Papers by Suprasanna Penna
Indian journal of experimental biology
... Suprasanna Penna.*, Manjunatha Benakanare Ramaswamy, Bapat Vishvas. Anant. ... In Ashwini Kum... more ... Suprasanna Penna.*, Manjunatha Benakanare Ramaswamy, Bapat Vishvas. Anant. ... In Ashwini Kumar, Shikha Roy eds, Plant Biotechnology & Its Applications in Tissue Culture., IK International, New Delhi, pp 54-61 Suprasanna P, Ganapathi, TR, Rao PS. 1995. ...

Salinity and drought are the major environmental stresses, which greatly affect the plant product... more Salinity and drought are the major environmental stresses, which greatly affect the plant productivity. Breeding for salinity is difficult and hence the intervention of mutagenesis and tissue culture can greatly facilitate the selection and isolation of useful tolerant lines. In the present study, in vitro mutagenesis was employed in the selection of salt and drought tolerant lines in popular sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) cv. CoC-671. Embryogenic callus cultures were subjected to gamma irradiation at different doses (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 Gy). The 20 Gy irradiated cultures exhibited almost 50 % survival response. The embryogenic callus cultures were exposed to inhibitory levels of NaCl (42.8, 85.6, 128.3, 171.1, 213.9, 256.7, 299.5 and 342.2 mM) and polyethylene glycol (PEG 8000, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 3.75 and 5.00 mM). Irradiated and non-irradiated cultures showed decrease in callus growth with increasing selection pressure of salt.

A protocol for direct somatic embryogenesis without an intervening callus phase was developed for... more A protocol for direct somatic embryogenesis without an intervening callus phase was developed for sugar- cane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) using immature inflo- rescence segments. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid, 2.5 mg/l kinetin, 100 mg/l L-glutamine and 4% sucrose showed high frequency of somatic embryo develop- ment (54.09 ± ± 2.7%), with an average 7.72 ± ± 0.89 plants per explant. Embryo development was seen all over the cultured explants within four weeks of culture and the embryos germinated within a week upon transfer to basal MS medium without any growth regulators and all the plants grew normally in the greenhouse. This is a report on the induction of direct embryo- genesis from inflorescence segments in Indian sugar- cane. This method could be useful for regenerating large number of plants as well as provide a target ti s- sue for genetic transformation studies. SUGARCANE (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is a highly poly- ploid plant ...

A b s t r a c t Bananas and plantains are one of the major fruit crops and a staple food in the d... more A b s t r a c t Bananas and plantains are one of the major fruit crops and a staple food in the developing world. Most of the edible bananas are triploid, highly sterile and hence integration of in vitro techniques banana improvement becomes crucial. In this milieu, technique of somatic embryogenesis in combination with genetic manipulation, has become pertinent. In the present study, results are presented on developing embryogenic culture systems in banana. Immature Male Flowers (IMFs) of different banana cultivars (Ardhapuri, Basrai, Grande Naine, Lalkela, Mutheli and Shrimanti) were tested for callus induction on medium containing 2,4-D, IAA and NAA. In terms of callus induction from IMFs of AAA genomic group, Lalkela showed highest response (77.7%) followed by medium response in Shrimanti (52.2%), Basrai (51%), Grande Naine (42.5%), Ardhapuri (42%) and Mutheli (40%). Compared to this group, Safed Velchi (BB) was found to be highly responsive to IMF culture (70%) similar to Lalke...

In banana tissue cultures, the occurrence of dwarf off types is a common phenomenon and their det... more In banana tissue cultures, the occurrence of dwarf off types is a common phenomenon and their detection become relevant. In this study, tissue culture derived (somaclonal) and radiation-induced off types in banana cultivars. Robusta and Giant Cavendish were analyzed using a SCAR-based molecular diagnostic technique. The dwarfs were initially characterized at maturity, by height, leaf shape, pseudostem height and other agronomic characters. At the molecular level, amplification with the SCAR primer resulted in an expected amplified fragment of 1500 bp in normal but not in the dwarf types. Further in a multiplex PCR, an internal positive control was included using primers for 18S rRNA which gave amplification in both the normal and dwarf types. This study shows that the dwarf off-types isolated through tissue culture and radiation-mutagenesis were true dwarfs, validated by using the dwarf-specific RAPD marker for banana.

Osmotic and oxidative stress responses to iso-osmotic (-0.4 Mpa) NaCl, PEG-6000 and mannitol stre... more Osmotic and oxidative stress responses to iso-osmotic (-0.4 Mpa) NaCl, PEG-6000 and mannitol stress were studied in 15-day old plants of three potato cultivars viz. 'Kufri Kufri Bahar' 'Jyoti' and 'Chandramukhi'. After 2-weeks of treatment, plants were analyzed for bio-chemical and physiological determinants of stress. Relative water content (RWC) and membrane damage rate (MDR) were significantly affected in all the cultivars in all the treatments. Decrease in RWC was significant in plants subjected to PEG while significant increase in MDR was observed in NaCl-treated plants. Among the treatments, NaCl treatment showed significant MDR (78.57%) over PEG (69.29%) and mannitol (62.90%) treatments. Proline, glycine betaine and total soluble sugar accumulation increased in the stressed plants than controls. Increased SOD activity was observed under NaCl stress compared to PEG/mannitol stress in all the cultivars. Comparison of different iso-osmotic stresses indica...

Induced mutations have played a significant role in meeting challenges related to world food and ... more Induced mutations have played a significant role in meeting challenges related to world food and nutritional security by way of mutant germplasm enhancement and their utilization for the development of new mutant varieties. A wide range of genetic variability has been induced by mutagenic treatments for use in plant breeding and crop improvement programmes. Plants being sessile organisms are often challenged by abiotic stresses including temperature, drought, salinity, chilling, high radiance, water logging, wounding and UV-B irradiation. Some of these stresses like drought, extreme temperature and high salinity significantly limit crop productivity. In the past several decades, induced mutations have contributed immensely in the development of abiotic stress tolerance in both seed and vegetatively propagated crops contributing to food security. In the era of climate change and threat of environmental extremities, creation of new mutant germplasm will have to be continued to develop and screen for novel mutants for use in crop improvement.

Amylases are well known for applications ranging from starch and food processes industry to medic... more Amylases are well known for applications ranging from starch and food processes industry to medical applications. In the present study, the potential of banana peel was evaluated for α-amylase production using the fungal culture of Aspergillus niger NCIM 616 in solid submerged (SmF) and solid state (SSF) fermentation. The effect of different parameters, such as, substrate concentration, water content, layer thickness and external salt addition was studied in terms of the amylase activity. In SmF, 25% peel concentration was found optimum for the maximal amylase activity; while in SSF, 30% water content in the 3 cm thick substrate bed was optimum. The activity was also influenced by the addition of external salts and the combination of 1% NH 4 NO 3 with 0.5% CaCl 2 was found to have maximal effect. A comparative evaluation of two different fermentation systems showed 80% higher specific activity of α-amylase in SSF as compared to that in SmF, which clearly demonstrated the superiority...
Protocols for Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Fruits, 2007
... Sci. 86, 902904. Kulkarni, VM, Suprasanna, P., Ganapathi, TR, Bapat, VA & Rao, PS (2... more ... Sci. 86, 902904. Kulkarni, VM, Suprasanna, P., Ganapathi, TR, Bapat, VA & Rao, PS (2004b) Differential effects of genome and cytokinins on shoot ... Murashige, T. & Skoog, F. (1962) A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture. Physiol. ...

Sugar Tech, 2005
ABSTRACT Effect of plant growth regulators on morphogenesis was studied using callus derived from... more ABSTRACT Effect of plant growth regulators on morphogenesis was studied using callus derived from inflorescence segments of sugarcane cv. Co-91010 and CoC-671 cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D, malt extract, L-glutamine, casein hydroly sate and coconut water (CW). Comparison was made of different media combinations of CW (5,10%), kinetin (lmg/l), zeatin (0.5mg/l) andTDZ (0.5mg/l) to study callus growth and regeneration. Results showed that CW (5%) + zeatin (0.5mg/l) was more effective over other growth regulators for callus induction while CW 5% was found effective for the regeneration of healthy plants in cv. Co-91010. Different levels of proline and thioproline were tested on the induction of embryogenie callus and subsequent plant regeneration in var. CoC-671. Proline at 2.61M showed vigorous growth of embryogenie callus compared to thioproline. Plants regenerated were hardened and grown in the green house to maturity.
Plant Science, 2010
... Acknowledgements. Authors would like to thank Dr. Sudhakar Srivastava, NABTD for giving criti... more ... Acknowledgements. Authors would like to thank Dr. Sudhakar Srivastava, NABTD for giving critical suggestions during manuscript preparation. Ms. Esha Mathur is also gratefully acknowledged for the assistance provided during the course of experiment. References. ...

Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2015
ABSTRACT Salt stress, considered as one of the major factors, decreases crop productivity world-w... more ABSTRACT Salt stress, considered as one of the major factors, decreases crop productivity world-wide and hence, investigations are being made to understand the cellular basis of salt tolerance in plants. In our earlier studies, maintenance of redox homeostasis and energetics were found as key determinants of salt tolerance in a halophyte Sesuvium portulacastrum (high salt accumulator). The redox homeostasis is defined as integrated ratio of different redox couples present inside the cell. In recent years, it has also been proposed as general stress response regulator in plants, bacteria as well as animals. In view of this, present study was performed to compare responses of redox state and energetics of S. portulacastrum with a glycophyte Brassica juncea (low salt accumulator). The data revealed activation of antioxidant defense in S. portulacastrum which either avoided or delayed the accumulation of different reactive oxygen species (ROS). In contrast, due to the lack of co-ordination, although the non-enzymatic antioxidants were increased, significant oxidative damage was seen in B. juncea. Further, the decreased NADPH oxidase activity suggested that basal redox signaling was also affected in B. juncea. In order to correlate these changes with chloroplastic and mitochondrial electron transport chain, NADP/NADPH and NAD/NADH ratios were measured. The NADP/NADPH ratio suggested that the process of photosynthesis was minimally affected in S. portulacastrum which might have contributed to its lower level of ROS under salt stress. The comparatively lower NAD/NADH and ATP/ADP ratios in S. portulacastrum as compared to B. juncea indicated the active and better utilization of energy generated to support different processes associated with salt tolerance. Thus, the findings suggest that co-ordinated regulation of antioxidant defense to avoid oxidative damage and proper utilization of energy are the key determinants of salt-tolerance in plants.

Protoplasma, 2015
Salt-stress-induced alterations in osmotic, ionic, and redox responses were studied in the early ... more Salt-stress-induced alterations in osmotic, ionic, and redox responses were studied in the early period of treatment (30 min to 5 days) in seedlings of Brassica juncea L. Roots and shoots under mild (50 mM) and severe (250 mM) NaCl stress were analyzed for growth, oxidative stress, osmolyte accumulation, antioxidant defense, and redox state. Growth reduction was less pronounced in the early time period of salt stress while oxidative damage increased linearly and in a sustained manner under severe stress up to 6 h. An early and transient reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst, as evidenced by superoxide and hydrogen peroxide level was observed, followed by activation of enzymatic antioxidant system (GPX, SOD, CAT, and GR) in both root and shoot. The enzymatic activity was not affected much under mild stress particularly at early phase; however, severe stress induced a significant increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Root ascorbate was progressively accumulated, and its redox state maintained in the early time phase of treatment under mild stress while increase in root and shoot glutathione content was recorded under mild stress at 5 days when the active ascorbate pool decreased. While early period of salt stress showed significant Na(+) accumulation over control, plants subjected to mild stress measured less Na(+) accumulation up to 5 days compared to severely stressed plants. The results showed an early induction of differential responses to salt stress in roots and shoots of Brassica which include growth limitations, reduced relative water content, increased osmolytes, redox state, and antioxidant system, and a significant Na(+) increase. The results also indicate that roots and shoots may have distinct mechanisms of responses to salt stress.

Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2014
Arsenic (As) is a ubiquitously present environmental carcinogen that enters into the human food c... more Arsenic (As) is a ubiquitously present environmental carcinogen that enters into the human food chain through rice grains. In our previous research, the application of thiourea (TU; a non-physiological thiol based ROS scavenger) has been demonstrated to enhance salt and UV stress tolerance as well as the crop yield under field conditions. These effects were associated with the ability of TU to maintain plant redox homeostasis. Since As stress also induces redox imbalance, the present research was initiated to evaluate the efficiency of TU in regulating As tolerance/accumulation in rice. The supplementation of TU (75 μM) to As(V) (25 μM) improved the root growth and also reduced the As concentration by 56% in the aerial parts, which could be attributed to significant downregulation of the Lsi2 transporter responsible for the translocation of As from root to shoot. The fact that these effects were not due to direct interaction between As and TU was confirmed from complexation studies ...
Papers by Suprasanna Penna