Papers by Tajudeen Banmeke

Communications of the IIMA, Jun 18, 2014
Social network tools (SNTs) constitute part of the revolution the internet has brought about in t... more Social network tools (SNTs) constitute part of the revolution the internet has brought about in the transfer and dissemination of information. These tools allow users to carry out a number of activities, such building online profiles and sharing vital information. The study ascertained the use of SNTs by agriculture researchers in tertiary and research institutes in south-west Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used in sampling 210 respondents. Data were obtained through the use a structured questionnaire that was pre-tested with a Cronbach-alpha internal consistency of 0.84 for SNTs utilization scale. Results were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, chi square, Pearson product moment correlation and one-way analysis of variance. Results indicated the mean age of respondents was 37 years; 61.4% were male and 42.3% had master's degree. Findings also indicated that 97.5% and 78.6% of the respondents were aware of Facebook and Twitter as SNTs, with 26.7% indicating the Facebook was used on a daily basis, while 5.7% used Twitter daily. Reading magazines/newspaper for latest events ( ̅=2.80) and uploading pictures of events, such as birthdays, ( ̅=2.49) are the social activities SNTs are often used for by the researchers. Furthermore, most respondents were of the perception that using SNTs can enhance consultation with other colleagues both locally and internationally through discussion groups ( ̅=4.29) and that it can enhance access to research publications ( ̅=4.15). There were significant associations between researchers marital status (χ 2 =2. 930, df=2, p<0.05), years of experience on the job (χ 2 =2. 165, df=2, p<0.05) and the use of SNTs. However, there was no significant difference in the use of SNTs by researchers (F=0.20, p>0.05) across the sampled institutions. It was concluded that respondents have a low utilization of SNTs. It was recommended that awareness of SNTs should be intensified through trainings, seminars and workshops. Also, information and communication technologies that can enhance the use of SNTs should be adequately provided.
Social Science Research Network, Dec 13, 2010
... Therefore the study recommends that efforts be employed to promote and improve the cultivatio... more ... Therefore the study recommends that efforts be employed to promote and improve the cultivation of cassava through intensified extension services which should be made accessible to farmers since cassava production is a veritable tool in alleviating ... [4] Akorede, MA (2004). ...
The Journal of development communication, Jun 1, 2010

International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2015
Pepper (Capsicum annuum Mill.) is an important crop produced in Nigeria. This study examined effi... more Pepper (Capsicum annuum Mill.) is an important crop produced in Nigeria. This study examined efficiency of pepper production under tropical conditions during the 2010 production season. Data were collected from 120 pepper producers and analyzed using descriptive statistics and stochastic production function frontier. About 85% of producers were male, average 43 years old, with 11.6 years of pepper farming experience. About 84% of respondents were married, and 48% had a household size on average of 8 persons. About 77% of respondents cultivated an average of 1.23 ha. The stochastic frontier indicated that factors affecting pepper production include pesticide (α0.05), fertilizer (α0.05), and labor (α0.10). Socioeconomic factors that may improve pepper production are farming experience (α0.05), household size (α0.01), and access to credit (α0.01). Mean technical efficiency of pepper production was 0.64. Pepper production at the current production frontier is only fairly efficient. Improved high-yielding pepper cultivars and training in their use could improve pepper production efficiency.

The Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2005
This study determined the specific agricultural information needs of women farmers across the ago... more This study determined the specific agricultural information needs of women farmers across the ago-ecological zones of south western Nigeria. A stratified andmulti-stage random sampling technique was adopted in selecting 347 women farmers that were duly registered with the Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) in Ogun, Oyo, Ondo and Delta States. Frequency counts, percentages, chi-square analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used in analyzing the generated data Findings reveal that 43.3% of the respondents are between 41 and 50 years, and that 83.4% are married. Cassava and maize are the major crops grown by the women farmers (100%). Furthermore, findings reveal that women farmers to a “large extent" need information pertaining to improved seeds (64.0%) and cooperative association (57.3%) while 56.8% do not need information on government regulations. Results of inferential statistics indicate that educational level is not significantly related to agricultural informa...

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies
Most of the heat produced in the body is generated in the deep organs, especially in the liver, b... more Most of the heat produced in the body is generated in the deep organs, especially in the liver, brain, heart and the skeletal muscles during physical work like mounding operation in farming. This heat is transferred from the deeper organs and tissues to the skin, where it is lost to the air and other surroundings through conduction, convection and radiation. The main aim of this study was to determine the amount of heat dissipated during mounding operation. Seven men and five women were randomly selected among farmers in two villages in Abeokuta, Ogun State. The subjects’ body core temperatures and the environmental temperatures were obtained. The heat dissipated by the farmers was determined from the conduction, convection and radiation models in thermodynamics. Some of the values used in the application of the models were obtained from the literature. The maximum heat dissipated during the mounding operation was determined as 416.21 W. It was concluded that mounding operations may...

The ability to access, control and own adaptation resources is a critical factor in determining r... more The ability to access, control and own adaptation resources is a critical factor in determining rural farmers’ adaptive potential and decision-making towards adaptation to climate change. This study investigated the effect of gender on farmers’ accessibility, control and ownership of climate change adaptation resources in Ogun and Ekiti States respectively, Nigeria. Three hundred and fifty eighty men (358) and (222) women farmers were randomly selected through a multi-stage sampling procedure. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to obtain data and analysed with frequency counts, means, percentages, Chi-square. A positive and statistically significant association (P<0.05) existed between the gender of the respondents and their accessibility to adaptation resources, like hoe (χ2= 10.137), wheelbarrow (χ2=5.647), digger (χ2=11.982), sprayers (χ2=11.792), head pan (χ2=9.5599), education (χ2=22.359), grass plant (χ2=9..912), health-care (χ2=13.764), pesticides (χ2=6.391) inorganic...

Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2021
This study examined content of YouTube videos on cassava production and processing posted in Nige... more This study examined content of YouTube videos on cassava production and processing posted in Nigeria between 2009 and 2019. Purposive sampling method was used in selecting 155 YouTube videos with cassava production and processing contents. Primary data on video source, content, duration, quality, number of views, subscribers, likes, comments, presentation format and year of upload were obtained by watching these videos. Data were analysed using frequency counts, percentages, means, standard deviation. Many (53.5%) of the videos were on processing of cassava, while most (80.0%) of the videos were relatively recent (2014 - 2019). Private individuals (38.7%) and media houses (34.2%) were the main sources of videos on cassava production and processing on YouTube. The major content of the video was on agronomic practices in cassava production (12.9%) and value addition (11.0%). Also, 66.0% of the videos had video description (descriptive texts), 36.8% had mobilizing information while 52....

Communications of the Iima, Aug 1, 2012
Social network tools (SNTs) constitute part of the revolution the internet has brought about in t... more Social network tools (SNTs) constitute part of the revolution the internet has brought about in the transfer and dissemination of information. These tools allow users to carry out a number of activities, such building online profiles and sharing vital information. The study ascertained the use of SNTs by agriculture researchers in tertiary and research institutes in southwest Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used in sampling 210 respondents. Data were obtained through the use a structured questionnaire that was pre-tested with a Cronbach-alpha internal consistency of 0.84 for SNTs utilization scale. Results were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, chi square, Pearson product moment correlation and one-way analysis of variance. Results indicated the mean age of respondents was 37 years; 61.4% were male and 42.3% had master's degree. Findings also indicated that 97.5% and 78.6% of the respondents were aware of Facebook and Twitter as SNTs, with 26.7% indicating the Facebook was used on a daily basis, while 5.7% used Twitter daily. Reading magazines/newspaper for latest events (̅=2.80) and uploading pictures of events, such as birthdays, (̅=2.49) are the social activities SNTs are often used for by the researchers. Furthermore, most respondents were of the perception that using SNTs can enhance consultation with other colleagues both locally and internationally through discussion groups (̅=4.29) and that it can enhance access to research publications (̅=4.15). There were significant associations between researchers marital status (χ 2 =2.930, df=2, p<0.05), years of experience on the job (χ 2 =2.165, df=2, p<0.05) and the use of SNTs. However, there was no significant difference in the use of SNTs by researchers (F=0.20, p>0.05) across the sampled institutions. It was concluded that respondents have a low utilization of SNTs. It was recommended that awareness of SNTs should be intensified through trainings, seminars and workshops. Also, information and communication technologies that can enhance the use of SNTs should be adequately provided.

Journal of Development Communication, 2010
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been broadly viewed as those technologies t... more Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been broadly viewed as those technologies that facilitates the communication process and enhances the processing and transmission of information by electronic means (CTA, 2003). Omotayo (2005) also posited that ICTs includes a wide range of media from radio and television to telephones (fixed and mobile), computers and the internet. This term is also used to denote a wide range of service application and technologies using various types of equipment and software, often running over telecom networks (Brussel, 2001). ICTs have revolutionised information dissemination worldwide with an individual not been limited by factors such as distance, time factor, culture or language of people. This has increased the amount and quality of information that one can have access to irrespective of ones location worldwide. ICTs especially the modern ones such as computers and internet have been noted to have considerable potentials to facilitate the flow of information in every organisation (Hedjazi et al, 2006). IDB (2003) while agreeing with this view noted that physical borders dissipate with ICTs as information flows freely through the digital medium, which is less controlled as compared to other existing mass media. Furthermore, other inherent benefits of ICTs for agricultural and rural development as espoused by Koutsoursis (2006) include: the ability to reach areas that are not easily accessible, access to regular and reliable information, enhance education through distant learning, and faster delivery of information on technical assistance. The use of ICTs has witnessed an upsurge in recent years in most urban areas of several African countries despite the problems of access, connectivity, literacy content and costs (CTA, 2003); however, the usage of this mode of information dissemination is still very limited in the most rural areas in sub-Sahara Africa due to these aforementioned reasons. Information is a sine-qua-non in order to have a change in the behaviour of human-beings which eventually results in social change. The dissemination of information is essential in bringing about a change or improvement in agricultural production and economic emancipation of farmers and this may only be achieved when they have accurate information that would enable them make informed decisions. The flow of relevant and vital information among different agricultural practitioners is important in diagnosing and proffering laudable solutions to the myriads of problems confronting these farmers. This becomes more pertinent in a country like Nigeria where the nation's agricultural technology development and dissemination have not been efficient enough to boost agricultural productivity in reducing poverty levels (Akinbile, 2007). Furthermore, the level of contribution to agricultural development by agricultural researchers has been greatly limited due to the lack of access to electronic technology and the ineffective use of libraries (Adetunji et al, 2002). Furthermore, the agricultural research information system is characterised by very few avenue for reporting research findings (Aina, 1990) and agricultural researchers have limited access to agricultural libraries and documentation centres (Aina, 1995). With the current availability of many ICTs, in developing countries, according to Omotayo (2005), there are still some limitations to the use of ICTs. Therefore ascertaining the level of usage of ICTs by agricultural researchers will provide empirical evidence to solve imminent problems to the use of ICTs. Objectives of the Study Sequel to the foregoing, the general objective of this study was to ascertain the use of ICTs by agricultural researchers in tertiary and research institutes in Edo state of Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: 1. ascertain the personal characteristics of agricultural researchers in the study area 2. …

Journal of Development Communication, Jun 1, 2010
Inspired by both classical theories on technology adoption and gerontological theories on social ... more Inspired by both classical theories on technology adoption and gerontological theories on social and emotional ageing, we aim to better understand barriers and benefits in ICT use among older people with cognitive impairments. Through qualitative interviews (N ¼ 35) among this population as well as important network members, we obtained a detailed picture of the role of ICTs in their everyday lives. First, we find that older individuals with cognitive impairments perceive ICTs as useful when these contribute to the satisfaction of social and emotional needs in terms of relationships, hobbies or daily activities. Second, ICT use among our group is jointly determined by perceived usefulness (PU), and perceived ease of use (PEU), with PU motivating individuals to increase PEU. Third, the social network plays an important role in encouraging and discouraging ICT use: by providing assistance, taking the first step, restricting access or indirect use. The latter refers to shared use, where devices are operated by others. Fourth, we point out the importance of voluntariness in using ICT: some participants were so restricted by others in their ICT use that this reduced their perception of control. We conclude by providing recommendations for family members, caregivers, and ICT developers.

Despite mechanized farming, human power is still widely used in the developing industries. The ma... more Despite mechanized farming, human power is still widely used in the developing industries. The majority of the foods being consumed by Nigerians were cultivated by farmers using hoes, cutlasses and similar tools. These tools are produced locally by blacksmith without due consideration for ergonomics but as passed on to them by their trainers who in most cases are their fathers. The main aim of the study was to obtain some anthropometric data of rural farmers, identify the hoes that they used and measure the dimensions of the identified hoes. Some anthropometric data of twelve male farmers in two villages in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State were measured. The measured dimensions of the hoes measure were the lengths of the hoe handle, the total weight of the hoe, blade thickness, blade length, blade breadth and the angle of inclination of the blade to the hoe handle. The mean of the anthropometric data obtained were 17.8, 27.1, 108, 8.1, 8.1, 10.3 and 18.9 cm for chest depth;...

PsycEXTRA Dataset
The study assessed communication related organizational conflicts in agricultural research instit... more The study assessed communication related organizational conflicts in agricultural research institutes in south west Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 139 researchers from seven research institutes in the study area. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the researchers. Data obtained were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square analysis and ANOVA. Findings showed that 70.0% of the researchers were male, 30.0% were female, while 68.4% had masters degree and 79.2% of the researchers had less than 10 years working experience. Findings also indicated that 55.4% of the researchers noted that inadequate information as a communication barrier occasionally resulted in organizational conflict in their research institutes while 26.6% were of the view that it occurred always. Also, majority (92.1%) of the researchers noted that physical combats/fights never occurred in their institutes while, ignoring each other (69%), open disagreements regardless of issues (66.1%), petition writing, (65.4%) and lack of respect for constituted authority (61. 9%) were other expressions of conflict that occurred occasionally in their research institutes. Results further show that reduction in cooperation/teamwork (= 4.6), reduction of individual productivity at work (= 4.4) and interference with organization’s operations (= 4.4) were the main negative effects of organizational conflict in the institutes. Significant associations were established between researchers’ age (X2 =13.5, df = 3, p less than 0.05), educational level (X2 =10.2, df = 2, p less than 0.05) and the perceived effects of organizational conflict. It was recommended that adequate information about job specifications and assignment should be provided to the researchers in their daily activities. Keywords: Communication, organization, conflict, agricultural, institute.

Journal of Agricultural Science, 2011
The study examined enterprise mix in integrated fish farming in Ogun Satate, Nigeria. Using surve... more The study examined enterprise mix in integrated fish farming in Ogun Satate, Nigeria. Using survey research, a pre-tested structured interview guide was used to elicit information from 216 integrated fish farmers that was purposively selected from twenty two villages in four blocks of Ogun State Agricultural development using sampling frame Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Results showed that 90.7% of IFF was male. Also, 96.8% of IFF was married. The mean ages of sampled farmers were 46 years (IFF) while the mean fish farming experience was 5 years (IFF).The mean fish production capacity of NIFF was 1,894 fish. Furthermore, 11.5% of IFF integrates fish farming with poultry, 7.2% with piggery, and 15.8% and 1.4% with crops and small ruminants respectively. The chi-square analyses showed that knowledge of fish farming had significant association with respondents sex (χ 2 = 9.44, df = 2, p < 0.05), marital status (χ 2 = 23.

Journal of Agricultural Science, 2011
The study assessed Agricultural researchers' awareness of the causes and effects of climate chang... more The study assessed Agricultural researchers' awareness of the causes and effects of climate change in Edo State, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected from 112 respondents and were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings indicated that 45.5% of the respondents were between the ages of 31-50 years with 64.2% having a work experience of 5-10 years. Results revealed that 96.4% and 94.6% of the respondents were aware of gas flaring and oil spillage as causes of climate change. Also, 98.2% and 95.5% of the respondents were aware of increase in temperature and change in rainfall pattern respectively as some of the effects of climate change. There was a significant relationship between information sources and awareness of causes of climate change (r = 0.32; p < 0.05). It was recommended that agricultural researcher should be pragmatic and proactive in the pursuit of issues relating to climate change.
Papers by Tajudeen Banmeke