Books and Book Chapters by Susan Nash

Transformation in Teaching: Social Media Strategies in Higher Education, 2012
Not only have educators and trainers alike begun to harness the power of instructional technology... more Not only have educators and trainers alike begun to harness the power of instructional technology and human performance techniques, but now businesses and industries have incorporated these technologies for training development and performance improvement.
Second Life is a massive three dimensional online virtual world with a complex and realistic digital landscape where individuals create and author avatars that interact with one another. Recognizing the potential of this virtual reality, the applications of Second Life are being examined by the business and educational communities. The following chapter will provide readers with a better understanding of Second Life; the applications and implications of Second Life for teaching, learning, and professional development training; project examples; best practices; a model for the development of education and/ or training projects in Second Life; pitfalls and potential problems; how Second Life can offer a linkage between education, professional development training, and organizational development; and future directions for Second Life.
Papers by Susan Nash

Universal journal of engineering science, Dec 1, 2015
This paper presents the results of an analysis of the current state of shale play development in ... more This paper presents the results of an analysis of the current state of shale play development in the United States to determine the recent advances in the understanding of reservoir behaviors and the most effective uses of new techniques and technologies. It emphasizes reservoir optimization, and the application of new technologies and techniques to reduce costs and to improve recoverability of hydrocarbons to improve ultimate recoverable reserves. It specifically addresses issues of decline curves, stranded pay between laterals, stacked pay logistics, and pad drilling. In addition, the presentation looks at sweet spot optimization, effective investments, hydraulic fracturing, and geomechanics. In a low price environment, with extreme volatility, the paper also examines strategies employed by companies to preserve their assets and recoverable reserves, which include drilling but not completing and alternative stimulation strategies.
To guarantee a seat, pre-register on the HGS website & pre-pay by credit card. Pre-registration w... more To guarantee a seat, pre-register on the HGS website & pre-pay by credit card. Pre-registration without payment will not be accepted. Walk-ups may pay at the door if extra seats are available.
... 35. Creators: Ackerman, Al Adams, John Andryczuk, Hartmut de Araujo, Avelino Argraves, Hugh O... more ... 35. Creators: Ackerman, Al Adams, John Andryczuk, Hartmut de Araujo, Avelino Argraves, Hugh Oliver Arrieta, Marcia baba, a. Barker, Jim Beining, Guy R. Bennett, Also Bennett, Ben Bennett, John M. Berry, Jake Blanchard, Enrique Bontemps, Gabriel Braumuller, Hans Burns ...
Search Knowledge Bank. Advanced Search. Home. About the Knowledge Bank Go. Browse. Communities & ... more Search Knowledge Bank. Advanced Search. Home. About the Knowledge Bank Go. Browse. Communities & Collections. Issue Date. Author. Title. Subject. ...
Search Knowledge Bank. Advanced Search. Home. About the Knowledge Bank Go. Browse. Communities & ... more Search Knowledge Bank. Advanced Search. Home. About the Knowledge Bank Go. Browse. Communities & Collections. Issue Date. Author. Title. Subject. ...

Journal of education, society and behavioural science, Nov 22, 2021
The tremendously disruptive global pandemic of COVID-19 has had a destabilizing effect on individ... more The tremendously disruptive global pandemic of COVID-19 has had a destabilizing effect on individuals and groups as it triggered a profound uncertainty about the ability of nations, organizations, and individuals to survive. Under such conditions, decision-making was affected in a number of ways which has a profound implication for leaders and policymakers. This paper presents new theoretical lenses that incorporate literary and cultural narratives to consider the various potential classifications of COVID-19 as a "Black Swan" or "Dragon King" event, and how the disruption has precipitated psychological distress. Further, the paper discusses the notion that Dragon King extreme events may be precursors to catastrophic transition. In this analysis, we look at concepts such as R. D. Laing's The Divided Self, and the psychological concept of ontological insecurity. While the concept is a psychological one, it has been applied to the analysis of literature, with very illuminating results. Likewise, the concept could be applied to the factors going into thinking about reality, one's relationships with others, and then, decision-making. When combined with techniques to develop self-awareness, such as the Johari window, even more insight is achievable. The overall purpose of the paper is to analyze the relatively hidden or unacknowledged literary narratives that constitute driving mechanisms in decision-making in psychological and ontologically destabilizing Black Swan and Dragon King events.

Acta Geologica Sinica-english Edition, May 1, 2019
We are faced with more challenges than ever with respect to the amount, variety, and sheer volume... more We are faced with more challenges than ever with respect to the amount, variety, and sheer volume of earth data. Not only do we have data of many different ages and origins, we also have a wide variety of data, much of which has just been recently digitized, or is in a format that can cannot easily be integrated into algorithms, georeferenced data, or other areas. This paper addresses how to use current approaches to Big Data and machine learning to overcome the emerging challenges of integrating and utilizing repositories of earth data. In addition to discussing acquisition issues, the paper also examines challenges of "dirty" data and how to use artificial intelligence for solving the problem. It also includes recommendations with respect to defining clear missions in order to efficiently focus the analytical approaches, and to coordinate Big Data organization and analysis of the data, and then the algorithms for machine learning (recognition and pattern identification) and deep learning (predictive). The paper takes a close look at the challenges and potential machine learning solutions for different ages of earth data as well. In general, semi-supervised learning will use information that does not already have labels (due to the cost involved in going back and adding labels to historical or recent data). Reinforcement is perhaps the most useful for classification purposes, and the most commonly used algorithms are Q-Learning, Temporal Difference (TD), and Deep Adversarial Networks. Supervised Learning is used when there is a clear example or paradigm, such as in the case of lithology identification. Analyses will use the input data (the training data) within a training process. The most common problems with earth data include classification and regression. Relatively straightforward rule-based machine learning processes can include Logistic Regression and Back Propagation Neural Networks. Unsupervised Learning is used when the goal is to discover previously unrecognized patterns, trends, or identities. The algorithms are used to systematically reduce redundancy and/or to organize the data in order to cluster similar sets. Unsupervised Learning takes advantage of k-Means, k-nearest neighbor algorithms, and stochastic neighbor embedding. Semi-Supervised Learning can be employed when there is a combination of labeled and unlabeled training data. Semisupervised is useful in the case of classification, especially where precision is desired. Multivariate statistics will include kernel principal component analysis (PCA).
Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science
This paper proposes solutions and next steps toward developing a balanced approach that strategic... more This paper proposes solutions and next steps toward developing a balanced approach that strategically leverages existing infrastructure for a diversified economy and sustainable growth for resource-based economies. It includes expanding financing opportunities in these countries with a combination of infrastructure policies and energy technologies and capturing the opportunities using supply chain technologies. The goals are to avoid both “debt traps” and “Dutch Disease” by leveraging existing infrastructure within a plan that incorporates supply chain management the prudent use of available financing and strategic partnership, such as China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
The growing popularity of mobile devices, coupled with the ever-increasing number of highquality ... more The growing popularity of mobile devices, coupled with the ever-increasing number of highquality e-books available for free download is causing a re-examination of core curriculum and instructional philosophies. Perhaps the most -making "great books" programs available and accessible -newly interesting, despite misgivings and political correctness of the last few decades. Distance learning via mobile devices, which incorporate some of the techniques of television and film, has made the classics of literature available and allowed people to have access to classics at a very low cost. At the same time, it has re-animated debates about the nature of study of comparative literature in a globalized world.

Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning
This paper evaluates current practices in the use of learning objects in online courses, reviews ... more This paper evaluates current practices in the use of learning objects in online courses, reviews best practices, and suggests new approaches that incorporate learning theory. In doing so, the paper also explores the relationship between the use of learning objects and learning theory. The analysis and observations are based on surveys of existing approaches, best practices, and handson experience. Placing the use of learning objects within the context of constructivist epistemologies is seen as pivotal to understanding how to effectively use them within online courses. In addition, it responds to the challenge of the eclectic epistemology that confronts the instructional designer, the e-learner, and the facilitator, and it provides a method for using learning objects to overcome ambiguity and barriers to student persistence in a distance learning setting. The paper discusses how to apply motivation theories to the use of learning objects and how doing so can help learners achieve outcome goals. Further, the paper addresses learner needs and limitations and discusses how learning objects can be deployed in a way that maximizes accommodation and flexibility. It discusses cases of successful and unsuccessful uses of learning objects in online learning, and proposes guidelines for best practices.
The Review of Contemporary Fiction, Sep 22, 2002
The Review of Contemporary Fiction, Jun 22, 2003
This paper discusses e-learning for geoscientists in a rapidly changing world, and describes the ... more This paper discusses e-learning for geoscientists in a rapidly changing world, and describes the types of web-based distance learning that can be most effective and affordable for individuals in diverse, distributed workplaces. In addition to formal learning settings, the paper discusses the aspects of informal learning that can be employed by geoscientists, and instructional design that aligns with multiple learning styles, generational characteristics, and learning goals and objectives.

Scholars and educators concerned with the work of Michel Foucault should approach James Miller's ... more Scholars and educators concerned with the work of Michel Foucault should approach James Miller's biography "The Passion of Michel Foucault" with a fair degree of skepticism because the author's motives for writing the book call into question his findings. According to Miller's own preface, he enters his project with his agenda already spelled out. He intends to read Foucault's life work, which covers the history of ideas, knowledge, and institutions, as if his oeuvre comprised one enormous "roman a clef," and contained the confession and self-revelation that Foucault so assiduously avoided during his life. Miller weaves the fragments of Foucault's texts into a biographical narrative of such seamlessness that readers may be unaware of what is happening and how their views are being manipulated. In many ways, Miller has followed a strategy he ascribes to Foucault-he has obscured or camouflaged his controversial agenda by bulwarking it in brilliantly thorough traditional scholarship. His approach is traditional in that he believes there is a causal link between a person's life and writing. He holds that the formative events of Foucault's childhood and adolescence in post-WWII Poitiers, France, shaped his personality and world view in a way that corresponds with psychoanalytic paradigms. Unfortunately, this may lead Miller to look for precipitating causes * * *
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2004
While technology has for many years been a critical component in programs for adults and calls to... more While technology has for many years been a critical component in programs for adults and calls to mind sophisticated gadgetry with expensive price tags, it is often the nexus where technology and humans intersect that proves most critical to the success and quality of adult degree programs.
The Explicator, 1992
Poetry is the subject of the poem. From this the poem issues and To this returns. (43-45)&#x2... more Poetry is the subject of the poem. From this the poem issues and To this returns. (43-45)' As a poet working to validate the fictive reality of language in his poems, it comes as no surprise that he would deem Poetry2 the underlying and ever-lasting subject of the poem. This is not ...
... of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2007007736 With THOMAS BOOKS careful attention is given to a... more ... of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2007007736 With THOMAS BOOKS careful attention is given to all details of manufacturing and design. ... And they must be given opportunities to test their knowledge through classroom or online applications or presentations in order to make ...

Proceedings of the 2006 InSITE Conference
Delivering course content via portable/mobile audio players can be a part of an effective selfreg... more Delivering course content via portable/mobile audio players can be a part of an effective selfregulatory strategy that also accommodates multiple learning styles while overcoming intrusive thoughts and the anxiety that accompanies them. As a result, academic performance can improve, while increasing self-concept and self-efficacy. Preliminary results of a literature search tracing the impact of intrusive thoughts on performance and a survey of students in extreme conditions where intrusive thoughts are common, suggest that audio downloaded via podcast and played on mobile players can be an effective strategy for combating intrusive thoughts. The combination of surveys and published research also suggested that further studies are warranted in order to explore the most appropriate podcast-based solution to numerous varieties of negative cognitive and emotional responses.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning …, 2005
This paper evaluates current practices in the use of learning objects in online courses, reviews ... more This paper evaluates current practices in the use of learning objects in online courses, reviews best practices, and suggests new approaches that incorporate learning theory. In doing so, the paper also explores the relationship between the use of learning objects and learning theory. The analysis and observations are based on surveys of existing approaches, best practices, and handson experience. Placing the use of learning objects within the context of constructivist epistemologies is seen as pivotal to understanding how to effectively use them within online courses. In addition, it responds to the challenge of the eclectic epistemology that confronts the instructional designer, the e-learner, and the facilitator, and it provides a method for using learning objects to overcome ambiguity and barriers to student persistence in a distance learning setting. The paper discusses how to apply motivation theories to the use of learning objects and how doing so can help learners achieve outcome goals. Further, the paper addresses learner needs and limitations and discusses how learning objects can be deployed in a way that maximizes accommodation and flexibility. It discusses cases of successful and unsuccessful uses of learning objects in online learning, and proposes guidelines for best practices.
Books and Book Chapters by Susan Nash
Second Life is a massive three dimensional online virtual world with a complex and realistic digital landscape where individuals create and author avatars that interact with one another. Recognizing the potential of this virtual reality, the applications of Second Life are being examined by the business and educational communities. The following chapter will provide readers with a better understanding of Second Life; the applications and implications of Second Life for teaching, learning, and professional development training; project examples; best practices; a model for the development of education and/ or training projects in Second Life; pitfalls and potential problems; how Second Life can offer a linkage between education, professional development training, and organizational development; and future directions for Second Life.
Papers by Susan Nash
Second Life is a massive three dimensional online virtual world with a complex and realistic digital landscape where individuals create and author avatars that interact with one another. Recognizing the potential of this virtual reality, the applications of Second Life are being examined by the business and educational communities. The following chapter will provide readers with a better understanding of Second Life; the applications and implications of Second Life for teaching, learning, and professional development training; project examples; best practices; a model for the development of education and/ or training projects in Second Life; pitfalls and potential problems; how Second Life can offer a linkage between education, professional development training, and organizational development; and future directions for Second Life.