Papers by Svetlana Vuksanovic

Predmet ovog rada jeste analiza žargonizama u srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Ovo međujezičko kontr... more Predmet ovog rada jeste analiza žargonizama u srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Ovo međujezičko kontrastivno istraživanje imalo je za cilj da utvrdi formalnu i semantičku realizaciju pre- vodnih ekvivalenata žargonizama u jeziku cilju. Korpus čini 240 primjera žargonizama pronađenih u 6 filmova. U polaznom jeziku smo pronašli realizacije žargonizama na nivou morfeme, riječi, sintagmatske i prijedloško-padežne konstrukcije, te re- čenice. U okviru navedenih kategorija, klasifikovali smo i stati- stički obradili sve prevodne ekvivalente u jeziku cilju, krećući se od najmanje do najviše strukturne jedinice. Analiza seman- tičkog aspekta prevodnih ekvivalenata žargonizama nudi slje- deće kategorije: (i) žargonizam preveden žargonizmom, (ii) žargonizam preveden neutralnom riječju, (iii) djelimično pre- neseno značenje i (iv) nulta ekvivalencija. Analiza je pokazala da je preko 80% žargonizama u svim kategorijama prevedeno istom strukturnom jedinicom, što svjedoči o...
The paper discusses the specific methods of forming the direct speech in Dobrica Ćosić's nove... more The paper discusses the specific methods of forming the direct speech in Dobrica Ćosić's novel The Roots. In order to describe the speech diversity of the novel and to make the systematic survey of all the syntactic constructions with direct speech, the linguo-stylistic methods are employed. Although The Roots are primarily associated with internal monologue as a dominant form of narrative, the paper will show that the direct discourse plays an important role in Dobrica Ćosić's novel, with its own individual characteristics, due to the fact that the phenomenon of communication is based on dialogue, while the true nature of reported and reporting discourse is dialogical as well.

This paper is concerned with the semantic analysis of Еnglish loanwords at a lexeme level in comm... more This paper is concerned with the semantic analysis of Еnglish loanwords at a lexeme level in communication on facebook. This quantitative research was accomplished within the scope of contact linguistics and indirect borrowing with the aim of determining the degree of semantic adaptation of English loanwords in the receiving language. The results show that the majority of lexemes complete the process of integration at the level of primary adaptation (79.03%), owing to the time-consuming nature of secondary adaptation, which demands an integration of loanwords into the receiving language. Due to the fact that loanwords are borrowed in specific contexts and tend to transfer only one aspect of its original meaning into the receiving language, the semantic narrowing is the most frequently found mechanism of primary adaptation (82.44%). The majority of loanwords [170/202] are adapted by narrowing the number of original meanings. The prominence of meaning specification is illustrated by 7...

This paper is concerned with logical irregularities and stylistic devices as the sources of humou... more This paper is concerned with logical irregularities and stylistic devices as the sources of humour within the scope of verbal linguistic jokes at lexeme level. The comparative method was employed with the aim of obtaining the systematic survey of English and Serbian jokes in which logical irregularities and stylistic devices are the sources of humour. This interlingual contrastive study was accomplished by an arbitrary selection of written jokes derived from Serbo-Croatian and British or American English-speaking countries respectively. It is concluded that 84.61% of all subcategories are realised in both languages, of course, owing to the universal nature of these mechanisms itself. By means of this, the assumed universal nature of linguistic humour at the lexeme level when logical irregularities and stylistic devices are concerned is substantiated. Only 15,38% of subcategories are not found in one of the languages, precisely 2 out of 13 subcategories. Furthermore, these mechanisms...
Филолог – часопис за језик књижевност и културу

Predmet ovog rada jeste analiza žargonizama u srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Ovo međujezičko kontr... more Predmet ovog rada jeste analiza žargonizama u srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Ovo međujezičko kontrastivno istraživanje imalo je za cilj da utvrdi formalnu i semantičku realizaciju pre- vodnih ekvivalenata žargonizama u jeziku cilju. Korpus čini 240 primjera žargonizama pronađenih u 6 filmova. U polaznom jeziku smo pronašli realizacije žargonizama na nivou morfeme, riječi, sintagmatske i prijedloško-padežne konstrukcije, te re- čenice. U okviru navedenih kategorija, klasifikovali smo i stati- stički obradili sve prevodne ekvivalente u jeziku cilju, krećući se od najmanje do najviše strukturne jedinice. Analiza seman- tičkog aspekta prevodnih ekvivalenata žargonizama nudi slje- deće kategorije: (i) žargonizam preveden žargonizmom, (ii) žargonizam preveden neutralnom riječju, (iii) djelimično pre- neseno značenje i (iv) nulta ekvivalencija. Analiza je pokazala da je preko 80% žargonizama u svim kategorijama prevedeno istom strukturnom jedinicom, što svjedoči o...
Papers by Svetlana Vuksanovic