Epistemology is an attempt to understand the role of knowledge, its origin, development and valid... more Epistemology is an attempt to understand the role of knowledge, its origin, development and validity. The scientists, psychologists, educationalists, moral philosophers-all are analyzing the importance of epistemology in the knowledge process. Epistemology is considered one of the branches of knowledge, and it supports logic by emphasizing the interrelation between the two. While explaining the significance of epistemology R.M. Chisholm says that it deals with issues like the distinction between knowledge and true opinion and the relation between conditions of truth and criteria of evidence. Such issues constitute the subject matter of the theory of knowledge. In the history of Western philosophy, the modern period is significant because, during this period, there were two schools of thought regarding the validity of knowledge and emerged. One is Rationalism, and the other is Empiricism. Rationalism emphasizes that the source of knowledge is the reason. However, the Empiricism emphasizes experience as the basis for knowledge. In both movements, namely, rationalism and empiricism, epistemology has been attempting to find the answers to some questions: What do we know? How do we know? What are the sources of knowledge? What is the difference between belief and knowledge? Furthermore, is it possible to get valid knowledge? The prominent empiricist John Locke read the writings of Descartes. He rejected Descartes' innate ideas logically, and he has elaborately explained the source of knowledge, the limit of knowledge, validity of knowledge, and its kinds in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding. His empiricism received much criticism from the latest philosophers because he adapted some philosophical ideas from the pioneers. This article aims to justify whether John Locke's epistemology is neutral by explaining the basic characteristic of empiricism and its critiques. This study as a qualitative approach depends both on the primary as well as secondary sources related to the study as books. This study attempts to understand Locke from a critical standpoint. In the end, an attempt is made to show how Locke's central and bias philosophy has relevance even today.
In any community where different people are living together there is always a possibility of the ... more In any community where different people are living together there is always a possibility of the existence of different ideas and opinions. Even within Buddhist traditions, of course, different conflicts and interpretations on the Buddha"s teachings emerged. It is needless to say that the concept of Viññāna is raising controversial issues and understood and interpreted. Yet their meanings or interpretations are in some cases similar and quite different in another. Thus, it is important to consider the concept of Viññānafrom point of view ofTheravāda and Yogācāra Schools. This paper has been made comparative and analytical interpretations of the theory of Viññānain Theravāda and Yogācāra Schools through their scriptures. The main emphasis of the paper is to analyse the interpretations of Viññãnawhich are described by both schools.