „Harper’s Weekly”, „Puck” and „Judge”, whose cartoons looked like works of art, held leading positions among them. Cartoonists, were raising acute economic, political and social issues in their works, not only actualized them, but also were forming public opinion. Foreign policy problems weren’t left outside also. The object attention of American caricaturists at the end of the 19th - early of the 20th century was China, what were caused by the US economic interests in this region.
American caricature portrayed the Chinese and China as a backward barbarian or a treacherous official, which didn't want to keep pace with progress. The beginning of the Yihetuan Movement and participation of the American troops in its suppression had a significant impact on the image of „Celestial Empire”. A bloodthirsty barbarian and a huge dragon, which was bringing only destruction and anarchy, replaced the backward Chinese barbarian in the cartoons. The dominance of such images fully corresponded to the then ideas about the civilizing mission of the US, and became a part of the myth of the so-called „Yellow Peril”.

Діяльність Дмитра Дорошенка на Буковині в 1917 р., 2023
Російська революція 1917 р., яка поклала кінець існуванню монархії Романових, стала по воротним п... more Російська революція 1917 р., яка поклала кінець існуванню монархії Романових, стала по воротним пунктом у житті багатьох особистостей. Соціальний ліфт, що виник під час револю ційних потрясінь, надав можливість енергійним постатям реалізувати свої таланти і посісти більш високу нішу. Знаного тогочасного українського діяча Дмитра Івановича Дорошенка якраз можна віднести до цієї когорти. Починаючи свій життєвий шлях як історик та літературознавець, Д. Дорошенкові, зрештою, судилося відіграти досить помітну роль у процесі творення української державності. Першим і досить цінним досвідом на цьому поприщі для Дмитра Івановича була його діяльність як об ласного комісара Галичини та Буковини. І тут одразу варто зауважити один нюанс. Порівняно з іншими українськими державними діячами періоду революції 1917-1921 рр. Д. Дорошенкові, загалом, приділено значно менше уваги у вітчизняній історіографії. Та й фігурує Дорошенко в революційних подіях, у першу чергу, як один із членів Центральної Ради, а дещо згодом-як міністр зовнішніх справ при гетьманському уряді П. Скоропадського. Більш ранні періоди його життєвого шляху не настільки вивчені. А тому, огляд діяльності Дмитра Дорошенка на Буко вині як комісара Тимчасового уряду видається доречним, адже, з одного боку, дозволить краще оцінити його як політичного діяча, а з іншого-сприятиме формуванню цілісної карти ни революційних подій на теренах нашого регіону. Дмитро Іванович Дорошенко походив із козацького роду і був нащадком гетьмана Петра Дорошенка. Він народився 8 квітня 1882 р. в місті Вільно в родині ветеринарного військового лікаря. На формування світогляду майбутнього політика вплинув батько, який ще з дитинства прищепив йому любов до батьківщини. Досить сильний вплив, як зазначив у своїх споминах сам Дорошенко, мали і періодичні видання «Зоря» та «Науково-літературний вісник», які за возилися з Галичини [1, с. 7]. Дорошенко закінчив класичну гімназію, після чого вступив на історико-філологічний фа культет Варшавського університету. Через пів року перевівся до Петербурзького університе ту, де розпочав активно займатися громадською справою (так, з 1903 р. він навіть очолив Студентську Громаду). У 1904 р. Д. Дорошенко перебував у Львові, де слухав лекції М. Грушевського, І. Франка та Ф. Вовка. Тут, зрештою, остаточно сформувався світогляд Дмитра Івановича. Революційні події, що сколихнули Російську імперію наприкінці 1905 р., не оминули й жит тя Д. Дорошенка. У 1906 р. нарешті збулася його мрія і він розпочав навчання в київському університеті св. Володимира. У травні того ж року відкрилася Перша Державна Дума, і Дмит ро Іванович був запрошений до Петербурга як секретар журналу «Український вісник», дру кованого органу Української Парламентської Громади [23]. Перебуваючи на цій посаді, він мав змогу спілкуватися із українськими депутатами. Зокрема, згадуючи про щотижневі збори редколегії журналу, Дорошенко у своїх споминах зазначав: «У цих зборах приймали участь члени Української Парламентської Громади... обмірковувалися не тільки редакційні справи, але й парламентські: тут намічалися і обмірковувалися виступи з думської трибуни, про мови і взагалі політичні питання»[24, с. 81]. Інколи Дорошенкові доводилося бути присутнім

Балканські війни 1912–1913 рр. в оцінках американських дипломатів і журналістів, 2022
The two short-term war that hade place during 1912-1913 in the Balkan became a prelusion and rehe... more The two short-term war that hade place during 1912-1913 in the Balkan became a prelusion and rehearsal of the First World War. Like other international crises and conflicts, the Balkan events became another subject of controversy for the great powers, who influenced on their results by through diplomacy. The Balkan crisis didn`t escape the attention of the United States, which became active in the international arena during this period. Although the United States was neutral during these events, information about the events on the fronts of the Balkan wars was published in many America`s newspapers and magazines, and was discussed during the debates in the US Congress. A number of America’s diplomats and journalists, who was eyewitnesses of those events, were able to document in their memoirs, reports or letters what they saw. In 1913 with the support of the America`s entrepreneur A. Carnegie was organized international commission, which had dealt with the investigation of war crimes were committed by participants of the conflict to civilians and prisoners of
war. They also gave assessment of conflict impact for the economy of the region. In the future all this dates served as a source of information about the political situation and problems that existed in the region, which was very important in developing the principles of the US foreign policy for Balkan. This article is devoted to the analysis of reports, testimonies and memoirs were left by America's diplomats and journalists. The author made the main emphasis on the problems which caused of the two wars, their consequences, and also the characteristics of the various participants in the conflict, which were described by Americans.
In the article searching the main trends in relations between the United
States and Poland during... more In the article searching the main trends in relations between the United
States and Poland during 1918-1921. The reasons of the interest in the Polish
question by the US ruling circles during the Great War are considering. The
author analyzes the motives that prompted Poland to focused in its foreign
policy on the US. Explored specific measures taken by Poland to achieved its
goals in relations with the United States. In particular, in such issues as financial
assistance and increase the number of Poland armed forces. The author
identified the factors that caused the deterioration of relations between the
two countries.
The next group is represented by materials of personal origin, which include memoirs and letters.... more The next group is represented by materials of personal origin, which include memoirs and letters. This group of sources allows a better understanding of the era under study, the character of individual figures etc.
The third group is represented by the works of contemporaries of the era.These are the works of A.T. Mechen, J. Fiske, J. Burges and J. Strong.
The fourth group of sources is presented by periodicals. Their use allows us to research the US public opinion on different issues.
The author highlights works of art and visual materials as additional sources for the study of the US foreign policy. The latter are represented by photo documents and caricatures.
The author concludes that the proposed list of sources can serve as a basis for conducting research on certain problems of American foreign policy the late XIX - early XX centuries.

The article analyzes the position of the American President Woodrow Wilson regarding empires duri... more The article analyzes the position of the American President Woodrow Wilson regarding empires during the First World War. The contravening character of his relationship was caused the fact that he negatively assessed the colonial policies of European powers in different parts of the world. He also critically assessed such things as the exploitation of the periphery, the conquest of territories by means of weapons, the suppression of the political and religious rights of the population of the colonies, the struggle with national movements, typical of most empires. On the other hand, such imperial states as Great Britain, France, and Russia were the US allies in the war. Therefore, the position of the leader of the United States was ambiguous in this matter. During the First World War, Wilson sought only weakened the position of the European empires, but not the complete disappearance of them from the political map of the world. However, with the start of the work of the Paris Peace Conference, which was to form a new post-war world order, the American leader under pressure from various factors was forced to change his vision of the future fate of empires.

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the US American mentality. The author considered the ... more The article is dedicated to the analysis of the US American mentality. The author considered the mentality the way of thinking, personal attitude to social life, individual or group of people. According to the author, three factors influenced the formation of the American mentality. Among them the natural and geographical position, the political and economic model that was inherent in the US, as well as the religion. All these factors have shaped traits of the American character such as individualism, pragmatism, entrepreneurial spirit, businesslike, aspiration for wealth and expansion, initiative and messianism.
The author proves that it was the specific features of the US American mentality had a huge influence not only on the country's internal development, but also on its foreign policy as well. US Americans were little interested in external affairs and almost all their attention were concentrating on the development of the national economy, the expansion on the West and the political struggle between Republicans and Democrats. This non-interest to foreign affairs on practice was reflected in the policy of isolationism, which was introduced by George Washington.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, US politicians were forced to move away from isolationism and move to a more active foreign policy. This change was facilitated not only the need for new foreign markets and obtain their own colonies, but also the such features of mentality as aspiration for expansion and messianism. It was on the basis of messianic ideas that the US was built its Latin American policy, reflected in various variations of the "Monroe Doctrine". Eventually, messianism and American exceptionalism have served for W. Wilson as an ideological justification for entered the US to the First World War on the side of the Entente.
The article analyzes the situation of the US Navy in the late 19-th and early 20-th century. The ... more The article analyzes the situation of the US Navy in the late 19-th and early 20-th century. The main emphasis is made on the views of the American establishment on the problem of growing the Navy. The author concluded that the Navy played a decisive role in the US foreign policy in the designated period. This statement is substantiated by specific examples.
In an article the expansionist tendencies in the US foreign policy concerning Canada in XIX centu... more In an article the expansionist tendencies in the US foreign policy concerning Canada in XIX century are analyzed.
The authors elucidate the origin and distribution of an expansionist ideas and moods in the American society and also
the American government plans for annexation of the British North America. The particular attention is paid to the
practical attempts by the American authorities to capture this territory. The Canadian government policy aimed to
protect the Canadian West, which became an object of the American expansion in the last decades of XIX century,
is also considered.

This article is dedicated to the analysis of first the US foreign policy doctrine. There has been... more This article is dedicated to the analysis of first the US foreign policy doctrine. There has been carried out the analysis of the factors that caused James Monroe to declare the principles of the American foreign policy which were later called the «Monroe doctrine». The author has analyzed its content, highlighted its perception by the US government, and also characterized the reaction of the European great powers` governments to its appearance. The evolution of the doctrine interpretation by the American statesmen has been traced. The main emphasis is on the review and analysis of the content of the amendments to the "Monroe Doctrine", which were made by the US presidents James Polk, Theodore Roosevelt and the Secretary of State Richard Olney. Considering a number of conflicts and crises the attempts of the practical application of the "Monroe Doctrine" in Latin America have been investigated. Among them are the problems of annexation of Texas, the first Venezuelan crisis of 1895, the revolution in Panama and others. The author proves that the "Monroe Doctrine" has served the basis for the American foreign policy. Referring to it, the US governments have tried to build a system of Inter-American relations, such as was the Vienna system of international relations. The conference between American states, known as the "Pan-American" was to serve this aim. In the article also analyzed has been the attitude of European states towards American policy in the Latin American region.
Abstract. The article reveals preconditions of and reasons for the American expansion in China, a... more Abstract. The article reveals preconditions of and reasons for the American expansion in China, as well as the characteristic of its features. The author has analyzed and also characterized the content of the «open doors» doctrine. Also the author has characterized attitude to appearance of the doctrine the governments of Great powers. The main emphasis has been made on the practical attempt of the implementation of the «open doors» doctrine and its consequences.
Bukovinian Studies by Taras Pyatnichuk
Thesis Chapters by Taras Pyatnichuk

The thesis is devoted to the research of the US foreign policy doctrines and concepts of the Gild... more The thesis is devoted to the research of the US foreign policy doctrines and concepts of the Gilded Age and partly Progressive Era. In thesis analysis the process of formation the ideological basis of the US foreign policy. It includes a whole range of foreign policy concepts and doctrines. Among them are the concept of apparent destiny, the concept of sea power, the Washington` doctrine, the Monroe doctrine and its various interpretations, Open Door Policy, the philosophy of American Social Darwinism and Anglo-Saxonism as its branch.
The author analyzes the reasons for the changes in the US foreign policy in the late nineteenth century. The thesis also researches the evolution of the views of the governments of the United States on the goals and methods of foreign policy. Has been studied perception of expansions ideas by representatives of the American public and ruling class.
The dissertation also gives a description of the perception of the US by other powers, primarily the great powers of Old World. Has been analyzed also their position regarding the attempts of the US to implement in practice foreign policy doctrines or concepts.
The author considers the US as a kind of «informal empire». This argument is argued by that the US had a quantity of features that were characteristic of imperial powers. Among them were: a civilization mission as an integral part of the ideology of all empires, an increasingly active participation in international affairs, including interference in various inter-state conflicts, the to increase the status and expansion of spheres of influence, and the classical for all empires perception neighbors as weak and depends powers.
Key words: expansion, imperialism, informal empire, Social Darwinism, Monroe doctrine, Open Doors Policy, civilizing mission, Washington` doctrine, sea power, manifest destiny.
Papers by Taras Pyatnichuk
прогресу, сприяючи появі нових видів озброєння, але й піднесла на вищий
щабель розвитку пропагандистську діяльність. Формування образу
ворога, проти якого велася війна, а також його укорінення у суспільній
думці шляхом різноманітних методів, було одним із найважливіших
завдань урядів кожної з воюючих держав. Сполучені Штати Америки
досягнули в цій царині, мабуть, найбільшого успіху, створивши окреме
відомство, що спеціально займалося пропагандистською діяльністю.
Поряд із новими засобами пропаганди, якими були фотографія та
кіно, в США, як і в інших країнах, що брали участь у Першій світовій
війни, продовжували послуговуватися і старими, серед яких досить
поширеною була політична карикатура. В розділі аналізується
зображення в американській карикатурі Німецької імперії, її
політичного та військового керівництва в особі Вільгельма ІІ та
генерала Пауля фон Гінденбурга, образи німецької армії та населення,
розглядаються відмінності, притаманні для сюжетів карикатури
періоду нейтралітету та участі США у світовій війні.
The author came to conclusion that the reasons for this change were economic factors and also foreign.Under the latter should understand the danger of expansion the European powers in Western Hemisphere.
Such magazines as „Harper’s Weekly”, „Puck” and „Judge”, whose cartoons looked like works of art, held leading positions among them. Cartoonists, were raising acute economic, political and social issues in their works, not only actualized them, but also were forming public opinion. Foreign policy problems weren’t left outside also. The object attention of American caricaturists at the end of the 19th - early of the 20th century was China, what were caused by the US economic interests in this region.
American caricature portrayed the Chinese and China as a backward barbarian or a treacherous official, which didn't want to keep pace with progress. The beginning of the Yihetuan Movement and participation of the American troops in its suppression had a significant impact on the image of „Celestial Empire”. A bloodthirsty barbarian and a huge dragon, which was bringing only destruction and anarchy, replaced the backward Chinese barbarian in the cartoons. The dominance of such images fully corresponded to the then ideas about the civilizing mission of the US, and became a part of the myth of the so-called „Yellow Peril”.
war. They also gave assessment of conflict impact for the economy of the region. In the future all this dates served as a source of information about the political situation and problems that existed in the region, which was very important in developing the principles of the US foreign policy for Balkan. This article is devoted to the analysis of reports, testimonies and memoirs were left by America's diplomats and journalists. The author made the main emphasis on the problems which caused of the two wars, their consequences, and also the characteristics of the various participants in the conflict, which were described by Americans.
States and Poland during 1918-1921. The reasons of the interest in the Polish
question by the US ruling circles during the Great War are considering. The
author analyzes the motives that prompted Poland to focused in its foreign
policy on the US. Explored specific measures taken by Poland to achieved its
goals in relations with the United States. In particular, in such issues as financial
assistance and increase the number of Poland armed forces. The author
identified the factors that caused the deterioration of relations between the
two countries.
The third group is represented by the works of contemporaries of the era.These are the works of A.T. Mechen, J. Fiske, J. Burges and J. Strong.
The fourth group of sources is presented by periodicals. Their use allows us to research the US public opinion on different issues.
The author highlights works of art and visual materials as additional sources for the study of the US foreign policy. The latter are represented by photo documents and caricatures.
The author concludes that the proposed list of sources can serve as a basis for conducting research on certain problems of American foreign policy the late XIX - early XX centuries.
The author proves that it was the specific features of the US American mentality had a huge influence not only on the country's internal development, but also on its foreign policy as well. US Americans were little interested in external affairs and almost all their attention were concentrating on the development of the national economy, the expansion on the West and the political struggle between Republicans and Democrats. This non-interest to foreign affairs on practice was reflected in the policy of isolationism, which was introduced by George Washington.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, US politicians were forced to move away from isolationism and move to a more active foreign policy. This change was facilitated not only the need for new foreign markets and obtain their own colonies, but also the such features of mentality as aspiration for expansion and messianism. It was on the basis of messianic ideas that the US was built its Latin American policy, reflected in various variations of the "Monroe Doctrine". Eventually, messianism and American exceptionalism have served for W. Wilson as an ideological justification for entered the US to the First World War on the side of the Entente.
The authors elucidate the origin and distribution of an expansionist ideas and moods in the American society and also
the American government plans for annexation of the British North America. The particular attention is paid to the
practical attempts by the American authorities to capture this territory. The Canadian government policy aimed to
protect the Canadian West, which became an object of the American expansion in the last decades of XIX century,
is also considered.
Bukovinian Studies by Taras Pyatnichuk
Thesis Chapters by Taras Pyatnichuk
The author analyzes the reasons for the changes in the US foreign policy in the late nineteenth century. The thesis also researches the evolution of the views of the governments of the United States on the goals and methods of foreign policy. Has been studied perception of expansions ideas by representatives of the American public and ruling class.
The dissertation also gives a description of the perception of the US by other powers, primarily the great powers of Old World. Has been analyzed also their position regarding the attempts of the US to implement in practice foreign policy doctrines or concepts.
The author considers the US as a kind of «informal empire». This argument is argued by that the US had a quantity of features that were characteristic of imperial powers. Among them were: a civilization mission as an integral part of the ideology of all empires, an increasingly active participation in international affairs, including interference in various inter-state conflicts, the to increase the status and expansion of spheres of influence, and the classical for all empires perception neighbors as weak and depends powers.
Key words: expansion, imperialism, informal empire, Social Darwinism, Monroe doctrine, Open Doors Policy, civilizing mission, Washington` doctrine, sea power, manifest destiny.
прогресу, сприяючи появі нових видів озброєння, але й піднесла на вищий
щабель розвитку пропагандистську діяльність. Формування образу
ворога, проти якого велася війна, а також його укорінення у суспільній
думці шляхом різноманітних методів, було одним із найважливіших
завдань урядів кожної з воюючих держав. Сполучені Штати Америки
досягнули в цій царині, мабуть, найбільшого успіху, створивши окреме
відомство, що спеціально займалося пропагандистською діяльністю.
Поряд із новими засобами пропаганди, якими були фотографія та
кіно, в США, як і в інших країнах, що брали участь у Першій світовій
війни, продовжували послуговуватися і старими, серед яких досить
поширеною була політична карикатура. В розділі аналізується
зображення в американській карикатурі Німецької імперії, її
політичного та військового керівництва в особі Вільгельма ІІ та
генерала Пауля фон Гінденбурга, образи німецької армії та населення,
розглядаються відмінності, притаманні для сюжетів карикатури
періоду нейтралітету та участі США у світовій війні.
The author came to conclusion that the reasons for this change were economic factors and also foreign.Under the latter should understand the danger of expansion the European powers in Western Hemisphere.
Such magazines as „Harper’s Weekly”, „Puck” and „Judge”, whose cartoons looked like works of art, held leading positions among them. Cartoonists, were raising acute economic, political and social issues in their works, not only actualized them, but also were forming public opinion. Foreign policy problems weren’t left outside also. The object attention of American caricaturists at the end of the 19th - early of the 20th century was China, what were caused by the US economic interests in this region.
American caricature portrayed the Chinese and China as a backward barbarian or a treacherous official, which didn't want to keep pace with progress. The beginning of the Yihetuan Movement and participation of the American troops in its suppression had a significant impact on the image of „Celestial Empire”. A bloodthirsty barbarian and a huge dragon, which was bringing only destruction and anarchy, replaced the backward Chinese barbarian in the cartoons. The dominance of such images fully corresponded to the then ideas about the civilizing mission of the US, and became a part of the myth of the so-called „Yellow Peril”.
war. They also gave assessment of conflict impact for the economy of the region. In the future all this dates served as a source of information about the political situation and problems that existed in the region, which was very important in developing the principles of the US foreign policy for Balkan. This article is devoted to the analysis of reports, testimonies and memoirs were left by America's diplomats and journalists. The author made the main emphasis on the problems which caused of the two wars, their consequences, and also the characteristics of the various participants in the conflict, which were described by Americans.
States and Poland during 1918-1921. The reasons of the interest in the Polish
question by the US ruling circles during the Great War are considering. The
author analyzes the motives that prompted Poland to focused in its foreign
policy on the US. Explored specific measures taken by Poland to achieved its
goals in relations with the United States. In particular, in such issues as financial
assistance and increase the number of Poland armed forces. The author
identified the factors that caused the deterioration of relations between the
two countries.
The third group is represented by the works of contemporaries of the era.These are the works of A.T. Mechen, J. Fiske, J. Burges and J. Strong.
The fourth group of sources is presented by periodicals. Their use allows us to research the US public opinion on different issues.
The author highlights works of art and visual materials as additional sources for the study of the US foreign policy. The latter are represented by photo documents and caricatures.
The author concludes that the proposed list of sources can serve as a basis for conducting research on certain problems of American foreign policy the late XIX - early XX centuries.
The author proves that it was the specific features of the US American mentality had a huge influence not only on the country's internal development, but also on its foreign policy as well. US Americans were little interested in external affairs and almost all their attention were concentrating on the development of the national economy, the expansion on the West and the political struggle between Republicans and Democrats. This non-interest to foreign affairs on practice was reflected in the policy of isolationism, which was introduced by George Washington.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, US politicians were forced to move away from isolationism and move to a more active foreign policy. This change was facilitated not only the need for new foreign markets and obtain their own colonies, but also the such features of mentality as aspiration for expansion and messianism. It was on the basis of messianic ideas that the US was built its Latin American policy, reflected in various variations of the "Monroe Doctrine". Eventually, messianism and American exceptionalism have served for W. Wilson as an ideological justification for entered the US to the First World War on the side of the Entente.
The authors elucidate the origin and distribution of an expansionist ideas and moods in the American society and also
the American government plans for annexation of the British North America. The particular attention is paid to the
practical attempts by the American authorities to capture this territory. The Canadian government policy aimed to
protect the Canadian West, which became an object of the American expansion in the last decades of XIX century,
is also considered.
The author analyzes the reasons for the changes in the US foreign policy in the late nineteenth century. The thesis also researches the evolution of the views of the governments of the United States on the goals and methods of foreign policy. Has been studied perception of expansions ideas by representatives of the American public and ruling class.
The dissertation also gives a description of the perception of the US by other powers, primarily the great powers of Old World. Has been analyzed also their position regarding the attempts of the US to implement in practice foreign policy doctrines or concepts.
The author considers the US as a kind of «informal empire». This argument is argued by that the US had a quantity of features that were characteristic of imperial powers. Among them were: a civilization mission as an integral part of the ideology of all empires, an increasingly active participation in international affairs, including interference in various inter-state conflicts, the to increase the status and expansion of spheres of influence, and the classical for all empires perception neighbors as weak and depends powers.
Key words: expansion, imperialism, informal empire, Social Darwinism, Monroe doctrine, Open Doors Policy, civilizing mission, Washington` doctrine, sea power, manifest destiny.