Повітряна акробатика на полотнах та пілонний спорт є техніко-естетичними напрямками спорту, які д... more Повітряна акробатика на полотнах та пілонний спорт є техніко-естетичними напрямками спорту, які допомагають розвинути фізичні якості виконавця, покращити їхню хореографічну майстерність, яка є складовою виступів, можна завдяки заняттям хореографією, зокрема фольк-модерн танцем. Заняттями хореографією діти та дорослі покращують свою виконавську майстерність, розвивають артистичність та характерність, в процесі формування технічних якостей. Народний танець формує у виконавця навички акторської майстерності, допомагає ознайомитися з різними характерами виконання та створити неповторний колорит національних фарб під час виконання акробатичного номеру. Номери з використанням народної хореографії є більш емоційно насиченими, яскравими, для них притаманна передача почуттів виконавців, їх належність до певного національного прошарку. Тож, метою нашої дослідження є визначити вплив народно-сценічної та фольк-модерн хореографії на розвиток виконавських здібностей у повітряній акробатиці та піл...
Загальноосвітні навчальні заклади України пропонують для дітей та батьків цікаві інноваційні прог... more Загальноосвітні навчальні заклади України пропонують для дітей та батьків цікаві інноваційні програми. Виключенням не стала і школа GlobalKids (м. Львів, Україна) – інноваційний садок та школа, де дітям пропонують не тільки загальноосвітні програми для розвитку учнів, але й додаткові розвиваючі предмети, які дають змогу всесторонньо розвинути особистість дитини. Окрім загальноосвітніх предметів в цій приватній школі дітям запропонували додаткові заняття з фізичного виховання, а саме, футболу, карате, повітряних полотен та ін. Дітям молодшого шкільного віку, яким важко всидіти протягом довгого часу нерухомо – це дає важливу можливість порухатися та набратися додаткової енергії для занять гуманітарними предметами. Тому перед нами була поставлена мета: дослідити методи удосконалення фізичного виховання учнів молодшого шкільного віку засобами занять повітряною акробатикою на полотнах. Завдяки проведеному дослідженню, ми проаналізували літературу, яка стосується питання фізичного вихован...
Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
Secondary schools offer children a variety of opportunities to develop their physical qualities i... more Secondary schools offer children a variety of opportunities to develop their physical qualities in physical education classes. Pylon sports and aerial acrobatics are not the last place among the currently popular types of physical activity. In order to apply such directions in schools, it is necessary to learn the point of teachers of professional disciplines. To do this, we decided to conduct a survey among physical education teachers of Ukraine regarding their attitude to classes in their educational institutions in these areas. The obtained results make it possible to identify obstacles and necessary changes in the education system in order to apply the latest approaches in physical education. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to determine the attitude of physical education teachers regarding the use of aerial acrobatics and pylon sports as a variable segment in the school program. Due to the conducted research, we were able to determine that the biggest obstacle to the appl...
Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
Aerial silks and pylon sports are technical and aesthetic directions that help develop the physic... more Aerial silks and pylon sports are technical and aesthetic directions that help develop the physical qualities of the performer, but it is possible to improve their choreographic skill, which is a component of theperformance, due to the folk-modern classes. Due to the classes in choreography, children and adults improve their performing skills, develop artistry and character, in the process of forming technical qualities. Folk dance develops the performer's acting skills, helps to get acquainted with different types of performance and create a unique national style during the performance of aerial acrobatics. Performance with the use of folk choreography are more emotionally saturated, bright, characteristic, they convey the feelings of the performers, their belonging to a certain national stratum. Therefore, the purpose of our research is to determine the influence of folk-stage and folk-modern choreography on the development of performing abilities in aerial acrobatics and pole...
Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
The analysis of the literature devoted to the issue of improving the physical education of primar... more The analysis of the literature devoted to the issue of improving the physical education of primary school students allows us to study the degree of development of innovation in the program of physical education. Currently, the program of the New Ukrainian School introduces a variable component in the program of middle school students, which allows to include additional disciplines in physical education classes for children. Based on the research, we will be able to formulate proposals for improving the curriculum of middle school students. To do this, conduct a pedagogical experiment and observation on primary school students. The studding and analysis of previous work on this issue allows us to explore the degree of study of this problem and draw conclusions about further research, the possibility of its implementation, as well as develop proposals to improve the physical education program for middle school students. The method of physical education of primary school students in th...
Research methodology Two theses were analyzed during the scientific research, three articles beca... more Research methodology Two theses were analyzed during the scientific research, three articles became the base for the study, and some performances were taken for the study in art criticism in ukraine and abroad. Results. The study demonstrates the newest forms of modern dance. The author considers the evolution of modern dance in ukraine and other european countries. The paper observes the publications, which deal with the rock-ballets in ukraine and europe, and the activities of modern dance choreographers, such as Boris eyfman, Alla Rubina, Radu Poklitaru. The author analyzes the artistic style of Maurice Béjart and his creative contribution to the development of the jazz-dance, modern styles of dancing, etc. The author describes the development of the folk-modern dance in ukraine and european countries, due to Alla Rubina's art activities in the Jewish theatre, and her works with the modern artists. The author obtains the common picture of the development of the modern dance in ukraine. Novelty. An attempt is made to describe the newest styles in choreography in the post-modern period in ukraine, the way they are connected with the modern-dance, what is common and different in them. The practical significance. ukrainian researchers can find the opportunity to develop issues on the modern-jazz dance and folk-modern dance. It is the first attempt to create the art criticism analysis of post-modern choreography in ukraine.
Collection of scientific works “Notes on Art Criticism”
The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers - representati... more The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers - representatives of the "modern" style of Western Ukraine in particular. The research methodology consists in the application of several approaches: analytical for the study of literature on the topic of the article and system; using a range of methods: biographical, culturological, comparative-historical, theoretical generalization - comprehensively achieving the stated goal. Due to the biographical method, we considered the professional and creative experience of choreographers, which explains the sources of their work. The comparative-historical method helped us to study the historically formed features of modern dance, to note its structure, due to which we determined the differences between the previous experience of choreographers and modern choreographic research. The scientific novelty of the study is that we are the first to trace the features of modern dance style in the productio...
The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers-representative... more The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers-representatives of the "modern" style of Western Ukraine in particular. The research methodology consists in the application of several approaches: analytical for the study of literature on the topic of the article and system; using a range of methods: biographical, culturological, comparative-historical, theoretical generalization-comprehensively achieving the stated goal. Due to the biographical method, we considered the professional and creative experience of choreographers, which explains the sources of their work. The comparative-historical method helped us to study the historically formed features of modern dance, to note its structural, due to which we determined the differences between the previous experience of choreographers and modern choreographic research. The scientific novelty of the study is that we are the first to trace the features of modern dance style in the productions of famous choreographers of Ukraine I.V. Mazur, O.B.Lan, O.V. Martyniuk, A.S. Safonov, S.V. Naenko. The research of this issue helped to understand the main trends in the development of contemporary choreographic art in Ukraine, which are to create a national school of modern dance and the use of choreographic vocabulary in ethnic productions. Conclusions: Due to the research, we followed the development of modern dance on the example of the work of Western Ukrainian choreographers listed above. Our research proves that Ukrainian choreography does not deviate from modern fashion trends. The choreographers of our country develop a fashionable pro-European culture of modern dance in their work, create ballet performances in this style and continue to experiment in their own search for lexical material. Art analysis of the leading Western Ukrainian choreographers of modern dance allowed us to identify special cultural features of modern dance in Western Ukraine, which is manifested in the combination of modern dance with national traditions and the creation of an academic school of this style under the influence of national culture.
Повітряна акробатика на полотнах та пілонний спорт є техніко-естетичними напрямками спорту, які д... more Повітряна акробатика на полотнах та пілонний спорт є техніко-естетичними напрямками спорту, які допомагають розвинути фізичні якості виконавця, покращити їхню хореографічну майстерність, яка є складовою виступів, можна завдяки заняттям хореографією, зокрема фольк-модерн танцем. Заняттями хореографією діти та дорослі покращують свою виконавську майстерність, розвивають артистичність та характерність, в процесі формування технічних якостей. Народний танець формує у виконавця навички акторської майстерності, допомагає ознайомитися з різними характерами виконання та створити неповторний колорит національних фарб під час виконання акробатичного номеру. Номери з використанням народної хореографії є більш емоційно насиченими, яскравими, для них притаманна передача почуттів виконавців, їх належність до певного національного прошарку. Тож, метою нашої дослідження є визначити вплив народно-сценічної та фольк-модерн хореографії на розвиток виконавських здібностей у повітряній акробатиці та піл...
Загальноосвітні навчальні заклади України пропонують для дітей та батьків цікаві інноваційні прог... more Загальноосвітні навчальні заклади України пропонують для дітей та батьків цікаві інноваційні програми. Виключенням не стала і школа GlobalKids (м. Львів, Україна) – інноваційний садок та школа, де дітям пропонують не тільки загальноосвітні програми для розвитку учнів, але й додаткові розвиваючі предмети, які дають змогу всесторонньо розвинути особистість дитини. Окрім загальноосвітніх предметів в цій приватній школі дітям запропонували додаткові заняття з фізичного виховання, а саме, футболу, карате, повітряних полотен та ін. Дітям молодшого шкільного віку, яким важко всидіти протягом довгого часу нерухомо – це дає важливу можливість порухатися та набратися додаткової енергії для занять гуманітарними предметами. Тому перед нами була поставлена мета: дослідити методи удосконалення фізичного виховання учнів молодшого шкільного віку засобами занять повітряною акробатикою на полотнах. Завдяки проведеному дослідженню, ми проаналізували літературу, яка стосується питання фізичного вихован...
Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
Secondary schools offer children a variety of opportunities to develop their physical qualities i... more Secondary schools offer children a variety of opportunities to develop their physical qualities in physical education classes. Pylon sports and aerial acrobatics are not the last place among the currently popular types of physical activity. In order to apply such directions in schools, it is necessary to learn the point of teachers of professional disciplines. To do this, we decided to conduct a survey among physical education teachers of Ukraine regarding their attitude to classes in their educational institutions in these areas. The obtained results make it possible to identify obstacles and necessary changes in the education system in order to apply the latest approaches in physical education. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to determine the attitude of physical education teachers regarding the use of aerial acrobatics and pylon sports as a variable segment in the school program. Due to the conducted research, we were able to determine that the biggest obstacle to the appl...
Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
Aerial silks and pylon sports are technical and aesthetic directions that help develop the physic... more Aerial silks and pylon sports are technical and aesthetic directions that help develop the physical qualities of the performer, but it is possible to improve their choreographic skill, which is a component of theperformance, due to the folk-modern classes. Due to the classes in choreography, children and adults improve their performing skills, develop artistry and character, in the process of forming technical qualities. Folk dance develops the performer's acting skills, helps to get acquainted with different types of performance and create a unique national style during the performance of aerial acrobatics. Performance with the use of folk choreography are more emotionally saturated, bright, characteristic, they convey the feelings of the performers, their belonging to a certain national stratum. Therefore, the purpose of our research is to determine the influence of folk-stage and folk-modern choreography on the development of performing abilities in aerial acrobatics and pole...
Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
The analysis of the literature devoted to the issue of improving the physical education of primar... more The analysis of the literature devoted to the issue of improving the physical education of primary school students allows us to study the degree of development of innovation in the program of physical education. Currently, the program of the New Ukrainian School introduces a variable component in the program of middle school students, which allows to include additional disciplines in physical education classes for children. Based on the research, we will be able to formulate proposals for improving the curriculum of middle school students. To do this, conduct a pedagogical experiment and observation on primary school students. The studding and analysis of previous work on this issue allows us to explore the degree of study of this problem and draw conclusions about further research, the possibility of its implementation, as well as develop proposals to improve the physical education program for middle school students. The method of physical education of primary school students in th...
Research methodology Two theses were analyzed during the scientific research, three articles beca... more Research methodology Two theses were analyzed during the scientific research, three articles became the base for the study, and some performances were taken for the study in art criticism in ukraine and abroad. Results. The study demonstrates the newest forms of modern dance. The author considers the evolution of modern dance in ukraine and other european countries. The paper observes the publications, which deal with the rock-ballets in ukraine and europe, and the activities of modern dance choreographers, such as Boris eyfman, Alla Rubina, Radu Poklitaru. The author analyzes the artistic style of Maurice Béjart and his creative contribution to the development of the jazz-dance, modern styles of dancing, etc. The author describes the development of the folk-modern dance in ukraine and european countries, due to Alla Rubina's art activities in the Jewish theatre, and her works with the modern artists. The author obtains the common picture of the development of the modern dance in ukraine. Novelty. An attempt is made to describe the newest styles in choreography in the post-modern period in ukraine, the way they are connected with the modern-dance, what is common and different in them. The practical significance. ukrainian researchers can find the opportunity to develop issues on the modern-jazz dance and folk-modern dance. It is the first attempt to create the art criticism analysis of post-modern choreography in ukraine.
Collection of scientific works “Notes on Art Criticism”
The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers - representati... more The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers - representatives of the "modern" style of Western Ukraine in particular. The research methodology consists in the application of several approaches: analytical for the study of literature on the topic of the article and system; using a range of methods: biographical, culturological, comparative-historical, theoretical generalization - comprehensively achieving the stated goal. Due to the biographical method, we considered the professional and creative experience of choreographers, which explains the sources of their work. The comparative-historical method helped us to study the historically formed features of modern dance, to note its structure, due to which we determined the differences between the previous experience of choreographers and modern choreographic research. The scientific novelty of the study is that we are the first to trace the features of modern dance style in the productio...
The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers-representative... more The aim of the research is to study in detail the work of Ukrainian choreographers-representatives of the "modern" style of Western Ukraine in particular. The research methodology consists in the application of several approaches: analytical for the study of literature on the topic of the article and system; using a range of methods: biographical, culturological, comparative-historical, theoretical generalization-comprehensively achieving the stated goal. Due to the biographical method, we considered the professional and creative experience of choreographers, which explains the sources of their work. The comparative-historical method helped us to study the historically formed features of modern dance, to note its structural, due to which we determined the differences between the previous experience of choreographers and modern choreographic research. The scientific novelty of the study is that we are the first to trace the features of modern dance style in the productions of famous choreographers of Ukraine I.V. Mazur, O.B.Lan, O.V. Martyniuk, A.S. Safonov, S.V. Naenko. The research of this issue helped to understand the main trends in the development of contemporary choreographic art in Ukraine, which are to create a national school of modern dance and the use of choreographic vocabulary in ethnic productions. Conclusions: Due to the research, we followed the development of modern dance on the example of the work of Western Ukrainian choreographers listed above. Our research proves that Ukrainian choreography does not deviate from modern fashion trends. The choreographers of our country develop a fashionable pro-European culture of modern dance in their work, create ballet performances in this style and continue to experiment in their own search for lexical material. Art analysis of the leading Western Ukrainian choreographers of modern dance allowed us to identify special cultural features of modern dance in Western Ukraine, which is manifested in the combination of modern dance with national traditions and the creation of an academic school of this style under the influence of national culture.
Papers by T. Drach