Papers by Triyo Supriyatno
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 16, 2022

Literasi Nusantara eBooks, 2020
Strategi kepemimpinan kyai dalam membentuk santri memiliki jiwa entrepreneurship tidak hanya dibe... more Strategi kepemimpinan kyai dalam membentuk santri memiliki jiwa entrepreneurship tidak hanya dibekali dengan ilmu agama saja akan tetapi memberikan keterampilan yang bersifat aplikatif dan siap kerja. Pemberian bekal usaha bertujuan agar santri dan para alumni dapat berkintribusi dalam menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan sebagai sarana dakwah baik di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Nilai-nilai keislaman yang ditanamkan di pondok pesantren Assalafiy Fathul Ulum Jombang dan Riyadlul Jannah Mojokerto berupa aqidah, syariah, dan akhlak agar para santri dapat mengendalikan dirinya ketika berwirausaha, sehingga bisa memproduksi sesuatu yang halalan tayyiban. Buku ini mengulas tentang strategi Kiyai dalam meningkatkan nilai-nilai keislaman berbasis entrepreneurship ialah dengan cara menanamkan mindset pentingnya menjadi seorang entrepreneur, menjadikan entrepreneur sebagai sarana dakwah dan menjadikan buku Syi’ir kebangsaan sebagai rujukan dalam entrepreneurship santri. Bentuk usaha yang dilakukan oleh pesantren dalam meningkatkan jiwa entrepreneurship ialah dengan pelatihan kewirausahaan, kemudian praktik langsung dilapangan dengan pendampingan mentor yang sudah berpengalaman. Serta keberhasilan nilai-nilai keislaman yang ditanamkan pesantren dalam peningkatan jiwa entrepreneurship santri berupa nilai-nilai ketauhidan untuk tidak bergantung pada makhluk, kemudian nilai pelayanan yang baik (akhlak karima), dan sikap saling tolong-menolong

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 15, 2022
Increasing the willingness of teachers to write and publish scientific papers, and (b) Improving ... more Increasing the willingness of teachers to write and publish scientific papers, and (b) Improving teachers' understanding and ability in writing and publishing scientific papers. To achieve the above objectives, it is carried out through lecture/questioning, simulation, and evaluation methods. After that, writing and publication assistance was carried out as well as an evaluation to see the results of the writing carried out by the participants, in this case, the teacher of State Elementary School 4 Sumberoto Donomulyo, Malang Regency. The results of this dedication show that participants have an awareness of the importance of writing and publishing scientific papers, because scientific work for an educator is an obligation, both as scientific development, supporting the learning process, and even as career support for teachers as civil servants. The conclusion from this service is that elementary school teachers in Malang Regency who take part in the writing and publication of scientific papers are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about participating in the training, from the beginning to the end of the activity. In addition, teachers also gain experience and new knowledge, can write and publish scientific papers in reputable journals, and participants are familiar with various kinds of scientific journals.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 16, 2022

Al-Mudarris, Apr 29, 2022
The research focused on the implementation of character building to improve students' life skills... more The research focused on the implementation of character building to improve students' life skills and the implication of character building on students' life skills in PPBM. It was carried out using a qualitative approach and case study design in business units of PPBM. The data source of the research consisted of the caretakers, teachers, the head of the vocational training center, and students involved in the management, work, and training in various business units. The researcher collected the data using observation, interviews, open questionnaires, and documentation. The key instrument of the research is the researcher herself. However, the researcher employed research instruments of observation, interview, and open questionnaire to help her during the process. The data was analyzed using description, condensation, categorization, and interpretation processes. The result of the research shows that (1) to improve students' life skills, character building is carried out by understanding the vision, mission, and objectives of the Islamic boarding school. The learning starts from the production of goods and services using sources and learning media in an extensive way (involving tutors and professionals of certain business unit), internship, independent learning using internet (Youtube, WA, Instagram, and other social media), the practice of management, work, and training in the business units, assessment, and authentic evaluation by involving students in the management and work of business unit; the learning monitoring is done by report and reflection on their performance in each business unit; (2) The implication of character building on students' life skills includes the developing of students' individual skill, awareness to live independent, religious competence (praying attitude, being grateful and patient, being responsible, struggling, and serious in work); social competence, namely the competence to communicate, collaborate, and cooperate; academic competence; and vocational competence, namely the competence to work in business unit experienced by students in PPBM.

menyatakan bahawa seorang Muslim harus menjaga sahsiah selagi masih bernyawa (ms. 3). Daripada te... more menyatakan bahawa seorang Muslim harus menjaga sahsiah selagi masih bernyawa (ms. 3). Daripada teks Syauqi Bey itu, sesuatu bangsa sentiasa merancang matlamat pendidikannya dengan memberi perhatian kepada pembinaan dan pembentukan akhlak dan berbudi perangai utama. Akhlak menjadi fokus utama dalam matlamat pendidikan setiap bangsa di dunia ini selain mengembangkan potensi yang dipunyai oleh setiap pelajar. Matlamat pendidikan Nasional Indonesia adalah pembentukan manusia berakhlak mulia. Hal ini selari dengan sistem undang-undang pendidikan nasional (no. 20; 2003) yang menyatakan bahawa matlamat pendidikan nasional Indonesia, iaitu mengembangkan potensi pelajar agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sihat, berilmu, mahir, kreatif, berdikari, dan menjadi warga Negara yang demokratik serta bertanggungjawab. Oleh itu, pendidikan di Indonesia berfungsi dan berperanan sebagai agen pendidikan nilai akhlak mulia atau moral di sekolah. Hal ini selari dengan pengertian pendidikan dalam konteks nasional di Indonesia, iaitu pertama, pendidikan dapat membina akhlak secara total dan didukung oleh Undang Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional 1945 (No: 20, 2003) . dan keduanya adalah berteraskan prinsip pancasila serta undang-undang system pendidikan nasional Indonesia. Daripada kedua-dua pengertian mengenai pendidikan brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by University of Malaya Students Repository Akhlak Guru Besar Kefahaman: *Hubung kait kefahaman dan amalan *Akhlak mahmudah sesuai quran dan sunah *Akhlak mazmumah berselisih quran dan sunah Amalan yang ditekankan: *menghargai jasa kebaikan orang lain. *sopan santun *bersedekah *keprihatinan kepada fakir miskin *kebersihan *disiplin *kejujuran Rajah 16. Proses Mempertingkatkan Akhlak Mahmudah dan Menjauhi Akhlak Mazmumah Akhlak Guru Besar Kefahaman: *Hubung kait kefahaman dan amalan *Akhlak mahmudah sesuai quran dan sunah *Akhlak mazmumah berselisih quran dan sunah Amalan yang ditekankan: *menghargai jasa kebaikan orang lain. *sopan santun *bersedekah *keprihatinan kepada fakir miskin *kebersihan *disiplin *kejujuran Proses mempertingkatkan Akhlak mahmudah dan Menjauhi Akhlak mazmumah: *melazimi amalan kebaikan *muraqabah *mujahadah *tazkiyah al-nafs *bersahabat dengan orang baik *pembacaan al-Quran *pegangan agama yang mantap Pemerolehan Kefahaman dalam amalan Akhlak:

Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture
This study is based on the assumption that rural communities tend to strongly uphold traditions a... more This study is based on the assumption that rural communities tend to strongly uphold traditions and face difficulties in adapting to changes. However, through the implementation of humanistic Islamic education, dynamic transformations occur within these communities. This study aimed to explore the existence of actors who can influence human resources through educational institutions based on local wisdom (pesantren) that can affect and mediate social situations without conflict. this research uses the qualitative method, the phenomenological approach used to explore qualitative study using a phenomenological approach, and Robert King Merton's structural-functional theory used as an analysis and points of view. Based on interview results, non-participant observations, and data analysis using James P. Spradley's model, it is found that the manifest function of the Pesantren is to provide a place for learning Quranic knowledge, moral education, and worship, starting from elemen...

Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Mysūr website to improve students’ Ar... more This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Mysūr website to improve students’ Arabic grammar skills. Previous studies have shown that students have poor grammar proficiency due to the lack of quality teaching materials and the neglect of modern technological elements in learning. Therefore, an interactive, efficient, and flexible website was developed based on multimedia technology and self-interactivity. Users can use the provided materials anytime, anywhere. Thirty-two students were selected through targeted sampling and pretesting, 10-week intervention, and post-intervention testing to assess the approach's effectiveness. The mean difference between the pretest and posttest measures the effectiveness of the developed website-based learning approach. The study results showed improved performance for each of the revealed grammatical elements. This indicates a significant relationship between the learning approaches and students’ grammatical proficiency. The stu...

Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research
So far, elementary schools have found problems with students' critical thinking skills, which... more So far, elementary schools have found problems with students' critical thinking skills, which could be improved by implementing thematic learning, so a learning model is needed to train students' critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there were differences in the level of effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning model in improving critical thinking skills in thematic learning of students in grade IV SD/MI, namely SDN II Weringinanom Poncokusmo Malang, East Java, Indonesia. This type of research is Classroom Action Research using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The subjects used in the study were class IV teachers and 46 students. The results showed an increase from cycle I to cycle II. The implementation of the teacher cycle I was 80.73%, increasing to 91.76% in cycle II and 85.09%, increasing to 92.96% in cycle II on student implementation. Thus, the Problem-Based Learning model has improved integrated thematic learning in fo...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 25, 2022

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 5, 2022
Islamic religious groups have spread to almost all corners of Indonesia, including in the Banyu a... more Islamic religious groups have spread to almost all corners of Indonesia, including in the Banyu as district. The activities of Islamic religious groups are generally more concerned with fostering the internal side. They do not have formal institutional programs to visit each other, such as joint studies or in community development activities, so they can be trapped in exclusivism. The purpose of this study is to describe intellectual interactions in opening the inclusiveness of understanding religious groups in Islam. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, which is to describe the research objectives from various conditions and situations that occur in the field. The research targets are Islamic religious groups consisting of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, Al-Irsyad, LDII and Salafi. The data collected is in the form of opinions and perceptions of the informants as well as their attitudes and behavior from the leaders of the Islamic religious group which is the focus of the research. Examination of data through triangulation, by extending observations, sharpening interviews, and or using more than one researcher. The data analysis uses interactive analysis techniques, through data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The results of this study illustrate that intellectual interaction is able to open an inclusive understanding of Islamic religious groups and avoid primordial barriers that often protect exclusivism to their congregations and to their characters.

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Feb 28, 2022
Borneo is a term that is often used for an alternative name for the island of Kalimantan. This ar... more Borneo is a term that is often used for an alternative name for the island of Kalimantan. This article tries to describe the strengthening of the character of Nationalism in the tail of Borneo. The setting of this research study is in Temajuk Village, Paloh District, Sambas Regency, this is because Temajuk is an area directly adjacent to Malaysia. This study is directed at the aspect of internalizing the value of nationalism through education. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for opening border areas to social development in the field of education. The results of this study indicate that the sense of nationalism of the citizens of the nation in Temajuk Village is still well maintained, although the attention of the government in the regions and the center of power is still very lacking. This is evidently the various problems that exist in the border areas. Then this is inversely proportional to the "luxury" enjoyed by the residents of Sarawak-Malaysia which is displayed in front of the eyes of the residents of Temajuk Village. The process of internalization of nationalism is more dominantly carried out through educational institutions, both material enrichment of the pillars of nationality in the cocurricular and extracurricular learning processes, although educational services with adequate facilities, as well as good quality educators, strengthening social nationalism will actually have an impact on the pawning of the nationalism spirit of border communities if this is not a serious concern for the government.

Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya
In an all-digital era like today, the development of digital media and information technology pos... more In an all-digital era like today, the development of digital media and information technology poses challenges for users in accessing, selecting, and utilizing information from the times accompanied by digital developments which are expected to form a better increase in student learning. This study aims to determine the effect of implementing web-based literacy to increase students reading interest. This research uses quantitative methods with experimental research type, true experimental design. The results showed that there was an effect of implementing web-based literacy on increasing students reading interest, this was seen in the acquisition of a pretest score of 51.62 and an increase in the posttest score of 82.81 with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. After experiencing changes, it is seen that there is an increase in students reading interest, the application of web-based literacy will greatly help the effectiveness of learning and can also help students access the int...

Liberal Islam is a form of socio-religious deviation for its adherents. In the name of human righ... more Liberal Islam is a form of socio-religious deviation for its adherents. In the name of human rights in Islam excessively, the potential for liberal Islamic thinking is born. Meanwhile, human rights need to be upheld in order to create Islam that is open in thinking and solutions in solving problems for the sake of creating a harmonious life. This study aims to describe the results of research on the thoughts of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama Figures on the dialectic of the emergence of liberal Islam in Indonesia based on the philosophical aspects and forms of thought in order to straighten the views of Indonesian Muslim figures who are considered liberal thinking based on their opinions of other religions. This research is based on a structural functional theoretical framework where each informant adjusts to his capacity in maintaining the balance of conflict. The approach in this study uses qualitative-analysis with a type of centralized interview research. The results show that the...

Solid State Technology, Apr 30, 2020
Terrorism is one of the many terms and concepts in social science that are full of controversy an... more Terrorism is one of the many terms and concepts in social science that are full of controversy and debate. This cannot be separated from the fact that efforts to define terrorism cannot be separated from various interests, including ideological and political interests. This study used Literature Studies is an attempt made by researchers to gather information that relevant to the problem to be being studied. That information can be obtained from scientific books, research reports, scientific essays, theses and dissertations, regulations, provisions, yearbooks, encyclopedias, and written sources both printed and electronic. This research revealed that Islamic education against terrorism are the model of Islamic education that contain values of safety, uphold humanity, human rights, peace, equality, compassion, forgiveness, do not commit violence or terror. All of these include the values of Islamic education. In general, the notion of education is very different from teaching. The difference between the two lies in the priority pressure points. Education should not only transfer of knowledge, but also transfer of attitude, which is no less important is the expertise and skills that must be transferred to students so that they have the provision of lif

Literasi Nusantara eBooks, 2020
Strategi kepemimpinan kyai dalam membentuk santri memiliki jiwa entrepreneurship tidak hanya dibe... more Strategi kepemimpinan kyai dalam membentuk santri memiliki jiwa entrepreneurship tidak hanya dibekali dengan ilmu agama saja akan tetapi memberikan keterampilan yang bersifat aplikatif dan siap kerja. Pemberian bekal usaha bertujuan agar santri dan para alumni dapat berkintribusi dalam menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan sebagai sarana dakwah baik di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Nilai-nilai keislaman yang ditanamkan di pondok pesantren Assalafiy Fathul Ulum Jombang dan Riyadlul Jannah Mojokerto berupa aqidah, syariah, dan akhlak agar para santri dapat mengendalikan dirinya ketika berwirausaha, sehingga bisa memproduksi sesuatu yang halalan tayyiban. Buku ini mengulas tentang strategi Kiyai dalam meningkatkan nilai-nilai keislaman berbasis entrepreneurship ialah dengan cara menanamkan mindset pentingnya menjadi seorang entrepreneur, menjadikan entrepreneur sebagai sarana dakwah dan menjadikan buku Syi’ir kebangsaan sebagai rujukan dalam entrepreneurship santri. Bentuk usaha yang dilakukan oleh pesantren dalam meningkatkan jiwa entrepreneurship ialah dengan pelatihan kewirausahaan, kemudian praktik langsung dilapangan dengan pendampingan mentor yang sudah berpengalaman. Serta keberhasilan nilai-nilai keislaman yang ditanamkan pesantren dalam peningkatan jiwa entrepreneurship santri berupa nilai-nilai ketauhidan untuk tidak bergantung pada makhluk, kemudian nilai pelayanan yang baik (akhlak karima), dan sikap saling tolong-menolong
Elementary Education Online, 2020
Papers by Triyo Supriyatno