Papers by Tanzin Chowdhury
Environmental Technology & Innovation

Chowdhury, T., Chowdhury, M. A. H., Rahman, Md. A., Nahar, K., Chowdhury, Md. T. I. & Khan, Md. S... more Chowdhury, T., Chowdhury, M. A. H., Rahman, Md. A., Nahar, K., Chowdhury, Md. T. I. & Khan, Md. S. I. (2020). Response of Aloe vera to inorganic and organic fertilization in relation to leaf biomass yield and post harvest fertility of soil. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 26 (2), 346–354 The versatile properties of Aloe vera for various purposes have been well documented. Inorganic fertilizer along with organic manure is essential for proper plant growth maintaining soil health. The research was aimed to find out the integrated effects of inorganic fertilizer (IF) and poultry manure (PM) on the growth and leaf biomass yield of A. vera and post-harvest soil fertility along with the economics of A. vera cultivation. Different combinations of IF and PM exerted significant influence on the growth, yield attributes and leaf biomass yield of A. vera. The highest fresh leaf weight (4864 g plant-1), fresh gel weight (2956 g plant-1) and dry leaf weight (420.70 g plant-1) at harvest were obtained from...

The main objective of this study was to examine the chemical characteristics, possible sources, a... more The main objective of this study was to examine the chemical characteristics, possible sources, and health risks of fine particle-bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Baoshan area of Shanghai. Here, ambient particles with five-size ranges were collected during the spring and late summer of 2017. The PAHs were determined by the Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Our results showed that the average mass concentration of 13 species of PAHs in spring and in late summer was 4.83 (1.88~12.1) ng/m3 and 4.27 (2.09~5.75) ng/m3 in Total Suspended Particles (TSPs), respectively. The higher PAH ratios (PM1.1/TSPs) indicated that PAHs are mainly concentrated in PM1.1, especially in late summer. The values of BaA/(BaA+CHR) were under 0.50 and IcdP/(IcdP+BghiP) were in range from 0.20 to 0.50 for TSP and PM1.1, suggesting that petroleum combustion and diesel emissions could be considered as key sources of PAHs, which tend to be associated with PM1.1. Moreover, the Princi...

Environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) were previously considered an unrecognized compo... more Environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) were previously considered an unrecognized composition of air pollutants and might help explain the long-standing medical mystery of why non-smokers develop tobacco-related diseases such as lung cancer. However, there is no investigated on EPFRs in Xuanwei rural areas, especially in high prevalence of lung cancer areas. In this study, we selected six types of coal and three types of biomass in Xuanwei, then conducted simulated combustion, and six group of atmospheric particulate matters (APMs) to explore the content and particle size distribution pattern of EPFRs and a new health risk assessment method to evaluate the risk of EPFRs in PM for adults and children. Our results show that the contribution of EPFRs for biomass combustion, coal combustion and APMs were mainly distributed in the size range of <1.1 μm, which accounted for 76.15 ± 4.14%, 74.85 ± 10.76%, and 75.23 ± 8.18% of PM3.3. The mean g factors and ΔHp-p indicated that ...
Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Urban street dust is regarded as a significant pollutant in the urban environment and an ideal in... more Urban street dust is regarded as a significant pollutant in the urban environment and an ideal indicator of urban environmental quality. Even so, studies regarding this matrix for microplastics (MP...

AIMS Environmental Science
Plastics in agricultural soils are of current concern to environmental scientist due to potential... more Plastics in agricultural soils are of current concern to environmental scientist due to potential effects on soil-plant system and food security. In this study, the effect of macro-and microsized plastic types of low density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS) in soil on growth of juvenile lime tree were studied using a pot experiment under ambient field conditions. To determine the effect, seven exposure patterns (single: LDPE, PP, PS and mixture: LDPE+PP, LDPE+PS, PP+PS, LDPE+PP+PS) in soil was tested. The results showed that macroand micro-plastic residues affected the plant during vegetative growth with LDPE single exposure had the strongest negative effects (inhibition of 0.26%). However, LDPE+PP+PS had some positive effects by improving growth higher than the control. Overall, microplastics showed more negative effects than macroplastics, but the lime tree showed strong tolerance (with tolerance index > 70 %) to the different treatments. Without doubt, more research is urgently needed in order to fully understand the effect and mechanism of macroplastics and microplastics in soil-plant system. When understood 527

Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2021
Increasing crop yield and fertilizer use efficiency with optimum potassium (K) addition is essent... more Increasing crop yield and fertilizer use efficiency with optimum potassium (K) addition is essential for sustainable crop production. With the aim of establishing a scientific basis of K fertilization on the growth, leaf biomass yield, K requirement, K use efficiency, and critical leaf K concentration of Aloe vera, a pot experiment was carried out at farmer’s field with six levels of K viz. 0, 40, 60, 80, 120, and 160 kg ha1 following completely randomized design. Yield attributes and leaf yield were significantly influenced by K application rate and the best results were obtained from the application of 120 kg K ha1. On an average, application of K increased leaf yield by 105% compared to control. The highest gel weight and economic profit was obtained from K120. On the other hand, the highest leaf K concentration and uptake were found with the addition of 160 kg K ha1. The higher K uptake and yield contributed to the enhanced K use efficiency of Aloe vera. The correlation resul...

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2020
Balanced application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer is important for productive agricultural system... more Balanced application of phosphorus (P) fertilizer is important for productive agricultural systems with a reduced environmental footprint. This study aimed to assess the effect of P on the leaf yield, P use efficiency, P concentration and uptake by Aloe vera. A pot trial experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design, with six levels of P applied at 0, 30, 45, 60, 80, and 120 kg ha−1, replicated in triplicate. The results revealed that yield attributes, leaf yield, P concentration and uptake were significantly improved with P application and optimum results were obtained when P was applied at 80 kg ha−1. The addition of P increased leaf yield by 33 to 91% compared to the untreated control. Likewise, the highest numbers of suckers, leaves, fresh and dry gel weight, and profit based on benefit cost ratio was recorded with this treatment. In contrast, the highest P concentration and uptake by the leaf were observed at the highest P treatment rate of 120 kg ha−1. The high...

Heliyon, 2020
Sulphur plays a vital role in the formation and biosynthesis of protein, chlorophyll, and few ami... more Sulphur plays a vital role in the formation and biosynthesis of protein, chlorophyll, and few amino acids. To investigate the effect of sulphur fertilizer on leaf biomass yield, critical sulphur concentration, sulphur requirement and uptake by Aloe vera L., a pot experiment was carried out following completely randomized design with six levels of sulphur viz., 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 80 kg ha À1 with three replications. The results of the study revealed that the growth attributes, leaf and gel yield, and sulphur uptake significantly improved with sulphur application and the best results were obtained from the application of 45 kg sulphur ha-1. On average, addition of sulphur enhanced the leaf biomass yield by 47.5% and sulphur use efficiency by 38% compared to control. The effect of sulphur on the growth parameters and their significant and positive correlations with yield signifies the importance of sulphur on the yield and quality of A. vera. The calculated minimum amount of sulphur...

Heliyon, 2020
Aloe vera L. is widely cultivated in many countries due to its importance as an all-purpose herba... more Aloe vera L. is widely cultivated in many countries due to its importance as an all-purpose herbal or medicinal plant. The growth and yield of this plant can be enhanced by application of fertilizer. It is expected that a higher and balanced nutrient supply will result in higher crop production maintaining soil health, which is possible when the applied fertilizers are done in way that is efficient. So, there is a need to understand the amount of applied and type of fertilizer that will give the best output for farmers and to formulate economical market products. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of N fertilizer on leaf yield, its uptake and requirement, critical concentration, use efficiency and economics of Aloe vera L. Plants were grown at six levels of N: 0, 40, 80, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha −1 from urea and diammonium phosphate (DAP) following completely randomized design with three replicates under field condition. The highest values of yield and yield attributes...
Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University

Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology, Mar 25, 2020
Plastic products with tremendous consumption are ubiquitous in our daily lives and the annual pro... more Plastic products with tremendous consumption are ubiquitous in our daily lives and the annual production of plastics is drastically increasing [1]. It is now expected to reach 33 billion tonnes by 2050 [2] with plastic waste in the environment projected to reach 67.8 million metric tons by the same year [3]. The pollution of plastic cum microplastics (MPs) from degradation in the environment is currently a hot issue attracting the global attention of many scientists, governmental and non-governmental organization and the public media [3-7]. Although few studies have investigated the chemical behavior and toxicity of MPs in the natural environment, studies focusing on its toxicity in tandem with toxic chemicals to ecosystems are scarce [1,4,8]. There are many toxicology reports that MPs are harmful to ecosystems. Terrestrial organisms such as earthworms, soil collembolans, and other animals, as well as plants have been affected by MPs [1,4,9-13]. Also, aquatic organisms such fish, sandhoppers, sea turtle, crustacean and mussel have also been affected by MPs [14-15]. In addition, humans are exposed to MPs via trophic transfer or by direct ingestion, contact and inhalation and plausible effects include lung inflammation and genotoxicity may occur [1,3,16,17]. Aside from the innate toxicity of MPs, they can carry different toxic chemicals such as heavy metals and organic pollutant by adsorption process, and double the effect of such pollutants [1,8,18]. Succinctly, plastic products are made up of mixtures of polymers, fillers, and multiple additives to improve its usability. Also, there are other chemicals including unreacted monomers, starting substances and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS; impurities, side or breakdown products) that are also present in plastic. However, most of these chemicals are not covalently bound to the polymer, so they can be released at all stages of the plastics' life cycle via migration to liquids or solids or via volatilization [1]. Therefore, plastic materials are an important source of human exposure to chemicals.

Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Jul 14, 2016
Urea can be supplied to plants through the foliage, facilitating optimal N management, which mini... more Urea can be supplied to plants through the foliage, facilitating optimal N management, which minimizes N losses to the environment. The efficiency of N assimilation through foliage depends upon several factors including N levels and varieties or genotypes. No information is available on the effect of the foliar application of urea on stevia (Stevia rebaudiana, Bertoni). The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of prilled urea applied in different concentrations on the growth, yield components, leaf biomass yield, N content and its uptake by stevia. Seven levels of urea viz. 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3g 2L-1 were sprayed 10 days after planting (DAP) in acid and non-calcareous soils at an interval of one week up to 60 DAP. Foliar urea application significantly increased plant height, branch and leaf number, leaf area, fresh and dry leaf weight, leaf N content and uptake by stevia. Most of the parameters were increased with the advancement of growth period from 30 to 60 DAP. The foliar spray of 2.0g urea solution was found to be most effective for enhancing the growth, leaf yield and yield attributes of stevia. The yield increase was 478% in acid soil and 485% in non-calcareous soil over control. Further increase in the concentrations of urea spray (2.5 and 3.0g) was not found to be useful as it declined the leaf yield by 135% in acid and 175% in noncalcareous soil probably due to its toxicity. N content in stevia leaves was significantly increased with the increased levels of urea up to 3.0g in both soils. Conversely, the trend of N uptake did not follow the trend of N contents of stevia leaves. N uptake as expected increased as foliar application of urea increased up to 2.0g and then decreased with further addition. The results suggest that farmers can be advised to apply prilled urea as foliar spray @ 1g L-1 for higher leaf biomass yield and N uptake by stevia either in acid or non-calcareous soils under the agro-climatic conditions of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

This review chronicles the indirect transmission method which seems to be overlooked by most peop... more This review chronicles the indirect transmission method which seems to be overlooked by most people and makes attempts to clearly document the various transmission ways with a hope that such information may strengthen the knowledge base of researchers towards methods of eradicating the pandemic. Current knowledge of transmission and exposure of SARS-CoV-2 has been explained. Various researchers have put forward different ways of exposure and transmission. Literature does not reveal whether the indirect transmission route is the dominant one. However total lockdown could be a veritable means to reduce both direct and indirect transmission routes. In many countries where the indirect transmission has been reduced, the scourge of the virus is less. The work creates awareness on the need to watch out for those routes of transmissions that may not be popular and suggested key knowledge gaps that needs to filled.

Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University
Heavy metal accumulation in environmental compartments is a potential risk to the living system b... more Heavy metal accumulation in environmental compartments is a potential risk to the living system because of their uptake by plants and subsequent introduction into the food chain. A study was carried out to investigate the heavy metal contents in industrially contaminated soils collected from six different locations of Dhaka and Mymensingh districts and their effects on two important vegetables namely tomato and cabbage. Pot experiment was conducted using contaminated soils at the net house of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh following completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicates. The higher level of heavy metal contents was found in the soil samples of Hajaribag and Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ). The highest Ni, Cd, Cr, Cu and Fe contents were 59.45, 18.79, 67.57, 40.81 and 1619.61 µg g−1 which were much above the recommended level except Cu contents. The highest yield of vegetables was obtained grown in Maskanda soil of Mymensingh dis...

Fundamental and Applied Agriculture
Potassium (K) is an essential plant nutrient affecting most of the biochemical and physiological ... more Potassium (K) is an essential plant nutrient affecting most of the biochemical and physiological processes. It is classified as a macronutrient due to large quantities being taken up by plants during their life cycle. With the aim of establishing a scientific basis of K fertilization on the growth, leaf production, minimum K requirement and critical leaf K concentration of stevia, a pot experiment was carried out in the net house of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Six levels of K viz. 0 (K0), 50 (K50), 100 (K100), 150 (K150), 200 (K200) and 250 (K250) kg ha-1 were used in acid and noncalcareous soils. Plants were harvested at 60 days after planting (DAP). Results showed that K application significantly influenced the growth attributes, leaf yield and other parameters. Highest values of most of the parameters were obtained at 200 kg K ha-1. Dry weight of stevia leaves at harvest was increased from 0.77-7.41g and 0.99-7.74g Pot-1 in acid and non-calcareous soils, respectively over control. Potassium content was directly proportional with the increased levels of K though uptake did not follow the same trend. Leaf critical K content was estimated to be ca 1.75 and 1.71% in the plants grown in acid and non-calcareous soils, respectively. The minimum K requirement for maximum leaf biomass production (80%) of stevia was also estimated to be ca 220 and 199 kg ha-1 grown in acid and non-calcareous soils, respectively. This study would contribute to improve K fertilization of stevia in various types of soils.

Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University
Plant requires suitable soil for higher yield, quality growth and desired crop productivity that ... more Plant requires suitable soil for higher yield, quality growth and desired crop productivity that differ with soil characteristics, availability of the nutrient elements and overall soil fertility. Aloe vera, a documented medicative plant, is used for numerous medical and cosmetic applications since very beginning of the civilization. An experiment was conducted in Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh to find out the most appropriate soil for A. vera cultivation. Seven types of soils viz., acid, calcareous, non-calcareous, charland, saline, peat and acid sulphate were collected from different locations of Bangladesh. Eighteenth month old Aloe vera seedlings were collected from Shomvogonj, Mymensingh and planted during last week of May, 2017 following completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Most of the soils were light grey in colour, acidic to neutral in nature and clay to clay loam in texture except non-calcareous and charland soils. Bul...
Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries
Knowledge of phosphorus (P) uptake and its use efficiency by crop plants is essential for adequat... more Knowledge of phosphorus (P) uptake and its use efficiency by crop plants is essential for adequate management of the plant nutrients to sustain food production with a minimal environmental impact. To study the effects of P on the growth, leaf biomass production, P content and uptake and to estimate P use efficiency (PUE), minimum P requirement and critical leaf P content of stevia, a pot experiment was conducted in the net house of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University following completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications in acid and non-calcareous soils of Bangladesh. The applied treatments was six viz. 0
Papers by Tanzin Chowdhury