Papers by Syefriani D A R N I S Djamaloeddin
Buku seri pendidikan orang tua : mendidikak anak di era digital ini diharapkan dapat menambah pen... more Buku seri pendidikan orang tua : mendidikak anak di era digital ini diharapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan wawasan, serta perubahan pola pikir orang tua dalam menghadapi perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang telah menjadi

Learning media has a contribution in increasing student activity and motivation in learning. The ... more Learning media has a contribution in increasing student activity and motivation in learning. The use of the right teaching media in learning process can arouse desire, generate motivation and stimulate new learning activities. The more intensive the learning experience by students, the higher of the quality learning process itself. Student involvement is based on motivation and high interest from the students in participating in the learning process, and also from the teacher’s side is required to master the use of various types of media and learning strategies. For this reason, it is necessary to think about alternative learning media that are fun and appropriate for students. One of the media used in learning mathematics is a storybook based on Local Natural Resources whose contents are close to the lives of children. Its need creative thinking and innovation to create local cultural outcomes that are packaged so that they are accepted and studied globally. Environmental preserv...

International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
The aim of this research is to obtain information about the effect of communicative teaching meth... more The aim of this research is to obtain information about the effect of communicative teaching methods and independent learning styles on learning outcomes of Speaking English to the Primary grade 1 students in Al Hikmah School, South Jakarta. The communicative method is an effective learning method applied in the learning process of speaking English, especially for students at the Primary school level. This learning method provides more opportunities for students to express themselves in English, so that the English they learn can be integrated in their personalities and they can feel happier in learning. In this study, researchers used experimental research. The sample in this study amounted to 20 children who were divided into 2 groups of learning styles. Instrument learning outcomes in English are measured through written and oral tests. The results showed that in children with independent learning styles taught by communicative methods achieving higher English-Speaking learni...

Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
This paper was conducted to produce an effective learning model for developing literacy and nume... more This paper was conducted to produce an effective learning model for developing literacy and numeracy in early childhood. Many teachers get locked out of the process of helping their students especially young learners to read , write and count because our education system is not allowed the young children is learned to do those activities at school. This really should not be so.Based on Dr.Maria Montessori who was a pioneer in teaching reading, writing and counting for young learners, the preparation for reading and writing begins long before formal school and teachers can do that at school as well as parents at home. The ability to read, write and count is not, in itself, a sufficient ambition. What is of supreme importance is bringing about, in a child, a desire to read , write, and count. In this paper we will find Montessori Activities which are the building literacy and numeracy skills. This activities is presented by using the well designed Montessori apparatus, reviewed ...

As-Sibyan: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Reading is one of the most fundamental skills a child needs to learn to succeed in life. Developi... more Reading is one of the most fundamental skills a child needs to learn to succeed in life. Developing good reading habits is vital to your child's future not just academically, but in everyday life as well. It is responsible of all parties , parents, school and government or child care observer in improving the ability children's reading. In the other hand, there are large number of children's story books which are labeled according to the age and level of the child's own development, but in fact incompatible with their age. The children's story books in the form of short stories, novels or comics are dominated by foreign markets such as Walt Disney series, Japan comics series , and many more. This is one of the reasons why the theme of this study is selected. Children need to be given reading materials that are appropriate with their age and closed to their tradition so young learners have a responsibility towards the surrounding environment and they also grow their love for the region they live in. One of the best resources for reading material is story book based on oral story of local tradition.The purpose of this research is to develop the oral story of local tradition from Samiran village, Selo subdistrict, Central Java to supporting the literacy program especially in reading. The research applied was Research and Development and located in Samiran village Central Java. The subjects of this study was 20 children in Pertiwi Kindergarten Samiran, level Kindergarten B at the aged of 5-6 year.
Books by Syefriani D A R N I S Djamaloeddin
Psikosain, 2018
Tanganku sibuk sepanjang hari. Aku tak punya banyak waktu luang. Bila kau ajak aku bermain, kujaw... more Tanganku sibuk sepanjang hari. Aku tak punya banyak waktu luang. Bila kau ajak aku bermain, kujawab " Ayah tak sempat Nak !" Aku bekerja keras semua untukmu. Tapi bila kau tunjukkan buku ceritamu, Atau mengajakku berbagi canda, kujawab " sebentar sayang ". Dimalam hari kutidurkan kamu. Kudengarkan doamu, kupadamkan lampu. Lalu berjingkat meninggalkanmu. Kalau saja aku tinggal barang satu menit lagi. Sebab hidup itu singkat. Tahun bagai berlari. Bocah cilikku tumbuh begitu cepat. Kamu tak lagi berada disisi ayah. Membisikkan rahasia-rahasia kecilmu. Buku-buku dongengmu entah dimana. Tak ada lagi ajakan bermain. Tak ada lagi cium selamat malam. Tak kudengar lagi doamu. Semua itu milik masa lalu. Tanganku, dahulu sibuk, sekarang diam Hari-hari terasa panjang membentang Kalau saja aku bisa kembali kemasa lalu Menyambutmu hangat disisiku MEMBERIMU WAKTU DARI HATIKU !
Papers by Syefriani D A R N I S Djamaloeddin
Books by Syefriani D A R N I S Djamaloeddin