Tor Weidling
Dr.art 1997 with thesis on the Econimy of the Norwegian Nobility 1536-1660, ideals and pracsis. Senior Archivist at The Norwegian National Archives, were I primarly handle the medieval collections and archives from 16th. - 19.th century. One of mine current reasarch projects is Monastic libraries in medieval Norway, in special the library at Halsnöy monastry. The poject is carried out in cooperation with Espen Karlsen, research librarian at the Norwegian National Library. Fragments of manuscripts from monastries were used for binding accountbooks in the 16th. and 17th. centuries. I'm preparing a paper on how to trace the provenance of the manuscripts. Another project is about archival history and archival theory. The Norwegian National Archives were foundes 1817, but the first archivists were not employd before the last years of the 1830s. They read german archival theory from the 18th. , wrote about archival theory and tried to use the theories when arranging archives.
Related Authors
Espen Karlsen
National Library of Norway
Eldbjørg Haug
University of Bergen
Henning Laugerud
University of Bergen
John Ødemark
University of Oslo
Ola Teige
University College Volda
svein harald gullbekk
University of Oslo
Kjartan Hauglid
Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
Erik Opsahl
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Susann Holmberg
Western Norway University of Applied Science
Papers by Tor Weidling
Journal Name: Science Nordic
Research Interests: Medieval History, Book History, Medieval Studies, Medieval Latin Literature, Book History (History), and 3 more
Journal Name: Science Nordic
Research Interests: Medieval History, Book History, Medieval Studies, Medieval Latin Literature, Book History (History), and 3 more