Papers by T. Hande Arbak
İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, Dec 24, 2020
Araştırma Makaleleri/Research Articles The strategıc ımportance of e-complaınts about the health ... more Araştırma Makaleleri/Research Articles The strategıc ımportance of e-complaınts about the health servıces of the hospıtals Hastanelerde sağlık hizmetleri hakkındaki e-şikayetlerin stratejik önemi Murat NAZLI ve Hande ARBAK

Günümüzde gelişmiş ülkelerin çoğunun ekonomisi özel sektöre dayalıdır. Özel işletmelerin oluşturd... more Günümüzde gelişmiş ülkelerin çoğunun ekonomisi özel sektöre dayalıdır. Özel işletmelerin oluşturduğu bu yapı içinde var olan işletmelerin büyük çoğunluğu aile işletmesi olarak kurulmuş ekonomik birimlerdir. Dünyada ve ülkemizde halen faaliyette bulunan çeşitli büyüklükteki aile işletmelerinin ekonomi içinde sahip oldukları pay oldukça büyüktür. Aile işletmeleri, aile bireylerinden birinin herhangi bir alanda girişimde bulunarak bir iş kurmasını tanımlar. Aile işletmeleri; kuruluşları, yapısal özellikleri ve sorunlarına ilişkin farklılıklarıyla diğer işletmelerden ve kuruluşlardan ayrılırlar. Aile işletmelerinin de dünya pazarlarında yerlerini alabilmeleri için kurumsallaşmaları gereği kaçınılmazdır. Aile işletmeleri kurumsallaşma ile bir yandan rekabet güçlerini arttırırken diğer yandan da kuşaktan kuşağa geçerek yaşam sürelerini uzatırlar. Kurumsal çevreye uyum, hayatta kalabilmenin ön koşulunu sağlar. Değişimin ve yeniliğin devamlılığının sağlanması için halkla ilişkiler birimine ...

Aim: Due to the recent technological advancement, patients have the opportunity to share their ne... more Aim: Due to the recent technological advancement, patients have the opportunity to share their negative experiences about the services of the hospitals over the internet. The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the e-complaints of patients in the health industry. Method: In this study, the information is gathered from the health sector by analyzing the e-complaints recorded by the patients to the e-complaint site through content analysis. The sample consists of 500 e-complaints about the health services of five private hospitals in total. Findings: Findings reveal important perspectives of the patients for the health services of the hospitals. The patients emphasize the high cost, money-focused organization, lack of interest, disobedience of the hospital to appointment times, and lack of hospitals’ communication. The categorized e-complaints are the prices, staff behavior, communication, waiting time, trustworthiness, service quality, and the doctor...

Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi
Primary purpose of the study is to find out the innovation management perspectives and future per... more Primary purpose of the study is to find out the innovation management perspectives and future perceptions of innovative firms in İzmir, Turkey, in order to understand the current and future innovation dynamics of the province. Accordingly, 20 innovative firms in Izmir are analysed by using a face to face semi-structured interview technique and performing a content analysis. Study outcomes basically revealed a great diversion in various topics of innovation management. For instance; 85 % of firms focus on product innovation and 30 % of firms have both a strategic plan and an innovation plan. In addition, 75 % of firms mentioned that there is either a department or an appointed manager in dealing with innovation activities. 85 % of respondents use several tools to trigger creative thinking and innovation whereas 65 % of innovative ideas are generated from employees' suggestions. Only 35 % of firms emphasized that they have a systematic approach in finding out innovative perspectives. Results indicate a multidimensional understanding of innovation management and also in future perspective of the province. This diversion in the perception of firms, reveal that firms gain success in innovation, through a unique understanding of their own, more than implementing a standard procedure.
Sakarya University - The Journal of Business Science, 2020

Primary purpose of the study is to find out the innovation management perspectives and future per... more Primary purpose of the study is to find out the innovation management perspectives and future perceptions of innovative firms in İzmir, Turkey, in order to understand the current and future innovation dynamics of the province. Accordingly, 20 innovative firms in Izmir are analysed by using a face to face semi-structured interview technique and performing a content analysis. Study outcomes basically revealed a great diversion in various topics of innovation management. For instance; 85 % of firms focus on product innovation and 30 % of firms have both a strategic plan and an innovation plan. In addition, 75 % of firms mentioned that there is either a department or an appointed manager in dealing with innovation activities. 85 % of respondents use several tools to trigger creative thinking and innovation whereas 65 % of innovative ideas are generated from employees' suggestions. Only 35 % of firms emphasized that they have a systematic approach in finding out innovative perspectives. Results indicate a multidimensional understanding of innovation management and also in future perspective of the province. This diversion in the perception of firms, reveal that firms gain success in innovation, through a unique understanding of their own, more than implementing a standard procedure.

With regard to continuous change in environment surrounding the organizations, working conditions... more With regard to continuous change in environment surrounding the organizations, working conditions are in a regular alteration in terms of both external and internal affairs. In one hand, while the term “change” defines a minimal process improvement; on the other hand, it can denote a radical philosophy or a structural change in the organization, which will affect the way people carry out their work or procedures. Today; managing change process successfully and harmonizing through change are deemed to embrace a competitive edge over the competitors existing in the market. While regarded as one the key resources of change; powerful communication, is shaped by the behaviors, values, expectations and culture of the organization and in parallel, it’s effective in the success of the process. Radical change initiatives within the structures may result in tensions and conflicts between the working groups and individuals. In these evolution periods, the way that management level responds to the negative attitudes has a critical value in facilitating the change. Effective communication has a vital and formidable role in the daily life of the organizations and during the times of change process, its importance surpasses all other business activities (Christensen, 2014). The key factor in the process is how the leader conducts change with the structure.
In light of this information, we are going to give a broad explanation of change management and implementation by chronologically looking over different theories and approaches on the issue. Thus, we will be covered three most reviewed change models: the change curve by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; Lewin’s model and Kotter model which can be classified as a change implementation model. Then, we will try to build a new perspective on change process: a communication based change implementation framework at an organizational level in eight key points.
Work of art is very important part of cultural heritage. A work of art, artwork, art piece, piece... more Work of art is very important part of cultural heritage. A work of art, artwork, art piece, piece of art or art object is an aesthetic physical item or artistic creation. Apart from "work of art", which may be used of any work regarded as art in its widest sense, including works from literature and music, these terms apply principally to tangible, portable forms of visual art. In this study we will focus on fine art, such as a painting or sculpture in order to limit our research. Our aim is to analyse the reason and outcomes of exhibiting fine art pieces in hotels of İzmir. Then we will try to explain how this strategic decision may influence their institutional image and corporate reputation. We believe that our study will make contributions in several areas including cultural heritage, preserving and exhibiting fine art, image and reputation management.
Günümüzde; bilişim ve iletişim kaynaklarının baş döndürücü şekilde artışı (internet, intranet, se... more Günümüzde; bilişim ve iletişim kaynaklarının baş döndürücü şekilde artışı (internet, intranet, sesli/görüntülü iletişim, vs.) bilginin çok hızlı yayılmasına sebebiyet vermekte, bu da teknolojideki gelişimi her zamankinden yüksek bir seviyeye taşımaktadır. Bilimsel gelişim firmaların ticari çıktılarında kendini gösterirken, her alandaki bilimsel ilerleme, ilgili ürün veya servisin teknolojik seviyesine aynı hızda yansıtılmaktadır.
Conference Presentations by T. Hande Arbak
Books by T. Hande Arbak
Papers by T. Hande Arbak
In light of this information, we are going to give a broad explanation of change management and implementation by chronologically looking over different theories and approaches on the issue. Thus, we will be covered three most reviewed change models: the change curve by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; Lewin’s model and Kotter model which can be classified as a change implementation model. Then, we will try to build a new perspective on change process: a communication based change implementation framework at an organizational level in eight key points.
Conference Presentations by T. Hande Arbak
Books by T. Hande Arbak
In light of this information, we are going to give a broad explanation of change management and implementation by chronologically looking over different theories and approaches on the issue. Thus, we will be covered three most reviewed change models: the change curve by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; Lewin’s model and Kotter model which can be classified as a change implementation model. Then, we will try to build a new perspective on change process: a communication based change implementation framework at an organizational level in eight key points.
Studies in the field of media economy, business and management started in the 1990s and have increased rapidly in recent years. In recent years, communication researchers have benefited from economics and business literature on the one hand, and researchers working in the fields of economics and business sciences who research industrialised media on the other hand. They work on critical issues such as competition, market structure, business strategies, management and business models, market conditions, organisational structure and behaviour, ownership structure and financial and organisational performance in the media industry.
Media companies can provide competitive advantage with the strategic management practices they will implement by closely monitoring the behavioural changes of the competitive market. Competitiveness increases depending on the use of resources and the performance of the firm.
The comparative advantage theory of competition (Hunt & Morgan, 1995) is also referred to as a resource-based approach/view (RBV) based on the firm's resources and competencies to see competitive advantage.
In this chapter, the comparative advantage theory of competition can be discussed for media performance evaluation.
çevre farkındalığı, işletmeleri çevreye karşı duyarlı olma ve bu konuda çeşitli uygulamalar geliştirmeye zorlamaktadır. İşletmeler, farklılaşmak ve rekabet ortamında sürdürebilir üstünlük elde edebilmek için yaptıkları tüm çalışmalarla da ürün ve hizmetlerine ve dolayısıyla markalarına itibar kazandıracak faaliyetlerde bulunmaktadırlar. Soyut olan tüm bu faaliyetler, işletmeye değer kazandırmaktadır. Böylece elde edilen itibar ise rekabette üstünlük
sağlamaktadır. Bu noktada inovasyon, değişim ve yenilenme için işletmelerin başvurduğu en temel çıkış yollarından biri olarak kabul görmektedir.
Çevresel sorunlara yönelik olan inovasyon faaliyetleri ise literatürde yeşil
inovasyon olarak yerini almaktadır. Yeşil inovasyonun yaratması beklenen
olumlu etkinin hem işletmenin iç dinamiklerine hem de kazanılan itibar aracılığıyla dış paydaşların davranışlarına yansıyarak olumlu değişimlere ve
gelişmelere olanak sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, çevre yönelimli inovasyonları ön planda tutan işletmeler için yeşil inovasyon ve kurumsal itibar ilişkisi tartışmaya açılmıştır.