Papers by Sumeyye Buyukbirer

Anasay, May 29, 2021
Being used in many different areas, manipulative language, which enables speakers to direct the c... more Being used in many different areas, manipulative language, which enables speakers to direct the communities consciously with their discourse, contains specific linguistic strategies, has a profound effect on the target audience, and creates a social perception, is sure to be valuable in terms of scientific research. Linguistic manipulation influences the way people act or make important decisions. Critical discourse analysis is a method used in studies on manipulative language, which provides various tools for defining manipulative actions. This method, which aims to describe the discursive structures that focus on social problems and political issues from the point of view of social interaction and social structure, formed the framework of the present research. The theoretical basis of our study was constituted by the relevance theory by Sperber and Wilson. In our research, the discussion programs broadcast particularly after the main news were examined and the statements of the presenter and the guests were explored using the method of critical discourse analysis. The findings obtained were interpreted in terms of linguistic manipulation based on the principles of the relevance theory.

Anasay, May 31, 2020
Pragmatics is s discipline focusing on language use. The main research area of pragmatics concern... more Pragmatics is s discipline focusing on language use. The main research area of pragmatics concerns the way language is used in communication. As well as the field of discourse analysis, pragmatics deals with the language use in context thus trying to determine the ways of using language in the context of communication and its functions which take shape according to the situation. Language production comprises not only the production of meaning but also an implicit performance. In this study, the expressions containing threat used by the US President Donald Trump against China, North Korea, Russia, Iran and Turkey were examined from the point of view of pragmatics. Using the example of USA, the linguistic features of threat language which frequently occurs in the speech of politicians were revealed. Within the scope of the study, Trump's tweets containing threat against China, North Korea, Russia, Iran and Turkey between 2016, when President Trump took office, and 2020 were analysed. Frequency and concordance analysis of the acquired data was carried out using the Sketch Engine software, the corresponding graphics were created, and the findings were interpreted in the results section.

Anasay, 2021
Manipülatif dil; toplulukların bilinçli bir şekilde yönlendirilmelerini sağlaması, belirli dilsel... more Manipülatif dil; toplulukların bilinçli bir şekilde yönlendirilmelerini sağlaması, belirli dilsel stratejileri kullanarak hedef kitle üzerinde derin etkiler bırakması ve toplumsal algı oluşturabilmesi açısından özellikle incelenmesi gereken bir konudur. Dilsel manipülasyon, insanları belirli bir eylemde bulunmaları ya da önemli kararlar almaları için etkilemeye odaklanmaktadır. Eleştirel söylem analizi ise manipülatif eylemlerin tanımlanmasını sağlayan çeşitli araçlar sunması açısından manipülatif dille ilgili çalışmalarda başvurulan bir analiz yöntemidir. Bu araştırmada; toplumsal sorunlar ve politik meseleler üzerine yoğunlaşan söylemlerin yapılarını toplumsal etkileşimin ve toplumsal yapının özellikleri yönünden açıklamayı amaçlayan eleştirel söylem analizi metodu kullanılmıştır. Sperber ve Wilson’ın bağıntı kuramı bu çalışmanın teorik dayanağını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, ulusal kanallardaki ana haber kuşağından sonra yayınlanan tartışma programları incelenerek sunucu ...
Papers by Sumeyye Buyukbirer