Papers by Swarup Chakrabarti

Compendium of plant genomes, 2017
The potato is an important crop in the world economy and has received a lot of attention with reg... more The potato is an important crop in the world economy and has received a lot of attention with regard to genetic improvement for different crop uses. Many varieties worldwide have been released for table purposes as well as for processing needs. The crop reproductive biology, its tetrasomic inheritance and asexual reproduction complicate the genetic enhancement and improvement of the crop. Many pests and diseases and changing market needs require more trait mining to search for donor lines to develop desirable plant types in the potato. The large species diversity and crop gene pool offer an advantage for the use of wild species in the crop improvement. Along with higher productivity, the focus nowadays is on improved nutritional quality characteristics. Potato varieties suited to sub-tropical and tropical climates with greater heat and drought tolerance are required. There is more and more demand for different type of potatoes suited to various needs of the consumers and markets. The recent genomics advances and availability of the potato genome sequence will provide new avenues to unravel and decipher the complex traits for enhanced productivity and improved quality.

The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important tropical root crop grown worldwide for food, f... more Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important tropical root crop grown worldwide for food, feed and industrial purposes. Harvested cassava roots quickly deteriorate and loose the shelf-life due to a phenomenon called postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD). PPD symptom starts within 24 hr after harvest, initially as blue black discolouration in the storage parenchyma and quickly spread to entire root. The roots become unfit for consumption within 2-3 days after the harvest in most cases. Identification of delayed PPD genotypes in cassava will help breed superior varieties tolerant to deterioration with long shelf-life. Low molecular weight phytochemicals produced during PPD are reported to have significant role in PPD development. We analyzed the biochemical changes associated to secondary metabolites in 61 cassava genotypes during storage and evaluated the relationship with PPD. PPD evaluation was done visually at specified intervals by taking transverse sections at 25, ...

The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Whitefly transmissible Gemini virus, Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus-potato (ToLCNDV-potato) cau... more Whitefly transmissible Gemini virus, Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus-potato (ToLCNDV-potato) causing potato apical leaf curl disease has been posing serious threat to both seed and ware potato production in northern India. Two sets of field and laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the incidence of Bemisia tabaci and ToLNDV-potato under sprayed and unsprayed conditions of nine most commonly cultivated potato varieties during two consecutive years. Besides, that varietal response to B. tabaci and ToLCNDV-potato was also evaluated. The whitefly population significantly varied on potato cultivars sprayed and unsprayed conditions. Minimum incidence of B. tabaci was recorded in Kufri Bahar (5.0/5 plant) and Kufri Khyati (7.0/ 5 plant) when crop was sprayed by three insecticide sprays. The maximum incidence of whitefly (15.33/5 plant) was recorded in Kufri Pukhraj followed by Kufri Chipsona-1 (15.0/5 plant) when crop remain unsprayed. The higher population of whitefly was recor...

The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
In India, more than 85% of the total potato production is realised from the subtropical Indo-Gang... more In India, more than 85% of the total potato production is realised from the subtropical Indo-Gangetic plains where potato is cultivated during winter. The cotton whitefly, B. tabaci is a major pest of potato as it transmits the Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (potato) causing the Apical leaf curl disease which leads to huge yield losses. The population dynamics of cotton whitefly was studied at 12 locations across the northern plains of India from 2015–17. It was observed that the cotton whitefly appears on potato immediately after crop emergence. The whitefly adults exhibited four different patterns of population dynamics at different locations. Whiteflies remained on the potato crop as long as minimum daily temperature was above 10–12ºC after which the whiteflies either disappeared from the crops or their flight activity was considerably reduced as indicted by the yellow sticky trap catch data. The whitefly incidence was higher at locations where potato is preceded by crops ...

The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
High yielding varieties and sound planting materials are prerequisites for sound seed potato prod... more High yielding varieties and sound planting materials are prerequisites for sound seed potato production. Low multiplication rate, high seed (tuber) rate, dynamic amassing of degenerative infections, perishability and massiveness are the inherent issues in seed potato production. This may result in non-accessibility/non-availability of sufficient amounts of value seeds at reasonable cost and seed cost alone reflects 40% which is half of the aggregate expenses of development in potato. To go around a portion of these issues, a few alterations, for example, tuber ordering for infection opportunity, seed increase stages and seed accreditation guidelines have been created and incorporated with regular potato seed generation programs. The advent of tissue culture, in which virus-free plants can be produced through meristem culture, maintained indefinitely under controlled conditions and multiplied in artificial media under sterile conditions in the laboratory throughout the year irrespect...

Genomic Designing of Climate-Smart Vegetable Crops, 2020
Potato is an important source of food globally. Potatoes are among the most widely grown crop pla... more Potato is an important source of food globally. Potatoes are among the most widely grown crop plants in the world, giving good yield under various soil and weather conditions. Yield losses of potato under current climate change keep increasing, despite the progressive increase in yield through breeding and management practices since the 1960s. Conventional breeding facilitated the development of highquality potato with enhanced tolerance to severe environmental fluctuations such as drought, flooding, heat, and salinity. However, conventional approaches need to be complemented with advanced techniques in order to meet the increasing demands of the growing world population. The advances in marker-assisted and genomicsassisted breeding, sequencing technologies, and phenomics tools have enabled the potato improvement at a faster pace. The genomic resources have enabled the development of molecular markers associated with many important quantitative trait loci. It has also provided a clear picture of genomic variations in potato germplasm, and identified key genes for genetic engineering including genome editing. This knowledge is being utilized to facilitate the development of climate-smart potato. In this chapter, we discuss and summarize the advances in potato improvement through conventional and genomics-assisted breeding, genetic engineering, and phenomics approaches. This information could facilitate the incorporation of climate-smart traits (biotic and abiotic stresses) in modern breeding for more stable potato production with the changing climate.

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2020
The production of healthy seed is very crucial to sustain the production and productivity of pota... more The production of healthy seed is very crucial to sustain the production and productivity of potato. Traditionally used conventional seed potato production system leads to lower multiplication rate, have bulkiness of seed tubers and encourages accumulation of tuber borne viruses, fungi and bacteria in subsequent seasons leading to significant losses in quality and tuber yield over seasons. Hi-tech seed production systems based on micro-propagation technologies improves the quality of breeder seed, enhance seed multiplication rate and reduce field exposure of seed crop. Under this system, there are three different type of seed production systems viz micropant, microtuber and aeroponic based. The major components of hi-tech seed production include development of healthy mother plants, followed by mass multiplication of healthy mericlones through in vitro micropropagation which is used for microtuber/aeroponic production, minituber production from microtubers/aeroponic tubers or directly from micro-plants under protected conditions (G-0) followed by two field multiplication for production of prebasic and basic seed potatoes. Growth (emergence, plant height, compound leaves and stems) and yield parameters (mean tuber weight and yield by number and weight) varied as per hi-tech planting materials viz microplant, microtuber and aeroponic tuber, crop husbandry, genetic background/cultivar and size of planting materials used for minituber production under in vivo (G-0) in different agro climatic systems.

Scientia Horticulturae, 2018
Twenty-four (24) microsatellite (SSR) markers of a new PGI kit were used to validate the genetic ... more Twenty-four (24) microsatellite (SSR) markers of a new PGI kit were used to validate the genetic diversity of the 77 Indian Andigena potato core collections. In SSR analysis, polymorphic information content (PIC), allelic richness per locus of microsatellite loci and cluster analysis showed the high diversity of core collection. In total, 214 SSR alleles were detected in the core collection, out of which 208 alleles were polymorphic with absolute frequencies between 2 to 58. The PIC values of SSR loci ranged from 0.61 to 0.90. SSR-based dendrogram revealed eight main groups (Clusters I to VIII) including 26 single accessions at Dice similarity coefficient value of 0.37. None of the accession showed full similarity with any other accession, except that the maximum similarity (0.83) was observed between the accessions JEX/A-316 and JEX/A-317. PCA revealed 47.31% variation in the first three components. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) analysis which resulted into maximum variation was due to within country origins and yield types. The genetic diversity of the core collection based on the microsatellite data appeared to have quite distinct genotypes that were formed by the morphagronomic traits. These findings not only demonstrate the diverse core collection but are also useful for selecting genetically distinct potato materials to widen the genetic background of the potato gene pool.

Defence Life Science Journal, 2017
An optimized methodology of Agrobacterium-mediated stable genetic transformation of potato (Solan... more An optimized methodology of Agrobacterium-mediated stable genetic transformation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) using the shoot organogenesis potential of internodal stem segments for increased resistance to bacterial plant pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum L. was developed. Improvised plant regeneration protocol for expression of antimicrobial β-defensin transgene and efficient selection of tissues in plant selectable marker, kanamycin sulphate was successfully utilized for transformation of potato. Stable integration and expression of antimicrobial peptide was observed in plant tissues and validated by associated molecular analysis by RT PCR, Southern hybridization, northern hybridization and western blotting of the infected tissues. The bacterial wilt disease progression was monitored in controlled greenhouse and Percent Disease Index (PDI) was measured by analysis of variance (ANOVA) that selected superior resistant plants. These transformed plants were able to contain the dis...
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2011
Abstract The popular cloning vector, pUC19, was modified into an in vitro transcription system, p... more Abstract The popular cloning vector, pUC19, was modified into an in vitro transcription system, pUC-IVT, by incorporation of T7 promoter sequence and appropriate restriction sites for cloning of gene of interest and generation of transcript. Strategy was also devised to ...
Indian Journal of …, 2006
Abstract: RAPD analysis was carried out to determine the genetic diversity of Pinus gerardiana in... more Abstract: RAPD analysis was carried out to determine the genetic diversity of Pinus gerardiana in Himachal Pradesh. Twenty-four genotypes of P. gerardiana growing at different locations in the distribution range of species were sampled randomly for analysis. ...

Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018
To combat pathogen infection, plants employ local defenses in infected sites and elicit systemic ... more To combat pathogen infection, plants employ local defenses in infected sites and elicit systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in distant tissues. MicroRNAs have been shown to play a significant role in local defense, but their association with SAR is unknown. In addition, no such studies of the interaction between potato and Phytophthora infestans have been reported. We investigated the role of miR160 in local and SAR responses to P. infestans infection in potato. Expression analysis revealed induced levels of miR160 in both local and systemic leaves of infected wild-type plants. miR160 overexpression and knockdown plants exhibited increased susceptibility to infection, suggesting that miR160 levels equivalent to those of wild-type plants may be necessary for mounting local defense responses. Additionally, miR160 knockdown lines failed to elicit SAR, and grafting assays indicated that miR160 is required in both local and systemic leaves to trigger SAR. Consistently, SAR-associated signals and genes were dysregulated in miR160 knockdown lines. Furthermore, analysis of the expression of defense and auxin pathway genes and direct regulation of StGH3.6, a mediator of salicylic acid-auxin cross-talk, by the miR160 target StARF10 revealed the involvement of miR160 in antagonistic cross-talk between salicylic acid-mediated defense and auxin-mediated growth pathways. Overall, our study demonstrates that miR160 plays a crucial role in local defense and SAR responses during the interaction between potato and P. infestans.
Euphytica, 2002
Twenty-four tetraploid Indian potato cultivars were characterized by using RAPD markers to assess... more Twenty-four tetraploid Indian potato cultivars were characterized by using RAPD markers to assess diversity within and between late blight resistant and susceptible cultivars. Sixty-four random decamer primers generated802 fragments, ranging in size from 60–3200 bp, with 96.4% fragment polymorphism. Shannon's index of diversity was used to quantify the degree of variability present within and between the variety types. Most of
Euphytica, 2001
Ancymidol was investigated as an alternative mediumsupplement to mannitol for slow-growth conserv... more Ancymidol was investigated as an alternative mediumsupplement to mannitol for slow-growth conservation ofpotato microplants in vitro. Differentconcentrations of ancymidol (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,35 and 40 µM) were tested in slow-growthmedia based on MS medium supplemented with either 30or 60 gl-1 sucrose. The cultures were conservedunder a 16-h photoperiod at two temperature regimesi.e. 24 ± 1 °C and
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2002
Alginate capsules containing anionic complex silverthiosulfate (STS) [Ag(S2O3)23-] were placed in... more Alginate capsules containing anionic complex silverthiosulfate (STS) [Ag(S2O3)23-] were placed in the culture tubes over minimal growth media for studying whether STS could be used at higher concentrations to sustain ethylene-inhibiting effect during conservation of microplants in six potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes in vitro. Different concentrations of STS (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mM) were incorporated into
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2017

International Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research, Jan 31, 2011
The aim of the present study is to develop a scheme for identification of Ralstonia solanacearum ... more The aim of the present study is to develop a scheme for identification of Ralstonia solanacearum with high specificity based on conserved genomic regions. Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) in R. solanacearum genome were searched using Tandem Repeat Finder software. A total of 189 and 74 STRs were found in chromosomal and megaplasmid DNA respectively. Sequence homology of these STRs analyzed using BLAST showed that out of total 273 STRs only nine were found unique for R. solanacearum. Correspondingly nine pairs of primers were synthesized for the flanking regions of these STRs. Sequence homology of these primer pairs carried using BLAST revealed that out of the nine pairs, one pair uniquely matched only at a single locus in the Ralstonia chromosomal DNA. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using templates from 44 different isolates of R. solanacearum yielding single sized amplicon ascertains the versatility and unambiguousness of the designed primers. The fact that the primer pair did not amplify the genomic DNA of 12 soil bacteria establishes the specificity to R. solanacearum. Thus the novel and specific primers designed for R.solanacearum would enable fast and definitive identification of the lethal pathogen. The designed primers would be of great importance for detection of R. solanacearum in seed tubers, soil and water streams thus helping in establishing preventive measures for checking pathogen spread. This would also allow facilitating epidemiological studies allowing better surveillance of this pathogen.
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2018
The present study was conducted at ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Regional Station Gwali... more The present study was conducted at ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Regional Station Gwalior during 2007-08 to 2016-17 for 10 years on micro-propagted material multiplied at the station to identify suitable tissue culture/ hi-tech based seed potato production systems using micro-plants, micro-tubers and mini-tubers and performance of seven popular cultivars viz Kufri Lauvkar, Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Surya, Kufri Bahar, Kufri Chipsona-1, Kufri Chipsona-3 and Kufri Sindhuri planted during 10 years under these three hi-tech systems for potato breeder seed production. Variation in performance among different varieties for establishment/emergence, mean tuber weight and seed multiplication rate (both by number and weight), percent

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2019
Eggplant is prone to attack by several pests including bacteria, fungi, nematodes and insects. In... more Eggplant is prone to attack by several pests including bacteria, fungi, nematodes and insects. In this study, we have analyzed phylotype of bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) infection in eggplant plants collected from Bhubaneswar (Orissa) in India. Bacterial wilt symptomatic five plant samples were collected from brinjal field in Bhubaneswar in 2016. The samples were macerated in sterile distilled water and grown on Kelman's triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TZC) agar media. Total genomic DNA of the bacterium were extracted and subjected to PCR amplification using the R. solanacearum specific universal primer pair 759/760. An expected single 280 bp fragment amplified in all the samples confirmed the identity of these as Ralstonia. To reconfirmed isolate of bacterium, the amplicon was sequenced in sequencer. In NCBI blast, the nucleotide sequence was 100% similar with Ralstonia solanacearum strain RS-lpxC-DOB-1 (AB910593) and the sequence was submitted in NCBI database under Acc. No. KY393266. To determined phylotype of strain used specific multiplex PCR with phylotype specific primers (Nmult: 21F1/2, Nmult: 22InF, Nmult: 23AF, Nmult: 22RR) revealed that all the five infected samples belonged to phylotype I as a 144-bp amplicon were observed in agarose gel. On the basis of above finding concluded that the bacterial wilt infected eggplant collected from Bhubaneswar was Ralostonia solanacearum, Phylotype I.
Papers by Swarup Chakrabarti