Papers by Budi Tangendjaja

media peternakan, 2011
ABSTRAK Percobaan pemberian pakan telah dilakukan untuk membandingkan nilai pakan dried distiller... more ABSTRAK Percobaan pemberian pakan telah dilakukan untuk membandingkan nilai pakan dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) protein rendah (Lopro) dan tinggi (Hipro) dan corn gluten meal (CGM) untuk ayam petelur cokelat di daerah tropis. Kedua jenis DDGS diberikan sebesar 0%, 4%, 8%, 12%, dan 16% dalam ransum, sedangkan CGM diberikan sebanyak 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, dan 8% dalam ransum dengan kandungan energi metabolis (2650 kcal/kg) dan protein (17%) yang sama. Setiap perlakukan diberikan kepada 4 ekor ayam petelur dalam kandang baterai individu dan diulang 5 kali. Percobaan dilakukan selama 10 minggu dan produksi telur, berat telur, dan konsumsi pakan diukur. Kotoran ayam dikumpulkan dan dianalisa kadar airnya pada akhir percobaan, sedangkan contoh telur diukur untuk warna dan kandungan xantofilnya. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pemberian DDGS Lopro, DDGS Hipro, dan CGM tidak mempengaruhi produksi telur (masa telur, jumlah telur, dan berat telur), akan tetapi pemberian DDGS menghasilkan konsumsi pakan (111 g/hari) yang lebih rendah dibanding ayam yang diberi CGM (114g/hari). Pemberian DDGS sampai 16% tidak mempengaruhi produksi telur, demikian pula dengan pemberian CGM sampai 8% dalam ransum. Pemberian DDGS atau CGM dalam jumlah tinggi tidak mempengaruhi kadar air kotoran yang nilainya berkisar 78,1%-81,9%. Pemberian DDGS atau CGM yang makin tinggi mengakibatkan kenaikan warna kuning telur yang berkaitan dengan meningkatnya kandungan xantofil di dalamnya. Pemberian CGM menghasilkan warna yang lebih kuning dibandingkan dengan pemberian DDGS. Sebagai kesimpulan, DDGS dapat diberikan sampai 16% untuk ayam petelur tanpa mempengaruhi produksi telur, sementara CGM dapat diberikan sampai 8%. DDGS dapat digunakan sebagai sumber pigmen kuning untuk ayam petelur seperti halnya CGM.
International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP), Jan 30, 2018

Improved animal production requires sufficient quantity and quality animal feed. One of the essent... more Improved animal production requires sufficient quantity and quality animal feed. One of the essential nutrients to support optimum production is protein and should be provided from feed ingredient rich in protein. World protein meal supply is derived from oilseed and animal by products. Major protein meals are soybean meal, rapeseed meal, cottonswd meal, Sunflower seed meal, Fishmeal, peanut meal, palm kemel meal and copra meal. There is an increasing in world production of soybean meal, rapeswd meal and palm kernel meal while the other meals remained stagnant. Soybean meal is the major supply of protein meal and it is mainly produced in USA, Argentina, Brazil and exported to many countries around the world and the demand continues to grow especially in Asia because of an increase in poultry and pig production. Indonesia animal production increased steadily in the last 5 years and poultry production become leading species to provide meat and egg for domestic consumption. Indonesia req...

Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 1996
Two feeding experiments have been conducted to test the different sources of soybean meal (local,... more Two feeding experiments have been conducted to test the different sources of soybean meal (local, India, USA) and the partial substitution with peanut meal (10%), rapeseed meal (5%) and fish meal (5%) in the diet for broiler. The first feeding experiment was carried out on broiler starter for 4 weeks in wire cages . Twelve rations in factorial design (3 x 4) were conducted using 6 birds/cage and replicated 6 times . Birds fed India soybean meal had significantly less body weight (1,000 g) than those fed local or USA soybean meals (1,037 and 1,023 g, respectively) . Partial substitution with peanut, rapeseed or fish meal did not affect body weight, feed consumption or feed/gain ratio . The average consumption and feed/gain were 1,535 g and 1,569, respectively . In second experiment, one thousand five hundred broiler chicks were allocated in 6 dietary treatments in factorial design (3 x 2) . Factor one was different sources of soybean meal (local, India and USA) and factor two was the...

Shortages of fuelwood and forage in tropical Asia have stimulated a great deal of interest in shr... more Shortages of fuelwood and forage in tropical Asia have stimulated a great deal of interest in shrub legumes, some species of which have been hailed as miracle trees. Recent experience has however shown that their performance varies considerably from place to place. The occasion of the ACIAR Policy Advisory Council (PAC) meeting, which was hosted by the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (AARD) in Bogor and Ciawi, provided an opportunity to review research on shrub legumes in Indonesia and Australia and to explore potential areas for collaborative work supported by ACIAR. The AARD and ACIAR invited representatives of the Bogor research community to join P AC members at the one-day workshop, and would like to thank the participants for their valuable contributions to the discussions. ACIAR wishes to thank Mr S.W. Sadikin, Director-General of AARD, and the Director and staff of Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi, for making excellent arrangements for the meeting. We also express our thanks to the participants who presented the papers reproduced in this volume, and to J. V. Mertin for doing the technical editing. The research results to date show that shrub legumes already contribute greatly to the farming systems of some areas in Indonesia, such as Nusa Tenggara Timur, but that further research is needed to select cultivars adapted to the less favourable environments found in other parts of the archipelago. ACIAR hopes that this challenge will be met through a research partnership between Indonesian and Australian scientists.

An experiment was undertaken in 2009 to improve milk production by supplementing local feeds with... more An experiment was undertaken in 2009 to improve milk production by supplementing local feeds with U.S. corn DDGS (Dried Distiller’s Grains with Solubles). The results indicated that milk production increased by 10% in a farm in Cinagara, West Java and by 30% in a farm in Grati, East Java. Domestic milk production can only supply 30% of Indonesia’s total milk requirement. About 70 percent of the total milk requirement is imported from overseas. One of the main problems facing the dairy industry in Indonesia is low quality of dairy feed. DDGS is a co-product of corn ethanol production containing valuable energy and protein levels amid reasonable price. In 2009, Indonesia is estimated to import about 200,000 metric tons of DDGS mainly used for poultry diets. This research used DDGS as a supplement and a substitute for the dairy concentrate. The experiment was conducted in two locations: i) Research in Cinagara, Sukabumi District, West Java, in which 1 kg DDGS was given as a substitute ...

Indonesia is self sufficient in poultry production to meet the local demand for broiler and egg, ... more Indonesia is self sufficient in poultry production to meet the local demand for broiler and egg, mainly derived from modern poultry rather than the local village chicken. Feed may contribute up to 70% of total cost of poultry production. Poultry feed is formulated using least cost feed formulation technique to meet the bird requirement and composed by several ingredients both locally available and imported materials. Feed ingredients are classified based on energy sources, protein sources, agro-industrial by products, mineral sources and supplements. In many cases the poultry feed was supplemented with additives (antibiotics, enzymes, preservatives, etc.) to improve animal performance. In 2005, Indonesian feed production reached almost 7 million tonnes and comprised around 85% as poultry feed, while the rest for aquaculture, swine and others. Poultry feed is based on corn-soy diet and average corn usage may reach more than 55% while soybean meal more than 23%. Ingredients requiremen...

Himpunan tulisan dalam buku “Menuju Pertanian Modern Berkelanjutan” ini menyajikan buah pikiran d... more Himpunan tulisan dalam buku “Menuju Pertanian Modern Berkelanjutan” ini menyajikan buah pikiran dan pengalaman lapangan para pakar terkait pembangunan sektor pertanian, ilmuwan dan peneliti, serta pekerja lapang, yang disebar dalam lima bab dengan total 17 tulisan. Naskah-naskah tersebut membahas makna, visi dan tujuan serta peran penting pembangunan pertanian modern dan berkelanjutan. Berbagai argumentasi terkait visi dan peran pertanian modern dipilah dalam bab-bab Dukungan Terhadap Pertanian Modern Berkelanjutan, Dukungan Terhadap Ketahanan Pangan, Dukungan Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi, Agribisnis dan Agroindustri, dan bab Implikasi Kebijakan, dan Agenda ke Depan. Kumpulan pemikiran tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu, mendorong, dan mempercepat pembangunan pertanian modern guna meningkatkan ketangguhan pangan nasional dan mensejahterakan masyarakat. Kristalisasi pengalaman dan pembelajaran yang diperoleh dari pemikiran dan pengalaman yang dapat mengakselerasi pembangunan pertani...

DISTILLER’S DRIED GRAINS WITH SOLUBLES (DDGS) FOR ANIMAL FEED Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solub... more DISTILLER’S DRIED GRAINS WITH SOLUBLES (DDGS) FOR ANIMAL FEED Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) is co-product from dry milling of ethanol industry after removal of ethanol and CO2. From every 25.4 kg (1 bushel) of corn, it can produce around 7.7 kg of DDGS. DDGS offers an opportunity for cost savings in animal feed rations, and will be available in abundant quantities in coming years. DDGS has been traded in many parts of the world with 27% protein, 9 – 10% fat and < 7% fiber. Although DDGS is mainly used for feeding ruminant, more DDGS are used for monogastric animals such as swine and poultry and recently an interest to be used for aquaculture. Recent studies by University of Arkansas indicated that Metabolizable Energy value of DDGS for poultry is 2850 kcal/kg. It was also reported that DDGS can be included up to 15% in broiler feed without affecting performance and higher level of inclusion was possible for finisher broiler. On swine diet, Digestible and Metaboliz...

Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2013
Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) is a co-product of ethanol industry made from grains... more Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) is a co-product of ethanol industry made from grains through fermentation process and it can be used for animal feeding especially for dairy cows. A feeding trial on US corn DDGS was conducted at commercial dairy farm in Vietnam during hot condition in 2010. One hundred and fifty six dairy cows in a later stage of milk production were allotted randomly in three groups of 52 cows with similar milk production. Three dietary treatments offered comprised control diet, diet with 7.5% DDGS and diet with 15% DDGS. The diets were formulated to contain similar nutrient profiles and comprised forages (corn, elephant grass and alfalfa hay), brewery waste, soybean curd waste, corn, soybean meal, molasses and commercial dairy supplement. The diet was manufactured locally in total mixed ration system and delivered two times per day. Milk production, feed consump-tion and milk quality were measured for 5 days before the trial and 45 days after the trial...

Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Jan 9, 2008
Distiller's Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) adalah produk ikutan dari penggilingan kering dan i... more Distiller's Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) adalah produk ikutan dari penggilingan kering dan industri etanol setelah etanol dan CO 2 dihilangkan. Dari 25,4 kg (1 bushel) jagung, dihasilkan sekitar 7,7 kg DDGS. DDGS menawarkan kesempatan untuk mengurangi harga pakan ternak dan tersedia melimpah pada tahun-tahun mendatang. DDGS telah dipasarkan di banyak negara dengan kualitas sebagai berikut: kadar protein 27%, lemak 9-10%, serat < 7%. Walaupun DDGS digunakan terutama untuk ruminan, sekarang pemakaian yang lebih banyak untuk babi dan unggas dan akhir-akhir ini untuk akuakultur. Studi dari Universitas Arkansas menunjukkan bahwa nilai energi metabolis DDGS untuk ayam adalah 2850 kkal/kg. Dilaporkan bahwa DDGS dapat dimasukkan sebanyak 15% dalam pakan broiler. Pada pakan babi, energi tercerna dan metabolis DDGS sama dengan jagung dan jauh lebih tinggi dari apa yang telah dilaporkan oleh NRC 1998. DDGS merupakan sumber protein, lemak, fosfor, energi yang baik untuk sapi perah. DDGS dapat dimasukkan sampai 20% di dalam ransum tanpa mengurangi konsumsi, produksi susu dan persentase lemak dan protein. Untuk sapi potong, dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energi dan pemberian 40% dalam pakan menghasilkan performans pertumbuhan dan karkas serta kualitas daging yang sangat baik. Untuk akuakultur, DDGS dapat digunakan sampai 30% untuk ikan air tawar seperti ikan lele dan nila dan sampai 20% untuk ikan laut trout dan 10% untuk udang. Tetapi dalam memformulasi suatu pakan yang memakai DDGS, beberapa faktor yang menentukan kualitas harus diperhatikan. Kualitas DDGS dapat bervariasi tergantung pada asal dan kualitas jagung, kondisi proses terutama suhu dan lama pengeringan dan jumlah bahan terlarut (soluble) yang ditambahkan ke distiller's grain (ampas bijian).
by an Act ofthe Australian Parliament. Its mandate is to help identify agricultural problems in d... more by an Act ofthe Australian Parliament. Its mandate is to help identify agricultural problems in developing cowltries and to commission collaborative research between Australia and developing country researchers in fields where Australia has a special research competence. Where trade names are used this constitutes neither endorsement of nor discrimination against any product by the Centre.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1987

Journal of Chromatography A, 1980
Many workers lA have determined phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphoric acid) in cereals by modifica... more Many workers lA have determined phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphoric acid) in cereals by modifications to the original method of Heubner and Stadlep, which depends upon the extraction of phytic acid from finely ground cereals and precipitation of phytic acid in the extract by addition of ferric chloride. A chromatographic method using a column containing an ion-exchange resin was first introduced by Smith and Clark6 and has been used subsequently for the determination of phytic acid in soil7 and blood *'g The precipitation method, however, has been reported to be _ nnreliable, and column chromatography cannot be used for routine analysis, since it is too time-consuminglo_ Recently, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been attempted for the determination of phytic acid in pig manure. Separation, however, was unsatisfactory and prior chromatography of the extract on Sephadex was necessary. Ln the present investigation, a method is described for the HPLC determination of phytic acid in rice bran, and of inositol and inorganic phosphate as the end products of hydrolysis.

Balai Penelitian Ternak. Bogor, 2007
Produksi unggas Indonesia telah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan daging dan telur ayam, dimana produk ini... more Produksi unggas Indonesia telah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan daging dan telur ayam, dimana produk ini dihasilkan terutama dari usaha ayam ras modern. Biaya pakan unggas dapat mencapai 70% dari biaya produksi. Ransum unggas disusun dari bahan baku lokal dan impor dengan menggunakan teknik formulasi pakan dengan biaya terendah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi unggas. Bahan baku dikelompokkan ke dalam sumber energi, protein, hasil samping industri pertanian, mineral dan suplemen gizi. Imbuhan pakan yang terdiri dari antibiotika, enzim, bahan pengawet dan lain-lain ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan penampilan produksi. Pada tahun 2005, produksi pakan di Indonesia hampir mencapai 7 juta ton, yang terdiri dari 85% pakan unggas sedangkan sisanya untuk pakan ikan, babi dan ternak lainya. Ransum unggas umumnya menggunakan jagung dan bungkil kedelai sebagai bahan utama dan masing-masing dapat mencapai 55 dan 23% dari total ransum unggas. Kebutuhan bahan baku dapat dihitung dari produksi pakan dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan pakan. Tahun 2006 diperkirakan akan mengimpor jagung lebih dari 1,6 juta jagung dari Argentina, AS dan China, lebih dari 1,5 juta ton sumber protein karena ketidakcukupan produksi dalam negeri. Permasalahan dalam produksi pakan adalah suplai bahan baku, fluktuasi kualitas dan harga serta keterbatasan informasi. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk menggali bahan baku inkonvensional sumber protein seperti kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian, protein daun, limbah hewan dan sebagainya tetapi terbatas dalam aspek ketersediaan. Penelitian untuk meningkatkan protein dari sumber karbohidrat dan juga hasil samping pertanian belum layak untuk dikembangkan dalam industri pakan. Di masa mendatang inovasi teknologi sebaiknya dikembangkan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang ada pada industri pakan termasuk meningkatkan efisiensi, mengendalikan kualitas, pengolahan pakan dan mengembangkan imbuhan pakan. Skenario yang akan terjadi dengan industri unggas pada tahun 2020 dikemukakan dalam makalah ini.
Phytochemistry, 1981

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1985
Recent results in both plant biochemistry and animal metabolism emphasise that, in any research o... more Recent results in both plant biochemistry and animal metabolism emphasise that, in any research on the nutritional applications of Leucaena leucocephala, measurement of mimosine should be accompanied by measurement of the degradation product 3-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone. This may reveal wide differences in the toxic load coming from the feed and in the animal metabolic response to it. The authors suggest that where mimosine analysis can only be performed by the traditional colorimetric method, it should be combined with paper chromatography to estimate ratios of mimosine and 3 ,4-DHP. However high performance liquid chromatography provides vastly improved methods for simultaneously and precisely analysing both compounds. Published methods are reviewed and a new ion exchange method is described which has been used for the rapid routine analysis of a large number of samples. The chromatographic properties and separation of 2,3-dihydroxypyridine, a recently discovered metabolite, and of 3-glucuronyl-4(1H)pyridone from the above compounds are also reported.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1986
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1984
A study was made of the rate of degradation of mimosine to 3-hydroxy-4(1H)pyridone in harvested l... more A study was made of the rate of degradation of mimosine to 3-hydroxy-4(1H)pyridone in harvested leucaena leaf under various conditions. Optimum rates of degradation of an aqueous leucaena slurry were at pH 8.0 and 45°C with virtual total loss of mimosine in 10 min. Heating the intact leaf also reduced the mimosine content with the maximum rate of degradation at 70°C. The results have implications for reducing the toxicity of leucaena used for stock feed.
Papers by Budi Tangendjaja