In the present study, the effect of addition of dried thyme at 1, 2, 3 and 4% in wheat flour was ... more In the present study, the effect of addition of dried thyme at 1, 2, 3 and 4% in wheat flour was examined to prepare functional bread. Addition of thyme significantly increased the water absorption rate and mixing tolerance index of flour. However, dough stability was decreased as the level of supplementation of thyme increased in the flour. Therefore, little modifications were done in baking procedure to prepare thyme bread. Presence of thyme in the formulation had a negative impact on the specific volume of bread. From sensory point of view, 2% level of thyme in the bread was selected as best. Thyme bread was high in total phenolic content and radical scavenging activity. Altogether, our findings indicate that thyme could be added as a functional ingredient in the bakery products.
Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Duru... more Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Durum wheat. Percent retention of flour obtained by grinding with laboratory stone grinder (Chakki) was more for PDW 291 than that of PBW 175 and percent of passing of flour through sieve was more for PBW 175 as compared to PDW 291. Chapatti quality of flour of durum wheat obtained by grinding with Magnum mill was excellent in quality and comparable with chapatti quality of bread wheat on the basis of laboratory test and sensory evaluation. It was concluded that fresh chapatti of durum wheat (PDW 291) is as good as that of bread wheat (PBW 175) and even after 6 hrs of storage it is very soft, tastier and appealing to the palate. So that durum wheat needs different grinding methods than that bread wheat for excellent quality of chapatti making.
International journal of research in engineering and technology, Oct 25, 2013
The objective of this work was to obtain and evaluate the nutritional and functional properties o... more The objective of this work was to obtain and evaluate the nutritional and functional properties of texturized defatted flaxseed meal rich in protein. The flaxseed was defatted, grinded, and sieved to eliminate hull fiber. The independent variables used were 14 to 20 per cent feed moisture; 300 to 500 rpm screw speed and 120 to 180 0 C barrel temperature. The texturized flaxseed defatted meal contained 2.61per cent moisture, 2.707 per cent fat, 38.24 per cent protein and 12.24 per cent fiber. During texturization two important reactions (protein denaturation and starch gelatinization) in dough can affect viscosity. Functional properties as indicated by this study, texturized defatted flaxseed meal may be recommended for use as an ingredient in products such as noodles, cookies, extruded snacks, meat batters, hamburgers, and ice cream.
Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 2020
Present study was focused on development of muffins from germinated and ungerminated flaxseed mea... more Present study was focused on development of muffins from germinated and ungerminated flaxseed meal which is used as dietary supplement due to its functional and nutritional benefits on human health. Germination of flaxseed enhanced its health benefits. Different combinations were made by adding of ungerminated and germinated flaxseed meal in wheat flour and atta. It showed increase in the dough development time and water absorption for both ungerminated and germinated flaxseed meal. Wheat flour and wheat atta muffins were prepared after addition of flaxseed meal at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% levels. With increased levels of flaxseed, there was improvement in specific volume of muffins and texture. The 15% for ungerminated and 10% for germinated flaxseed meal were selected as best level on the basis of organoleptic scores and textural properties. Prepared muffins were packed in LLDPE and stored under room and refrigerated conditions for 1 month to assess the shelf life from the best levels. Muffins stored well for 15 days under ambient conditions and for 1 month under refrigerated conditions.
International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 2015
The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-50... more The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-500 rpm), and barrel temperature (120-180 degreesC) on the functional properties (water absorption index (WAI), and water solubility index (WSI), fat absorption capacity (FAC) and foaming capacity) and sensory properties (color, appearance, flavor, overall acceptability and textural characteristics) of an expanded sunflower snack was investigated. Extruded snacks were prepared by substituting maize flour with developed texturized flour of sunflower at 0-40% levels. Protein content increased to 13.83% in snacks prepared with 10% texturized sunflower meal as compared to the control i.e., 7.55%. Fibre content increased while protein digestibility improved with increased level of incorporation of texturized defatted sunflower flour in extruded snacks making. Increasing feed moisture content results in extrudates with lower expansion, lower WAI, higher WSI, higher hardness and lower sensory acceptability. Increasing screw speed caused slight reduction of density and hardness of sunflower extrudate. Feed moisture had positive while screw speed and barrel temperature had negative influence on WAI. Negative coefficient of linear terms of moisture and screw speed indicated that WSI decreased with increase in these variables. Higher moisture content in extrusion process could diminish protein denaturation which lowered WSI values.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Nov 10, 2017
Bakery is the third largest among Food Industries. The increase in the growth rate is due to sett... more Bakery is the third largest among Food Industries. The increase in the growth rate is due to setting of more automatic plants, increased availability of raw materials of consistent quality, adoption newer bakery products and reduction of product cost. Research work has been carried out on improvement in quality of raw materials, use of additives to improve quality but work on extension of shelf life of bread is lacking.
African Journal of Biochemistry Research, Sep 30, 2014
Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparati... more Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins. Physico-chemical properties of bakery shortening and rice bran oil were studied. Rice bran oil was found to have a higher content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid (34.98%) as compared to that of bakery shortening (5.14%). Chemical composition of wheat flour used was also studied. Muffin samples were prepared by replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Muffins were examined for quality that is weight, volume and specific volume and organoleptic quality that is appearance, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability on a 9 point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis revealed that muffin making and organoleptic quality of muffins prepared after replacing rice bran oil at the 50% level or greater varied significantly which is desirable from that of control. Statistically significant variations were observed in the texture of muffins prepared with shortening alone from that prepared after replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 50% level.
PurposeThe present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally c... more PurposeThe present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally carbonated fermented paneer whey beverage by incorporating pineapple and strawberry fruit juice and to check their suitability in the beverage by evaluating the organoleptic characteristics and shelf life of product.Design/methodology/approachBeverage was inoculated with yeast cultureClavispora lucitaniaeat 0.5 per cent v/v and fermented at 35 ± 1°C for 36 h aerobically. Standardization of total soluble solids (TSS) (16, 15, 14, 13 and 12oBrix) and juice concentration (15, 20, 25 and 30 per cent) of beverage was done on the basis of organoleptic evaluation, and the beverage with TSS 12oB and 30 per cent juice was selected best for further storage study. Two types of beverages were prepared: paneer whey beverage blended with pineapple juice and paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice, and were stored at refrigerated (4 ± 1oC) and ambient (25 ± 5oC) conditions. Effect of storage on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory attributes were studied periodically after every 15 days for 90 days of storage period.FindingsThere was significant decrease in brix:acid ratio (p= 0.0008) from 12.0 to 9.3, total sugar (p= 0.017) from 10.8 to 6.8, ascorbic acid (p= 0.002) from 17.8 to 9.3 mg/100 mL and lactose (p= 0.037) from 3.1 to 0.6 per cent content over 90 days of ambient storage period. Total yeast count increased during the initial stages of fermentation and started declining after 60 days of storage. The alcohol production started after 15 days and reached 0.7 per cent after 90 days for paneer whey beverages blended with strawberry juice. The more variations were found in the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of the beverage at ambient storage than refrigeration storage. Highest score for color, flavor, mouthfeel and overall acceptability was found on third days, which decreased further during the storage. The comparative study of the paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice stored at ambient and refrigeration temperature showed that maximum decrease was found for score of appearance/color, flavor, mouthfeel and overall acceptability at ambient temperature as compared to refrigeration temperature. Beverage stored at refrigeration temperature was found more acceptable than the beverage which was stored at ambient temperature irrespective of all types of beverages.Originality/valueThe refrigerated beverage was found more acceptable up to 90 days, whereas beverage stored under ambient conditions was found acceptable up to 60 days. The products so obtained had naturally produced CO2, and little alcohol content added effervescence, sparkle, tangy taste and flavoring characteristics.
Journal of Food Science and Technology, Jan 22, 2014
The polyols namely glycerol, sorbitol and mannitol were incorporated at 2, 4 and 6 % level in flo... more The polyols namely glycerol, sorbitol and mannitol were incorporated at 2, 4 and 6 % level in flour for bread making and their effect on textural properties, bread making quality and sensory acceptability of bread was studied. The effect of incorporation revealed the increased bake absorption, bread weight and decreased specific volume. The overall acceptability scores were maximum for bread prepared with glycerol at 2 % level, followed by sorbitol at 4 % level and mannitol at 4 % level. During storage of packed bread, moisture content and water activity were higher for bread prepared from polyols as compared to control and it was observed that moisture content was higher in bread packed in Polypropylene. Formation of free fatty acid content (% oleic acid) was observed to be higher in the breads stored at ambient condition and packed in Low density polyethylene packaging material. The overall acceptability of bread decreased with the increased storage period.
International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 2017
This study was conducted to evaluate the quality and shelf-life of chicken meat cutlets by incorp... more This study was conducted to evaluate the quality and shelf-life of chicken meat cutlets by incorporating functional ingredients like carrots and oats at optimized levels carrots (0, 5, 10, 15, 20% levels) and oats (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5% levels) in the products for their optimization in the formulation of chicken meat cutlets. On the basis of sensory evaluation, best levels of carrots (10%) and oats (5%) were incorporated in the chicken meat cutlets and stored under frozen conditions (-20± 2oC) for two months after packaging in coextruded plastic film (conventional and vacuum packs) packs to evaluate shelf-life of the product. It was observed that functional chicken meat cutlets (carrots and oats) chicken meat cutlets had significantly (p≤0.05) higher moisture, cooking yield, color (L, a, b values) sensory attributes and lower ash, fat, protein, free fatty acids, peroxide values, lower shrinkage, shear force, pH and total viable count in comparison to control chicken meat cutlets. The chicken meat cutlets containing functional ingredients had significantly (p≤0.05) higher acceptability than control chicken meat cutlets. Vacuum packed chicken meat cutlets had significantly (p≤0.05) higher moisture, lower free fatty acid content, lower peroxide value and higher overall acceptability than conventionally packed chicken meat cutlets at the end of two months of frozen storage period (-20± 2oC).
Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparati... more Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins. Physico-chemical properties of bakery shortening and rice bran oil were studied. Rice bran oil was found to have a higher content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid (34.98%) as compared to that of bakery shortening (5.14%). Chemical composition of wheat flour used was also studied. Muffin samples were prepared by replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Muffins were examined for quality that is weight, volume and specific volume and organoleptic quality that is appearance, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability on a 9 point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis revealed that muffin making and organoleptic quality of muffins prepared after replacing rice bran oil at the 50% level or greater varied significantly which is desirable from that of control. Statistically significant variations were observed in the texture of muffins prepared with shortening alone from that prepared after replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 50% level.
Purpose – The purpose of the present study was to plan with the objectives to optimize and find o... more Purpose – The purpose of the present study was to plan with the objectives to optimize and find out the best level of texturized protein from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed on the basis of quality and overall acceptability of the cookies. Design/methodology/approach – Defatted meal from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed was texturized using extruder. Texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed was blended at 10, 20, 30 and 40 per cent levels with wheat flour for making cookies using standard procedure. Findings – Functional properties such as water absorption index, foaming capacity and protein digestibility were increased, while water solubility index and fat absorption capacity decreased with increased levels of texturized defatted meal in wheat flour. Spread ratio, sensory, colour and overall acceptability of cookies were negatively affected when level of texturized flour increased as compared with the control. The force required for breaking cookies decreased with increased level of texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed incorporation. Cookies with 10 per cent texturized sunflower, soybean and flaxseed flour received the highest sensory scores. The result showed that texturized defatted meals serve as good substitute to wheat flour with increased protein content in cookies production and utilization. Originality/value – The study demonstrated that deoiled cake, a byproduct obtained from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed oil industry, offers great potential for supplementation of proteins in food products.
The experiments were carried out to study the kinetics of mentha oil extraction from mentha leave... more The experiments were carried out to study the kinetics of mentha oil extraction from mentha leaves (Mentha arvensis L.) and the quality analysis was carried out for the oil extracted. The oil was extracted from mentha leaves at three different moisture contents of 74.30 per cent (fresh leaves), 42.30 per cent (shade dried) and 19.35 per cent (sun dried) using hydro distillation method. Various physicochemical tests were carried out on the oil extracted. The results revealed that the hydro distillation process took more time for oil extraction and oil recovery was less. Various physicochemical properties such as acid value, refractive index, specific gravity, saponification values and solubility in water did not show significant variations with respect to oil extracted by differently pretreated mentha leaves.
Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences, 2020
The rice varieties namely PR-115, PR-118 and Punjab Mehak were subjected to three different treat... more The rice varieties namely PR-115, PR-118 and Punjab Mehak were subjected to three different treatments to improve physicochemical qualities of brown rice. Paddy milled to brown rice and then stored at room temperature in four different types of packaging materials. Brown rice was assessed periodically for changes in physicochemical characteristics. Milling quality improved with treatments. Moisture content, thousand kernel weight, bulk density and L/B ratio differ significantly for treatments and storage period. Protein, ash and fat content remain constant throughout the storage period. Color, appearance and amylose content improved with treatments yielding better quality brown rice. Storage resulted in lowering the levels of free fatty acids and peroxide value with treatments. Hot water treatment followed by steaming for 15 min was found to be best among all other treatments. Punjab Mehak gave best response to treatments and hence retained better functional properties upon storage....
Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Duru... more Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Durum wheat. Percent retention of flour obtained by grinding with laboratory stone grinder (Chakki) was more for PDW 291 than that of PBW 175 and percent of passing of flour through sieve was more for PBW 175 as compared to PDW 291. Chapatti quality of flour of durum wheat obtained by grinding with Magnum mill was excellent in quality and comparable with chapatti quality of bread wheat on the basis of laboratory test and sensory evaluation. It was concluded that fresh chapatti of durum wheat (PDW 291) is as good as that of bread wheat (PBW 175) and even after 6 hrs of storage it is very soft, tastier and appealing to the palate. So that durum wheat needs different grinding methods than that bread wheat for excellent quality of chapatti making.
Purpose The present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally ... more Purpose The present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally carbonated fermented paneer whey beverage by incorporating pineapple and strawberry fruit juice and to check their suitability in the beverage by evaluating the organoleptic characteristics and shelf life of product. Design/methodology/approach Beverage was inoculated with yeast culture Clavispora lucitaniae at 0.5 per cent v/v and fermented at 35 ± 1°C for 36 h aerobically. Standardization of total soluble solids (TSS) (16, 15, 14, 13 and 12oBrix) and juice concentration (15, 20, 25 and 30 per cent) of beverage was done on the basis of organoleptic evaluation, and the beverage with TSS 12oB and 30 per cent juice was selected best for further storage study. Two types of beverages were prepared: paneer whey beverage blended with pineapple juice and paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice, and were stored at refrigerated (4 ± 1oC) and ambient (25 ± 5oC) conditions. Effect of sto...
International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 2015
The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-50... more The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-500 rpm), and barrel temperature (120-180 degreesC) on the functional properties (water absorption index (WAI), and water solubility index (WSI), fat absorption capacity (FAC) and foaming capacity) and sensory properties (color, appearance, flavor, overall acceptability and textural characteristics) of an expanded sunflower snack was investigated. Extruded snacks were prepared by substituting maize flour with developed texturized flour of sunflower at 0-40% levels. Protein content increased to 13.83% in snacks prepared with 10% texturized sunflower meal as compared to the control i.e., 7.55%. Fibre content increased while protein digestibility improved with increased level of incorporation of texturized defatted sunflower flour in extruded snacks making. Increasing feed moisture content results in extrudates with lower expansion, lower WAI, higher WSI, higher hardness and lower sensory acceptability. Increasing screw speed caused slight reduction of density and hardness of sunflower extrudate. Feed moisture had positive while screw speed and barrel temperature had negative influence on WAI. Negative coefficient of linear terms of moisture and screw speed indicated that WSI decreased with increase in these variables. Higher moisture content in extrusion process could diminish protein denaturation which lowered WSI values.
Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparati... more Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins. Physico-chemical properties of bakery shortening and rice bran oil were studied. Rice bran oil was found to have a higher content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid (34.98%) as compared to that of bakery shortening (5.14%). Chemical composition of wheat flour used was also studied. Muffin samples were prepared by replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Muffins were examined for quality that is weight, volume and specific volume and organoleptic quality that is appearance, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability on a 9 point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis revealed that muffin making and organoleptic quality of muffins prepared after replacing rice bran oil at the 50% level or greater varied significantly which is desirable from that of control. Statistically significant variations were observed in the texture of muffins prepared with shortening alone from that prepared after replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 50% level.
In the present study, the effect of addition of dried thyme at 1, 2, 3 and 4% in wheat flour was ... more In the present study, the effect of addition of dried thyme at 1, 2, 3 and 4% in wheat flour was examined to prepare functional bread. Addition of thyme significantly increased the water absorption rate and mixing tolerance index of flour. However, dough stability was decreased as the level of supplementation of thyme increased in the flour. Therefore, little modifications were done in baking procedure to prepare thyme bread. Presence of thyme in the formulation had a negative impact on the specific volume of bread. From sensory point of view, 2% level of thyme in the bread was selected as best. Thyme bread was high in total phenolic content and radical scavenging activity. Altogether, our findings indicate that thyme could be added as a functional ingredient in the bakery products.
Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Duru... more Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Durum wheat. Percent retention of flour obtained by grinding with laboratory stone grinder (Chakki) was more for PDW 291 than that of PBW 175 and percent of passing of flour through sieve was more for PBW 175 as compared to PDW 291. Chapatti quality of flour of durum wheat obtained by grinding with Magnum mill was excellent in quality and comparable with chapatti quality of bread wheat on the basis of laboratory test and sensory evaluation. It was concluded that fresh chapatti of durum wheat (PDW 291) is as good as that of bread wheat (PBW 175) and even after 6 hrs of storage it is very soft, tastier and appealing to the palate. So that durum wheat needs different grinding methods than that bread wheat for excellent quality of chapatti making.
International journal of research in engineering and technology, Oct 25, 2013
The objective of this work was to obtain and evaluate the nutritional and functional properties o... more The objective of this work was to obtain and evaluate the nutritional and functional properties of texturized defatted flaxseed meal rich in protein. The flaxseed was defatted, grinded, and sieved to eliminate hull fiber. The independent variables used were 14 to 20 per cent feed moisture; 300 to 500 rpm screw speed and 120 to 180 0 C barrel temperature. The texturized flaxseed defatted meal contained 2.61per cent moisture, 2.707 per cent fat, 38.24 per cent protein and 12.24 per cent fiber. During texturization two important reactions (protein denaturation and starch gelatinization) in dough can affect viscosity. Functional properties as indicated by this study, texturized defatted flaxseed meal may be recommended for use as an ingredient in products such as noodles, cookies, extruded snacks, meat batters, hamburgers, and ice cream.
Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 2020
Present study was focused on development of muffins from germinated and ungerminated flaxseed mea... more Present study was focused on development of muffins from germinated and ungerminated flaxseed meal which is used as dietary supplement due to its functional and nutritional benefits on human health. Germination of flaxseed enhanced its health benefits. Different combinations were made by adding of ungerminated and germinated flaxseed meal in wheat flour and atta. It showed increase in the dough development time and water absorption for both ungerminated and germinated flaxseed meal. Wheat flour and wheat atta muffins were prepared after addition of flaxseed meal at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% levels. With increased levels of flaxseed, there was improvement in specific volume of muffins and texture. The 15% for ungerminated and 10% for germinated flaxseed meal were selected as best level on the basis of organoleptic scores and textural properties. Prepared muffins were packed in LLDPE and stored under room and refrigerated conditions for 1 month to assess the shelf life from the best levels. Muffins stored well for 15 days under ambient conditions and for 1 month under refrigerated conditions.
International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 2015
The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-50... more The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-500 rpm), and barrel temperature (120-180 degreesC) on the functional properties (water absorption index (WAI), and water solubility index (WSI), fat absorption capacity (FAC) and foaming capacity) and sensory properties (color, appearance, flavor, overall acceptability and textural characteristics) of an expanded sunflower snack was investigated. Extruded snacks were prepared by substituting maize flour with developed texturized flour of sunflower at 0-40% levels. Protein content increased to 13.83% in snacks prepared with 10% texturized sunflower meal as compared to the control i.e., 7.55%. Fibre content increased while protein digestibility improved with increased level of incorporation of texturized defatted sunflower flour in extruded snacks making. Increasing feed moisture content results in extrudates with lower expansion, lower WAI, higher WSI, higher hardness and lower sensory acceptability. Increasing screw speed caused slight reduction of density and hardness of sunflower extrudate. Feed moisture had positive while screw speed and barrel temperature had negative influence on WAI. Negative coefficient of linear terms of moisture and screw speed indicated that WSI decreased with increase in these variables. Higher moisture content in extrusion process could diminish protein denaturation which lowered WSI values.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Nov 10, 2017
Bakery is the third largest among Food Industries. The increase in the growth rate is due to sett... more Bakery is the third largest among Food Industries. The increase in the growth rate is due to setting of more automatic plants, increased availability of raw materials of consistent quality, adoption newer bakery products and reduction of product cost. Research work has been carried out on improvement in quality of raw materials, use of additives to improve quality but work on extension of shelf life of bread is lacking.
African Journal of Biochemistry Research, Sep 30, 2014
Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparati... more Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins. Physico-chemical properties of bakery shortening and rice bran oil were studied. Rice bran oil was found to have a higher content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid (34.98%) as compared to that of bakery shortening (5.14%). Chemical composition of wheat flour used was also studied. Muffin samples were prepared by replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Muffins were examined for quality that is weight, volume and specific volume and organoleptic quality that is appearance, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability on a 9 point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis revealed that muffin making and organoleptic quality of muffins prepared after replacing rice bran oil at the 50% level or greater varied significantly which is desirable from that of control. Statistically significant variations were observed in the texture of muffins prepared with shortening alone from that prepared after replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 50% level.
PurposeThe present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally c... more PurposeThe present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally carbonated fermented paneer whey beverage by incorporating pineapple and strawberry fruit juice and to check their suitability in the beverage by evaluating the organoleptic characteristics and shelf life of product.Design/methodology/approachBeverage was inoculated with yeast cultureClavispora lucitaniaeat 0.5 per cent v/v and fermented at 35 ± 1°C for 36 h aerobically. Standardization of total soluble solids (TSS) (16, 15, 14, 13 and 12oBrix) and juice concentration (15, 20, 25 and 30 per cent) of beverage was done on the basis of organoleptic evaluation, and the beverage with TSS 12oB and 30 per cent juice was selected best for further storage study. Two types of beverages were prepared: paneer whey beverage blended with pineapple juice and paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice, and were stored at refrigerated (4 ± 1oC) and ambient (25 ± 5oC) conditions. Effect of storage on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory attributes were studied periodically after every 15 days for 90 days of storage period.FindingsThere was significant decrease in brix:acid ratio (p= 0.0008) from 12.0 to 9.3, total sugar (p= 0.017) from 10.8 to 6.8, ascorbic acid (p= 0.002) from 17.8 to 9.3 mg/100 mL and lactose (p= 0.037) from 3.1 to 0.6 per cent content over 90 days of ambient storage period. Total yeast count increased during the initial stages of fermentation and started declining after 60 days of storage. The alcohol production started after 15 days and reached 0.7 per cent after 90 days for paneer whey beverages blended with strawberry juice. The more variations were found in the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of the beverage at ambient storage than refrigeration storage. Highest score for color, flavor, mouthfeel and overall acceptability was found on third days, which decreased further during the storage. The comparative study of the paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice stored at ambient and refrigeration temperature showed that maximum decrease was found for score of appearance/color, flavor, mouthfeel and overall acceptability at ambient temperature as compared to refrigeration temperature. Beverage stored at refrigeration temperature was found more acceptable than the beverage which was stored at ambient temperature irrespective of all types of beverages.Originality/valueThe refrigerated beverage was found more acceptable up to 90 days, whereas beverage stored under ambient conditions was found acceptable up to 60 days. The products so obtained had naturally produced CO2, and little alcohol content added effervescence, sparkle, tangy taste and flavoring characteristics.
Journal of Food Science and Technology, Jan 22, 2014
The polyols namely glycerol, sorbitol and mannitol were incorporated at 2, 4 and 6 % level in flo... more The polyols namely glycerol, sorbitol and mannitol were incorporated at 2, 4 and 6 % level in flour for bread making and their effect on textural properties, bread making quality and sensory acceptability of bread was studied. The effect of incorporation revealed the increased bake absorption, bread weight and decreased specific volume. The overall acceptability scores were maximum for bread prepared with glycerol at 2 % level, followed by sorbitol at 4 % level and mannitol at 4 % level. During storage of packed bread, moisture content and water activity were higher for bread prepared from polyols as compared to control and it was observed that moisture content was higher in bread packed in Polypropylene. Formation of free fatty acid content (% oleic acid) was observed to be higher in the breads stored at ambient condition and packed in Low density polyethylene packaging material. The overall acceptability of bread decreased with the increased storage period.
International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 2017
This study was conducted to evaluate the quality and shelf-life of chicken meat cutlets by incorp... more This study was conducted to evaluate the quality and shelf-life of chicken meat cutlets by incorporating functional ingredients like carrots and oats at optimized levels carrots (0, 5, 10, 15, 20% levels) and oats (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5% levels) in the products for their optimization in the formulation of chicken meat cutlets. On the basis of sensory evaluation, best levels of carrots (10%) and oats (5%) were incorporated in the chicken meat cutlets and stored under frozen conditions (-20± 2oC) for two months after packaging in coextruded plastic film (conventional and vacuum packs) packs to evaluate shelf-life of the product. It was observed that functional chicken meat cutlets (carrots and oats) chicken meat cutlets had significantly (p≤0.05) higher moisture, cooking yield, color (L, a, b values) sensory attributes and lower ash, fat, protein, free fatty acids, peroxide values, lower shrinkage, shear force, pH and total viable count in comparison to control chicken meat cutlets. The chicken meat cutlets containing functional ingredients had significantly (p≤0.05) higher acceptability than control chicken meat cutlets. Vacuum packed chicken meat cutlets had significantly (p≤0.05) higher moisture, lower free fatty acid content, lower peroxide value and higher overall acceptability than conventionally packed chicken meat cutlets at the end of two months of frozen storage period (-20± 2oC).
Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparati... more Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins. Physico-chemical properties of bakery shortening and rice bran oil were studied. Rice bran oil was found to have a higher content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid (34.98%) as compared to that of bakery shortening (5.14%). Chemical composition of wheat flour used was also studied. Muffin samples were prepared by replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Muffins were examined for quality that is weight, volume and specific volume and organoleptic quality that is appearance, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability on a 9 point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis revealed that muffin making and organoleptic quality of muffins prepared after replacing rice bran oil at the 50% level or greater varied significantly which is desirable from that of control. Statistically significant variations were observed in the texture of muffins prepared with shortening alone from that prepared after replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 50% level.
Purpose – The purpose of the present study was to plan with the objectives to optimize and find o... more Purpose – The purpose of the present study was to plan with the objectives to optimize and find out the best level of texturized protein from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed on the basis of quality and overall acceptability of the cookies. Design/methodology/approach – Defatted meal from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed was texturized using extruder. Texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed was blended at 10, 20, 30 and 40 per cent levels with wheat flour for making cookies using standard procedure. Findings – Functional properties such as water absorption index, foaming capacity and protein digestibility were increased, while water solubility index and fat absorption capacity decreased with increased levels of texturized defatted meal in wheat flour. Spread ratio, sensory, colour and overall acceptability of cookies were negatively affected when level of texturized flour increased as compared with the control. The force required for breaking cookies decreased with increased level of texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed incorporation. Cookies with 10 per cent texturized sunflower, soybean and flaxseed flour received the highest sensory scores. The result showed that texturized defatted meals serve as good substitute to wheat flour with increased protein content in cookies production and utilization. Originality/value – The study demonstrated that deoiled cake, a byproduct obtained from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed oil industry, offers great potential for supplementation of proteins in food products.
The experiments were carried out to study the kinetics of mentha oil extraction from mentha leave... more The experiments were carried out to study the kinetics of mentha oil extraction from mentha leaves (Mentha arvensis L.) and the quality analysis was carried out for the oil extracted. The oil was extracted from mentha leaves at three different moisture contents of 74.30 per cent (fresh leaves), 42.30 per cent (shade dried) and 19.35 per cent (sun dried) using hydro distillation method. Various physicochemical tests were carried out on the oil extracted. The results revealed that the hydro distillation process took more time for oil extraction and oil recovery was less. Various physicochemical properties such as acid value, refractive index, specific gravity, saponification values and solubility in water did not show significant variations with respect to oil extracted by differently pretreated mentha leaves.
Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences, 2020
The rice varieties namely PR-115, PR-118 and Punjab Mehak were subjected to three different treat... more The rice varieties namely PR-115, PR-118 and Punjab Mehak were subjected to three different treatments to improve physicochemical qualities of brown rice. Paddy milled to brown rice and then stored at room temperature in four different types of packaging materials. Brown rice was assessed periodically for changes in physicochemical characteristics. Milling quality improved with treatments. Moisture content, thousand kernel weight, bulk density and L/B ratio differ significantly for treatments and storage period. Protein, ash and fat content remain constant throughout the storage period. Color, appearance and amylose content improved with treatments yielding better quality brown rice. Storage resulted in lowering the levels of free fatty acids and peroxide value with treatments. Hot water treatment followed by steaming for 15 min was found to be best among all other treatments. Punjab Mehak gave best response to treatments and hence retained better functional properties upon storage....
Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Duru... more Present study was planned to prepare better quality of unleavened flat bread (chapatti) from Durum wheat. Percent retention of flour obtained by grinding with laboratory stone grinder (Chakki) was more for PDW 291 than that of PBW 175 and percent of passing of flour through sieve was more for PBW 175 as compared to PDW 291. Chapatti quality of flour of durum wheat obtained by grinding with Magnum mill was excellent in quality and comparable with chapatti quality of bread wheat on the basis of laboratory test and sensory evaluation. It was concluded that fresh chapatti of durum wheat (PDW 291) is as good as that of bread wheat (PBW 175) and even after 6 hrs of storage it is very soft, tastier and appealing to the palate. So that durum wheat needs different grinding methods than that bread wheat for excellent quality of chapatti making.
Purpose The present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally ... more Purpose The present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally carbonated fermented paneer whey beverage by incorporating pineapple and strawberry fruit juice and to check their suitability in the beverage by evaluating the organoleptic characteristics and shelf life of product. Design/methodology/approach Beverage was inoculated with yeast culture Clavispora lucitaniae at 0.5 per cent v/v and fermented at 35 ± 1°C for 36 h aerobically. Standardization of total soluble solids (TSS) (16, 15, 14, 13 and 12oBrix) and juice concentration (15, 20, 25 and 30 per cent) of beverage was done on the basis of organoleptic evaluation, and the beverage with TSS 12oB and 30 per cent juice was selected best for further storage study. Two types of beverages were prepared: paneer whey beverage blended with pineapple juice and paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice, and were stored at refrigerated (4 ± 1oC) and ambient (25 ± 5oC) conditions. Effect of sto...
International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 2015
The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-50... more The effect of extrusion conditions, including feed moisture content (14-20%), screw speed (300-500 rpm), and barrel temperature (120-180 degreesC) on the functional properties (water absorption index (WAI), and water solubility index (WSI), fat absorption capacity (FAC) and foaming capacity) and sensory properties (color, appearance, flavor, overall acceptability and textural characteristics) of an expanded sunflower snack was investigated. Extruded snacks were prepared by substituting maize flour with developed texturized flour of sunflower at 0-40% levels. Protein content increased to 13.83% in snacks prepared with 10% texturized sunflower meal as compared to the control i.e., 7.55%. Fibre content increased while protein digestibility improved with increased level of incorporation of texturized defatted sunflower flour in extruded snacks making. Increasing feed moisture content results in extrudates with lower expansion, lower WAI, higher WSI, higher hardness and lower sensory acceptability. Increasing screw speed caused slight reduction of density and hardness of sunflower extrudate. Feed moisture had positive while screw speed and barrel temperature had negative influence on WAI. Negative coefficient of linear terms of moisture and screw speed indicated that WSI decreased with increase in these variables. Higher moisture content in extrusion process could diminish protein denaturation which lowered WSI values.
Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparati... more Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins. Physico-chemical properties of bakery shortening and rice bran oil were studied. Rice bran oil was found to have a higher content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid (34.98%) as compared to that of bakery shortening (5.14%). Chemical composition of wheat flour used was also studied. Muffin samples were prepared by replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Muffins were examined for quality that is weight, volume and specific volume and organoleptic quality that is appearance, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability on a 9 point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis revealed that muffin making and organoleptic quality of muffins prepared after replacing rice bran oil at the 50% level or greater varied significantly which is desirable from that of control. Statistically significant variations were observed in the texture of muffins prepared with shortening alone from that prepared after replacing bakery shortening with rice bran oil at 50% level.
Papers by Suresh Bhise