Papers by Sylvia Eyzaguirre
Journal of development economics, May 1, 2024

Estudios Públicos
Los instrumentos de selección para el acceso a la educación superior, los llamados ‘puntaje NEM’ ... more Los instrumentos de selección para el acceso a la educación superior, los llamados ‘puntaje NEM’ y ‘puntaje ranking’, presentan sesgos socioeconómicos que benefician a los estudiantes de establecimientos particulares pagados. En este artículo se proponen instrumentos alternativos que corrigen este sesgo. Con estos instrumentos, si las condiciones se mantienen ceteris paribus, los estudiantes de establecimientos municipales de mejor rendimiento relativo aumentan sus puntajes NEM, en promedio, más de 100 puntos. Gracias a la colaboración del Departamento de Evaluación, Medición y Registro Educacional se realizaron diversas simulaciones de las asignaciones a programas universitarios en el proceso de admisión 2019. Los resultados exhiben que la incorporación de nuevos instrumentos de selección podría beneficiar a estudiantes provenientes de establecimientos con financiamiento fiscal, en desmedro de estudiantes de colegios particulares pagados. El beneficio para estos estudiantes se verí...
Documentos de Trabajo ( Instituto de Economía PUC ), 2020

Estudios Públicos, 2017
The uranium isotopes 238 U, 235 U and 234 U are found naturally in the environment. 238 U and 235... more The uranium isotopes 238 U, 235 U and 234 U are found naturally in the environment. 238 U and 235 U are parent nuclides of two independent decay series of isotopes, while 234 U is a member of the 238 U decay chain. When decay series occur in a closed system the series tends to reach, with time, the state of secular equilibrium in which the activities of all series members are equal to the activity of its first nuclide. The activity ratio 234 U/ 238 U in natural uranium may vary as a consequence of decay chain disequilibrium due to alpha recoil and biogeochemical processes. A study based on measurement of uranium concentration and 234 U/ 238 U activity ratios in soil samples collected from Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India, a proposed mining site, was carried out to find the spatial distribution of uranium and the state of secular equilibrium of 234 U/ 238 U to examine the possibility of applying uranium concentration and uranium isotopic activity ratios to detect any hydrogeochemical changes in the environment during/post-operation. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for uranium concentration using the conventional UV fluorimetric method, showing a uranium concentration in the range of 0.7 ± 0.2 ppm to 7.9 ± 0.4 ppm with an average of 3.4 ppm, and 234 U/ 238 U activity ratios were estimated using the alpha spectrometry technique, showing an activity ratio in the range of 0.92 ± 0.11 to 1.02 ± 0.11. The 234 U/ 238 U activity ratio obtained indicated that these two uranium isotopes are in the state of secular radioactive equilibrium. The percent activity ratio of 238 U/total U and 234 U /total U is observed to vary from 47.94 ± 4.83 to 50.76 ± 4.87 and 45.80 ± 3.83 to 49.14 ± 3.99, respectively.
Estudios Públicos, 2019
Cristián Pérez, ""Viajes a las estepas"" (Santiago: Catalonia-UDP, 2018).
Papers by Sylvia Eyzaguirre