Papers by Svetlana Slapsak
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2007
... Spain was still strong. This basic narrative model corresponds in many elements to the Kosovo... more ... Spain was still strong. This basic narrative model corresponds in many elements to the Kosovo bat-tle narrative: The clash between Islam and Christianity, both rulers, Lazar and Murat, killed during the battle, the defeat of Serbs and the Turkish victory. ...

Genero, 2015
The article tries to establish a model of critical reading/deconstruction of the last twenty year... more The article tries to establish a model of critical reading/deconstruction of the last twenty years of academic dealing with the region and, its gender-related and other relevant consequences. The article will explain how (due to colonizing interpretations, imperial revival, wisdom of the colonized and unexpected alliances) the intellectual landscapes of the region have been shaken; as well as how, along with the social systems, their dissidence has been diminished leaving a huge empty space in knowledge production, cultural creativity, and state-of-the-art communication with humanities outside the region. At the same time, mobility and exchange have increased immensely, along with the skillful use of academic jargons, often lacking criteria. How can we address these paradoxes? Since it does not suffice to project them against the prevailing screen of nationalist narratives mixed with neo-liberal rhetoric, what we need is an analysis of inside problems of former dissident schools of thought. This will show how the old pitfalls and traps have accommodated new self-deceiving strategies. Forced oblivion and newly constructed memories have very much affected all areas, including gender studies, transforming them often into sites of power-games.

Institut za društvena istraživanja eBooks, 2010
Izvodi iz recenzija Cilj je knjige pokazati obrasce kulture koji se pripisuju raznim kategorijama... more Izvodi iz recenzija Cilj je knjige pokazati obrasce kulture koji se pripisuju raznim kategorijama Drugih, a posebno ženskom rodu, kao i da se pokaže pounutrenost identiteta čovjeka koji pripada Prvima ili Drugima, odnosno, prevedeno na jezik socijalne psihologije, kako oni/e sami/e sebe doživljavaju u skladu sa vlastitim internaliziranim društvenim ulogama. Sadržaj zbornika ne samo da ispunjava unaprijed postavljenu zadaću već je i daleko prevazilazi jer duboko ulazi u analizu i deskripciju obrazaca kulture i njihovih efekata te nudi obilje teorijske građe s kojom se kritički polemizira. Nada Ler-Sofronić Autori propituju, analiziraju i iz različitih uglova osvjetljavaju složeni odnos između drugosti i kulture, pri čemu se u fokus stavlja kategorija i figura žene, koja svojim metafizičkim, historijskim, društvenim i političkim alteritetom otjelotvoruje višestruku drugost, te je kao takva izvor trajnog "nespokoja" i "nelagode" u mišljenju, društvu i kulturi… O proturječnostima i paradoksima u promišljanjima kulture u društvu s početka 21. vijeka radovi govore ne samo sa suvremenih i aktualnih teorijskih pozicija, već i s izrazitom notom društvenog angažmana i stava.
This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Lignes, 1993
Distribution électronique pour Éditions Hazan. Distribution électronique po... more Distribution électronique pour Éditions Hazan. Distribution électronique pour Éditions Hazan. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur
A comparative history of literatures in European languages, 2004

Comparative Southeast European studies, Mar 1, 2011
This article presents a critical approach to academic research on Yugoslav nostalgia as well as o... more This article presents a critical approach to academic research on Yugoslav nostalgia as well as on popular culture related to such nostalgia. Its framework is the larger context of the history of Yugoslavia and the use of the term "Yugoslavia" in the cultures of the countries that were created from the previous Yugoslav federal units. The author points to inadequate compositions of new terms containing the word "nostalgia", to the lack of interdisciplinary approaches, and to epistemological flaws. These inadequacies might result from various sources-from a scholar's only ephemeral interest in the topic, from cultural colonialism, or from a certain "colonial wisdom" (understood as a readiness to offer adaptable and/or acceptable interpretations and to ignore local knowledge). The author detects little theoretical thinking in terms of models of interpretation in this thematic field and therefore proposes three new models of reflection and research-twin cultures, cultural intimacy, and ground truthing. The Rubik's cube serves as a visual metaphor of the ways ethnic politics have been planned and executed by international authorities and the ways in which they have been practiced by Yugoslav cultures. A different conceptualization of the problem is exemplified by two contemporary theatre productions in the region .
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Mar 31, 2021
Narodna umjetnost : hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Jun 9, 2003

Narodna umjetnost : hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Jun 9, 2003
Two male authors, in two different contexts, imagined their female protagonists: Kostas Tachtsis,... more Two male authors, in two different contexts, imagined their female protagonists: Kostas Tachtsis, a prolific Greek author and himself a homosexual, wrote a novel on a woman's endurance in the challenging and dangerous Greek political urban context over a period of some 50 years, under the title Third Wreath ("The Third Wedding Wreath", 1962); Serbian author Dragoslav Mihajlović, a former pro-soviet sympathizer and political prisoner on Goli Otok, at the halfway point to his present-day nationalism, wrote the novel Petria's Wreath (1975), in which a rural female protagonist is a suffering icon-beaten, ill, poor, abandoned, widowed, a metaphor for collective, people's suffering. In both cases, a feminine persona is supposed to deconstruct, construct, or destabilize the ruling/serving female prototype. In both inventions a shadow-male is inscribed into the proposed female model. In both cases, the female protagonist serves as a screen for criticism of the correspondent local male-dominant model. Both authors voice a kind of (male) de-centered gender position, or, put more simply, an endangered sexuality: a sexually instable voyeur, a homosexual, a traumatized/tortured former prisoner. Women's criticism of Balkan men's attitudes does not correspond fully with this: in women's writing men are usually accused of selfishness, inclination to war and violence, and power-struggle. The quest for a similar de-centered gender presentation could revive the debate on gender of the author, somehow lost in the late 70s.
SAGE Publications Ltd eBooks, 2001
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2010
Index on Censorship, Apr 1, 1993
Papers by Svetlana Slapsak