The problem in this study was the low result/score of students' skills in writing test report... more The problem in this study was the low result/score of students' skills in writing test report texts. One of the alternatives as a solution to this problem is the author applying a project-based learning method or project based learning (PjBL). The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in students' skills in writing test report texts. after applying the PJBL method. The research procedure uses classroom action research by processing data in a qualitative descriptive manner. The research was started by carrying out pre-action/pre-cycle activities, namely identifying students' skills in writing experimental report texts in class IX B SMPN 8 Cimahi. Based on the results of the prasikus, action research was carried out which consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consists of two meetings. The actions in each cycle are carried out in four stages, namely (1) preparation/planning and action, (2) implementation of actions, (3) observation and evaluation, and (4) reflec...
This study focuses on the influence of an animated video on students' ability to write explan... more This study focuses on the influence of an animated video on students' ability to write explanation text. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the animated video used can help students improve their explanation text writing skills and see the differences in students' abilities before and after using animated videos in Indonesian language learning. The subjects in this study came from 20 students of class VII A at MTs Pasundan Cimahi, and the objects in this study were obtained from the results of the pre-test and post-test of students in writing explanation texts before and after using animated videos. The results of the analysis show that based on the output table data 1, there is no decrease from the pre test value to the post test value. Then between the results of the explanation text writing test for the pre-test and post-test there were 20 positive data (N), meaning that 20 students experienced an i...
This research is motivated by the development of issues regarding the three periods of Jokowi'... more This research is motivated by the development of issues regarding the three periods of Jokowi's leadership in society. The issue of this discourse does not only appear once but many times, giving rise to pros and cons. This issue has even sparked a wave of mass action in several areas. The purpose of this research is to describe President Jokowi's attitudes and responses to the three-period issue discourse in the news text. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach with the type of critical discourse analysis research. The researcher uses Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis. This text is analyzed in terms of language, vocabulary, semantics, and grammar (micro). Text can also be analyzed through how the text is produced and the things that build it (meso). The text can also be analyzed from the socio-cultural influences that make up the text (macro). The results of the study show that the issue of this discourse was not only announce...
Learning to write poetry by using an acrostic technique on the class X students in SMK. The backg... more Learning to write poetry by using an acrostic technique on the class X students in SMK. The background problem in this research is that most students are not interested in writing poetry because poetry is considered as difficult; they have difficulty finding imagination and figurative words. The researchers have three research objectives based on this problem. Namely to describe the teachers and students activities when learning to write poetry by using an acrostic technique, to describe students' responses on learning to write poetry using an acrostic technique, to discover the difference between the results of the initial test and the final test in class X students at SMK. In this research, the Pre-Experimental Designs (non-design) method of one group pretest-posttest design is used and a research towards a class with 28 students is conducted. Observations, tests, and questionnaires are used as the research techniques. The results of the data obtained are the increase in stude...
The study was conducted to determine the effect of learning motivation on the results of writing ... more The study was conducted to determine the effect of learning motivation on the results of writing observational report text (laporan hasil observasi, or LHO) skills, especially during the pandemic. The researcher makes a hypothesis that there is a significant influence on learning motivation in writing LHO texts. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The research data were processed by using a statistical package of the social sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel applications. The number of samples were 32 students of class X SMAK BPK PENABUR Singgasana. The instruments used are test and non-test. The test data is the result of learning to write LHO texts, while the non-test data is the response of students to the questionnaire on the motivation to learn Indonesian. The results of the Spearman Rank test, have a significance of 0.002 and have a correlation of 0.521, meaning that between learning motivation and learning outcomes of LHO text materials, there is a moderate lev...
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research), Mar 26, 2019
The purpose of this study is to know if the skills of writing descriptive text using synthetic an... more The purpose of this study is to know if the skills of writing descriptive text using synthetic analytic method is better than using the usual method. Writing skills are harder to master. Though it is important for students to master writing skills. In the Indonesian Language curriculum, writing skills are taught especially in junior high school (SMP). Teachers are encouraged to pay more attention to teaching the structure of the descriptive text in developing ideas, setting ideas, and vocabulary. From these problems the writer offers the use of Synthetic Analytic approach to improve students' understanding in learning Indonesian language in junior high. However, in reality learning writing in schools still face a lot of obstacles and tend to be avoided. This study used quasi-experimental method. The population in this study is one of the students of SMP Negeri in Bandung and the subject of the research sample 2 classes of class VII. Based on the results of research and discuss...
This article discusses hermeneutic analysis of the poem "Aku Ingin" by Sapardi Djoko Da... more This article discusses hermeneutic analysis of the poem "Aku Ingin" by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The things discussed in this article are the meaning of the poem "Aku Ingin" by Sapardi Djoko Damono using the concept of hermeneutics, namely analyzing poetry with stages of meaning in accordance with the steps of hermeneutic analysis paul ricoeur. The stages are: 1) placing poetry as autonomous text; 2) classify the layers of symbols in poetry; 3) associating symbols with something outside the text; and 4) interpret the text. The measures aim to analyze the symbols contained in sapardi Djoko Damono's poem "Aku Ingin". Thus, this research can explain the meaning of poetry "Aku Ingin" more comprehensively. The results showed that hermeneutic analysis of sapardi Djoko Damono's poem "Aku Ingin" shows the use of symbols, wood, fire, and ash is a representation of efforts and efforts to achieve true love and simple love.
Learning to write drama texts basically reaps many problems including the difficulties of student... more Learning to write drama texts basically reaps many problems including the difficulties of students in learning to write. Many of them find it difficult to start the writing process, developing words into sentences correctly, of course, are considered as difficult and tedious things in determining the theme and story line in the drama script. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Cipatat which is located in Ciptaharja Village, West Bandung Regency. The formulation of the problem in this study is the difficulty of students in writing drama scripts. This study aims to answer the formulation of problems related to the difficulty of learning to write drama texts in students. Learning to write drama texts using the picture and picture method is expected to provide new innovations in learning and education. This research method uses descriptive qualitative and uses data collection techniques in the form of writing skills tests. Based on the results of research conducted on class XI student...
This study focuses on aspects of students' ability in writing through the use of suggestopedi... more This study focuses on aspects of students' ability in writing through the use of suggestopedia. The formulation of the problem involves: Does suggestive method improve students' writing ability? Is it effective in learning to write? The research method used is descriptive method and the technique used is observation and test. The results showed that suggestive method is effective used in learning to write in class X SMK. It can be seen from students' responses toward the teaching learning process. They are enthusiastic, because they can write based on the structure and linguistic rules. The result of the analysis shows that learning writing by using suggestive method can increase students’ ability. It is shown from the meanscore of pretest (before using suggestopedia method) is 53,93. While the meanscore of posttest has increased, it is 87.57. Thus, suggestive method is effective used in learning writing at class X students of SMK.
Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang menuangkan suatu ide, gagasan, maupun pe... more Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang menuangkan suatu ide, gagasan, maupun perasaan dalam bentuk tulisan dan dapat menjadi suatu alat komunikasi. Keterampilan ini sangat sulit dalam pembelajaran, karena tidak sedikit siswa yang tidak dapat menuangkan suatu gagasan ke dalam bentuk tulisan. Cerpen merupakan suatu karya yang sederhana dengan tidak melibatkan banyak alur. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dengan keingintahuan mengenai proses dan hasil meningkanya keterampilan menulis teks cerpen siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk 1) mengatahui perbedaan keterampilan menulis sebelum tes dan setelah tes menggunakan metode pembelajaran kooperatif model Jigsaw pada pembelajaran menulis teks cerpen siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 di SMAN 2 Padalarang; 2) keefektifan model pada pembelajaran menulis teks cerpen kelas XI MIPA 2. Metode yang akan digunakan oleh peneliti adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 25 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data me...
The research is motivated by the problem of creative writing of student literary works that is no... more The research is motivated by the problem of creative writing of student literary works that is not optimal. Therfore, the research aims to determine the extent to which the STEAM approach can influence online learning of creative writing of student literary works. The research method used a qualitative descriptive. The subjects of this research were students of class 2017-B1. The process of collecting data through the task of writing an anthology of poetry and the results of a short story test. The results of this research point to a pre-implementation STEM approach with an average short story writing quality of 59.47% and a poetry writing score of 57.98% which should have a minimum target score of 75%. After the post-implementation STEM approach was carried out, the final score for writing short stories was 83.40% or an increase of 3.34%, while writing short stories obtained a score of 82.34% or an increase of 3.29% from the previous target score. It can be said that the STEAM appr...
This research is motivated by the increasing prevalence of school-age adolescents who become entr... more This research is motivated by the increasing prevalence of school-age adolescents who become entrepreneurs, both online and offline, entrepreneurial spirit, and skills possessed by teenagers need to get motivation or motivation, with this research expected to shape the character of young entrepreneurs in school age used in this study is descriptive qualitative, namely finding and knowing the facts that occur related to adolescents to be eunterreunerers at school age, by interviewing, documenting and observation, because based on data while 60% of school students have entrepreneurship, the solution to this problem is forming the character of entrepreneurial spirit to become a "skipper at school age" by providing motivation and skill to become an eunterreuner. Then learning Entrepreneurship so that the entrepreneurial spirit in adolescents can be channeled even though it is in public and not a vocational school so that unemployment at a young age can be overcome and can comp...
This Classroom Action Research aims to describe the application of the quantum learning method to... more This Classroom Action Research aims to describe the application of the quantum learning method to improve students' skills in writing short stories. The subjects in this study were students of class XI IPA 2 Tirtajaya 1 Public High School, amounting to 40 people. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of the quantum learning method can improve writing skills. The application of the quantum learning method in writing learning gets a positive response from students. Students can write short stories with the right steps. Therefore, this researcher suggests applying the quantum learning method, as one of the learning methods, in other language subjects in general and in Indonesian language learning.
The recent case of the E-KTP procurement project has attracted a lot of public attention. In this... more The recent case of the E-KTP procurement project has attracted a lot of public attention. In this study, the author focused on the object of research on the involvement of the PDI-P Party in this mega corruption case. The PDI-P party is President Jokowi's bearer party in the 2014 presidential election. In this case, Novanto stated that he was involved in this case and even became the main suspect in the E-KTP procurement project. Language tools used as a method in analyzing the object of this research are Framing Analysis. Basically, framing is a method for viewing media telling stories about events. News that contains framing does not mean that the news is false news. In framing a news, the information obtained by a journalist is processed by constructing the contents of the news and presenting it to the public. Some are highlighted and some are excluded. This depends on how journalists interpret an event, and how a fact from that information is written.Keywords: Framing Analys...
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
The module is one of the printed-based teaching materials regarding a particular subject that is ... more The module is one of the printed-based teaching materials regarding a particular subject that is systematically arranged to make it easier for students to learn independently or with the guidance of educators easily and on target. Academic procrastination is an individual's self-regulation inability that causes behavioral tendencies to delay procrastinating in doing and completing school assignments until the next day. The purpose of this research is to know the development process, to know the feasibility according to experts and practitioners, to know student responses and the effectiveness of the tutoring module on academic procrastination behavior. This type of research is research and development using the Borg and Gall model which was adopted by Sugiyono. The participants in this study were media experts, material experts, BK practitioners and students of SMAN 1 Ciranjang consisting of 10 students who were involved in the product trial and 36 students who were involved in ...
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya
Pernyataan yang ada dalam sebuah media, mempunyai tujuan tertentu, yaitu meyakinkan pembaca agar ... more Pernyataan yang ada dalam sebuah media, mempunyai tujuan tertentu, yaitu meyakinkan pembaca agar tergiur dan masuk ke dalam alur wacana yang diberikan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan skema framing Robert Entman pada koran Pikiran Rakyat dan media online Penelitian analisis wacana kritis ini berfokus terhadap teks berita yang berjudul “Terjerat Dana Alokasi Khusus” yang ditulis pada koran (Pikiran Rakyat, 13 Desember 2018) dan teks berita berjudul “Kepala daerah kembali menjadi sasaran Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dalam Operasi Tangkap Tangan (OTT)” yang ditulis di media on line pada 12 Desember 2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisis teks berita yang ditulis pada koran adalah deskriptif melalui analisis framing Robert Entman. Hasil analaisis menunjukkan bahwa koran Pikiran Rakyat mengemukakan kasus pemotongan DAK lebih menekankan pada aspek tindakan yang dilakukan KPK sedangkan menjelaskan apa tindakan KPK terha...
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
This study aims to determine the independence profile of the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pake... more This study aims to determine the independence profile of the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pakenjeng. The sample involved was 54 people, with the transfer technique using the learning independence questionnaire. Based on descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques obtained research results as follows the learning independence profile of students in class VIII of SMP 1 Pakenjeng depending on the medium category. Learning independence by sex comparing the learning independence of female students is better than the learning independence of male students. The results of the study of learning independence in terms of aspects of learning independence found motivation and cognitive aspects more influence the learning independence of class VIII students compared to the aspects of motivation.Keywords: Independence of learning, junior high school students
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
The purpose of the study was to examine whether there was a relationship between Truancy behavior... more The purpose of the study was to examine whether there was a relationship between Truancy behavior and emotional maturity in VIII graders of Asshiddiqiyah Middle School. The research method used was a correlational quantitative research method with 52 research samples. The data analysis technique was carried out by the correlational test with the help of SPSS 22. Based on the results of the study through the correlational test, the product moment obtained produced a negative relationship between emotional associated with ditching VIII grade students of Asshiddiqiyah Middle School with marks (2 tailed) of 0,000 and r -0,583 . Higher grades mean higher maturity of students, so it is better for more choices than studentsKeywords: Emotional Maturity, Truancy Behavior.
The problem in this study was the low result/score of students' skills in writing test report... more The problem in this study was the low result/score of students' skills in writing test report texts. One of the alternatives as a solution to this problem is the author applying a project-based learning method or project based learning (PjBL). The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in students' skills in writing test report texts. after applying the PJBL method. The research procedure uses classroom action research by processing data in a qualitative descriptive manner. The research was started by carrying out pre-action/pre-cycle activities, namely identifying students' skills in writing experimental report texts in class IX B SMPN 8 Cimahi. Based on the results of the prasikus, action research was carried out which consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consists of two meetings. The actions in each cycle are carried out in four stages, namely (1) preparation/planning and action, (2) implementation of actions, (3) observation and evaluation, and (4) reflec...
This study focuses on the influence of an animated video on students' ability to write explan... more This study focuses on the influence of an animated video on students' ability to write explanation text. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the animated video used can help students improve their explanation text writing skills and see the differences in students' abilities before and after using animated videos in Indonesian language learning. The subjects in this study came from 20 students of class VII A at MTs Pasundan Cimahi, and the objects in this study were obtained from the results of the pre-test and post-test of students in writing explanation texts before and after using animated videos. The results of the analysis show that based on the output table data 1, there is no decrease from the pre test value to the post test value. Then between the results of the explanation text writing test for the pre-test and post-test there were 20 positive data (N), meaning that 20 students experienced an i...
This research is motivated by the development of issues regarding the three periods of Jokowi'... more This research is motivated by the development of issues regarding the three periods of Jokowi's leadership in society. The issue of this discourse does not only appear once but many times, giving rise to pros and cons. This issue has even sparked a wave of mass action in several areas. The purpose of this research is to describe President Jokowi's attitudes and responses to the three-period issue discourse in the news text. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach with the type of critical discourse analysis research. The researcher uses Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis. This text is analyzed in terms of language, vocabulary, semantics, and grammar (micro). Text can also be analyzed through how the text is produced and the things that build it (meso). The text can also be analyzed from the socio-cultural influences that make up the text (macro). The results of the study show that the issue of this discourse was not only announce...
Learning to write poetry by using an acrostic technique on the class X students in SMK. The backg... more Learning to write poetry by using an acrostic technique on the class X students in SMK. The background problem in this research is that most students are not interested in writing poetry because poetry is considered as difficult; they have difficulty finding imagination and figurative words. The researchers have three research objectives based on this problem. Namely to describe the teachers and students activities when learning to write poetry by using an acrostic technique, to describe students' responses on learning to write poetry using an acrostic technique, to discover the difference between the results of the initial test and the final test in class X students at SMK. In this research, the Pre-Experimental Designs (non-design) method of one group pretest-posttest design is used and a research towards a class with 28 students is conducted. Observations, tests, and questionnaires are used as the research techniques. The results of the data obtained are the increase in stude...
The study was conducted to determine the effect of learning motivation on the results of writing ... more The study was conducted to determine the effect of learning motivation on the results of writing observational report text (laporan hasil observasi, or LHO) skills, especially during the pandemic. The researcher makes a hypothesis that there is a significant influence on learning motivation in writing LHO texts. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The research data were processed by using a statistical package of the social sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel applications. The number of samples were 32 students of class X SMAK BPK PENABUR Singgasana. The instruments used are test and non-test. The test data is the result of learning to write LHO texts, while the non-test data is the response of students to the questionnaire on the motivation to learn Indonesian. The results of the Spearman Rank test, have a significance of 0.002 and have a correlation of 0.521, meaning that between learning motivation and learning outcomes of LHO text materials, there is a moderate lev...
JLER (Journal of Language Education Research), Mar 26, 2019
The purpose of this study is to know if the skills of writing descriptive text using synthetic an... more The purpose of this study is to know if the skills of writing descriptive text using synthetic analytic method is better than using the usual method. Writing skills are harder to master. Though it is important for students to master writing skills. In the Indonesian Language curriculum, writing skills are taught especially in junior high school (SMP). Teachers are encouraged to pay more attention to teaching the structure of the descriptive text in developing ideas, setting ideas, and vocabulary. From these problems the writer offers the use of Synthetic Analytic approach to improve students' understanding in learning Indonesian language in junior high. However, in reality learning writing in schools still face a lot of obstacles and tend to be avoided. This study used quasi-experimental method. The population in this study is one of the students of SMP Negeri in Bandung and the subject of the research sample 2 classes of class VII. Based on the results of research and discuss...
This article discusses hermeneutic analysis of the poem "Aku Ingin" by Sapardi Djoko Da... more This article discusses hermeneutic analysis of the poem "Aku Ingin" by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The things discussed in this article are the meaning of the poem "Aku Ingin" by Sapardi Djoko Damono using the concept of hermeneutics, namely analyzing poetry with stages of meaning in accordance with the steps of hermeneutic analysis paul ricoeur. The stages are: 1) placing poetry as autonomous text; 2) classify the layers of symbols in poetry; 3) associating symbols with something outside the text; and 4) interpret the text. The measures aim to analyze the symbols contained in sapardi Djoko Damono's poem "Aku Ingin". Thus, this research can explain the meaning of poetry "Aku Ingin" more comprehensively. The results showed that hermeneutic analysis of sapardi Djoko Damono's poem "Aku Ingin" shows the use of symbols, wood, fire, and ash is a representation of efforts and efforts to achieve true love and simple love.
Learning to write drama texts basically reaps many problems including the difficulties of student... more Learning to write drama texts basically reaps many problems including the difficulties of students in learning to write. Many of them find it difficult to start the writing process, developing words into sentences correctly, of course, are considered as difficult and tedious things in determining the theme and story line in the drama script. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Cipatat which is located in Ciptaharja Village, West Bandung Regency. The formulation of the problem in this study is the difficulty of students in writing drama scripts. This study aims to answer the formulation of problems related to the difficulty of learning to write drama texts in students. Learning to write drama texts using the picture and picture method is expected to provide new innovations in learning and education. This research method uses descriptive qualitative and uses data collection techniques in the form of writing skills tests. Based on the results of research conducted on class XI student...
This study focuses on aspects of students' ability in writing through the use of suggestopedi... more This study focuses on aspects of students' ability in writing through the use of suggestopedia. The formulation of the problem involves: Does suggestive method improve students' writing ability? Is it effective in learning to write? The research method used is descriptive method and the technique used is observation and test. The results showed that suggestive method is effective used in learning to write in class X SMK. It can be seen from students' responses toward the teaching learning process. They are enthusiastic, because they can write based on the structure and linguistic rules. The result of the analysis shows that learning writing by using suggestive method can increase students’ ability. It is shown from the meanscore of pretest (before using suggestopedia method) is 53,93. While the meanscore of posttest has increased, it is 87.57. Thus, suggestive method is effective used in learning writing at class X students of SMK.
Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang menuangkan suatu ide, gagasan, maupun pe... more Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang menuangkan suatu ide, gagasan, maupun perasaan dalam bentuk tulisan dan dapat menjadi suatu alat komunikasi. Keterampilan ini sangat sulit dalam pembelajaran, karena tidak sedikit siswa yang tidak dapat menuangkan suatu gagasan ke dalam bentuk tulisan. Cerpen merupakan suatu karya yang sederhana dengan tidak melibatkan banyak alur. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dengan keingintahuan mengenai proses dan hasil meningkanya keterampilan menulis teks cerpen siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk 1) mengatahui perbedaan keterampilan menulis sebelum tes dan setelah tes menggunakan metode pembelajaran kooperatif model Jigsaw pada pembelajaran menulis teks cerpen siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 di SMAN 2 Padalarang; 2) keefektifan model pada pembelajaran menulis teks cerpen kelas XI MIPA 2. Metode yang akan digunakan oleh peneliti adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 25 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data me...
The research is motivated by the problem of creative writing of student literary works that is no... more The research is motivated by the problem of creative writing of student literary works that is not optimal. Therfore, the research aims to determine the extent to which the STEAM approach can influence online learning of creative writing of student literary works. The research method used a qualitative descriptive. The subjects of this research were students of class 2017-B1. The process of collecting data through the task of writing an anthology of poetry and the results of a short story test. The results of this research point to a pre-implementation STEM approach with an average short story writing quality of 59.47% and a poetry writing score of 57.98% which should have a minimum target score of 75%. After the post-implementation STEM approach was carried out, the final score for writing short stories was 83.40% or an increase of 3.34%, while writing short stories obtained a score of 82.34% or an increase of 3.29% from the previous target score. It can be said that the STEAM appr...
This research is motivated by the increasing prevalence of school-age adolescents who become entr... more This research is motivated by the increasing prevalence of school-age adolescents who become entrepreneurs, both online and offline, entrepreneurial spirit, and skills possessed by teenagers need to get motivation or motivation, with this research expected to shape the character of young entrepreneurs in school age used in this study is descriptive qualitative, namely finding and knowing the facts that occur related to adolescents to be eunterreunerers at school age, by interviewing, documenting and observation, because based on data while 60% of school students have entrepreneurship, the solution to this problem is forming the character of entrepreneurial spirit to become a "skipper at school age" by providing motivation and skill to become an eunterreuner. Then learning Entrepreneurship so that the entrepreneurial spirit in adolescents can be channeled even though it is in public and not a vocational school so that unemployment at a young age can be overcome and can comp...
This Classroom Action Research aims to describe the application of the quantum learning method to... more This Classroom Action Research aims to describe the application of the quantum learning method to improve students' skills in writing short stories. The subjects in this study were students of class XI IPA 2 Tirtajaya 1 Public High School, amounting to 40 people. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of the quantum learning method can improve writing skills. The application of the quantum learning method in writing learning gets a positive response from students. Students can write short stories with the right steps. Therefore, this researcher suggests applying the quantum learning method, as one of the learning methods, in other language subjects in general and in Indonesian language learning.
The recent case of the E-KTP procurement project has attracted a lot of public attention. In this... more The recent case of the E-KTP procurement project has attracted a lot of public attention. In this study, the author focused on the object of research on the involvement of the PDI-P Party in this mega corruption case. The PDI-P party is President Jokowi's bearer party in the 2014 presidential election. In this case, Novanto stated that he was involved in this case and even became the main suspect in the E-KTP procurement project. Language tools used as a method in analyzing the object of this research are Framing Analysis. Basically, framing is a method for viewing media telling stories about events. News that contains framing does not mean that the news is false news. In framing a news, the information obtained by a journalist is processed by constructing the contents of the news and presenting it to the public. Some are highlighted and some are excluded. This depends on how journalists interpret an event, and how a fact from that information is written.Keywords: Framing Analys...
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
The module is one of the printed-based teaching materials regarding a particular subject that is ... more The module is one of the printed-based teaching materials regarding a particular subject that is systematically arranged to make it easier for students to learn independently or with the guidance of educators easily and on target. Academic procrastination is an individual's self-regulation inability that causes behavioral tendencies to delay procrastinating in doing and completing school assignments until the next day. The purpose of this research is to know the development process, to know the feasibility according to experts and practitioners, to know student responses and the effectiveness of the tutoring module on academic procrastination behavior. This type of research is research and development using the Borg and Gall model which was adopted by Sugiyono. The participants in this study were media experts, material experts, BK practitioners and students of SMAN 1 Ciranjang consisting of 10 students who were involved in the product trial and 36 students who were involved in ...
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya
Pernyataan yang ada dalam sebuah media, mempunyai tujuan tertentu, yaitu meyakinkan pembaca agar ... more Pernyataan yang ada dalam sebuah media, mempunyai tujuan tertentu, yaitu meyakinkan pembaca agar tergiur dan masuk ke dalam alur wacana yang diberikan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan skema framing Robert Entman pada koran Pikiran Rakyat dan media online Penelitian analisis wacana kritis ini berfokus terhadap teks berita yang berjudul “Terjerat Dana Alokasi Khusus” yang ditulis pada koran (Pikiran Rakyat, 13 Desember 2018) dan teks berita berjudul “Kepala daerah kembali menjadi sasaran Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dalam Operasi Tangkap Tangan (OTT)” yang ditulis di media on line pada 12 Desember 2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisis teks berita yang ditulis pada koran adalah deskriptif melalui analisis framing Robert Entman. Hasil analaisis menunjukkan bahwa koran Pikiran Rakyat mengemukakan kasus pemotongan DAK lebih menekankan pada aspek tindakan yang dilakukan KPK sedangkan menjelaskan apa tindakan KPK terha...
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
This study aims to determine the independence profile of the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pake... more This study aims to determine the independence profile of the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pakenjeng. The sample involved was 54 people, with the transfer technique using the learning independence questionnaire. Based on descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques obtained research results as follows the learning independence profile of students in class VIII of SMP 1 Pakenjeng depending on the medium category. Learning independence by sex comparing the learning independence of female students is better than the learning independence of male students. The results of the study of learning independence in terms of aspects of learning independence found motivation and cognitive aspects more influence the learning independence of class VIII students compared to the aspects of motivation.Keywords: Independence of learning, junior high school students
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
The purpose of the study was to examine whether there was a relationship between Truancy behavior... more The purpose of the study was to examine whether there was a relationship between Truancy behavior and emotional maturity in VIII graders of Asshiddiqiyah Middle School. The research method used was a correlational quantitative research method with 52 research samples. The data analysis technique was carried out by the correlational test with the help of SPSS 22. Based on the results of the study through the correlational test, the product moment obtained produced a negative relationship between emotional associated with ditching VIII grade students of Asshiddiqiyah Middle School with marks (2 tailed) of 0,000 and r -0,583 . Higher grades mean higher maturity of students, so it is better for more choices than studentsKeywords: Emotional Maturity, Truancy Behavior.
Papers by Teti Sobari