Judge at Court of Appeal.
My main research interests focus on public procurement law, administrative law, tax law, governmental contracts and interaction between public and private law , contractual liability etc.
My main research interests focus on public procurement law, administrative law, tax law, governmental contracts and interaction between public and private law , contractual liability etc.
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the damage caused to the creditor as a result of the non-performance of the
contractual obligation. As it is the result of the parties’ agreement, in principle, an
interference of the court of law is not possible as regards the amount of the damages
assessed according to this penalty clause. By way of exception, the court may reduce
the amount of the damages if the assumptions provided for by law are met: the
partial performance of the contractual obligation and the excessiveness of penalties.
This study aims at examining those two legislative assumptions in which the
intervention of the court of law is possible in relation to the reduction of the amount
of penalties.
contractual obligation.
In order to determine the scope of the contractual obligations it is necessary,
first, to unquestionably determine the moment when an agreement is concluded, as
well as the moment when an agreement ceases to be in force.
Secondly, it should be pointed out that the contractual obligations may be
express or implied, resulting from the nature of the agreement, by reference to the
requirements imposed by customs, law or equity, according to art. 1.272 para. (1) of
the Civil Code.
The phrase “non-performance of the contractual obligations” must be
understood in its broadest sense, and this scope shall include: the total or partial
non-performance, the inadequate performance or the delay in the performance of the
obligations.Moreover, in order to carry out concrete assessments in relation to the
non-performance of the contractual obligations, it is necessary to establish a typology
of the obligations, depending on multiple criteria, among which an important part is
held by the subject matter of the contractual obligation.
At the same time, in order to accede to certain remedies of the non-performance,
it is important to determine the criteria depending on which the serious nature of the
non-performance of the contractual obligation could be established.
The present study analyzes the requirements imposed by the law for an event to be considered a case of force majeure, as well as the effects generated by the occurence of the said fortuitous event
Prin prezentul demers științific s-a urmărit totodată o identificare a problemelor controversate din această materie, precum și oferirea unor soluții argumentate în vederea rezolvării respectivelor probleme, astfel încât să fie un ghid necesar în soluționarea litigiilor derivate din neexecutarea obligațiilor contractuale.
În vederea realizării acestei monografii s-a procedat la o examinare a practicii judiciare recente (aproximativ 400 de hotărâri judecătorești pronunțate de Curțile de Apel și de Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție), ceea ce conferă prezentei lucrări un caracter preponderent practic.
Lucrarea reprezintă teza de doctorat susținută în anul 2020 la Facultatea de Drept a Universității București, pentru care a fost acordată ce mai înaltă distincție (summa cum laude).
the damage caused to the creditor as a result of the non-performance of the
contractual obligation. As it is the result of the parties’ agreement, in principle, an
interference of the court of law is not possible as regards the amount of the damages
assessed according to this penalty clause. By way of exception, the court may reduce
the amount of the damages if the assumptions provided for by law are met: the
partial performance of the contractual obligation and the excessiveness of penalties.
This study aims at examining those two legislative assumptions in which the
intervention of the court of law is possible in relation to the reduction of the amount
of penalties.
contractual obligation.
In order to determine the scope of the contractual obligations it is necessary,
first, to unquestionably determine the moment when an agreement is concluded, as
well as the moment when an agreement ceases to be in force.
Secondly, it should be pointed out that the contractual obligations may be
express or implied, resulting from the nature of the agreement, by reference to the
requirements imposed by customs, law or equity, according to art. 1.272 para. (1) of
the Civil Code.
The phrase “non-performance of the contractual obligations” must be
understood in its broadest sense, and this scope shall include: the total or partial
non-performance, the inadequate performance or the delay in the performance of the
obligations.Moreover, in order to carry out concrete assessments in relation to the
non-performance of the contractual obligations, it is necessary to establish a typology
of the obligations, depending on multiple criteria, among which an important part is
held by the subject matter of the contractual obligation.
At the same time, in order to accede to certain remedies of the non-performance,
it is important to determine the criteria depending on which the serious nature of the
non-performance of the contractual obligation could be established.
The present study analyzes the requirements imposed by the law for an event to be considered a case of force majeure, as well as the effects generated by the occurence of the said fortuitous event
Prin prezentul demers științific s-a urmărit totodată o identificare a problemelor controversate din această materie, precum și oferirea unor soluții argumentate în vederea rezolvării respectivelor probleme, astfel încât să fie un ghid necesar în soluționarea litigiilor derivate din neexecutarea obligațiilor contractuale.
În vederea realizării acestei monografii s-a procedat la o examinare a practicii judiciare recente (aproximativ 400 de hotărâri judecătorești pronunțate de Curțile de Apel și de Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție), ceea ce conferă prezentei lucrări un caracter preponderent practic.
Lucrarea reprezintă teza de doctorat susținută în anul 2020 la Facultatea de Drept a Universității București, pentru care a fost acordată ce mai înaltă distincție (summa cum laude).