In this paper we perform design consideration of a femtosecond linac-based synchrotron radiation ... more In this paper we perform design consideration of a femtosecond linac-based synchrotron radiation facility. Proposed technique is based on the generation of energy chirped short electron bunches that would subsequently spontaneously radiate frequency chirped soft X-ray pulses in an undulator. These pulses are then spectrally dispersed using grazing incident grating. The spectrum is propagated through exit slit (spectral window) which lters the pulses of femtosecond duration. The shortest temporal structures (about 10 fs) are limited by the energy chirp and longitudinal emittance of the electron bunch, number of undulator periods, and resolution of monochromator. In this paper we analyze potential of the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) at DESY for construction of such a f e m tosecond X-ray facility. TTF linac would be able to deliver up 500-700 MeV electron beam, prepared with properties to allow generation of fs soft X-ray pulse (with electron pulse duration 0.16 ps FWHM, energy chirp 1 %). The electron beam qualities required for fs facility operation (longitudinal emittance 10 keV-mm, normalized transverse emittance 2 mm-mrad, charge 0.1 nC) can be met with laser-driven rf-gun. After the exit of the undulator (numb e r o f p e r i o d s N w ' 250) the spontaneous undulator radiation enters the angular lter, which select power radiated in the central cone. After lter the frequency chirped soft X-ray pulse enters the monochromator with resolution !=! ' N ;1 w ' 4 10 ;3. It will provide radiation pulses with 30 fs (FWHM) duration. On the basis of the TTF linac parameters it should be possible to achieve an average brilliance of 10 14 photons s ;1 mrad ;2 mm ;2 per 0.1 % BW in the photon energy range 50-200 eV. The average number photons at the monochromator exit (at monochromator e ciency 10 %) can exceed 10 5 photons within 30 fs pulse duration. The pulse duration can be tuned from 30 to 160 fs by c hanging the resolution of monochromator.
With a fast-gated camera, synchrotron light was used for studying the &&verse bean-i distribution... more With a fast-gated camera, synchrotron light was used for studying the &&verse bean-i distributions and damping times in the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) damping rings. By digitizing the image in the camera signal, the turn-by-turn time evolution of the transverse beam distribution was monitored and analyzed. The projections of the digitized image were fit with Gaussian ftinctions to determine the moments of the distribution. Practica.1 a.pplications include the determination of injection matching parameters and the transverse damping times. In this report we describe a synchrotron light monitor and present expeSimenta1 data obtained in the SLC damping rings.
Spin polarization in e+e– storage rings may be destroyed by various effects. Simulations based on... more Spin polarization in e+e– storage rings may be destroyed by various effects. Simulations based on the program SLIM have been performed so that ideas for correction of these depolarization effects could be tested. Application to studies of the consequences of closed orbit distortions and use of solenoids is discussed.
We report evidence of self-amplified spontaneous emission at 1064 nm. Single pass, on-axis microw... more We report evidence of self-amplified spontaneous emission at 1064 nm. Single pass, on-axis microwiggler emissions into a 25 nm bandwidth have been recorded as a function of beam charge, and show a clear enhancement over spontaneous emission after threshold. These are the first measurements of SASE at such a short wavelength, and employ the smallest period wiggler used to date in a successful SASE experiment. The experiment has been performed with the MIT microwiggler at the Accelerator Test Facility at BNL.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2001
It has been repeatedly observed, at TTF-FEL, that the energy profile of the fully longitudinally ... more It has been repeatedly observed, at TTF-FEL, that the energy profile of the fully longitudinally compressed beam breaks up into peaks. In this paper we analyze a potential cause of this effect. We study the bunch self-interaction via coherent synchrotron radiation, leading to a fragmentation of the longitudinal phase space. For our analysis, we use a simple model as well as the simulation code TraFiC4 (Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 445 (2000) 338) to evaluate the CSR-induced effects.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2000
Coherent synchrotron radiation occurs when short bunches travel on strongly bent trajectories. It... more Coherent synchrotron radiation occurs when short bunches travel on strongly bent trajectories. Its e!ects on high-quality beams can be severe and are well understood qualitatively. For quantitative results, however, one has to rely on numerical methods. The recent interest in high quality, high-current electron beams has generated considerable e!orts to understand and minimize the e!ects of CSR on beam quality. By now several simulation codes, utilizing di!erent approaches and making di!erent approximations, exist. We describe in some detail the coder TraFiC 4 developed at DESY for design and analysis purposes. It calculates the "elds acting on the pariticles from "rst principles and tracks particles through them in the laboratory frame. We present calculational results for three applications and give some comparison with experimental data.
The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2002
We present experimental evidence that the free-electron laser at the TESLA Test Facility has reac... more We present experimental evidence that the free-electron laser at the TESLA Test Facility has reached the maximum power gain of 10 7 in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region at wavelengths between 80 and 120 nm. At saturation the FEL emits short pulses with GW peak power and a high degree of transverse coherence. The radiation pulse length can be adjusted between 30 fs and 100 fs. Radiation spectra and fluctuation properties agree with the theory of high gain, single-pass free-electron lasers starting from shot noise.
In this paper we perform design consideration of a femtosecond linac-based synchrotron radiation ... more In this paper we perform design consideration of a femtosecond linac-based synchrotron radiation facility. Proposed technique is based on the generation of energy chirped short electron bunches that would subsequently spontaneously radiate frequency chirped soft X-ray pulses in an undulator. These pulses are then spectrally dispersed using grazing incident grating. The spectrum is propagated through exit slit (spectral window) which lters the pulses of femtosecond duration. The shortest temporal structures (about 10 fs) are limited by the energy chirp and longitudinal emittance of the electron bunch, number of undulator periods, and resolution of monochromator. In this paper we analyze potential of the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) at DESY for construction of such a f e m tosecond X-ray facility. TTF linac would be able to deliver up 500-700 MeV electron beam, prepared with properties to allow generation of fs soft X-ray pulse (with electron pulse duration 0.16 ps FWHM, energy chirp 1 %). The electron beam qualities required for fs facility operation (longitudinal emittance 10 keV-mm, normalized transverse emittance 2 mm-mrad, charge 0.1 nC) can be met with laser-driven rf-gun. After the exit of the undulator (numb e r o f p e r i o d s N w ' 250) the spontaneous undulator radiation enters the angular lter, which select power radiated in the central cone. After lter the frequency chirped soft X-ray pulse enters the monochromator with resolution !=! ' N ;1 w ' 4 10 ;3. It will provide radiation pulses with 30 fs (FWHM) duration. On the basis of the TTF linac parameters it should be possible to achieve an average brilliance of 10 14 photons s ;1 mrad ;2 mm ;2 per 0.1 % BW in the photon energy range 50-200 eV. The average number photons at the monochromator exit (at monochromator e ciency 10 %) can exceed 10 5 photons within 30 fs pulse duration. The pulse duration can be tuned from 30 to 160 fs by c hanging the resolution of monochromator.
With a fast-gated camera, synchrotron light was used for studying the &&verse bean-i distribution... more With a fast-gated camera, synchrotron light was used for studying the &&verse bean-i distributions and damping times in the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) damping rings. By digitizing the image in the camera signal, the turn-by-turn time evolution of the transverse beam distribution was monitored and analyzed. The projections of the digitized image were fit with Gaussian ftinctions to determine the moments of the distribution. Practica.1 a.pplications include the determination of injection matching parameters and the transverse damping times. In this report we describe a synchrotron light monitor and present expeSimenta1 data obtained in the SLC damping rings.
Spin polarization in e+e– storage rings may be destroyed by various effects. Simulations based on... more Spin polarization in e+e– storage rings may be destroyed by various effects. Simulations based on the program SLIM have been performed so that ideas for correction of these depolarization effects could be tested. Application to studies of the consequences of closed orbit distortions and use of solenoids is discussed.
We report evidence of self-amplified spontaneous emission at 1064 nm. Single pass, on-axis microw... more We report evidence of self-amplified spontaneous emission at 1064 nm. Single pass, on-axis microwiggler emissions into a 25 nm bandwidth have been recorded as a function of beam charge, and show a clear enhancement over spontaneous emission after threshold. These are the first measurements of SASE at such a short wavelength, and employ the smallest period wiggler used to date in a successful SASE experiment. The experiment has been performed with the MIT microwiggler at the Accelerator Test Facility at BNL.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2001
It has been repeatedly observed, at TTF-FEL, that the energy profile of the fully longitudinally ... more It has been repeatedly observed, at TTF-FEL, that the energy profile of the fully longitudinally compressed beam breaks up into peaks. In this paper we analyze a potential cause of this effect. We study the bunch self-interaction via coherent synchrotron radiation, leading to a fragmentation of the longitudinal phase space. For our analysis, we use a simple model as well as the simulation code TraFiC4 (Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 445 (2000) 338) to evaluate the CSR-induced effects.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2000
Coherent synchrotron radiation occurs when short bunches travel on strongly bent trajectories. It... more Coherent synchrotron radiation occurs when short bunches travel on strongly bent trajectories. Its e!ects on high-quality beams can be severe and are well understood qualitatively. For quantitative results, however, one has to rely on numerical methods. The recent interest in high quality, high-current electron beams has generated considerable e!orts to understand and minimize the e!ects of CSR on beam quality. By now several simulation codes, utilizing di!erent approaches and making di!erent approximations, exist. We describe in some detail the coder TraFiC 4 developed at DESY for design and analysis purposes. It calculates the "elds acting on the pariticles from "rst principles and tracks particles through them in the laboratory frame. We present calculational results for three applications and give some comparison with experimental data.
The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2002
We present experimental evidence that the free-electron laser at the TESLA Test Facility has reac... more We present experimental evidence that the free-electron laser at the TESLA Test Facility has reached the maximum power gain of 10 7 in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region at wavelengths between 80 and 120 nm. At saturation the FEL emits short pulses with GW peak power and a high degree of transverse coherence. The radiation pulse length can be adjusted between 30 fs and 100 fs. Radiation spectra and fluctuation properties agree with the theory of high gain, single-pass free-electron lasers starting from shot noise.
Papers by T. Limberg