Papers by Thaís García Pereiro

Migration Letters
Literature on migrants’ fertility intentions has grown significantly in recent years. However, to... more Literature on migrants’ fertility intentions has grown significantly in recent years. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of these studies has investigated the role that the combination of partners’ nationalities may play in individual’s intentions to have a(another) child. Filling this gap is particularly relevant for research because fertility behaviors tend to vary greatly according to the type of couple and fertility intentions have been identified as good predictors of future fertility behaviors. The central aim of this paper is to fill this gap unravelling and quantifying the influence of the selection, socialization and adaptation hypotheses in positive and certain fertility intentions of women in mixed (foreign woman-Italian man) and endogamous couples (Italian woman-Italian man, foreign woman-foreign man). Our results point out to migrant selectivity as a potential explanation for differences on fertility intentions between foreign women partnered to Italian men and...

International Journal of Manpower
PurposeIn this article, the authors study the gender pay-gap (GPG) among graduates in Italy (2011... more PurposeIn this article, the authors study the gender pay-gap (GPG) among graduates in Italy (2011 cohort) who were employed four years after graduation. The authors focus on individuals who are new entering in the labour market or who match a low level of experience with a high level of education.Design/methodology/approachAimed at estimating the amount of the differential between male and female average wages, the authors have applied the Oaxaca–Blinder (O–B) decomposition. The results identify the presence of a GPG at the very beginning of graduates’ careers given that, shortly after graduation, women receive lower salaries than men, even after controlling for several characteristics (individual, academic, job and local labour market). The authors completed the analysis with the reweighted O–B decomposition using the recentered influence function (RIF) and the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce and Machado and Mata decomposition approaches.FindingsThe results show that the GPG is already pre...

RES, Mar 29, 2022
This paper addresses the relationship between socioeconomic conditions and first union formation ... more This paper addresses the relationship between socioeconomic conditions and first union formation in Spain by analyzing the influence of educational attainment and employment history on the transition to non-marital cohabitation and direct marriage, highlighting intergenerational and gender-specific trends over time. To this end, this contribution approaches a longitudinal gender perspective which applies an event-history-analysis competing-risk setting to data of the last available Fertility Survey (FS) conducted by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics in 2018. Results show that, among women, the positive educational gradient of first cohabitation reversed, while the negative educational gradient for marriage intensified across generations. Regarding the economic gradient, it remained stable across generations for marriage entries and is still central for entering cohabitation, even if is less relevant for women in the youngest birth cohorts. For men, the influence of having achieved tertiary education lose its strength over time with each successive generation, while the effect of employment history on both cohabitation and marriage has diminished for successive birth cohorts.
Female Activity rates in Southern Europe (Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal) have systematically ... more Female Activity rates in Southern Europe (Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal) have systematically been quite low if compared to EU standards. Nevertheless, in the last twenty five years the general trend in the region has been characterized by a considerable and continuous increase, even if cross-country comparisons highlight quite some heterogeneity. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the macro-determinants of female labor force participation in the 1986-2011 period. Panel regressions measure the association of demographic, socio-economic and institutional determinants with female activity rates. Results show total fertility rate, crude divorce rate, male unemployment rate, proportion of females on part-time employment and public expenditure on family-child policies as the main determinants that have encouraged female participation rates.
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), 2015
In Spain cohabitation the prevalence of cohabiting couples is no longer marginal. Not only the in... more In Spain cohabitation the prevalence of cohabiting couples is no longer marginal. Not only the incidence but also the nature of cohabiting couples is diverse: in Spain cohabitation is considered a temporal alternative that generally ends with the legalization of the union (marriage). The main purpose of this paper is to examine the incidence, duration and development of cohabitation using a life course comparative approach, identifying also the profi les of women who split up against those who decide to marry. Results show the prevalence of the transition from cohabitation to marriage in Spain, establishing this type of union as a prelude and not as a definitive alternative to marriage

Genus, 2020
Researchers have devoted much attention both to the analysis of the first sexual experience and t... more Researchers have devoted much attention both to the analysis of the first sexual experience and to how the couple was established, but little is still known about age differences of partners at their first sexual relationship. The availability of two highly comparable waves of a survey on the sexual behavior of college students in Italy (SELFY—Sexual and Emotional LiFe of Youth) carried out in 2000 and 2017 allowed us to study the predictors of age differences between partners at first sex, filling the existing gap on recent research. Results of multivariate analyses show important gender differences on mate selection: women tend to choose an older partner for having their first sexual experience and are less likely as men to be involved in age discordant first sex relationships with a younger partner. Age gaps between partners also influence age at sexual debut, which tends to occur earlier in a relationship with an older partner and later if having first sex with a younger partner...
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2015
La evolución de la primera cohabitación de las mujeres en España: ¿cambio o estabilidad? The Evol... more La evolución de la primera cohabitación de las mujeres en España: ¿cambio o estabilidad? The Evolution of the First Cohabitation of Women in Spain: Change or Stability?
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2020
Health promotion and health inequalities are both part of one system. Adopting a life course pers... more Health promotion and health inequalities are both part of one system. Adopting a life course perspective on interventions might help to minimise current health inequalities and boost equity by leveraging on the social determinants of health. Using retrospective data of SHARE, this study is aimed at analysing whether and how some health promotion behaviours (in terms of lifestyle) change the self-perception of health in late adulthood. Approaching health through the life course perspective can be useful to pursue innovative and more effective public health promotion policies by acting on its socioeconomic determinants during people’s lives.

Inguruak. Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, 2017
Recientemente los países occidentales han sido testigos de importantes transformaciones en la tra... more Recientemente los países occidentales han sido testigos de importantes transformaciones en la transición a la adultez. Los adultos jóvenes están posponiendo los procesos de emancipación y formación de la pareja y la familia. En el caso particular de la vida de pareja, fenómenos como la cohabitación, las parejas sin co-residencia, y la separación o el divorcio, resultan cada vez más diversos y más complejos, pues el calendario, la entrada y salida hacia o desde dichos estados se normaliza y aumenta en frecuencia a medida que avanza el ciclo vital.Tales niveles de heterogeneidad cuestionan la institucionalización del curso de vida, puesto que las biografías individuales ya no podrían considerarse estables y predecibles. Muy por el contrario, estarían sujetas a variaciones que responden tanto al aumento de la agencia del sujeto como a barreras de tipo estructural, ambas influenciando la construcción de su propia trayectoria vital.Así, es el objetivo principal de este trabajo el plantea...
Dans ce contexte, on essayera : de mettre en évidence d’éventuels écarts de situations entre l’It... more Dans ce contexte, on essayera : de mettre en évidence d’éventuels écarts de situations entre l’Italie et l’Espagne et entre les hommes et les femmes ; de vérifier en quoi la population des séparés ou divorcés peut être plus fragilisée que la population des personnes mariées ou remises en couple après divorce relativement à trois différentes sphères de vulnérabilité : sanitaire, économique, sociale.
Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 2011
Over the last decades the socio-demographic dynamics have experienced dramatic changes in Spain. ... more Over the last decades the socio-demographic dynamics have experienced dramatic changes in Spain. One of them is linked with the recent arrival of important flows of foreign population and the consequences that such arrival could have in changing those dynamics, particularly in the union formation patterns and the marriage market. So, the aim of this paper is to examine trends in matching patterns by age and educational attainment of Spanish intermarriage, highlighting gender gaps. The data is drawn from the Spanish Marriage Register and the Labor Force Survey. Results show that intermarriage is not gender neutral. There is a peculiar pattern among Spanish men/Foreign women couples: have a higher incidence and are more age and educational heterogamous.
Papers by Thaís García Pereiro