Books by T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı

Terörden Arındırılmış Belediyeler ve Hizmetleri, 2020
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, PKK/KCK bölücü terör örgütü ve onun uzantılarına karşı mücadelesini 35 yılı ... more Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, PKK/KCK bölücü terör örgütü ve onun uzantılarına karşı mücadelesini 35 yılı aşkın bir süredir kesintisiz bir şekilde ve kararlılıkla sürdürmektedir. Bölücü terör örgütü, silahlı ve yıkıcı eylemleri ile bölgesel ve uluslararası gelişmeleri Türkiye aleyhine kullanma stratejisine ise devam etmektedir. Bölgesel olarak birlikte organize olduğu PYD/YPG, PJAK ve TAK gibi diğer terör örgütleriyle bölgesel barış ve güvenliği sarsan ve istikrarsızlığa sebep olan terör örgütü PKK/ KCK’nın, ülkemizde de çocukların zorla kaçırılarak sözde örgüte kazandırılması konusunda suç dosyası hayli kabarıktır. Ayrıca yasadışı eylemleri ile uluslararası çapta örgütlü suçlar işleyerek terörün finansmanı yoluna gittikleri hususunda da somut örnekler bulunan terör örgütü PKK/KCK’nın söz konusu faaliyetleri bağımsız uluslararası raporlara da yansımış durumdadır.
Die durch den I. und II. Weltkrieg verursachte Zerstörung führte dazu, dass der Begriff des Krieg... more Die durch den I. und II. Weltkrieg verursachte Zerstörung führte dazu, dass der Begriff des Krieges von den Staaten neu definiert wurde. Heutzutage handelt es sich um “Stellvertreterkriege”, geführt von Terrororganisationen, die als Subunternehmer fungieren. Das Ergebnis sind Interessenkonflikte, von Geheimdiensten angezettelte Bürgerkriege, Militärputsche und innere Unruhen.
La destrucción creada por la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial ha forzado a los países a redefi... more La destrucción creada por la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial ha forzado a los países a redefinir la guerra. Hoy en día, los conflictos de interés llamados como “guerra subsidiaria” o “guerra proxy” son en realidad las guerras que se producen utilizando a las organizaciones terroristas subcontratadas; guerras civiles creadas por organizaciones de inteligencia; golpes militares y conflictos domésticos; y todo esto es la consecuencia de una decisión.
The magnitude of the destruction of the World War I and I has forced countries to re-define the w... more The magnitude of the destruction of the World War I and I has forced countries to re-define the war. Today, the conflict of interests conducted through the proxy terrorist organizations, which is called as “the War of Proxies” and the civil wars, military coups and internal disorders created
by the intelligence organizations are all the results of such preference.
L’effondrement provoqué par la première et seconde
guerre mondiale a forcé les pays à définir de ... more L’effondrement provoqué par la première et seconde
guerre mondiale a forcé les pays à définir de nouveau le
concept de guerre. De nos jours, les affrontements d’intérêt nommés « Guerres par procuration » et vécus à travers les organisations terroristes sous-traitantes, les guerres civiles attisées par les services de renseignements secrets, les coups d’état et conflits civils, sont justement le résultat d’une telle orientation.
El terrorismo y la violencia son los problemas más importantes que la humanidad ha enfrentado dur... more El terrorismo y la violencia son los problemas más importantes que la humanidad ha enfrentado durante el siglo XXI. Las organizaciones terroristas - como actores de este período definido como “las guerras de poder” dentro de la literatura de seguridad, pueden tener un área de influencia transfronteriza y pueden establecer sus objetivos y estrategias de acuerdo con estos propósitos.
Le terreur et la violence sont probablement le plus grand problème que l’humanité a rencontré au ... more Le terreur et la violence sont probablement le plus grand problème que l’humanité a rencontré au 21ème siècle. Les organisations terroristes affectent un espace dépassant les frontières et sont les acteurs de ce milieu que l’on appelle les « guerres de procuration ». Elles peuvent déterminer dans ce contexte leurs objectifs et stratégies.
Terror und Gewalt sind vielleicht das größte Problem,
mit denen die Menschheit im 21. Jahrhundert... more Terror und Gewalt sind vielleicht das größte Problem,
mit denen die Menschheit im 21. Jahrhundert konfrontiert wird. Terrororganisationen, die Akteure dieses in der Sicherheitsliteratur in letzter Zeit “Stellvertreterkriege” benannten Umfeldes erreichen eine grenzüberschreitenden Wirkungsbereich und legen ihren Zweck und ihre Strategien diesem Ziel entsprechend fest.

Suite aux développements vécus après 2011 en Syrie et au manque d’autorité qui s’est formé, les o... more Suite aux développements vécus après 2011 en Syrie et au manque d’autorité qui s’est formé, les organisations terroristes ont eu un laissez-passer, le PYD-YPG qui est la branche en Syrie de l’organisation terroriste PKK/KCK a formé en janvier 2014 des soi-disant cantons à JIZRE AYN-EL ARAP et AFRIN, tout juste de l’autre côté de notre frontière.
Afin de transférer en Turquie les cantons formés, l’organisation terroriste séparatiste PKK/KCK a entrepris les initiatives suivantes; Dans les régions de l’Anatolie de l’Est et du Sud-est, aux côtés des terroristes transférés depuis les zones rurales, des regroupements ont été effectués dans les villes sous les noms de YDG-H (Mouvement des jeunes révolutionnaires patriotes), ÖSB (Unités d’auto-défense) et YPS (Unités de défense civile),
Après les élections générales du 7 juin 2015, à commencer par le mois d’août 2015 une (soi-disante) auto-administration a été décrétée dans certains départements et souspréfectures et le terrorisme a été transporté dans les villes.
A commencer par nos départements se trouvant à la frontière avec la Syrie, Des tentatives ont été entreprises pour mettre en place des fossés, barricades dans les rues et avenues d’un département et 11 sous préfectures et avec les explosifs artisanaux l’objectif visé était de former «des espaces d’auto-administration/autonomie».

The developments in Syria after 2011 and the authority gap emerged afterwards paved the way for a... more The developments in Syria after 2011 and the authority gap emerged afterwards paved the way for a range of action for terrorist organisations and so-called cantons were established in JAZIRA, AYN AL-ARAB and AFRIN in January 2014, just beyond our borders, by the PYD-YPG, the extension of the PKK/KCK terrorist organisation in Syria.
In order to extend the cantons further into Turkey, the separatist terrorist organisation PKK/KCK was organised, with the direction of the PYD-YPG, in the cities under YDG-H (Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement), ÖSB (Self Defence Units) and YPS (Civil Protection Units) along with the terrorists transferred from the rural areas in the Eastern and South-eastern Anatolian Regions, and Declared (so called) self-government in a number of Provinces and Districts as of August 2015 in the aftermath of the parliamentary elections dated June 7th 2015 and brought terrorism into cities.
The terrorist organisation sought to establish so-called “self-government/autonomy” areas in our Districts located in the Syrian border, particularly, through setting trenches and barricades on avenues and streets and conducting actions, such as IED (Improvised
Explosive Devices) attacks in 1 Province and 11 Districts.

События, произошедшие в Сирии после 2011 года и вакуума власти, образовавшегося
впоследствии, обе... more События, произошедшие в Сирии после 2011 года и вакуума власти, образовавшегося
впоследствии, обеспечили свободу действия террористическим организациям, со
стороны PYD-YPG, который является продолжением террористической организации
PKK/KCK (РПК (PKK - Рабочая партия Курдистана / ССК (KCK - Союз сообществ
Курдистана) в Сирии, в январе 2014 года были созданы в Джизре Айн-эль-Арап
и Африн так называемые кантоны. Сепаратистская террористическая организация
PKK/KCK чтобы перенести созданные кантоны в Турцию;
В восточных и юго-восточных районах Анатолии, совместно с террористами,
переброшенными из сельскохозяйственных районов, в городах формировалась под
названиями YDG-H (Молодежное патриотическое революционное движение), ÖSB
(Отряды самообороны) и YPS (Корпус гражданской обороны),
После всеобщих выборов, проведенных 7 июля 2015 года, начиная с августа 2015 года в некоторых провинциях и районах объявила (так называемое) самоуправление и перенесла террор в города.
И в первую очередь на наши районы, расположенные на границе Сирии,
В 1 провинции и 11 районах с сооружением рвов, баррикад на улицах и проспектах
и акциями типа EYP, хотели создать «сферы самоуправления/автономии».
قامت منظمة "بي كا كا/ ك ج ك" الإرهابية باعلان
الحكم الذاتي في مناطق شرق وجنوب شرق الأناضول
عن طري... more قامت منظمة "بي كا كا/ ك ج ك" الإرهابية باعلان
الحكم الذاتي في مناطق شرق وجنوب شرق الأناضول
عن طريق نقل الإرهاب والإرهابيين الى بعض الأقضية
والمدن في شهر اغسطس 2015 اي بعد الأنتخابات
.العامة في 7 يوينو 2015

Die Entwicklungen in Syrien ab 2011 sowie die hierbei entstehende Autoritätslücke haben den Terro... more Die Entwicklungen in Syrien ab 2011 sowie die hierbei entstehende Autoritätslücke haben den Terrororganisationen Bewegungsfreiheit gewährt, so dass im Januar 2014 die PYD-YPG als Ableger der Terrororganisation PKK/KCK in Syrien direkt hinter unseren Grenzen in CIZIRE AYN-EL ARAP und AFRIN die vermeintlichen Kantone errichtet wurden. Um diese Kantone in die Türkei überführen zu können, hat die
separatistische Terrororganisation PKK/KCK ;
in den östlichen und südöstliche Regionen von Anatolien gemeinsam mit Terroristen aus den ländlichen Gebieten sich unter den Bezeichnungen YDG-H (Patritisch Revolutionäe Jugendbewegung), ÖSB (Eigenwehreinheiten) und YPS (Zivilwehreinheiten) in den Städten organisiert,
Nach den Parlamentswahlen von 7. Juni 2015 haben sie ab August 2015 in einigen Provinzen und Regierungskreisen eine (vermeintliche) Eigenverwaltung ausgerufen und den Terror in die Städte verlegt.
Vorrangig in unseren Regierungskreisen an der syrischen Grenze
wurden in einem Provinz und 11 Regierungskreisen an Straßen und Wegen Gräben ausgehoben und Barrikaden errichtet, und mit Aktionen wie EYP versucht, eine vermeintliche ‘’Eigenverwaltung/Autonomegebiete’’ zu errichten.
تؤكد التقاريرُالصادرةُفيُالسنواتُاألخيرةُمنُقبلُالمؤسساتُالعالميةُالمختصةُبالمخدراتُواألرهاب،
بان... more تؤكد التقاريرُالصادرةُفيُالسنواتُاألخيرةُمنُقبلُالمؤسساتُالعالميةُالمختصةُبالمخدراتُواألرهاب،
بان ُالمنظمات ُاألرهابية ُبدأت ُبالحصول ُعلى ُواردات كبيرة من ُتجارة ُالمخدرات ، ُوتستخدام هذهُ
Понятие «ребенок» было впервые упомянуто на международной арене в Женевской декларации прав ребен... more Понятие «ребенок» было впервые упомянуто на международной арене в Женевской декларации прав ребенка, принятой Лигой Наций в 1924 году. В 1959 году Генеральной Ассамблеей Организации Объединенных Наций была опубликована Декларация прав ребенка. В Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций о правах ребенка от 1989 года называется
ребенком лицо, не достигшее 18 лет.
La notion d’ « enfant » a figuré pour la première fois dans la plateforme internationale avec la ... more La notion d’ « enfant » a figuré pour la première fois dans la plateforme internationale avec la Déclaration de Genève sur les Droits des enfants, préparée en 1924 par la Société des Nations. L’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a publié en 1959 la Déclaration des Droits des enfants. Puis la Convention internationale des Droits des enfants adoptée en 1989 par les Nations unies qualifie d’enfant toutes les personnes de moins de 18 ans.
Наркотики являются одной из наиболее важных проблем, стоящих перед мировым сообществом, с каждым ... more Наркотики являются одной из наиболее важных проблем, стоящих перед мировым сообществом, с каждым днем растут риски и угрозы, которые несет проблема наркотиков для всего человечества, и это продолжает оставаться растущей проблемой как для сегодняшней
молодежи, так и для будущих поколений. Согласно всемирному докладу о наркотиках, подготовленному Управлением ООН по наркотикам и преступности (UNODC), по оценкам наркотические вещества хотя бы раз в жизни принимали в общей сложности около 247 миллионов человек, или каждый двадцатый (5,2%) взрослый житель планеты в возрасте от 15 до 64 лет.
Books by T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı
by the intelligence organizations are all the results of such preference.
guerre mondiale a forcé les pays à définir de nouveau le
concept de guerre. De nos jours, les affrontements d’intérêt nommés « Guerres par procuration » et vécus à travers les organisations terroristes sous-traitantes, les guerres civiles attisées par les services de renseignements secrets, les coups d’état et conflits civils, sont justement le résultat d’une telle orientation.
mit denen die Menschheit im 21. Jahrhundert konfrontiert wird. Terrororganisationen, die Akteure dieses in der Sicherheitsliteratur in letzter Zeit “Stellvertreterkriege” benannten Umfeldes erreichen eine grenzüberschreitenden Wirkungsbereich und legen ihren Zweck und ihre Strategien diesem Ziel entsprechend fest.
Afin de transférer en Turquie les cantons formés, l’organisation terroriste séparatiste PKK/KCK a entrepris les initiatives suivantes; Dans les régions de l’Anatolie de l’Est et du Sud-est, aux côtés des terroristes transférés depuis les zones rurales, des regroupements ont été effectués dans les villes sous les noms de YDG-H (Mouvement des jeunes révolutionnaires patriotes), ÖSB (Unités d’auto-défense) et YPS (Unités de défense civile),
Après les élections générales du 7 juin 2015, à commencer par le mois d’août 2015 une (soi-disante) auto-administration a été décrétée dans certains départements et souspréfectures et le terrorisme a été transporté dans les villes.
A commencer par nos départements se trouvant à la frontière avec la Syrie, Des tentatives ont été entreprises pour mettre en place des fossés, barricades dans les rues et avenues d’un département et 11 sous préfectures et avec les explosifs artisanaux l’objectif visé était de former «des espaces d’auto-administration/autonomie».
In order to extend the cantons further into Turkey, the separatist terrorist organisation PKK/KCK was organised, with the direction of the PYD-YPG, in the cities under YDG-H (Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement), ÖSB (Self Defence Units) and YPS (Civil Protection Units) along with the terrorists transferred from the rural areas in the Eastern and South-eastern Anatolian Regions, and Declared (so called) self-government in a number of Provinces and Districts as of August 2015 in the aftermath of the parliamentary elections dated June 7th 2015 and brought terrorism into cities.
The terrorist organisation sought to establish so-called “self-government/autonomy” areas in our Districts located in the Syrian border, particularly, through setting trenches and barricades on avenues and streets and conducting actions, such as IED (Improvised
Explosive Devices) attacks in 1 Province and 11 Districts.
впоследствии, обеспечили свободу действия террористическим организациям, со
стороны PYD-YPG, который является продолжением террористической организации
PKK/KCK (РПК (PKK - Рабочая партия Курдистана / ССК (KCK - Союз сообществ
Курдистана) в Сирии, в январе 2014 года были созданы в Джизре Айн-эль-Арап
и Африн так называемые кантоны. Сепаратистская террористическая организация
PKK/KCK чтобы перенести созданные кантоны в Турцию;
В восточных и юго-восточных районах Анатолии, совместно с террористами,
переброшенными из сельскохозяйственных районов, в городах формировалась под
названиями YDG-H (Молодежное патриотическое революционное движение), ÖSB
(Отряды самообороны) и YPS (Корпус гражданской обороны),
После всеобщих выборов, проведенных 7 июля 2015 года, начиная с августа 2015 года в некоторых провинциях и районах объявила (так называемое) самоуправление и перенесла террор в города.
И в первую очередь на наши районы, расположенные на границе Сирии,
В 1 провинции и 11 районах с сооружением рвов, баррикад на улицах и проспектах
и акциями типа EYP, хотели создать «сферы самоуправления/автономии».
الحكم الذاتي في مناطق شرق وجنوب شرق الأناضول
عن طريق نقل الإرهاب والإرهابيين الى بعض الأقضية
والمدن في شهر اغسطس 2015 اي بعد الأنتخابات
.العامة في 7 يوينو 2015
separatistische Terrororganisation PKK/KCK ;
in den östlichen und südöstliche Regionen von Anatolien gemeinsam mit Terroristen aus den ländlichen Gebieten sich unter den Bezeichnungen YDG-H (Patritisch Revolutionäe Jugendbewegung), ÖSB (Eigenwehreinheiten) und YPS (Zivilwehreinheiten) in den Städten organisiert,
Nach den Parlamentswahlen von 7. Juni 2015 haben sie ab August 2015 in einigen Provinzen und Regierungskreisen eine (vermeintliche) Eigenverwaltung ausgerufen und den Terror in die Städte verlegt.
Vorrangig in unseren Regierungskreisen an der syrischen Grenze
wurden in einem Provinz und 11 Regierungskreisen an Straßen und Wegen Gräben ausgehoben und Barrikaden errichtet, und mit Aktionen wie EYP versucht, eine vermeintliche ‘’Eigenverwaltung/Autonomegebiete’’ zu errichten.
بان ُالمنظمات ُاألرهابية ُبدأت ُبالحصول ُعلى ُواردات كبيرة من ُتجارة ُالمخدرات ، ُوتستخدام هذهُ
ребенком лицо, не достигшее 18 лет.
молодежи, так и для будущих поколений. Согласно всемирному докладу о наркотиках, подготовленному Управлением ООН по наркотикам и преступности (UNODC), по оценкам наркотические вещества хотя бы раз в жизни принимали в общей сложности около 247 миллионов человек, или каждый двадцатый (5,2%) взрослый житель планеты в возрасте от 15 до 64 лет.
by the intelligence organizations are all the results of such preference.
guerre mondiale a forcé les pays à définir de nouveau le
concept de guerre. De nos jours, les affrontements d’intérêt nommés « Guerres par procuration » et vécus à travers les organisations terroristes sous-traitantes, les guerres civiles attisées par les services de renseignements secrets, les coups d’état et conflits civils, sont justement le résultat d’une telle orientation.
mit denen die Menschheit im 21. Jahrhundert konfrontiert wird. Terrororganisationen, die Akteure dieses in der Sicherheitsliteratur in letzter Zeit “Stellvertreterkriege” benannten Umfeldes erreichen eine grenzüberschreitenden Wirkungsbereich und legen ihren Zweck und ihre Strategien diesem Ziel entsprechend fest.
Afin de transférer en Turquie les cantons formés, l’organisation terroriste séparatiste PKK/KCK a entrepris les initiatives suivantes; Dans les régions de l’Anatolie de l’Est et du Sud-est, aux côtés des terroristes transférés depuis les zones rurales, des regroupements ont été effectués dans les villes sous les noms de YDG-H (Mouvement des jeunes révolutionnaires patriotes), ÖSB (Unités d’auto-défense) et YPS (Unités de défense civile),
Après les élections générales du 7 juin 2015, à commencer par le mois d’août 2015 une (soi-disante) auto-administration a été décrétée dans certains départements et souspréfectures et le terrorisme a été transporté dans les villes.
A commencer par nos départements se trouvant à la frontière avec la Syrie, Des tentatives ont été entreprises pour mettre en place des fossés, barricades dans les rues et avenues d’un département et 11 sous préfectures et avec les explosifs artisanaux l’objectif visé était de former «des espaces d’auto-administration/autonomie».
In order to extend the cantons further into Turkey, the separatist terrorist organisation PKK/KCK was organised, with the direction of the PYD-YPG, in the cities under YDG-H (Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement), ÖSB (Self Defence Units) and YPS (Civil Protection Units) along with the terrorists transferred from the rural areas in the Eastern and South-eastern Anatolian Regions, and Declared (so called) self-government in a number of Provinces and Districts as of August 2015 in the aftermath of the parliamentary elections dated June 7th 2015 and brought terrorism into cities.
The terrorist organisation sought to establish so-called “self-government/autonomy” areas in our Districts located in the Syrian border, particularly, through setting trenches and barricades on avenues and streets and conducting actions, such as IED (Improvised
Explosive Devices) attacks in 1 Province and 11 Districts.
впоследствии, обеспечили свободу действия террористическим организациям, со
стороны PYD-YPG, который является продолжением террористической организации
PKK/KCK (РПК (PKK - Рабочая партия Курдистана / ССК (KCK - Союз сообществ
Курдистана) в Сирии, в январе 2014 года были созданы в Джизре Айн-эль-Арап
и Африн так называемые кантоны. Сепаратистская террористическая организация
PKK/KCK чтобы перенести созданные кантоны в Турцию;
В восточных и юго-восточных районах Анатолии, совместно с террористами,
переброшенными из сельскохозяйственных районов, в городах формировалась под
названиями YDG-H (Молодежное патриотическое революционное движение), ÖSB
(Отряды самообороны) и YPS (Корпус гражданской обороны),
После всеобщих выборов, проведенных 7 июля 2015 года, начиная с августа 2015 года в некоторых провинциях и районах объявила (так называемое) самоуправление и перенесла террор в города.
И в первую очередь на наши районы, расположенные на границе Сирии,
В 1 провинции и 11 районах с сооружением рвов, баррикад на улицах и проспектах
и акциями типа EYP, хотели создать «сферы самоуправления/автономии».
الحكم الذاتي في مناطق شرق وجنوب شرق الأناضول
عن طريق نقل الإرهاب والإرهابيين الى بعض الأقضية
والمدن في شهر اغسطس 2015 اي بعد الأنتخابات
.العامة في 7 يوينو 2015
separatistische Terrororganisation PKK/KCK ;
in den östlichen und südöstliche Regionen von Anatolien gemeinsam mit Terroristen aus den ländlichen Gebieten sich unter den Bezeichnungen YDG-H (Patritisch Revolutionäe Jugendbewegung), ÖSB (Eigenwehreinheiten) und YPS (Zivilwehreinheiten) in den Städten organisiert,
Nach den Parlamentswahlen von 7. Juni 2015 haben sie ab August 2015 in einigen Provinzen und Regierungskreisen eine (vermeintliche) Eigenverwaltung ausgerufen und den Terror in die Städte verlegt.
Vorrangig in unseren Regierungskreisen an der syrischen Grenze
wurden in einem Provinz und 11 Regierungskreisen an Straßen und Wegen Gräben ausgehoben und Barrikaden errichtet, und mit Aktionen wie EYP versucht, eine vermeintliche ‘’Eigenverwaltung/Autonomegebiete’’ zu errichten.
بان ُالمنظمات ُاألرهابية ُبدأت ُبالحصول ُعلى ُواردات كبيرة من ُتجارة ُالمخدرات ، ُوتستخدام هذهُ
ребенком лицо, не достигшее 18 лет.
молодежи, так и для будущих поколений. Согласно всемирному докладу о наркотиках, подготовленному Управлением ООН по наркотикам и преступности (UNODC), по оценкам наркотические вещества хотя бы раз в жизни принимали в общей сложности около 247 миллионов человек, или каждый двадцатый (5,2%) взрослый житель планеты в возрасте от 15 до 64 лет.
is forced or left their homeland for life safety, immigrate to Turkey with massive
flux. Syrian refugees who stay across the country, firstly was known as “guest”.
But because of some circumstances such as, prolongation of stay in various counties, effects on community’s socially and culturally, negative attitudes on daily life
activities (especially in border counties), caused some problems between public
and Syrian refugees. Moreover these problems protest by public and placed in
national written press. So it is important to examine news about Syrian refugees
on national written press, evaluate the events in daily life between public and
refugees and develop policies about these problems or events. These study focuses
on relationship news between public and Syrian refugees in national written
press. Content analysis was used in these study and national written press content
analysis consist of reactions of cities, social problems, return systems, specific circumstances or situations that Syrian refugees deal with and daily effects on public
and daily life problems.
came to Turkey after the war in Syria. This study of Syrian women who live inside and outside of the camps was made with Syrian women, authorities, NGO’s
and academicians of this matter to share and understand the Syrian women’s
experiences and problems which they faced in the camps of Gaziantep and Kilis.
Also, reports containing the effect of the civil war on Syrian women inside and
outside of the camps were taken into consideration. The need to deeply examine
the effect of the civil war in Syria on women has brought up this article in which
it aims to analyze and suggest solutions to problems of Syrian women in social life
and to the effectiveness of the precautions to women with the immigration bond
theory. The explorative technique was used for this article for further studies that
will expand all over Turkey. As a result of the interviews, it was seen that Syrian
women faced many problems whether they lived inside or outside of the camps.
Therefore, this study brings solutions to the problems Syrian women experience
in regard within the interviews made and in regard the works done towards the
Syrian women in Turkey away from the war.
the way it has been incorporated into migration theory. It argues that attempts to
develop a coherent and robust body of migration theory have been thwarted by a
structure–agency impasse: some approaches lean too close to functionalism while
others veer into structuralism. Those who search for middle ground have tended
to draw on Giddens’ notion of structuration as a way of articulating the balance between structure and agency in migration processes. The article shows that,
while structuration is beguiling, it has failed to offer any significant advances for
migration theory. This is a result of theoretical weaknesses in structuration theory
rather than a failure of its application; this argument is based on a critical realist critique of the dualism inherent in structuration. It is suggested that critical
realism offers a fruitful avenue for a more sophisticated analysis of structure and
agency in migration processes. The article ends with a brief outline of a critical
realist approach to migration theory and argues that this may offer a way around
the structure–agency impasse.
Today, migrants are pursuing opportunities in new destination societies with
growing economies and different forms of governance from democratic states—
transformations that complicate established understandings about national immigration models and their evolution. In light of these transformations, this article reviews the field of migration studies and its sketching of immigration patterns
in the contemporary period. It critically examines existing systems of classification
in a way that creates space for revised approaches. In doing so, this article identifies three key limitations with existing approaches. First, existing classifications
largely focus on Western states, and especially traditional destination countries.
Second, existing classifications are weakened by unclear or poorly defined indicators. Finally, even those classifications with improved indicators are hindered
by approaches that examine admission and citizenship/settlement regimes independently of each other, ignoring a possible migration integration policy nexus.
renewal process were examined. Field research and in-depth interview are the
methods used in the preparation of this study. 192 samples were selected from
Zeytinburnu, Sümer district, the implementation area of the urban renewal project and interviews are made with the heads of the households and their wives.
The data presented is classified according to the birthplace of the heads of the
households and evaluated so. 80 % of the people interviewed had migration experience in the past. It is determined that people prepared for a new migration after
urban renewal and had diversity in their life plans. In the study the answers are
seeked to the question “How should this migration made after the urban renewal
evaluated from terminological and cultural aspects?” Suggestions are made in this
context. A new definition is made for the new form of migration born with the
urban renewal through the conclusions drawn from the interviews
the world and especially in Turkey. It has affected on life of societies in every term and
also has still been its affected.. In this research, variables such as meaning and types of
migration, reflections of society and also all of these datas’ influence on migrants and
our country were examined. Eventually, the paper focused on different type of problems
and its models of solutions about dünya çapında phenomenon of migration and the
results showed that reality of migration, in the other terms of act of changing place and
also social change process has been shaped by the disciplines of such as sociology, psychology, political, economy etc. For this reason; for our country, process of adaptation,
social integration and effect on structure of societies are as important as the mobility
of regions.
leave their countries due to such reasons as armed conflict, violation of human
rights, widespread violence and natural disaster. And its role is still relevant. More
than 2.7 million Syrian nationals are under temporary protection regime. Though
temporary protection has affected lives and legal status of millions, there is no legal
document which defines and regulates it with mandatory provisions in line with
international law. This creates a lacunae on temporary protection in international
law. As a result of such lacunae in law; several States have made differing arrangements on qualifications, rights and obligations of temporary protection beneficiaries as well as period and expiry of temporary protection. In light of these issues; this
article seeks answers to the following questions: ‘what is temporary protection?’ and
‘what are the international rules of law regulating temporary protection?’. This
article will seek to specify elements of temporary protection regime in line with
international law by means of discussing the concerned questions.
migration policies in Turkey from the proclamation of the Republic to the present
are examined within the framework of the legal regulations on which basic philosophy of migration policies has been built. By evaluating in a body Settlement
Law numbered 2510 which is the basic document of Turkey’s migration and
settlement policy despite having been changed several times during the period of
validity and Settlement Law numbered 5443 which is the result of both Turkey’s
changing conditions and international system based on the structural features
of the respective era, the relations between changing migration and settlement
policies are examined in relation to the implementation samples.
policy it specified. Hundreds of thousands of migrants who were forced to asylum
to the Ottoman Empire were resettled by the Empire in certain periods to certain
places by meeting their needs within the bounds of possibility. Ottoman Empire
pursued certain policies on maintaining order and security, reviving disrupted
residential areas as well as creating new residential areas. In this context, for
providing order, a security zone was tried to be created against the eastern and
southern Anatolian urban tribes who used to live in desert, disturb public order
and did not pay any tax.
Turkey due to the war in Syria since 2011. These studies mostly focus on the Syrians’ position in economy, legal status, humanitarian living conditions as well as
the extent of security. Such studies are surely fundamental since they show us the
determination and reflections of the social problems that have been experienced.
However, the reviews have an understanding of focusing on the results of social
problem, marginalising Syrians as well as not empathising with them rather
than attempting to understand their lives and interpersonal relations. In this
study, however, Syrians’ domestic relations, networks and vital practices have been
investigated by considering together their economical, political, legal and cultural
differences or similarities.
In this regard; interviews with 6 associations established by Syrian migrants in
Mersin province, 6 employers and 10 employees have been made. It has been
shown that such associations build mechanisms enabling to solve the problems
of housing, employment, language, health care and education of the Syrian migrants. The reflections of social capital in civil society and economic life which
forms current networks on setting up a business, finding a job as well as survival
strategies of labour power have been mentioned with Syrian employers.
accordance with the international regulations in the field of combating irregular
migration carried out by sea. The international nature of irregular migration
which is undesirable for the states and the fact that it has effects on more than
one state in the region have necessitated the international cooperation to combat
it. Such cooperation has been implemented with the legal regulations in the field
of combat and the cooperation for the execution of prevention activities. In the
current international legal order, combating irregular migration carried out by
sea has been examined in terms of jurisdiction, obligations and practices of the
states. In this context, the jurisdictions which can be used by the states in different
maritime zones have been determined and the practices of states selected as an
example have been mentioned. Following that, Turkey’s legal order and activities
in the field of this combat have been explained.
rights of refugees directly, the Convention is one of the most important legal instruments to protect refugees’ rights. While the 1951 Refugee Convention requires
realization of certain conditions for the definition of the refugee and non-refoulement principle, the European Convention on Human Rights does not have
any requirements for both issues. Being lack of those requirements, the European
Convention on Human Rights provides wider implementation area than the
1951 Refugee Convention. In this article, with relation to the role of European
Court of Human Rights in terms of protecting the refugees’ rights, certain decisions of the Court taken in accordance with Articles 3, 5, 8, 13 of the European
Convention on Human Rights and the Article 4 of Additional Protocol No. 4
will be difference between two instrumentsin order to determine the
role of the the European Court of Human Rights, certain decisions of the Court
granted in accordance with will be examined
countries and seek international protection from other states. Environmental
disasters and climate change have caused migration and the emergence of the
so-called “climate refugees” or “environmental refugees”. Although they are often
called “climate refugees” or “environmental refugees”, these people do not fall
within the definition of refugee under the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Legal
Status of Refugees. The laws of certain countries provide “complementary protection” or “temporary protection” to climate refugees or environmental refugees.
On the other hand, no protection is envisaged in the laws of some countries regarding climate refugees. Humanitarian protection can be provided to climate
refugees under the legal provisions guaranteeing certain basic rights, such as the
right to life, in international human rights treaties. However, the boundaries
of the notion of “humanitarian protection” have not been clearly drawn yet. In
this study, we evaluate whether any international protection may be available
to climate refugees. To this end, we first describe the term “climate refugees” and
analyze the factors that led to its emergence. We then examine the reasons why
climate refugees are not treated as refugees within the scope of the 1951 Geneva
Convention, taking into account the relevant court decisions. Following a discussion of the draft international treaties prepared to protect climate refugees, we
examine the situation of climate refugees under Turkish law.
years. Within in the scope of EU membership negotiations, important steps have
been taken for complying migration acquis to EU and establishing institutional
structure in the fıeld of migration since 2000. While concrete steps were being
taken in order to establish a comprehensive migration management system, Syria
crisis broke out. Currently, 2,7 million Syrians have been granted with temporary
protection. The importance of cooperation with Turkey in the field of migration
management has increased as a result of a major transit movements of not only Syrians but also Iraqis, Afghans and other nationals towards Europe by sea and land,
and what was initially described as a regional refugee crisis for the neighboring
countries has turned into one at EU’s external borders.This study primarily covers
migration movements towards Turkey over the course of history and the conceptual
framework, and secondarily migration related developments in Turkey. Besides,
the steps that the EU has taken towards creating common migration and asylum
policies in the historical process are analyzed. In the last section of the study, ongoing mass influx crisis is discussed taking into consideration its irregular migration
aspect, and within the framework of recent Turkey-EU affairs, readmission agreement, visa liberalization and Turkey – EU Joint Statement of 18 March 2016.
the European countries hosting the most crowded Turkish population. In Austria,
Turkish population has been for three generations and it is often mentioned that
these immigrants have primarily social participation and integration issues with
the impact of education and discrimination problems. In this study, the integration perception and the opinion about whether Turkish immigrants have an integration problem in the host community of Turkish immigrants in Austria have
been discussed through a field study carried out in Vien having most crowded
Turkish population across Austria in January, 2017.
in 2014 for unauthorised maritime arrivals, or asylum seekers who arrived by
boat. This new model allows the asylum seeker, if found to be a genuine refugee,
temporary protection with the potential of permanency through the pathway of
other existing visa streams in Australia’s Migration framework. This visa provides
the asylum seeker the right to study or work in regional Australia. Subsequently,
if the applicant holds this visa for three and a half years, the applicant is then
eligible to apply for any other available visas within the Australian Migration
framework for which they satisfy the relevant criteria. This, in practice, resolves
a number of issues; protection obligations and skilled labour shortages in certain
areas of the country and is argued to assist, consequently, in the issues of integration. The paper will examine the development and progress of this new model,
which adds another criterion for asylum seekers for their pathway for permanency
through their skill base to be used in the receiving country, namely Australia. The
use of their skills can assist in the perception of contribution to Australia whilst
also assisting the asylum seeker in integrating within Australia.
commonly perceived. This vision of diverse Japan will be extended by developing
new ways of accommodation for the contemporary immigrants, especially increasing wave of international students and refugees. In fact, this process had been
strongly pushed by the government since 2014, through policy changes within
Japan Revitalization Project (JRP). This paper will discuss and analyses current
effects of those migration policies focusing on international students, migrants
and refugees. The strategy made by the Japanese authorities is giving major advantages to “newcomers” wanting to work or study. However, at the same time,
people seeking refuge within borders of Japan still are facing many obstacles due
to bureaucracy barriers.
immigration adventure contain its own process and is met by a specific integration model of the societies. The integration models of the societies which accept the
immigration should be considered in terms of the founding values and historical
processes of the nations. For this reason, discussing on integration models also requires an assesment of process that includes countries’ administrative systems and
sociology of their community. With this in mind, the French Integration Model
have been considered in view of the France’s republican values and France’s historical background over the centralized administrative structure.
immigration law since 1971. Using this practice towards families and children
led a wide scale of criticism by international and national monitoring bodies
and civil society. While applying the acculturation approach to find out what
type of relationship played an important role in the compliance decision, it was
clear that national monitoring bodies and civil society managed to activate a
socialisation mechanism and pushed the government to act towards compliance
with international human rights standards